《The Chase (Harry Styles)》Chapter 29




I ran out of the room away from Zayn to my bedroom and pulled out my Iphone to send Angie a text.

“Hey babe hope you enjoyed your meal! XxXXxxXX Harry”

After a few minutes, she responded,

“I thought you would never text me, and yes I did! Thanks so much. It’s adorable that you remembered my order. xx Angie”

I felt a smile appear on my face as I read her text.

“Of course I would text you, I love you! XX Styles”

I realized right after I sent it, I may have come to strong.

“I love you too. And at this point, you don’t even have to say that you love me, because you show it. But I do enjoy hearing it. haha xx Angie”

I quickly responded,

“Will you be my girlfriend? Xx Styles”

My phone buzzed really quickly.

“I don’t know if I can…I am technically still with Niall. xx Angie”

I didn’t really know what to say to this…

“I will always love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Styles, Harry”

Her response took a few minutes; not a good sign, unless it was a long message.

“I know, and I will always love you; we’re soul mates, and nothing will change that. But we may go our separate ways. Life may take us both on different paths. It certainly has done that to us before…xx Angie”

“But Angie, I will follow you wherever you go; I promise you that. We were so young when we met. It was too early for me to meet my soul mate…I wasn’t ready. But I now am. XxXXxxXX Styyyyles”

She responded very quickly to that.

“Goodnight Harry Edward Styles, I love you. xx Angie”

I quickly replied,

“Text me first thing when you get up! Goodnight Angie, I love you. XXXXXXXXX Styles”


I knew that my last message didn’t require a response so I set my phone down, and ran into the kitchen.

“Hey Louis, where is everyone?” I asked.

“They left a couple of minutes ago back to their rooms. Just me and you Hazza.”

“Ahh man, I have fallen for Angie. Hard.” I said.

“You always will be in love with her, won’t you?” He asked.

I nodded my head smiling and remembered that my soul mate was dating one of my bestfriends, and my smile slowly faded. “I don’t want her to date Niall.” I said softly.

“I know bro, but she knows that you love her.” Louis said.

“So what?” I asked.

“So if she ever wants to be in a relationship with her, she’ll tell you.”

“It’s so hard to sit around being in love with someone and knowing that they don’t love you the same way. Like I know that she loves me, but not as passionately as I love her. It’s like she’s taken over my life completely. I want to spend every second of my day with her; I want to hear her laugh and I want to get to know her. I want to be there for her, and to be the reason for her smile.”

“Harry, I know about 5 million girls who feel that way about you.” Louis said.

“I want to meet them” I said.

“Well that can be arranged. How many are you thinking?” He asked.

“Ten. I want to spend an entire day with ten fans.” I spoke clearly.

“Tomorrow?” He asked.

“Yeah, we have a signing right?” I replied.

“Yes, so just take the last ten in line?” He suggested.

“Sounds like a plan Lou.” I said.

“Alright let’s get to bed.” He said.

“Goodnight Louis, love you.” I said cheekily.

“Love you too Harold.”

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