《Marine World》Three| Fake smiles


I freeze in my seat, knowing this is it. This is a trick–I've been caught in barefaced lies and this man has the footage to prove it.

I sit tensely as the video plays. The enclosure looks magnificent through the lens of a camera. The water is clear, endless, broken only by vibrant bursts of coral or sea creatures. Sunlight breaks through the surface, reflecting off the enclosure floor in a way that casts perfect shimmers through the water.

Alison walks into the camera's view, her long, auburn hair piled high on her head and her face as animated–as alive–as ever. As soon as I hover at the gate, Adrian pauses the video.

"Why when Alison sent you away did you linger there? " he asks. "Did you know something was wrong?"

"No," I say, feeling as if the word liar is printed on my forehead. "I like to watch Crystal train, sometimes. She's a far better performer than I am."

"Really," Adrian says in an overly-fascinated voice. "It's just that I've reviewed footage from the last two months, and I've never seen you wait there before."

He doesn't wait for my answer. He simply resumes the video and I watch as Alison climbs into the water before the camera switches to an underwater view. This time, the footage is blurred.

"Now, this is where it gets really interesting," he says, flicking between the different underwater cameras. "Each underwater camera has been obscured by something. Isn't that strange? Almost as if whoever did this didn't want us to be able to see what happened under that water."

From behind Reece, both Jackson and Rob share an anxious expression. "Now," Adrian says. "If I rewind a little bit." He pinches at the screen again and a perfect underwater view of the enclosure materializes.

Moments later, Crystal swims into view with her compact mirror, heading straight for the camera before stopping and examining her reflection. The compact mirror is one of the many treasures we are encouraged to use to enhance the guests viewing experience, so Crystal looking in the mirror doesn't strike me as unusual, but what she does next is. After spending time looking at herself, she strategically places the mirror on the ledge in such a way that it projects the camera's image back on itself.

"Look at how she places the mirror," Adrian notes, glancing at me for some kind of reaction, but I make sure not to give him one.

Instead, I briefly shift my gaze to Reece. The others I can read with ease: Jackson and Rob can't quite believe what they're seeing, Adrian distrusts me–hates me, even–but Reece? He has the eyes of a man who can't be read. Who doesn't want to be.


"I mean, that could just be a coincidence," Jackson says, but I think I spot a glimmer of doubt behind his rheumy eyes.

"You're right," Adrian agrees, "but she does it to all of the cameras, and each time she's subtle about it. Here, for example."

Once again, he plays the footage, forcing my muscles to contract in my seat. It is of Crystal, but this time she targets the camera in the brown, rocky wall, swimming past the area before knocking a plant with her tail to cover the lens. She continues on in the same fashion, accidentally moving things until all of the cameras are obscured.

"You mean to tell me Crystal planned to kill her?" Rob asks, his eyes widening slightly. "Why are we only just being informed about this? We were supposed to evaluate her and give her a couple of pills, but surely there's going to be a murder investigation underway."

Adrian hesitates, reluctant to speak the truth in front of me. I find myself clutching the edge of my seat, praying he does, anyway.

"Just tell us what's going to happen," Jackson says. He looks calm, but something in his voice has changed, an undertone of alarm that defies his expression. "How can we open the park tomorrow with this going on? How are we going to explain a mermaid killing a trainer without exposing the truth about them?"

Adrian sighs before turning to Jackson. "McKinley's refunding anyone who has purchased the Marine Experience with them tomorrow. Jewel and the other one–"

"Asia," I say automatically, earning me a severe look.

"Jewel and Asia will perform as normal tomorrow," Adrian continues. "McKinley's mentioning a death in the park, but he's playing it off as accidental and nothing to do with the mermaids. He doesn't want the Occupational Health and Safety Administration to start snooping around. If this becomes news," he says, with a quick glance in my direction, "people will start asking questions. As for you, Aura, why don't you start telling me what really happened?"

My eyes flit to each of the four men before me. These people will never understand the darkness that follows us. We aren't allowed to talk about it, aren't allowed to feel anything other than happiness, and when we do they feed us pills to make us forget. Perhaps if the truth comes out–that we're struggling more than we let on–they'll send us away forever–just like they did with Muriel.

"Alison said it was a game." They all turn to look at me, causing something in my chest to tighten. "Not long ago," I continue, trying to be as vague as possible, "she told Crystal she wanted to play a game. She told her how she could cover all of the cameras."


There is a long silence as I sit tensely in my seat, waiting for someone to either believe or deny my story.

"You're lying," Reece says.

My heart pounds harder against the walls of my chest. I thought I'd seen something within him, something sympathetic or kind, but now that he is calling me out on my story, I realize I've been wrong. Reece doesn't sympathize, doesn't care, he thinks of me in the same way the others do, and now he's proved it.

"We've already told you she wouldn't lie," Rob snaps.

I turn to Adrian, who is looking at Reece with what seems to be encouragement; I can't help but wonder why Reece is trying so hard to impress this man.

"Why wouldn't she?" Reece asks, turning to face the others. "They can feel everything we can. That means they can lie."

"Yes, they can feel what we can," Jackson says impatiently, "but they have no life experience to draw lies from."

Reece runs a hand down his face before meeting my gaze. "Why don't I try talking to her alone?"

"Why?" Adrian asks. "What do you think she'll tell you that she won't tell all of us?"

"Maybe she's reluctant to speak with so many of us in here," Reece says. "It's worth a shot."

With an irritable glance in my direction, Adrian gets to his feet. "Fine, but make it quick. We've got reports to fill out and I want to start them sooner rather than later."

Reluctantly, the three men exit and I clasp my hands together, praying Reece can't see them shaking beneath the table. He turns to face me, studying my face with an expression I can't quite place. "Sorry if I was a little hard on you before," he says. His voice is lower than the one he'd just used. Softer. "My dad, well–" he stops and shakes his head. "Look, the sooner you give us some answers, the sooner this will be over, all right? You need to work with me, Aura. Can you do that?"

Slowly, I nod.

"Good," he says, leaning back in his chair. "Have you ever had thoughts of hurting other people? Of hurting a guest?"

"No, of course not," I say.

He leans in again, glancing at the door before turning back to face me. "Do you know why you're here in Marine World?"

I don't miss a beat. "To perform," I say, remembering my teachings from the facility, "and because the outside world isn't safe for us."

"And are you–" Reece pauses for a moment, as if too afraid to ask his next question. "Are you happy here, Aura?"

I take a moment to study his face. His concern for my well-being is so convincing that I almost want to tell him the truth, but I know it can't be real. I know that deep down he must be like Jackson, pretending to be nice until one day, he isn't.

"Very happy," I say, but my smile starts to twitch at the corners.

His eyes fill with something, relief, maybe. "Do you ever feel sad, or angry?"

I lower my gaze. "I was sad when they took Crystal away."

"Understandable," Reece says carefully. "Crystal was your enclosure mate, I'm sure you two are very close. Tell me, Aura, if Crystal ever did something bad, would you cover for her?"

I furrow my eyebrows in feigned confusion. "I don't understand the question."

Reece's jaw twitches slightly; I wonder if he sees right through me. "If Crystal ever did something that you knew was wrong, would you lie to protect her?"

"No," I say, my heart pounding faster. "I wouldn't."

He leans across the table now, his thick, brown arms only inches from mine. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Something flickers in the pit of my stomach, like a flame against a crisp wind. "I suppose you don't."

The door swings open and Adrian walks in, his eyes scanning the two of us with impatience. "Time's up." he says. "Did she tell you anything?"

With one last look at me, Reece slowly gets to his feet. "Nothing I didn't already know."

With a sigh, Adrian turns to Jackson and Rob, who both hover anxiously behind him. It is clear even to me that there is a hierarchy at play, and Adrian has power over the rest of them.

"All of them are under routine observation from now on," Adrian says, "but her especially. She's the only one that knows what really happened in that enclosure, and I don't want her out of our sight. Reece will be keeping a close eye on her."

Once the others have left, Jackson steps toward me, reaching out before cupping the side of my face. "You would never lie to me, would you, Aura?" he asks. His fingers feel cold and rough against my skin; it takes all of my strength not to turn away.

"No," I say, meeting his gaze. "I would never lie to you."

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