《The Chase (Harry Styles)》Chapter 30




“So Harry, ready for the signing?” Louis asked me first thing the next morning.

“Yeah, I am actually really excited to get to know some of these directioners.” I spoke smiling.

“Alright, well let’s go!” He said opening the door for me.

I walked outside the door where all of the other boys were waiting for Louis and I on the tour bus. I got on and plopped myself down next to Liam. “So guys today I am taking the last ten people in line for a day of fun with me.” I said proudly.

“Are you kidding? You’ll be mobbed!” Niall said.

“Dude, if you’re going to do that, take 3.” Liam suggested.

I looked at Louis to see what he thought and he nodded his head agreeing. “Alright fine, I’ll take the last three. But you guys can’t come with. You actually have to go straight home and stay there for the rest of the day.” I said sternly.

“What, why?” Zayn asked.

“Because I am taking all five of our security with me.” I explained.

The boys nodded their heads a little upset. But who cares, I mean our apartments our fun. They can order pizza watch movies, and play video games.

When we got to the signing, there were a lot of girls already there. It was actually quite hard for me and the boys to get to our seats without being trampled. When we finally made it, the first girl in line started crying.

“Why are you crying love?” Louis asked.

“I just love you guys all so much.” She stammered.

“We love you too!” I yelled at her.

“Oh my god, hearing you say that completes my entire life.” She said before our guards pushed her along.


After thousands of more girls had gone through we made it to the last three. It actually worked out because they were all friends and we’re about 15.

“Hey girls, what are you doing tonight?” I asked with a cheeky grin on my face.

They kept it cool, which I really liked and they said “Nothing actually, we were all just going to hangout and have a sleepover.” The tall blonde said.

“Well, can I join you? I mean not in like that way, but you girls seem really cool. I would love to get to know you.” I said.

“Yeah! Of course. But uhh Harry, why us?” The short one asked.

“Why not?” I said back.

They laughed to each other and started blushing. “So girls, I have a limo and five body guards waiting.” I said slowly.

“Let’s go then!” They yelled together.

I led them out to the limo and we all piled in. “So I am Harry, what are your names?” I asked.

“I’m Anna.” The tall blonde said.

“I’m Allison.” The short one said.

“And I’m Audrey.” The brunette said softly.

“Cool, all A names. Are you girls like bestfriends?” I asked.

“Yeah, we decided to be bestfriends when we were 9, we’re now 15.” Anna said.

“That’s actually amazing that you guys can stay so close and everything.” I said pulling out my phone that had just vibrated.

“Do people text you all the time?” Audrey asked right as I was about to open the text.

“Actually, no because not a lot of people have my number. Hold on, one sec.” I said.

I looked down at my phone to see that I had a text from Angie,

“Hey Styles, let’s meet up tonight to talk about us. Maybe dinner? xx Angie”


“No!” I shouted, before I realized that I wasn’t alone.

“Is something wrong?” Allison asked.

“Would it be okay if another girl I know joins us tonight?” I asked hopeful.

“Yeah, is she like famous?” Audrey asked.

“Thankfully, no.” I said smiling.

“What’s her name?” Anna asked.

“Angie.” I said a huge grin on my face.

“So you love her?” Audrey asked.

“How did you know?” I asked confused.

“You made a face when you said her name, and while reading her text, you couldn’t stop smiling.” Audrey said back.

“You got me.” I said softly.

“That’s so sweet that a celebrity can love someone like that that’s not famous.” Anna said.

I nodded my head and yelled to the driver, “Angie’s house please!”

“Oh Harry, of course.” The driver said back.

“Shouldn’t you like tell her you’re picking her up?” Allison asked.

“Right, thanks.” I said pulling my phone out.

“Ten minutes, dress casual. I have 3 cool fans with me, so let’s just have some fun? Xxxxx Styles”

My phone vibrated before I could put it down.

“Sounds perfect, see you in a few! xx Angie”

“Ok so we’ll pick her up and then what should we do?” I asked them.

“I don’t know, what do celebs normally do?” Audrey asked.

“We uhh record music, go to concerts and signings, play video games, and travel.” I said.

“Not what I was expecting.” Audrey said laughing.

“I know how about we go go-carting!” I said loudly.

“Sounds like fun!” Anna said.

We talked a little while longer about their school and stuff before we got to Angie’s house. She stood in her driveway wearing skinny jeans and a dusty pink blouse. She approached the limo so I opened the door for her. “You look beautiful.” I said.

“Why, thank you Styles. So do I get an introduction?” She asked looking at the girls.

The three girls introduced themselves and Angie hit it off with them. Before I knew it, they were talking about clothes and shoes, so I just sat back and relaxed. This was going to be a great day.

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