《Breathing ∞ Kol Mikaelson [1]》[8]


"Are you feeling any better?" Emma asked as she handed Rebekah a glass of bourbon they'd swiped when leaving the house where Emma had picked the blonde up. After leaving, they'd driven to Emma's house in silence, the brunette not pressing Rebekah for any answers as she instead let the blonde process whatever had upset her so much.

"A bit, thank you." Rebekah said quietly and took the glass from Emma who then moved to sit down on the sofa next to her. Silence lapsed over them before the blonde spoke again. "I'm sorry that you had to see that, I promise, I mean you no harm. It's not as bad as it looks."

"I know that. There's nothing you have to apologize for." Emma spoke in a reassuring tone. And it was the truth as well. Was she surprised? Yes. Confused? Yes. She had a million questions by now, but in no was she mad or upset with Rebekah, much less afraid of her. After all, the blonde had many chances to kill her if she really wanted to.

"How can you be so calm? Why aren't you more scared? You don't even know what I am." Rebekah didn't understand how Emma could so simply sit there and comfort her after what she had seen.

"I'm going to guess a vampire?" Emma questioned, connecting the pieces of what she'd seen and read in her father's writings with what she had witnessed earlier that night.

"So you do know? How?" Rebekah looked at the brunette, not really surprised as her previous suspicions about Emma resurfaced. Back when she'd searched through her house and found the vervain amongst her mother's things, Rebekah simply prescribed it all to Emma's mother being the one to know about the supernatural, not Emma herself. She supposed it was because subconsciously she didn't want to find something that would risk the friendship between them.

"Trust me, if this happened yesterday, I would probably be much more freaked out, but recently I came across some things that make this a little less unbelievable." Emma commented, a humorless laugh escaping her as her eyes glanced over to the bag which she'd dropped by the side of the sofa when they came in.

"What did you come across?" Rebekah asked with furrowed brows. In a way, she was happy to find a distraction from her own troubled mind which continued to spin with what had been revealed about her brother.

"We don't have to talk about that now." Emma spoke quickly, not wanting to bump her problems on Rebekah right now. She didn't want it to seem as if she was using her now that she knew her secret, and also, she wasn't sure how right of a time it was anyways with what happened only half an hour ago.


"Please, I could use something else to focus on." Rebekah pleaded. "If you want to, of course. I understand if you don't." She quickly added as she herself wasn't really ready yet to share with Emma what it was exactly that Elena told her.

It was one thing for Emma to know about her being a vampire, but revealing things about her family, who they were and what they were like. Everything had gone so well until now; Rebekah didn't want to push it too far and risk it. Emma spared a moment to look at the blonde for a few seconds, trying to see if she truly meant her words as well as deciding whether to share her father's things with her.

But soon enough, she made up her mind. Leaning down across the sofa, she reached for her bag and brought it up to her lap before digging through it for a few moments until she felt her fingers brush over the spine of the notebook. Pulling it out, she dropped her bag back to the ground and turned to Rebekah, diving into the explanation.

"Yesterday, I was going through some of the boxes we haven't unpacked yet when I found a box full of my dad's things. Papers and notebooks, all dating throughout the year before he... before he disappeared." So far, Rebekah had only known that Emma's father was out of the picture and so as she shared the information, the blonde couldn't deny her interest was piqued.

"The box was full of things like this." Emma continued, handing the notebook over the Rebekah. The blonde accepted it, soon after starting to flip through the pages as she read the information gathered within the notebook. "Information, texts in what I assume are Latin, even more journals documenting all of his research. Most I haven't even had a chance to read yet. At first, I thought that in his desperation he started to believe in fiction, but after tonight... I'm not so sure anymore." Emma explained.

"What would make him so desperate to believe in stories humans usually regard as poppycock?" Rebekah questioned as she read through the notebook at an increased speed. Watching her do it had Emma silent for a couple of moments as she attempted once more to wrap her mind around it, but once Rebekah's words registered in her mind, she realized her misstep.

"After Katrina, a lot of people became desperate." Emma said, not yet willing to reveal the truth about her condition to Rebekah. The blonde could hear the small waver in her voice, knowing there was something specific she'd kept for herself, but Rebekah didn't push.


"Well, all of this is really accurate, mostly superficial, but accurate." Rebekah said, highly intrigued, to be honest, by the story behind the need for it. "But then again, New Orleans might be the best place to get accurate information." She added on with a small laugh. Had she known before Emma was originally from New Orleans she'd definitely have been a lot more suspicious.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked curiously.

"New Orleans is crawling with supernatural life. The French Quarter has been full of vampires and witches for a very long time now. My brothers and I, we lived there for a time. Practically built the place ourselves." Rebekah said honestly, reminiscing in her mind about their lives in New Orleans. For her, it seemed like yesterday.

"Hold on... You built it? How old are you?!" Emma couldn't hold in her shock as it spilled through once Rebekah shared that bit of information. Rebekah found it amusing, letting out a small laugh before turning serious once again as she went on to answer the question.

"My family and I are the first vampires ever created, the Original family. We've been on this earth for a thousand years." Rebekah revealed honestly. After that a silence lapped over them as all Emma could do was gape at her in surprise. Her friend was a thousand years old... That was certainly not something you hear every day.

"Holy. Shit." Emma finally whispered bringing Rebekah to laugh once again. It felt really good, being able to be honest with Emma and not having to hide some of the things about her. "Is your family here too?" She couldn't help but ask, her curiosity shining through.

"No, I'm the only one here." Rebekah said, a tinge of sadness in her voice. How she wished to have Elijah or Kol with her right now, to tell them what she'd learned about what Nik did to their mother. To ask for Elijah's advice on what to do about it, or to share in her anger with Kol. But both of them, along with Finn were in coffins, stuck with daggers in their hearts as Klaus trapezed with their bodies around the country in his search for werewolves.

"I can't even imagine all the things you've seen, the places you've been. It sounds so... I don't think I can even find a word." Emma's interest spilled out of her, easy for Rebekah to see. "Do you mind me asking you about it?" Emma questioned, trying to reign it in a bit, not wanting to overstep her bounds. While to her, a thousand years on this planet, seeing all of the history first-hand, seemed so interesting and amazing, she was no fool. She could only guess not all was beautiful and lovely. If anything, living for so long must get lonely at times.

"Ask whatever you want." Rebekah said, willing to share some of the stories of her past with Emma, just not all. Quickly she added on, knowing that Emma was bound to bring it up sooner or later. "And if you ever need help, with your father's journals and writings, I'd be more than happy to help you find out what happened to him."

"You'd be willing to do that?" Emma asked, slightly surprised. She had expected Rebekah to, perhaps help her distinguish real fact from 'poppycock' as she'd called it, but not to this extent.

"What are vampire friends for?" Rebekah asked jokingly, making Emma let out a small laugh before pulling Rebekah into another hug in a series of many from before.

"Thank you." Emma said, truly grateful and happy to have made a friend in the blonde. And as she pulled away, she added. "And I know you don't want to talk about Elena, and whatever happened. But if you ever do, I'm here. And if I ever ask a question you don't want to answer, blow me off."

"Thank you. Truly." Rebekah gave Emma's hand a small squeeze, her own mind thinking of the same things as Emma and feeling the same gratitude. It had been a while since Rebekah had made a friend that she believed she could truly trust, that had no connection to her family or past. Just someone willing to get to know her for who she is, not as the Original vampire from who she needed something.

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