《Sold To Be His》||6.||


•||Ch6: Far Away From Him||•

||Izzah POV||

The sun rose with the new rays which told everyone that the new things were going to come in their way, it could either be good or bad but everyone had to be ready. Everyone was maybe ready to embrace it but I wasn't because I knew what was coming my way.

Last night was a nightmare for me - a nightmare with which I had to live forever. My eyes were swallowed from last night because of the tears which I shredded last night.

Did dad seriously sell me to this monster? It was the only question I have been thinking since last night. The dreams of someone I would love dearly and someone also loved me back were shattered last night when I signed on the papers. I would never have someone to love me and to protect me like I dreamt.

This wasn't how I dreamt to marry someone. This wasn't how I wanted to end up. Marrying some poor man would be better than this monster but luck wasn't on my side. I felt myself slowly drowning in the darkness of depression and anxiety.

My eyes snapped to the door when it made the jiggle sound. My heart beat in fear and I watched in horror as it opened slowly with a sound. It felt like my life suddenly became a script of a kidnapping movie.

That monster was revealed when the door opened completely. He quickly closed it behind him and locked it. He approached me slowly with his dangerous steps and put a tray in front of me which I didn't notice.

"If you don't eat then I will make you eat," He warned me, coldly with glare.

I looked at the tray which made my stomach growl - not loud enough for him to hear but since it was completely silence around us, he definitely heard it. I wanted to eat so badly but didn't know if he had added something in it or not. What if he added any kind of drugs to take advantage of me? This thought made me break into sweat and fear more for my life, dignity and innocence.

"I may not be a good man but I never fell that low to take advantage of a woman," It was like he had read my mind as he answered in his cold and dark voice.

Slowly, I picked the toast with my trembling hands and ate it with egg. He sat on the sofa calmly in front of the bed like he never kidnapped me or made me sign a contract last night. His presence was making me nervous but I didn't let him see it. I was going to be brave enough to fight back for myself.


Once I finished eating, the door of the room opened again and a woman in her late thirties entered with few shopping bags. Her head was down the whole time as she placed the bags on the bed and picked the tray before walking out of the room, leaving me alone with this monster. He stood up and walked towards me.

I held my breath when he bent down to look at me in my eyes and brushed my hair behind my ear. I quickly pushed him away but his actions were quicker than mine. He quickly grabbed my hands and held my chin with his other hand firmly and glared at me more coldly than before with anger in his eyes.

"Don't try to push me away. Ever!" His voice was so sharp and dangerously cold.

He was giving dangerous vibes which could make everyone tremble in fear. I was so closed to nod my head but quickly snapped out of his dangerous illusion and freed my chin and hands from him by pulling them back. I rubbed my chin and glared at him who looked into the bags.

"Big fool!" I mumbled under my breath but of course my luck, he heard it.

"Call me whatever you want behind close doors but never try to disrespect me in front of anyone otherwise...," He left the sentence hanging with a warning in his voice.

I gulped because I knew he was capable of many things and could do anything to me. He pulled a box out of one of the bags and handed it to me.

"Go, wash your face and change into it," He ordered me pointing at the door.

I didn't do as he said and kept sitting, disobediently. Who he thought of himself! I would not do as he pleased because he snatched my freedom from me. I didn't see him when he stood in front of me and wrapped his arm around me and held the hem of my shirt, suddenly.

"Ah! Wh- stop! Please, I will do it!" I screamed, frightenedly.

I stood up reluctantly and followed his order with my hands trembling and my heart beating fast. I wanted to put up a fight with him but I couldn't because I held no power in front of him and he could do anything to me.

• • •

I was sitting in the big living hall, in a very beautiful dress and bare face, no makeup. That monster whose name I didn't know was standing in front of me. Soon a woman entered, she was the same who put shopping bags in the room. She had a box in her hands, actually it was a beauty box.


I so wanted to protest against it because I wanted to disobey him so badly but one evilly dangerous warning look from him was enough to shut me. That woman did my makeup while he was sitting on the couch across me with dangerous vibes around him, just like Zayaan.


Oh my!

I wanted to facepalm myself when I remembered him. A new hope was making its way in my mind and I quickly thought of a way to contact him. When that lady was done, she looked at me with a huge smile on her face and sparkling eyes. She picked the beauty box and went away, leaving me alone with this monster again.


My eyes quickly moved towards the owner of the voice and made my heart beat with joy. I quickly stood up and wrapped my arms around her.

"Giddy feelings? Eh?" She teased me which made me hug her tightly and pressed my lips together to stop myself from crying while that monster was warning me with his evil eyes.

His eyes were warning me, clearly to not do anything recklessly which made things difficult and dangerous.

"I am gonna miss you soooooooo much!" She whispered and kissed on my cheek before pulling away from the hug.

She looked at me with a smile then turned to look at the monster before grabbing my hand.

"Brother-in-law, everything is ready," She told him, excitedly.

Brother-in-law? More like a monster-in-law.

He nodded his head firmly before walking out of the living hall. I was left alone with Innaya which made me quickly jump in action to run away from him.

"Innaya, we have to run. Away. Far away from here. From him! We need to call Zayaan for help," I told her, quickly and pulled her with me and looked for any safe exit.

While I was hysterically looking for exit when, suddenly, she stopped me and forced me to sit on the sofa.

"Izzah, stop it. You are ruining your dress and make up," She scolded me.

I quickly grabbed her hands and looked at her with tearful eyes, helplessly.

"Innaya, please save me! I don't want to bound to him. Please. He is a very dangerous man," I requested her.

She quickly kneeled in front of me and held my hands tightly in her hands.

"Izzy, he is not that bad kind of person. Plus, dad selected him for you. Dad told me how scared you are about this marriage. Don't be that scared because you need a man like him who can protect you after dad," She told me, calmly.

"No, Innaya. I never need a man like him because he bought me from dad," My voice shook and trembled and tears fell from my eyes.

She froze and stared at me with wide eyes after I spoke. She was in a daze for a few seconds before shaking her head in disbelief.

"What do you mean? Bought you?" She asked me in disbelief.

"I caught him in his office with a briefcase full of money. Remember I told you about it once then right after two days later he sold me," I answered her.

"I think I need to talk to dad before anything bad happens to you," She mumbled to herself in daze.

But before she stood up, dad entered the living hall with a man around his age who looked like an older version of monster, a man around that monster's age and an old man with white beard and white turban on his head.

Innaya quickly stood up and went to dad with a serious expression. She pulled dad to the side and whispered something angrily to him. The man with white beard and turban was asking me something but my eyes were glued on dad who ignored Innaya and was glaring at me. His eyes were turning dark, telling me to be a good girl and not to do anything.

Innaya looked back and forth between dad and I helplessly and with red eyes. She tried to step forward but dad stopped her when I was asked again. My lips were sealed and quivering and my ears were numbed unable to hear anything properly.

Innaya mouthed sorry to me and looked away because I knew her that she didn't want to witness her sister helpless.

"Do you accept it?"

"Yes.." I whispered without hearing the question properly.

My head felt heavy and my breath picked up. Black dots appeared in front of my eyes and before I knew I slipped into darkness from where I wished not to ever wake up again.

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