《Mason's Impossible Prey | ✔️》Chapter 1
Chapter 1
I was woken up from my peaceful sleep when I felt someone sitting on the edge of my bed, poking my arm every once in a while. I groaned and pushed my head deeper into my pillow. Who on earth is disturbing my beauty sleep?
"Wake up wake up sleepy head, sleepyhead that's not your bed," an annoying voice sang. I groaned and immediately knew who it was.
Didn't he know that I'm not a morning person and don't like to be woken up? Well, clearly I have to remind him because no matter what I do it won't get into his stubborn head.
"Adam! Leave me be!" I growled at him, causing him to chuckle.
"Come on, Tiana. It's time to get up," he said, poking my arm even harder.
"No, why would I get up? It's summer break for God's sake," I questioned him while pulling my arm from his grasp and waving it around trying to smack my hand onto his face.
"Well, we have lots of things to do today. Your mother wants us to go to the market to grab a couple of stuff for the party tonight," he answered.
I opened one eye when he mentioned the party tonight. Yesterday we graduated from high school and Adam and I and a couple of friends went out to a bar, today my mom is doing a party for us and for the rest of the pack members that graduated.
"I'll get up in ten minutes," I muttered and closed my eye, trying to get back to sleep.
I sighed happily when I felt him get off of my bed. I got comfortable, snuggling deeper into my pillow, and was about to welcome sleep with open arms when a moment later I jerked up and gasped for air. I was confused for a second until I saw Adam laughing his butt off while trying to gasp for air as well but in a different way. I was soaked in water and my clothes were hugging my body.
"Adam!" I growled, interrupting his laughter, and immediately stood up. Adam's eyes widened in fear with a hint of amusement, I took a step closer to him and he gulped then placed his hands in the air in front of him.
"Hey, Tiana, you didn't take that seriously, did you?" He asked, laughing nervously.
"Adam. You are so dead," I hissed then ran after him when he ran out of my bedroom door, screaming like a five-year-old. I growled and ran up to him then jumped on his back and punched him in his arm several times.
"Help! Help! There's a crazy girl on the loose," he screamed but laughed hysterically. His laugh filled the air and I swore some pack members were wondering why there's a dying hyena in our packhouse.
"How." Punch. "Many." Punch. "Times." Punch. "Do I." Punch. "Have to tell you." Punch. "Never." Punch. "To wake me up?" Punch.
Of course, Adam just kept on laughing, trying to get me off of his back. "You do know that your punches aren't affecting me, right?" He asked.
"I don't care!" I yelled as I continued to throw lame punches at him. "You freakin dumped water on me!"
"Ok ok, I'm sorry. Just get off of me!" He said, wiggling and trying to make me fall off of his back.
I sighed and punched him lightly on the head and jumped off of his back. He pouted and rubbed his head. "Geez, women. You're violent." I just rolled my eyes and he smirked then ran his eyes over my body.
I looked down and blushed when I saw my shirt was see-through because of the water.
I looked up at him and scowled while he only grinned.
"Might as well clean up so we can go," he said, shrugging then walked into the kitchen. I looked around and saw no one was awake yet. Good, because I wouldn't want anyone seeing me like this.
Adam will so pay for this.
I rushed to my room and grabbed my clothes then went into the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes before hopping in the shower. I turned on the water and started to wash my hair and body. As I was doing that, I was thinking about my years in high school, time really does go by fast. It was just like yesterday when I was in freshman in high school and now I'm done. Done with all the drama and done with all the stress. I am planning on going to college but don't know which one yet.
But in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy my break while I can. I turned 18 a couple of weeks ago and that means I'm an adult now so I can do stuff that I couldn't do before, don't get the wrong idea. I'm talking about traveling the world, you can say my parents are always worried about me and never agree with the idea of traveling to new places but since I'm 18, now I can convince them that I can take care of myself.
Well, I hope I can.
I finished scrubbing my body and turned the water off then got out of the shower. I reached for the towel and wrapped it around my body. I dried my hair with a hairdryer and dressed in my casual clothes then made my way outside the bathroom. I applied mascara then tied my hair into a high ponytail, before walking down the stairs.
When I made it downstairs I saw everyone was sitting at the table, getting ready to eat their breakfast. My pack isn't the biggest nor the smallest pack. We all live in the packhouse except for the alpha and the luna. They have their own house but since our pack isn't that big we all live in a big packhouse that has enough room for all of us.
I went towards the big table and kissed my mom and dad on the cheek.
"Good morning, sweetheart," my mom said. "Good morning."
"How's my baby girl?" My dad asked. I smiled up at him and glanced at Adam that was across from us and looked back to my dad. "I'm fine. Just someone woke me up in an unpleasant way." Adam's eyes widened and a smirk grew on his lips. My mom turned over to Adam and gave him a pointed look.
"What did you do this time?" She asked. Adam shrugged, glancing at me. "I didn't do anything. She just wouldn't wake up."
"He dumped water on me."
My mom and dad looked at Adam while he just laughed. "I told you, she wouldn't wake up." I rolled my eyes at him and sat down on one of the chairs. Soon our breakfast came and we all ate. After we were done eating Adam and I had to go to the market to grab the stuff my mom needs for the party tonight. My mom insisted that she plans out the party and no one else. It's like she's planning a wedding or something.
I hopped into Adam's car and once he got into the driver's seat we took off. After a while of awkward silence, Adam decided to speak.
"You're mad at me?" He asked and glanced at me then back to the road. I looked at him and shook my head.
"No, just annoyed." He smiled at me and chuckled. "Well, sorry about that," he apologized.
"Just don't do that again. Or I will do something you won't like," I murmured, crossing my arms under my chest. He smirked and glanced at me.
"Like what? Throw lame punches at me?" Adam questioned. I scowled at him and shrugged.
"No, like cut Adam Jr off," I grinned as he gasped. "How dare you say that?" He asked dramatically. I chuckled and elbowed him in the arm. "Next time think before you wake me up."
"Next time I'll wear armor." He said and I glared at him. "But there won't be the next time." He assured. I laughed lightly before he smiled at me, then turned his focus on the road.
After a while, we reached the market and parked the car before getting out. We made our way into the market and started buying the stuff my mom wrote down on a list.
"So what's the first thing we should get?" I asked Adam. Adam took the list from his pocket and opened it.
"Food, she wants us to get food," he answered. I smiled at that. Food. The best thing that ever happened to me. Ok, before you think that I'm exaggerating then think again. Food is life.
"Then let's go!" I said and grabbed his hand and pulled him into the food section. I sighed happily and wiped a fake tear off as Adam just looked at me like I was crazy.
"This is my heaven," I told him. He nodded his head, chuckling.
"Yeah, I know. It explains those times when you would attack me for them." I grinned at him and we bought treats and drinks. After that, we went and bought decorations. After a while, I was so tired. All I wanted to do was go back to bed and sleep but clearly, that wasn't going to happen.
"Can we take a break?" I whined. He shook his head at me and continued walking.
"Come on, Adam. I'm tired," I begged. He looked at me and gave me a knowing look, "no, we still have lots of stuff to buy." I huffed and crossed my arms at him.
"You're a guy! You're not supposed to like shopping," I pointed out. He smiled at me and raised a brow. "Sexist much? Besides, who said I like shopping? It's just you don't have any friends other than me to go shopping with you."
I gasped at him.
"What, I do have friends." He shook his head, "like your bed?" I crossed my arms under my chest and sighed. Ok, maybe I don't have many friends. But it's all this guy's fault. Whenever I would try to make friends, he would always ruin it, like telling them I'm weird and I'll go crazy on them. Telling them a handful of lies.
"You're such a bully," I muttered under my breath but of course because of our werewolf hearing, he heard it.
"Says the violent girl." We both laughed and smiled. Adam was the only friend that stood by me and never left my side, and for that, I'm grateful, even though if there were times where I just want to strangle him.
And maybe bury him alive.
After a couple of hours of torture, we finally stopped to grab a bite. Finally. We were carrying a ton of bags but I, the lazy person, made Adam carry them all. He didn't mind anyway.
We sat on empty chairs and Adam got up to order our food. I placed my head on the table and closed my eyes for a bit but pulled my head back up when I saw from the corner of my eye a pack member that I barely knew, sitting next to a boy, holding hands. I'm guessing they're mates. Not many people find their mates but for those that do, then they're lucky. At least, that's what they all say.
I heard that having a mate is the best thing that could ever happen to you but somehow I can't believe that. I mean, yes, it is nice to have someone to love you deeply and share a soul together but I find that hard to believe. I don't want a mate, nor any guy. Not anymore, that is.
I was cut out of my thoughts when Adam placed the tray of food in front of me and sat down. I lightened up, and at the right moment, my stomach grumbled. "Dig in," Adam spoke and I didn't need to hear that a second time to dig in.
After eating, we drove back home with the shopping bags but before that, I bought a dress for the party tonight. It's a simple white dress that hugged my curves.
We walked into the packhouse and my mom walked up to us with a smile on her face. "Thank you, honey, you too, Adam," she said. "You're welcome, mother," I told her. She smiled up at me and a couple of people took the bags from us before walking away.
We excused ourselves before walking away.
Adam and I walked up to my room and I took the dress out of the bag I was holding, then placed it on my bed. Adam looked at it and furrowed his eyebrows. When I bought this dress he was waiting outside the store so he didn't see what kind of dress I bought.
"You're wearing that?" He asked and pointed to the dress that was on my bed. I looked at him and nodded. "Yes, is there something wrong with it?" I questioned. He crossed his arms over his chest.
"Not really, it's just it's too short," he muttered. I raised a brow. Here we go again, Adam is always complaining about the clothes I wear. Whether it's too short or too tight. He acts like an overprotective brother.
"I know, but it's not that short," I stated, lifting the dress and showing him. "See?" He shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. "Um...I'll just go. Call me if you need anything," he murmured and walked out of my room. I shrugged and sat on my bed, admiring the dress.
The party was going to start at 7 and it's still 3 so I had plenty of time to get ready. I decided to lay down on my bed and relax my eyes for a bit before getting ready.
I snapped my eyes open when I felt my arms shake.
"Tiana, wake up."
I looked up at the person and saw my mother standing above me with her arms crossed under her chest.
"Mother? Is there something wrong?" I asked. "Yes, there is. You have about an hour to get ready," she stated. My eyes widened and I turned to the clock and saw it was almost 6.
I looked up at her, then got up from my bed. "It's ok, mother, I'll get ready before the party starts." She smiled at me and nodded before turning around, but stopped then looked at me, "Just don't be late." With that, she walked out and I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower before wrapping the towel around me and drying my hair. I applied a little makeup and let my hair fall down freely.
After that, I grabbed the dress and wore it, before looking myself in the mirror, then smiled.
I look good.
I looked at the clock and saw I still have ten minutes left, so I got out of my room and walked to Adam's room. I entered without knocking and saw Adam was putting his shirt on. I wasn't embarrassed nor did I think much about it because Adam and I have known each other since we were babies, so I've seen him naked before and the other way around.
Once he was done he looked at me and smiled, "well, don't you look beautiful," he spoke out, and I only chuckled at him. "You look good too."
"Good? I look sexy," he stated and I laughed. "Sure, you do." He gasped at me, "for your information. Girls die to have a piece of my body," he stated. I rolled my eyes then sat on his bed.
He came up to me and sat next to me, "well, thank you for the compliment," he said sarcastically. I grinned and bumped my side into his. He laughed while looking at me, "I meant it when I said you look beautiful." He said seriously.
I smiled at him and nodded my head, "I know. Thanks." I got up from the bed and walked towards the door but turned around, looking at Adam. "let's go before my mother gets us herself."
He smiled and nodded. We walked out of his room and made our way downstairs. There were food and drinks everywhere, the lights were off but there were colorful lights everywhere and it gave it a party feeling. Lots of teenagers were dancing to music and eating food. I smiled and made my way to mom and dad and hugged them tightly.
"Thank you," I said and Adam came up from behind me and said the same thing. "Yes, thank you, it's wonderful."
"Oh, it's no problem. Besides, the pack needed a break and have some fun," my mom pointed. We nodded our heads and I kissed both my mom and dad on the cheek.
"Have fun," my dad yelled through the music as we walked towards the dance floor, which was the huge living room that just had all the furniture moved to the side.
"Let's dance," Adam grabbed my hand and pulled me further to the dance floor. We danced for a while until we were tired, we decided to eat a couple of snacks so we went to the food section. Aka, the kitchen.
We were about to eat when my parents came running towards us and all of a sudden the music was turned off. The air around us was filled the tension as everything went silent. My face turned into confusion and I had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen.
"Mother, father? What's wrong?" I asked. They both looked at each other's faces that were filled with fear. And what they said next made my heart stop beating.
"We're under attack."
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