《One night.》23.


After ironing her hijab,Yusrah quickly shove it on her body as she put her niqab,putting this niqab was her only option,she cannot let him recognize her.He shouldn't recognize her as the girl who crazily came to him in tears saying that she have finally found him.

She cannot let Bilal recognize her too,he disgraced her in the restaurant,called her a prostitute so she doesn't want to face that excuse of a man.

"Come out,we are going to be late damn it!" Yusrah shook her head as she walked out and met Zarah standing by the car eyeing her "Let's go," She mouthed hopping into the car and they zoomed off.Zarah have learned how to drive during her university days so she drives them to diploma class everyday.

The car ride was silent and Yusrah got lost in thoughts,her normal day to day thoughts about pain and all but today it got different.Her thoughts diverted to Yusuf,all the girls in that small class room of theirs are crushing on him,had she been normal she would have done that too,he is so charming in everything he does,from his dressing sense which reaches the end of simplicity to the aura he use to talk,the way he chuckles,the way he laugh,the way he frowns when he is on his desk checking something,she doesn't want to admit it but she waits for closing hours everyday so that Zarah will be busy talking to Kabir and she will steal glances at Yusuf in peace without being caught.

What is irking her the most is the way he gets lost in thoughts,he will be doing something but his mind will be somewhere else,he blanks out alot.It looks like he is used to it because he doesn't even realize it but she did,the other day when she had a slip of tongue and told him something which was running on her mind,he amazed her by giving her a very good reply.For the first time she met someone who is also in the same situation as hers,who understands her pain because he knows how it feels.


"Come out already!" Zarah shouted and she jumped out "Don't ever shout at me like that," Yusrah warned,she can take disrespect and be quite sometimes but she cannot let her little sister add to her pain every day "What could you possibly do if I don't?" Zarah challenged and Yusrah sweetly smiled "Simple,I will meet Baba, I will tell him that you meet your ex husband here every single day.He won't take it lightly,me and you both know that," Zarah shuddered and Yusrah smiled at her as she passed her.

They entered the class and her eyes went straight to Yusuf's desk,he was pressing his phone deeply into what he was doing,she sat down on her seat and smiled at Jamila who was her neighbor "Hello," Yusrah waved and Jamila smiled at her "Mr Yusuf is looking so handsome today," Jamila stated dreamily looking at Yusuf and Yusrah chuckled.

"Am going to his desk,it is just like he doesn't notice me at all," She stood up before Yusrah could stop her and went over to his desk.

"Good morning sir," She smiled and he smiled back at her "I actually have some set of questions," She gave him her book "I love that,you are being serious,keep it up." She nodded her head blushing and Yusuf collect the book.

"I will answer the question later with the whole class," He smiled but Jamila's face paled "Okay sir," Since she is acting the role of a nice girl to him then she have to accept this.

"Um Yusrah," He called and her heart thumped loudly as she turned to look at him "Sir?" She stood up as she walked to his desk,he handed her papers "Distribute it to everyone," He could have asked someone to do it,more like a guy.

Yusuf being Yusuf,he wanted to see Yusrah going around the class distributing papers,the little things matter and he will do that for her.He will give her importance and appreciate her,he will give her everything he never had.


She finished distributing the papers and he mouthed a thank you so much to her which made her smile broadly at him through her niqab.

The class started and after greetings Yusuf started with his main point "Bilal," He called and he looked at him.

Yusrah's heart thumped at the mention of Bilal "A Paper was given to you right?" Bilal nodded his head.

"What do you think it is for?"

"It is our work after the class," He sounded unsure and Yusuf smiled nodding his head "Now let's start," He started.

Yusrah started feeling an intruding cough trying to come out but she held it in,the last thing she wants is for everyone's attention to be on her because she coughed out loud.

Well luck wasn't on her side because she coughed.


And again.

And a series of sorry's passed by her "Jamila their is a water bottle on my table,give it to her," Yusuf instructed "I will go and print something out in the cafe," Yusuf stumbled out.

Jamila eyed Yusrah,she was suspecting that she was his favorite but it just got proven,now he wants to even share his precious water bottle with her.

"No, I won't allow that," Jamila mouthed to herself as she carried the water bottle,Yusrah passed her hand trying to collect the water bottle but Jamila had another plan,she faked stumbling with a wire and poured all the water that was inside the water bottle on Yusrah's niqab.

"Oh God! Am so sorry Yusrah," She faked being surprised as she lounge forward and removed Yusrah's niqab.

"It is all wet," She mouthed going out to maybe dry it but Yusrah was internally going crazy.

What on earth is she going to do?

Bilal and Yusuf are going to recognize her.

She is doomed.

"So she is this beautiful," She heard whispers.

"I thought she was ugly," Another whispered.

"I have always wanted to see her face but I think it is worth it,"

Yusrah blocked them all away as she fidgeted with her finger.

"Yusrah?" It was Bilal and she had to close her eyes to calm herself down.

"Yes," She smiled forcefully and he looked taken aback "So it was you?"

"Yes," She gritted her teeth.

The door burst open and Yusuf entered,Yusrah's heart thumped loudly as she gulp down her saliva,she was visibly shaking but she doesn't care.

"Why is the class noisy?" He questioned keeping the photocopies on his desk as he went back to the front of the class.

"Actually,Jamila poured water on Yusrah's niqab so she removed it for her,it is our first time seeing her face,so the noise." Hamis replied and Zarah rolled her eyes.

"They are acting as if they have seen an angel," She scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Yusrah I hope you are fin-," His words got stuck in his mouth as he came face to face with her,her eyes were casted down and she was trying to stay still,if she follows her mind then she is definitely running out of the class room which is not a good idea.

Yusuf looked at the familiar face and shoot!

"Damsel in distress?!"

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