《Breathing ∞ Kol Mikaelson [1]》[9]


"So, an alliance with Gilbert? From wanting to drain her to working together. Curious turn?" Emma held the phone up to her ear with the aid of her shoulder as she arranged the shopping bags in her hands while she spoke. She could hear a small scoff come from the other end of the line as Rebekah replied.

"Oh I still want that, but right now, she's of no use to me dead." Rebekah shared, the comment making Emma let out a small laugh. After the night they'd had, Emma knew quite a bit of the Mystic Falls secrets. She still didn't know what exactly Rebekah was planning with Gilbert and her two vampire puppies, but she did know about the Doppelganger's role in the supernatural world, along with who all of the witches, vampires, and hybrids in the area were.

"And you're sure you don't need any help?" Emma asked, even though she'd already received the answer to that question before. When Rebekah called to tell her that she couldn't get ready together for the homecoming dance as they'd planned because she needed to get something done with the Scooby gang (Emma's title for the group, one that at first very much confused Rebekah), one of the first things Emma did was offer her help.

"No, don't worry. I'll just meet you at the dance." Rebekah, just as before, turned the offer down quickly. With what they were planning she wanted Emma as far away from it as possible. She wanted the brunette no where near her father or her brother.

"Don't be late." Emma warned, and while she couldn't see it, from the silence on the other end of the line, she could only imagine the look on Rebekah's face in that moment.

"Just because we're not getting ready together doesn't mean I'll be incompetent to do it myself. Do you know how many balls I've attended in my lifetime?" Rebekah questioned after a couple of moments. Of course, Emma had heard stories about balls, and princes, princesses, lords and ladies Rebekah's met in her life.

"And how many times did you have ladies or maids helping you?" Emma asked with a smile. The night she learned about Rebekah being a vampire, the two girls spent hours talking, the blonde revealing to Emma many amazing things she'd seen in her life.

"I won't be late! I just have to take care of this first." Rebekah didn't answer Emma's real question, making the brunette laugh in amusement. The lack of a response was answer enough.

"Alright, I'll see you tonight. Call me if you need me." Emma finally let up, mostly because she was getting close to her car and needed at least one hand free to be able to open it.

"I won't, see you tonight." Rebekah's last words sounded confident before she hung up, leaving Emma to pack away her cellphone. As she tried to pack it away without tripping or dropping anything else, she was reminded of why she shouldn't walk without checking where she was going.


"I'm so sorry, I wasn't- Oh, it's you." Emma quickly started to apologize to the person she practically smashed into, but once she noticed who it was that she had bumped into, she didn't feel too sorry anymore.

Elena seemed almost surprised by the fact that Emma recognized her, which the Park couldn't understand. Or bother trying to understand. She most certainly didn't feel like talking to the girl who, judging by her curled hair, was just like Emma, going through the process of getting ready for tonight's dance. She may have a temporary alliance with Rebekah, but that didn't mean Emma suddenly had to like the Gilbert girl.

"Listen Elena, I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, so if you wouldn't mind..." Emma stated, motioning with her eyes for the Gilbert to get out of her way. Emma's words made Elena snap out of her analytical observation of Emma. She didn't get out of her way instantly, and Emma was ready to circle around the brunette when she finally did.

With an annoyed shake of her head, Emma moved past the girl and went on her way, not sparing Elena another glance. As she moved further away, Emma didn't get a chance to hear the words coming from the brunette she'd bumped into.

"Oh, I like her already."

What Emma had been unaware of during their interaction was that, while she looked like Elena, the girl she had just spoken to wasn't Elena at all.

Emma was ready. With her dress on, her makeup done to perfection, and hair... combed, she made her way towards the school, checking that she had enough space on her phone for lots and lots of pictures that her mother requested. Despite the plethora of them that she had taken before finally releasing her daughter from the house.

As she walked through the school parking lot, checking her phone to see if Rebekah and Matt had already arrived, Emma noticed she was coming up to a puddle. Not wanting to ruin her heels right away, before the dance even started properly, she tried to go around it only to realize the puddle seemed to go on forever, making her pay more attention as she looked around.

"Well this is looking great." She mumbled sarcastically as she noticed all of the people gathered around the school's gym entrance which seemed to be out of commission as the water spread out from it.

With a sigh, uncertain of what was going on and whether there was any dance at all anymore, Emma tried looking for Rebekah in the crowd as the blonde didn't seem to be answering any of her messages. However, Emma's search was cut short as a random student ran up to her suddenly.

"Homecoming at Tyler Lockwood's, spread the word!" He yelled out before running off again. Well, at least she got her answer on what was happening with the dance.


With a shake of her head, Emma dialed Rebekah's number, heading back to her car as she listened to the dial tone ringing. It rang for what seemed like forever before Emma heard the automatic voicemail telling her to leave a message.

"You can tell me I was right when you arrive, late. I'm just calling to tell you the gym is flooded, and the dance got moved to the Lockwood's place. So I'm guessing it'll be more like a party, but I'll keep my promise and meet you and Matt there."

Leaving the message, Emma followed the line of cars leaving the school parking lot and let the caravan lead her to the mayor's mansion. Once again she was fascinated by yet another large house.

"If all supernaturals live like this, maybe I should join the club." Emma commented silently, soon after exiting her car and moving towards the entrance of the house.

She could already see the lights flashing in the back of the house, most likely a large garden with grounds spreading over acres. The sound of music loudly rang through the air, sounding a lot like a live band. Walking up to the door, Emma was surprised to find Tyler had even managed to spring for a security detail on such short notice. And she didn't protest as the intimidating man pointed her in the direction of the back garden.

There were a few people moving through the house, but the main spot was certainly outside. Set up with a whole stage, on which a rock band performed, the area was decorated much more beautifully than Emma imagined the high school gym would have been.

Walking down the stone steps, Emma watched the crowd. It was making her aware, that despite her ability to remember faces, she was still the new girl. Because aside from a few people, she barely recognized anyone who was there. Moving towards the table filled with drinks and food, Emma hoped not everything was alcoholic as she stood waiting for her turn to come. While she waited, suddenly, the band stopped their music and a person walked onto the stage, drawing everyone's attention towards himself.

"Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming!" The man's accented voice made Emma raise her eyebrow curiously. Now she wasn't one to jump to conclusions, but something told her the intention of this party wasn't homecoming at all.

She watched the man leave the stage and move through the crowd. As she watched him, many things were quickly becoming clear: cocky, British, slightly too old to be a random high schooler, and the features, simultaneously different and yet familiar. It was quickly becoming quite easy to figure out who the man was. Especially as she watched him stop so he could talk to no other but Stefan Salvatore of all people.

Too far away to hear the conversation, all Emma had to guide her was watching them interact. The faux civility and palpable tension and hatred painted a very clear picture. And as she came to her conclusion, Emma wasn't sure what possessed her to do what she did next. But nonetheless, she did it. Letting her legs carry her in their direction, Emma overheard the last of their conversation.

"Oh, be honest now, Stefan. Where's my sister?" The Brit asked, his tone demanding and the smile on his face cocky, as if he knew Stefan had no other option but to tell the truth.

"I said I have no idea." Stefan replied defiantly. Unwilling to go through a whole interrogation, he quickly moved on to business. "How would you like me to take you to your father?"

"Well, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor, would it? Bring him to me." Klaus demanded. Emma thought back to Rebekah's stories of her family and their past. While the blonde had told her their whole family had been turned into vampires, all the happy stories she'd told her of their adventures and travels never seemed to involve their father. It was easy to assume that the patriarch of the Mikaelson family wasn't the most beloved among his children.

"All right. Perhaps there's something in it for me...? My freedom from your compulsion?" Emma watched as amusement spread over Klaus' face. He seemed almost impressed by Stefan's initiative. Emma was still a bit confused by the whole compulsion thing. Rebekah continuously corrected her they don't like to call it telepathy or mind control. All she did know is that vervain, which she was apparently on, prevented it from happening.

"Oh, you want your freedom. Well, once he is dead and his weapon destroyed, you'll have your freedom. It'll be my pleasure to give it back." Klaus' agreement gave Stefan the initiative to walk away, leaving the hybrid standing alone among the crowd. And Emma used it as her opportunity.

"Klaus Mikaelson, I take it?" Her voice reached his ears, making his eyes curiously turn to her as she took the final few steps towards him. He scanned over her with interest, wondering who the girl so bold to so simply approach him was. And what she wanted.

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