《One night.》3.


Calls after calls and she felt like closing her ears and shutting all her siblings up.

She was already so annoyed that Mama scolded her for not getting ready early and now those siblings of her are adding more annoyance to her already annoyed self "Ya Yusrah." She heard Farida her youngest sister's voice and she stomped her feet childishly feeling so annoyed that tears are really going to fall down out of annoyance.

She walked to the room and held her waist "What is it again Farida?" She asked her ten years old sister who sat down innocently looking at Zarah get ready "Nothing I just felt like calling your name." She replied and Zarah started laughing which made Farida join also "You two know that am not your mate right?" She raised an eyebrow and both of them nodded their heads "If anyone tries that nonsense with me again, I swear I will not take it lightly,so apologize!" She bossily said and both of them muttered "Sorry Ya Yusrah." at the same time and she turned to leave when Zarah called her.

She sat down as she raised her eyebrow "Whatever it is you should be quick." Zarah just chuckled a little before she started "First of all let go of that bossy face ,it doesn't fit you." And Yusrah eyed her making her laugh "And secondly I really need to tell you the truth,you know the truth is bitter but with a really heavy heart I have to tell you that you have a very,like extremely bad sense of humor." Zarah said trying to stifle her laughter and Yusrah eyed her before she stood up and carried a pillow only to throw it on Zarah's face,Zarah quickly ran out of the room and Yusrah ran after her.


She bumped into her mother after running all around the house but she was still un successful in catching Zarah "Sorry Mama." She mouthed and her mother just scanned her "You are still not ready and why are you running around the house?" Her mother asked raising an eyebrow "I want to catch Zarah that girl said that I have a bad sense of humor." She said rolling her eyes as she panted.

Her mother laughed a little totally agreeing with Zarah "Well let her be,for now you should go and get ready, you can deal with her later." Her mother calmly instructed and she nod her head before she started walking to her room.

She was about to enter her room when she heard her mother's voice "Zarah was right though." Yusrah huffed "I heard that Mama." She shouted and she heard a faint laughter of her mother "I said it so that you will hear Yusrah."

She got ready as fast as she could before she ran to her two brothers room to check on them,they are five Zarah is the second born and she is 16 then Usman who is 15 and then Kamal who is 14 then Farida the youngest of all who is 10.

She knocked on the door before she opened it and stepped in "Thank God you guys are ready,let's get going then,am sure Baba have been waiting for us since." She said and both of them nod their head and followed her "Zarah and Farida you girls should come out." She shouted and she saw them coming out.

"Zarah come here." She instructed because she was trying to dodge her "Ya Yusrah please don't slap me or knock my head." Zarah pleaded as she came closer "I won't do that." Yusrah said dragging her closer to her.


They reached the car and hopped in,Yusrah sat in the front sit because everyone knows that it is her main spot,she loves sitting in the front sit and hates it when someone occupies it for her.

Her father looked at all of them before he complimented "My girls are looking beautiful and my guys are looking handsome." He said smilimg and all of them chorused a happy " Thank you".

Her father is adamant on refusing to have a driver so he is the one who drives them to wherever they go and when he is not around,then he will send one of his brothers to be taking them everywhere,he doesn't allow them to climb Napep or let a stranger drive them.

They were passing when Yusrah saw their maid Abidah walking to her house "Baba it is Abidah let's pick her up after all her house is close to Timah's." Yusrah reasoned and her father reversed a little then park the car.

Yusrah popped her head out of the window "Abidah come inside we will drop you off." Abida smiled thankfully and entered the car.

Abida is their maid,she had been in their house since when her mother was a bride and that is the real reason why her mother doesn't want to change a maid, because they are all used to Abidah and to top things Abida is a really obedient and honest person,she is married with two kids.

They dropped Abida and bid her adieu "Thank you so much,we will meet tomorrow Insha Allah."

"Behave yourselves,don't give Aunty Sadiyya headache okay?,Yusrah and Zarah take care of your sibling." Their father instructed and they both nod their head.

Aunty Sadiyya is their mother's older sister and she have 3 childrens Fatima who is Yusrah's mate then Hamza who is 14 and then Aliyah who is 11.

They spent the rest of the day having lots of fun in their favorite Aunty's house.


After going back home they prayed isha then took their bath and changed into their sleeping gown,they have already taken their dinner so they just needed some rest.

Yusrah was summoned to the parlor,she grudgingly walked to the parlor with a frown etched on her face "Yusrah,you will surely love this surprise," Her mother assured and she instantly got excited.

"Tell me about it mama,please," Her mother shook her head laughing "Your father will kill me if I tell you," Minute by minute her excitement kept increasing even though she doesn't know what it is but she have a feeling that it is a smart phone.

"Allah amin." She prayed as her came in.

"My lovely daughter," He voiced as he bought out a smart phone and shoved it to her.

"Ahhhh! Smart phone!" She shouted running towards her father.

Those days were the best days of her life,days full of happiness and love.

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