《One night.》4.


All the tears she have been throwing back kept creeping down her face,she didn't care about the people that were looking at her weirdly,she already have many things on her plate,so people are the least of her concern.

Her father will definitely make everything worser than it is when she tells him that it didn't work out with this one too.

She felt the tears pouring down her eyes as she painfully held her heart which was aching "He was right in front of me but I couldn't do anything about it,why?,because whatever I do or say he still won't recognize me." Her tears were intensifying as she reached in front of their house "I cannot believe that I was once loved in this house." She said letting out a sad chuckle as she entered the house.

The parlor was vacant so she decided to first go and check on Yazeed before she waits for her father's summon,she entered the room only to find Yazeed shaking as he cry and Abidah was patting his back soothingly.

She walked fast to where he was sitting as she carried him "Yazeed what is wrong?" She asked wiping his tears and he hugged her tightly keeping quite as he sobbed "Abidah what happened to him?" She asked and Abidah just sigh softly "He went out to play and broke one of Hajiya's vases so she beat him." She softly smiled at Abidah "Thank you for taking care of him for me Abidah,am really grateful." Abidah nod her head and went out of the room.

Yusrah affectionately smiled at Yazeed as she made him face her "You see you shouldn't touch people's things." Yazeed nod his head before he replied "I went out to play and then I saw Mama giving sweet to children outside and she didn't give me so I asked her to give me and she threw the vase on me,then she said that I broke it for her,Ummi I swear I didn't even go close to the vase talk less of breaking it for her." She sigh painfully but hid the pain from him "Mama is my mother so she is just trying to discipline you." He quickly shook his head.


"She hates me." He voiced out and Yusrah felt tears roll down but she was quick at clearing them "No she doesn't,in-fact she loves you so much,that is why she gave me this sweets to give you." She replied smiling as she scramble the contents of her bag to find the sweets she bought for him "And she also apologize for beating you." Yusrah hand him the sweet and he jumped up happily "I love Mama she is so sweet like this sweet." And Yusrah couldn't help but laugh genuinely.

She stood up and made her way to the toilet then turn around to look at him "Don't go out." She instructed and he nod his head without even looking at her,she entered the toilet and let the tears roll down,she made a mistake but that doesn't mean her son should also pay for it,She is the one who made the mistake then why is her son also suffering?,he is just a small boy who came into this world and now he is already facing a-lot of hatred from everyone,she is tired of all the pain that she is going through and that was the main reason why she wanted to get married,but luck is not on her side because nobody is ready to marry a lady who gave birth before getting married.

She cried and cried till she felt her eyes getting heavy and her head was pounding loudly and she just had to give herself a break,the pain was unbearable to her and what is making it surge into her mind more is because she doesn't have anyone to talk to.

She finally got out of the bathroom and she found her mother by the door "Mama come in." She quickly said politely and her mother just eyed the room "No,come out your father is looking for you." She said and stormed away "Be a good boy before I come back." She said smiling a little "Okay."


With each step she took her heartbeat was increasing and she feels as if it is going to jump out from her chest,fear was squeezing her whole body but she tried to maintain her composure.

She walked inside her father's parlor and felt like running back to her room,she sat down on the floor after her salam and her father took nearly 10 minutes before he glanced at her "How did it go?" She could feel that everything is going to get heated but she still opened her mouth and voiced it out "It went well until after ......" Her father didn't let her finish when he chirped in "After what?" He said dilating his eyes a little "I told him that I have a son and I have never been married." She replied and she started crying even before he started yelling at her.

He huffed loudly then hissed "That illegitimate child of yours is causing all this trouble." She knew that this will be the outcome,it has always been! "Baba please stop calling him that." She begged as she let her tears flow.

She made a mistake but she shouldn't be reminded of it at every second of her life.

"Tell me who the father of that son of yours is." Her father thundered with red eyes and she just looked at him weakly feeling like she was going to faint because she is way too weak for all these right now "Who is the father of your son Yusrah?" Her whole body was trembling due to her fear and tears were blurring her view.

She stubbornly wiped her tears "I don't know." She replied and her father growled as he stepped closer to her and she moved back out of fear and he inched closer,before she could realize the intensity of the moment a hot slap have landed on her right cheeks and she went numb.

Her father slapped her again and landed many smacks on her shoulder then he slumped on the chair "I hate the fact that I still love you." She stilled for a moment because in her whole life of thought she have never imagined hearing those words from her father's mouth ever again "I still consider you as my favorite even after you tarnished my image,you have put me in alot of pain but every-time it is you,Yusrah!, I feel guilty when am passing your room and I hear your sobs,Yusrah why did you do this?" Yusrah smiled with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Am so sorry Baba, I swear it wasn't intentional." She said crying as she tried holding his hands "Get out of my sight!" She stumbled back yet again feeling bad that her father is still the same.

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