《One night.》24.



That was all she could boom with.

If someone would have told her that she will be friends with cuties but mean a month ago,she would have denied that person with strong points but now,here she is being their friend and enjoying it alot.

You never know someone until you try to.

They are mean but they are also nice,they have stopped bullying Farida,all they do is have fun,make noise in class,being mischievous to lecturers and walking around the school looking for a picture spot to snap nice pictures.Isn't that what university girls do?

Every teenager wants to have fun and often get carried away in the midst of having fun,that was the exact thing that happened to Yusrah,she got carried away.

Yusrah turned her attention to the lecture as she started jotting some points,she jokes around but she also never forget her limits,she listens to half of the lecture and half of what her friends are saying.

After the class they all stepped out "That guy seriously have a crush on you Yusrah,he have been looking at you all this while," Farida poked Yusrah who was sending a message to her father to inform him that she is done with her lectures.

"Well that is nice of him," Yusrah shrugged her shoulders "He like you,give him a chance," Quraish advised.

"I won't waste my time dating my mate girls,it won't end anywhere. I won't be in a relationship with someone who is not ready for marriage,am going to be eighteen next month, I don't have time to waste dating young boys," She stated her point looking around the school.

"You are no fun,you are the only one who is single among us," Latifa rolled her eyes "I enjoy being single,single life free life.No boyfriend no tension!" Yusrah exclaimed making them laugh.


"My sisters wedding is around the corner and she asked me to help her in bringing out her bridal shower wear,she wants it to be unique and all,I have 0 sense of fashion,so Yusrah and Latifa am handing this responsibility to you two." Yasmin voiced shaking her head and Yusrah smiled.

"Well me and Latifa are ready to help,right?"

"Right." Latifa squealed and Yusrah chuckled.

They all continued talking about stupid things until their drivers all came and Yusrah was left alone "Let's go,we can drop you," Farida voiced taking her hand and Yusrah shook her head "My father must be on his way," She took out her hand from Farida's grasp and she nodded her head mouthing a bye.

Well let's just agree with the fact that you need many friends in your life,apart from your click you need other friends too,even if they are just hello hi friends.At least when your click are not around you will have someone you know at least.

Yusrah let out a sigh as she continued pressing her phone till her father's call came through "Am here," She raised her head and found him staring at her direction,she stood up and walked to him as she hopped inside the car.

"Good day Baba," She mouthed putting her seatbelt and he nod his head smiling as he started the car.

"What is your take on beauty?" Her father asked after starting the car looking at the street.

Yusrah thought about it for a second before she started explaining her thoughts "I think it is a force of attraction which makes us like someone before knowing that person's personality,their is actually more to beauty but I think this is the most important." She stopped as she divert her eyes to him and he was nodding his head.


"You are right,did you know that beauty is a test from Allah?" Yusrah shook her head as no "This beauty you are seeing,is also a test from Allah,Allah tests us with beauty." She nods her head in understanding.

"The best kind of wife a man can get himself is a religious,beautiful,rich and hailing from a good family girl,"

"Don't let your beauty get you carried away,the beauty of the heart is what we all need,I want your heart to be so pure and beautiful. I want you to respect everyone,always be calm,try to control your anger,try to control your tongue,be empathetic,help the needy and many more things,"

Yusrah mouthed insha Allah and smiled.

"Every man wants a beautiful lady,indeed Allah created us in the best form.We were created by Allah so Ofcourse all of us are beautiful,you cannot compare your beauty to some else's because we are all different.Guys like beautiful girls and that is where the test of beauty comes from,some guys are dangerous especially in this generation so you should be careful who you talk to Yusrah,"

"If you like a guy and he likes you back then you can inform me or your mother,we will see how it goes okay?"

She nodded her head shyly.

"You are my oldest daughter,I want you to teach your siblings good things,maturity begins at home so everything you do is what your siblings will follow. I want you to always do good." She nodded her head.

"In this life we need to be patient,patience is a virtue which only the true believers possess."

The car came to a halt and he patted her head before they hopped off.

The rest of the day was well spent in trying to renovate herself,scolding herself for doing somethings and deciding to start somethings which are good.

The night came in a blur,Yusrah changed into her pajamas as she started scrolling through her phone "You are always pressing your phone," Zarah whined and Yusrah stick out her tongue to her.

"I will reduce but not today, I have a very important meeting today," She joked and Zarah rolled her eyes "Well good night,"

Yusrah entered whatsapp to start discussing on Yasmin's sister's gown with Latifa.

Latifa:I think we first need to choose a unique color for her.

Yusrah:Yes,how about onion purple?

Latifa:I think people are actually using it alot now adays.

Yusrah:Yeah right.

Yusrah:How about dark brown,I have never seem a bride wearing it.

Latifa:I have seen,but not much so we can go for it.

Yusrah:I think fitted gowns are too common now so she should have an open one.

Latifa:Yes,an open one which should be beautifully styled then she can put a pair of nice heels.

Latifa:But wait,her head tie,heals and clutch should be what color? We need a bright color for this.

Yusrah:It goes with golden,the sparkly one.

Latifa:Yeah,so now what next?

Yusrah:The style of the gown.

Yusrah turned when the door creaked open and she found mama standing there "Mama?" She questioned sitting up.

"What time is it?" She asked and Yusrah checked.

"12:30am," Yusrah replied not believing it herself.

"And you are still awake," Mama raised her eyebrow.

"I was just...."

"Give me your phone,"


"Mama am so sorry" Yusrah was just out of words,mama grasped the phone and went away not before mouthing.

"Am seizing your phone,I'd advice you to forget it even exists!"

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