《Alpha Malik (Published)✔️》Chapter Fifteen




Malik sent home two more girls, a few days after Zariah and I came up with our plan.

Both of us are wary of telling Brynn, with the way she radicalise's everything. If Zariah and I can pull this off without her, then so be it. It might be better with the smallest possible group of people. Brynn likes to brag as well, and if we find anything in his room, she might open her mouth to some of the other girls.

Also, one less person to see me steal from him.

"Can you believe it," Brynn mutters in my ear, as we walk down the long stretch of the main hallway. "Making Malik chose who he would rather take out, in front of everyone?"

It's is the latest gossip mulling around. No one can believe the fact that Malik's mother wants to him to cause controversy within us to spice up the ratings on TV, which have plummeted since Patience went home., under Malik's hand. Whoever will be selected, will most likely be the centre of every girl here's radar...to target.

"I know, it's stupid," I whisper back. All I can hope for is Malik will have a little mercy, and not pick me.

We all convened in a small meeting room none of us had seen before. You could see it written across everyone's faces, as we wandered in, the beauty of the furnishings reflecting off everything. I have no doubt, Malik is one of the richest Alphas, and his entire family have no issue with showing that fact off. The room breathes freshly or royalty and power.

Why we are in here, or all places, I don't know.

Malik had his back turned to us all as we sat down on the seats set out for us. He faced out the window, the snow falling on the other side of the glass, giving the world a darkened, frosty tinge. Some girls from different Pack's marvel in it, while other, including me, see it as only a hindrance.

I can't believe it.

"Welcome girls," Cecily says, once we had all taken our seats. "A cold day today, isn't it?"

She is catering toward the girls from warmer Pack's; especially the Freedom Pack and Passion Pack members.

Malik's mother wears a classic dress, made of thick, greyish white material, with a light shawl over her shoulders, which glittered with diamonds that probably cost more than what I have spent in my life. Naturally she is very beautiful, despite her slightly angular face and sharp eyes. She is someone many people idolise, however I would hate to cross her in any sense.

"Malik has said his goodbyes to two more. Kennedy Reed from the Power Pack, was his choice for the elimination, however Yazmin Campbell decided to add herself to the list, as her beliefs do not line up with your Alpha's," Cecily tells us.


I had expected that much to come from a Purity Pack member. When I glance to my right, I see Chasity-another Purity Pack member-glance down. Rumour has it, she's been trying to convert him to her religion.

"So congratulations," she says, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention again.

Some of us, including me, had cast our gaze to Malik. His back is still to ours, as he looks out the window. Clearly he is distracted by something, that none of us will probably ever know about. Well, unless he decides to explain everything to whoever he is taking on this date, like he attempted to me the other night.

I don't what it would be like to be an Alpha, yet I can imagine how lonely it might get, if you have no one to express your feelings to. I have Alexa...Who does he have? Is that why he sleeps around?

No, that is excusable.

"As you are aware, Malik will be selecting someone today, to take on a date with him," Cecily said, not at all bothered by the fact that she is completely talking for her son. Malik doesn't seem to mind either, but I would rather him explain this all.

A burst of chatter began between the girls, located primarily near Macie and Phoenix. Those two seem to really be getting on quite well.

Finally Malik turned around. I'm truly starting to hate how easy it is to just look at him. Those insanely blue eyes he can't have inherited from either his mother and father, are almost like an endless pool of the unknown, which I could spent plenty of time discovering. If these feelings keep arising in my stomach, then this mission might become borderline dangerous.

"I hope that no hostilities will arise, with whom I have decided to chose, to take on this date," Malik tells us.

Of course it will...That's exactly what his own mother wants.

Malik hasn't heard the gossip that spreads like fire along a line of petrol. Recently, all the talk has been around Imani, a stunning girl from the Independence Pack. So far, she has refused to talk to anyone that isn't Malik, which hasn't gone down well with anyone, especially Pheonix and Mareli. Those two so far, seem to dictate who we are all supposed to dislike.

"This was a rather easy decision," Malik says slowly. His eyes sweep the place, until finally, they land on me. "I chose Aria."

I really didn't know how to feel at that moment.

It's not like I have much of a choice. If I was to refuse Malik on his date proposition, then I would surely be sent home. I part of me is flattered, however, that he would chose me out of all these girls. Another part of me shuns that idea, and instead accepts this opportunity as a way to get closer to him.


Zariah and I need a way into his rooms, and so far, we haven't figured out a way to do that just yet. If it means breaking in, then we are just going to have to take that chance.

Everyone's gaze flutters to me. The intense feeling followed me, as I stood, trying to keep my eyes on Malik, so I would notice less of the angered looks on people's faces. Plenty of them had more dates than I have - including Zariah and Brynn - yet most of them are annoyed by the short break he took. Now, he has decided to take me, which is going to make me a direct threat.

Although honestly, I don't care. They can try their worst.

I'm told to walk up to the front, like some sort of animal on parade. Malik looks remorseful, as he holds his hand out. For a brief moment, I hesitate. He wears gloves, which he has done this entire time. However, just looking at it, it seems to clinical and harsh.

"Well you two, have fun," Cecily says, turning her head to give us a smile. For a moment, I swear I see a flicker of coldness grace her eyes when she looks at me. Then it is gone.

Malik doesn't say a word to me, until we are alone, which I am grateful for.

"Finally," he breathes, once we had emerged into the hallway. "I haven't seen you in awhile."

Really, it hasn't be that long since Malik and I last saw each other. Our library meetings may have come to an end, but every now and again I would catch a glance of him wandering around, or talking to the other girls. It did however, make my heart flutter a little to know he has enjoyed, or maybe even looked forward to seeing me.

"I suppose not. I promise I haven't broken anymore rules," I say coyly. That's a lie, unless conspiring to steal from his private quarters is something he completely fine with. My eyes find the necklace again.

Malik raises an eyebrow, probably seeing through my words.

Getting ready for whatever we planned to do, was apparently not necessary. Flynn, the man who has been escorting me everywhere I have needed to go, slung a coat Elaine had picked out, over my shoulders. Our assistants had been sent away for a few days, but now are back, which means another person looking over my shoulder. It makes me nervous, that I may slip up.

The longer I take with this mission, the bigger the chance is Malik will want to eliminate me. And if that happens...

Malik and I were allowed to take a car to our destination alone, aside from the driver. I've known he is easy to talk to, from all the other meeting that we have had together. Just sitting there, we discussed our interested, and it felt like I was talking to another person in my life, who I have been with for a very long time.

"She's kind of crazy," I tell him, leaning my head back against the car seat. "But that's one of the reason's she's my best friend."

How Alexa manages to bring herself into every conversation without even being here, I don't know. It started with me explaining how I got into the competition to Malik. Well, minus an admission about the rogues. Alexa is an easy topic. Alexa is something I know.

"You're very lucky to have her. I've never had a best friend before," Malik admits, casting his glance down to the finger that was wound round a strand of my hair.

I smile slightly, to lighten the mood. "You have plenty now.

Malik grins. By now, he must be starting to get to know everyone on a more personal level. That means picking and selecting how he had nothing in common with. Our major difference is our view towards love. He told me he gave up on his mate, for personal reasons. Does he sleep with all those woman for personal reasons too? I'm far too afraid to bring that up now, being so early in the conversation.

"So, you like books right? What else does Aria like?" Malik asks, tilting his head slightly. He regards me with such interest, it makes me feel like he is actually listening. Like I can tell him anything...

"Don't you dare laugh," I begin. "But I like baking; actually food in general. I like the summer...Ironic, I know. I've never left this Pack, but I think I like beaches. I like watching the stars, as silly as that sounds. I like taking photos and keeping memories. Also, I like genuine people."

There were a few moments silence after I listed off a few things I enjoyed. I couldn't escape his gaze. Not for a single second. I saw the conflict in his expression though, as if he can't decide whether or not he could kiss me or not. Or should.

The moment dissolved unfortunately quick, as suddenly, we arrived.

I hadn't payed any attention to the outside as we drove. Only when I stepped outside of the car, with Malik's assistance, did I realise where he had taken me.

My parents house.

My heart froze like the grass around us. Ice crawled its way up my veins, forcing my limbs to completely stop moving. There is no way...

And all of a sudden, my entire body seized up.





~Midika 💜🐼

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