《One night.》26.


Clutching onto her gown,she stared at her father a little and then cast her eyes "We are actually learning alot of things," She explained and he shrugs "Still not the answer to my question,"

"I took you to this school so that maybe someone will see you and fall in love with you,then start talking of marriage.All you do is learn while I didn't take you there to only do that." Yusrah closed her eyes trying to restrain back her tears "Baba,it is time,"

Everything is time.

"I know that better than you Yusrah," He gave a comeback sharply "Insha Allah, I will bring someone soon," She choked on her words.

"You can go,where is that your sister?" He asked when she stood up "She is inside,"

"Am here," Zarah smiled as she held her waist a little "Good morning," Baba smiled at her as she sat beside him "Hope you are having fun?" She nodded her head.

"Well we gotta go,we are late," Zarah dragged Yusrah as they went out "You cannot even get yourself a husband,ugh your bad," Zarah stated when they entered the car "A husband is not something I can buy,getting a husband is time,when time comes I will get married. I don't want to just get married Zarah,I want to be loved,cared for and respected,I want a peaceful and understanding marriage.You got married didn't you? Now look at you,you are divorced staying into your parents house,your ex husband is just putting lies into your ears and wasting your time,isn't he supposed to take you back? I didn't mean to rub it on your face, I just wanted you to know how it feels.Sometimes people need the thirst of their own medicine."

Zarah held the steering wheel tightly and Yusrah faced the road liking the way she talked to Zarah back in a soft and cool manner but making sure that her words stirs her heart.


"You won't understand anything,you have never been in love," Zarah muttered "I have. I love you guys,you all." Yusrah smiled.

"You don't know how it feels Zarah,you don't know how it feels," Yusrah shook her head with tears "Your hatred for me is making me weaker,every single second,"

"When Baba and Mama look at me like am the most disgusting girl ever, I feel myself going so low.Like the ground also doesn't want to carry such a low woman."

"I was very confident,I know I was. I loved every inch of myself, I still do,but not as much as before,you all ruined me more. I need your support,but you guys are adding more salt to my wound."

"I have no one except Yazeed." Yusrah didn't intend to break down,definitely not in-front of Zarah,but she did because she couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Ya Yusrah," Zarah whispered reaching for her hand but she took it away,Zarah halt at the side of the road "All my hidden tears which I hold back till I reach the bathroom,you don't know that,when I yearn for love,you also don't know,when I need someone to smile at me and pat my back for a while,you are busy adding more fire to my soul.You are supposed to be my support,as my sister but you were the villain of my story Zarah.Have you ever thought about it,what if it was you? Would I have still acted the same? Wouldn't I have trusted you? Had it been you,I would have been there for you Zarah. I was always their for you but you weren't there for me."

Zarah let her tears fall "You just hated me,what wrong did I do? I just accidentally slept with a guy I didn't know and ended up getting pregnant. I made a mistake,but do I really deserve this pain? No, I don't.Your husband left you for a while but you became miserable.My family left me! You all were close yet so far away, I took care of my pregnancy and constant cravings, I took care of Yazeed all alone after birth,isn't that enough? Why are you still trying to make me regret? I have regretted enough already."


Yusrah wiped her tears as she looked at her "Let's go."

"I know all we did was wrong but you need to accept that what you did ruined my life too.It also completely ruined me,you just never know.After all,you are too depressed to even care." Zarah spatted out as she started the car,for a moment,she felt like forgiving Yusrah but then after remembering the way all those things ruined her life too,she came back to her sense.

Yusrah regretted letting herself say what was on her mind,she have a lot on her plate already,she doesn't need more of Zarah's taunts.

After reaching,Yusrah felt her heart beating so hard,she felt like running away from everything and hiding forever.She had no other choice but to keep walking and act normal,even though she is trying so hard not to scream in exasperation.

The both of them walked inside the classroom and all eyes turned on them,she felt like she was naked without her niqab,the sole reason why she was wearing it is gone.She sat down on her sit and peaked at Yusuf who was looking at her,she let out a sigh feeling her heart beat increase.

Does he remember her? The girl who just walked up to him in tears and say "I have finally found you."

That totally was the stupidest thing she have ever done "Yusrah," By Allah,her heart stopped beating at that moment,everything just naturally froze,her eyes went large out of instinct and her breathing rate became rasp "Yes," She turned around to look at him and he was standing confidently with his hands inside his pocket,giving the I don't care demeanor.

"Come with me," The class piqued an interest in their conversation now because all of them turned to look at them,Yusrah nodded her head and stood up as she followed him,he led her to the garden and sat down while she stood there like a fool till he told her to also sit.

"You look like someone I once saw," He stated looking at the tree absentmindedly "I?" She tried playing fool "You are the damsel in distress." He stated "Am sorry, I actually thought you were someone that day," She fidgeted with her finger.

"No it is actually fine,but are you okay now?"

This question.

This question right here is what she have always yearned to hear.

"Yes,I am." But then it was asked by a person whom she cannot tell anything to.

"What about you sir?" She asked and he smiled "Am not." He paused "But I will be." He finished.

"Insha Allah,it will all be fine." She stated calmly as she smiled,Yusuf's heart shook,the peace he got after seeing her smile made something in his whole body strike.

"You will also find the person you are looking for,don't worry." He stated as he walked ahead of her.

"You are right in-front of me but yet so far away." Yusrah whispered to herself.

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