《Alpha Malik (Published)✔️》Chapter Twelve




Brynn wasn't at breakfast the next morning. Zariah and I were left to sit at a table with a bunch of other girls we weren't familiar with. Apart of the group, were the two girls from the Loyalty Pack, who looked strikingly similar; Braelyn and Maren.

"That's too weird," a girl I recognised as Livia, from the Wisdom Pack growled at Maren, who was trying her best to ignore the girl while eating a pancake. "You guys can't go on double dates with Malik...That's wrong."

Zariah rolled her eyes, chewing on the end of her banana. She knows that the other girl from her Pack likes to start arguments.

"Leave us alone," Braelyn snapped. I've come to know her as the one who likes to speak out more out of the two. If I had to guess, Maren has come from a very secluded, sheltered part of the loyalty Pack. Braelyn seems to be the devil on her shoulder at the best of times, and sometimes I'm left to question whether the two are actually strangers.

Livia leant back on her seat. "I'm just telling her how it is."

This was the part of the competition I despised the most. Some of these girls are infuriating, and make me want to pack my measly belongings, so I could walk straight out of this place, with the dignity some of them seem to lack. More than anything, I want to speed up this mission and get that necklace off Malik's neck.

Surprisingly, Livia and Braelyn aren't the worst out of them. I think that title went often switched between a few others.

Phoenix from the Desire Pack, along with Macie, and Mareli, who was a part of the Desire Pack. The gossip I hear every time I go up to get more food, is terrible. At least I am not a part of that since I have been flying under the radar. Luckily, it doesn't seem Malik has mentioned me to any of the other girls, and he hasn't paid me any special treatment either. In fact, I believe he might be avoiding me...

The other girls I am wary of is Alani from the Power Pack. As the Commander's daughter, she expected everything to be in her favour, and everyone just followed along, so they didn't have to deal with her wrath. Honestly, I try to avoid eye contact with her where possible, and luckily, she hasn't tried initiating conversation.

Zariah suddenly nudges me, making me jump. She nods to the two girls across the table.

"You know that makes you bloat," Braelyn scolded Maren, pushing her hand down that held onto a bun. I watched the rather regal features of Maren twist, as she angrily drops the bread back on her plate.

"Sisters?" Zariah whispers in question. The Wisdom Pack girl has some wild conspiracies about some of the girls, and it starts with the fact that both these girls are sisters. I'm trying not to believe her, because the selection process is supposed to be random, and the likelihood of them both making it in is very low.


I shrug. There is no real point in denying her theories because she will just give me twenty reasons why I'm wrong.

After breakfast, we were called to a personal meeting with our assistants. Really it was being sent to our rooms, where our assistants were standing ready with a piece of paper to insinuate what was supposed to happen next. I was hoping I would be left alone, since I really hadn't gotten a good book to read, with Malik distracting me and all. I'm positive he won't be there at this time of day since this was reserved for the time he spent with the girls.

Turns out, the words on the paper weren't telling me I had a day to myself like I had hoped. Instead, Malik is taking myself, and a few other girls out. Something it told me it had something to do with the rising hostilities lately, with so many girls around, so it made sense for Malik to want to escape for a few hours.

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, he chose to have me come along with him.

After being dressed aptly-in gear that would protect me from the snow-I was sent downstairs to see who would be joining me on this outing. Honestly, I had my fingers crossed behind my back, as I briskly walked down the stairs, hoping either Zariah or Brynn would be coming along with me. I was gravely disappointed.

Instead, dressed in such extravagant snow attire - it is plainly obvious they aren't from the Love Pack - were three other girls. A Vengeance Pack member I never learnt the name of, A Freedom Pack member, and Mareli, who I knew from the Passion Pack. All from a very warm pack, except me. This is going to be interesting...

Everyone remained silent as we stood in a tight circle, surrounded only by our assistants.

This entire experience has been me being totally antisocial with anyone who hasn't thrown themselves at me first. Taking a deep breath, I dig somewhere deep within me for any ounce of confidence I can think exists, as I tap on the Freedom Pack members shoulders. "Hey, I'm Aria."

She flinches, so dramatically, I believe for a good second that she will faint. Instead, she turns to me, staring deep into my soul with stark silver eyes. The alarmed expression painting her features is so real, I question whether or not I offended her in any way.

"Sorry," she mutters, looking down at her hands. "You gave me a fright. I'm Averi."

At the sound of her name, I remember Zariah telling me a little about her. Apparently, she has been a nervous wreck ever since she arrived, and rumour has it Malik only kept her here because he felt pity. That didn't seem like the type of thing for an Alpha to do...

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting," I suddenly hear from behind me. Instantly, I knew who that whimsical voice belonged to, without even having to turn around. None other than the Alpha himself. "I had some final details to sort through."


Averi and the other girl, from the Vengeance Pack, did nothing to greet him because Mareli took it upon herself to do it for them. She confidently stepped forward, flicking a lock of fiery red hair over her shoulder. Honestly, it suits her personality.

"Good morning Alpha, you look good this morning," she noted, nodding to his formal snow attire. In a way that didn't really come off as rude, but maybe a little irritated, Malik only smiled at Mareli, before directing his attention to our group

She isn't wrong about how good Malik looks today, however, my gaze catches on the necklace around his neck.

How am I going to get that from him?

Without Zariah and Brynn, I may have a better opportunity to push this mission into full gear. The sooner I can get this over with, the sooner I will be able to leave this competition for good.

"As you all are probably aware, due to what you are wearing, we will be braving the elements of the Love Pack. I hope you have all studied a little about the climate here, and how we are stuck in a perpetual winter. I know the majority of you are from Packs of warmer climates, so I decided that today would be a good introduction to the Pack you may be assisting me in leading."

Malik's little speal made Mareli's face twist. She comes from a stunning Pack of endless beaches and crystal water. It made sense that the snow might be a little intimidating, since I assume this will be her first time amidst it, aside from when she first arrived.

"So, to help those who are unfamiliar with this Pack, I have a current Love Pack member to give you all an inside look to what life is like here..." Malik said carefully.

All eyes found me.

He could have picked Macie for this...He could have picked Macie, the outgoing, confident speaker who would have given everyone a real look into how people lived her. How was I supposed to fully know, when I spent a lot of my teenage life locked away with a book in hand, and cookies baking in the oven.

However, I didn't dare admit that to everyone here. Instead, I straightened my back and smiled, matching the intensity of Malik's gaze as he regarded me. "It would be my pleasure."

Malik picked a part of the Love Pack I did happen to know. Very close to my own home, the quaint town square is filled with a variety of shops; for restaurants, to an average clothing and grocery stores. A fountain in the middle completes the entire look of the place. It's cold, frozen and stiff. However, it's the most popular place in my town.

"Why here," I mutter lowly to Malik, as I watch Mareli, and the Vengeance Pack girl-I was told was named Patience-approach the infamous fountain, that was capped with ice. It has run fresh in years. "Why this town of all places?"

Malik looks down at me, a slight smile gracing his features. "I found out it's your town."

"You want me to show your future Luna around?" I muse, nodding at the three girls who seemed fascinated by the fountain, covered in ice. I'm not sure, as I say that if I'm lying or not. All these girls could be contenders for my next Luna. Who knows...In the end, only Malik will, when he is left to decide.

"We'll see," he chuckled.

Mareli suggested we go shopping, but after I pointed out that the best way to see the town, was to actually walk around and see it. The only reason I got her to agree, was because, during our walk, she was all over Malik. We are not allowed to have any skin on skin contact, and Malik wore gloves and often longer sleeves to ensure the rules were kept to.

However, I know I saw Mareli blatantly touch his face at one point. I'm not mad since it's not like I haven't broken any rules. It just made me uncomfortable to watch, as I walked behind him, beside Patience. The same girl who likes she would rather be anywhere, but here right now. Especially seeing the way Mareli acts with Malik.

At least the girls seemed to enjoy the look of the Pack as we walk. How could they not?

Even Averi, who seemed to be rather shy and reserved, smiled more than I thought was possible for her, and I think I caught her kicking snow around like a child across the path.

When everyone had time to talk to Malik privately, and they started complaining about the cold, we headed back. I decided to take the time to talk to Malik as well. If I have any chance of getting the necklace off him, I need to find out more about it, or at the very least, more about why Malik has such a liking for it.

"Enjoying yourself?" he questions, as I skipped a few steps ahead to catch up to him. I'm not the first girl to do it, so it goes unnoticed.

I smile. "I used to walk this every day back when I went to school. There are other things in this world I'm interested in."

Malik chuckled. Really he had brought me along because I knew what I am talking about, yet I feel like he was trying to draw me away, to perhaps talk about what happened last night. I never had time to ask who it was the interrupted us, and why Malik seemed so wary of them, but I'm not about to with the other girls here. I have to talk to him when he is alone.

"Listen, about last night-"

I hold my hand up, cutting him off. "Tonight."

Looking down at me, he nods. "Okay, meet me in the library again. Tonight."





~Midika 💜🐼

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