《Alpha Malik (Published)✔️》Chapter Eleven




A snow drenched wind began at the same moment a rush of fear fell over me.

Someone is on the other side of that door, who might just dictate whether or not I'm going home or not. Malik seems to be suffering from the same alarmed affliction I am, but he smothers it in less than a second.

"Quick, can you hide?" he questions, pointing back down the balcony, to where the wall reached a sharp corner.

Without thinking twice, I quickly shuffle through the snow building on the edge of the balcony, dodging other benches and decorations hung off the wall. Frost bit at my arms like teeth, forcing me to cross my arms over my chest in an attempt to keep myself from going completely numb. I can't even see properly, with the lack of light that was slowly being swallowed up by the thick darkness.

Grabbing the corner of the brick wall with frigid fingers, as I swing around it, I quickly conceal myself from whoever Malik has let through the door.

"I heard voices," an unfamiliar voice said shrewdly. "What are you doing out here anyway? It's freezing out here..."

As the Alpha, Malik shouldn't have to answer to anyone. His power extends over even the former Luna and Alpha, despite their age on him. The only reason I can imagine him being so worried about finding me here is because of his parents. Did he respect them enough to stick to their beliefs toward the competition? Or was it something else, that none of us was to know about...?

"Just needed time to think. Alone," I heard Malik tell them.

They sounded like a woman, however, who it is, is unbeknownst to me. Her voice wraps between the whine of the steadily rising wind, carrying the familiarity away with the current.

There was more small talk, before the woman who was there, left, and Malik beckoned me to come back. A look of regret painted his face when I got closer, and I knew that conversation had some impact on. Whoever it was, their opinion meant something to him.

"You're going to catch a cold you if you stay out here any longer," Malik comments, looking directly at what I was wearing. Being not much, I agreed with him that we should probably get inside.

I wanted to let him know that I didn't take for granted the fact that he had been open with me, without even knowing me, but I couldn't get the words out.

He walked me back to my room, as cautiously as we had come. No one was out anyway, but we both made sure to keep our steps light when we walked past all the other girls' rooms. Each one of them slept peacefully, completely unaware of what I was doing behind the scenes, without even having to pursue it.


"Tomorrow, I'm sending five girls home," Malik whispered, as we stood outside my door.

My heart kind of skipped a beat at his words. What if he decided to send me home this early? Grey would surely do something drastic, but I'm hardly the kind of person to beg for my spot. I'll just act calm and hope for the best...

"Pick carefully," I tell him. "One of us could be the future Luna."

He sighed deeply, and I saw the weight of this entire thing pull his shoulders down slightly. Honestly, I would hate to be in his position, but at least he doesn't have to worry about me being one of his contenders. He just has to worry about my motive.

"The girls that are going home are the few I haven't connected with...The view that I don't think even want to be here," he tells me, his lips quirking up in a slight smile.

In a brazen move, I wasn't used to coming from me, I brushed a small amount of snow off Malik's shirt shoulder. Had anyone seen, there would have surely been anarchy, but right now, as we stand in the middle of a dark hallway, with not a single person around, I don't really care. And by the way Malik looks at me, I can tell he doesn't care either.

"Uh..." I mutter incoherently, snapping back into my proper senses. "I should probably go to sleep. Thank you, though, for showing me that view.

Opening my door from behind me, I take a single step back into the chilled room. Malik nods, that slight smile of his that I was beginning to get used to gracing his expression. It still amazed me that I had been treated too well, despite breaking the rules. I'm not complaining in any way, though.

"Goodnight, Aria," he says softly, and I jump at the use of my name. He figured it out.

Before I could say anything more, he walks off down the hallway, the darkness swooping him up with every step.



Brynn held my hand so tightly, I could see the colour drain from under my skin almost completely.

Why she was making such a big deal out of this, I don't know. She pointedly told both me and Zariah that she isn't worried about being sent home...Since it would mean her stealing something expensive from Malik's home. Perhaps I should have warned Malik last night, during our little meeting.

I'm just going to have to assume she was acting for the cameras.

Cecily, the former Luna of the Love Pack, and Alpha Malik's mother stood at the same podium that she introduced us on, dressed magnificently for the cameras. Malik looked solemn, as he stood beside her, looking down at his feet. Clearly, he feels bad about sending girls home, despite the nature I know he truly possesses.


I can hardly even begin to imagine a number of girls he had sent home after his night escapades with them.

"As we know, this is a competition, with only one possibly winner. That means that there has to be a few of you that must go home today. Alpha Malik has selected five of you, after yesterday's first impression meetings, that he did not feel any connection with," Cecily said, he voice bright and chirpy, despite the situation.

Zariah leant back in her seat further, not bothered all that much. I wish I was as nonchalant as she is. Malik and I may have gotten extra time with each other, but the consequence of being sent home if he quite frankly didn't like me, is much higher than theirs.

Cecily steps back, so malik could take her place centre stage. When I cast a glance left of him, I catch Elaine staring at me. I know for a fact she thinks I am going home. To her, Malik and I haven't yet met, which puts me on the bottom of his list of hopefuls. Little does she know, I'm actually the biggest rule breaker in this entire competition, and the Alpha himself knows it.

"I have selected these girls to be eliminated, due to personal reasons. I hope you can understand."

Malik doesn't have to explain himself. He knows it too, but at least he is being decent to all the girls who are currently holding their breaths. Some are here for love, others for the power, and others for the experience, like Zariah. And Brynn is just here for the entertainment, and a potential chance at claiming something worth more than all us girls put together.

I don't really fit in anywhere.

I watch as Malik clenches his jaw; ready to call out the names of the girls to be sent home, off the top of his head. Everyone on the other side of the camera lens could probably feel the tension in the room as much as we can.

"Crystal Jones, Devotion Pack," he announces, his gaze finding the girl who was going home. When I first see her, I don't remember her. Having kept to herself didn't get her anywhere.

Malik looks back at his feet. "Aleah Neil, Discipline Pack."

Another girl I didn't recognise from first glance. She just clenched her jaw and nodded as she accepted the fact that she hadn't made it past the first round of elimination. As a member of the Discipline Pack, she wasn't about to show anywhere here weakness.

"Skye Austin, Independence Pack."

She sat two seats down from me. Her face paled, as she closed her eyes for a second. For a moment, I am shocked that Malik has sent home such a naturally beautiful girl like her. She sung with radiance, and would have made a Luna that everyone would be proud of. Clearly, Malik just didn't see something in her, that he found necessary.

I watch Malik take another visibly deep breath. "Demi Lilz, Harmony Pack."

"And Siena Ryan, Harmony Pack."

There was a gasp, as we all realised Malik's decision. He had decided to knock both Harmony Pack members out of the competition straight away. One, who I recognised as Siena started crying, while the other rolled her eyes. This is a serious shock. Harmony pack members are brilliant people, who would make great Luna's.

However, there is no one here that would even consider questioning the Alphas logic.

Slowly, they all stood and were escorted out. Malik watched them all, a grim expression on his face. Only Siena cried; the rest not having built a strong enough bond yet. That was to come with the rest of us who hadn't been eliminated and are left to spend more time with him. I'm not worried about getting my heartbroken, though. I won't let that happen.

"I was so certain I was going home," Brynn whispered in my ear, finally letting go of my hand. I stretch my swollen fingers, wondering how I had managed to not lose my hand completely.

I'm surprised too, but I'm not about to admit that to her. Instead, I whisper back, "he must like you then..."

She shrugs, however, I see her cheeks tint slightly.

Malik smiles slightly when the girls had gone. He had stopped himself from acting optimistic while they were still here, respecting them in the only way he possibly could. As bad as I felt about them having to go home since I'm sure many of them were hoping to become the Luna, I had to be grateful for the fact that Malik hadn't kicked me out of the competition.

He also managed to keep Zariah and Brynn here, which I would have to tell him I am grateful for. Without them - my only friends that I have made in this place - this entire mission would be a lot harder to tolerate.

"Congratulations to you all," Malik said warmly, and almost everyone let out a sigh of relief. "You have made it to the next section of this competition. I hope that this means I will be able to get to know all of you, on a more personal level."

Looking down at my fingers knotted together, I know for a fact, that I might just be doing the same to him.



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Midika Crane



~Midika 💜🐼

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