《Sold To Be His》||5.||


I stirred and moved my hands slowly feeling soft fluffy surface under my hands. I opened my eyes slowly and blinked few times before I focused on the unfamiliar ceiling clearly and sat up with a confused frown on my face. I tried to remember how I ended up here but hit with a wave of strong headache and a groan escaped from my lips.

I put my hands on my forehead and massaged it before trying to remember everything again. Slowly everything came back to me and cold sweats were forming on my forehead and the back of my neck. Accidentally, I touched the injury on my forehead which I got from the accident two weeks before, and hissed in pain.

The door of the room opened and the same man who kidnapped me entered in the room. He looked so dangerous and dominating which made me feel scared of him. He stared at me and took intimidating steps towards me with breaking eye contact. I felt shiver under his stare and nervous. I almost forgot how to breath and blink because of him. It was like he had some kind of effect on me which made me to forget everything.

How unbelievable!

I didn't know it was possible for someone to have these types of effect on someone like he had on me but now I was believing it. I didn't even notice when he stood in front of me and held my chin to make me look up at him. His gentle but firm grip was making my heart unstable. Not only from fear but from something else too.

I wished so badly that it was a dream and nothing was true because everything that happened to me was impossible, it was like an illusion and these types of effects and things only exist in novels. I hoped I woke up soon from this dream and laughed while remembering it.

"We don't have much time but you need to change your bandage first," His soft and rough voice jolted me and made me realize that it was indeed a reality.

I threw all the thoughts back in my mind and pushed his hand away from my chin and moved away from him. His eyes turned dark with anger and fury in them and he was so close to lose his anger but he clenched his fists and jaw. If the fire of anger in his eyes could burn me then I would have burnt by now.

"Don't touch me," I gritted, angrily and coldly.


He narrowed his blazing eyes at me but didn't say anything to me. He turned around and opened a drawer and pulled out first aid kit. I watched his every move carefully and slowly got up from the bed. He was fast enough to stop me by grabbing my wrist tightly and turned back to me.

"Leave my wrist," I told him, angrily and pushed him away from my other hand but he didn't budge and grabbed my other hand too.

"Don't move," He ordered me in his rough voice which sent shivers in my body.

He held my hands behind me with his one hand and made me still with his fury eyes. He removed bandage from my forehead with his other hand and cleaned it. I winced in pain and pressed my lips together to stop the whimper. I tried to read him while he changed my bandage but it was impossible because his face had no emotion on it.

Once he was done, he released my hands slowly and looked back in my eyes. I rubbed my wrists and glared at him. I wanted to escape his intimidate stares and wanted to go back to my house.


The glare converted into a frown when I heard dad's voice and quickly looked at the door. Without wasting my time, I ran to him and hugged him.

"Dad, please take me back home," I cried in his arms.

I felt him tense and felt the hot stares of my kidnapper who was standing behind me. Dad pulled his arms back which made me look up at him. I wiped my tears and noticed the hesitation and helplessness in his eyes.

"I can't..," He told me, helplessly and stepped back.

I stared at him confusion and felt myself numb. More eyes fell from my eyes on the floor and only thing I heard was my uneven breath and heartbeat.

He can't leave me there.

"This your home now," My kidnapper behind me said.

I felt like he was mocking me and rubbing it on my face that my father was not helping me. I turned around sharply and glared at him but it didn't effect him.

"I am sorry, Izzah. But you have to live with him and listen to him," Dad whispered and before I turned around to look at him, he walked out of the room and the door closed with a sound like it was locked.

I panicked and quickly rushed to the door. I tried to open it but it was locked.


"Dad! Dad! Please, Dad! Don't leave me! Dad!" I knocked on the door and banged my hand on it while screaming but he didn't come.

"Dad!" I whispered, brokenly and weakly and slipped against the door with my fist banging on it weakly.

I heard him walking towards me and stood behind me but I didn't turn to look at him. I continued to crying quietly for dad to come but it was useless.

"Stop crying before I made you," He warned me, harshly and grabbed me from my arm roughly.

He made me stand in front of him roughly and pressed me against the door painfully. I breathed heavily and looked at him with wide tearful eyes. I was hundred percent sure my eyes were showing him the fear which I felt from him.

"Please let me go," I pleaded him in a whisper, brokenly and sobbed.

He clenched his jaw and narrowed his dark intimidate eyes at me. He stepped back and pulled me with him harshly and shoved me on the bed. I fell on it with a loud whimper and looked back at him with frightened face. If I tried to fight him, he would kill me with his strong rough hands in a second. I tried to move away from him but I lost my balance and fell back on the bed.

I felt myself shaking and lips quivered as I watched him opening a drawer and pulled out few papers with a before turning back to me with a look that made me tremble in fear.

"Sign this. If not then I'll not hesitate to kill everyone you love," He threatened me and threw the papers on my lap with the pen.

I picked the papers with my trembling hands and read them. It stated that – I, Izzah Bajwa, accept Daniel Qureshi as my husband and promise to spend rest of my life with him and will ask for divorce. Daniel Qureshi owns my life and I will do as he says without any say in it. He has every right on me but I will never ask for my rights on him and if I try to break this contract, he has rights to make sure no hospital give me job and locks me in his house forever.

There was more things written in it and all of it was making me angry at him.


I was mentally cursing at him and glared at him angrily. Who he thought he was to make me sign this kind of shit? Before I opened my mouth to fight him, he pulled his pistol out of his blazer and loaded it. I looked at it with wide eyes and felt myself breathing heavily. I felt the wave of dizziness hitting me but I held myself together. I didn't want to show him my fear but the pistol in his hand was scaring me.

"I don't make empty threats. Sign it before I call my man to bring your sister here so I can kill her in front of you," He told me, darkly.

His dark voice sent chills in my body which made my heart to skip a beat.

Innaya! No! I can't do this to her. He can't do anything to her or touch a single hair on her.

I felt tears in my eyes as I looked down at the papers with the pen in my hand. I felt my trembling self numb and I couldn't move my hand to sign on the papers.

"I don't have time," He said, angrily before I heard the sound of the phone unlocking.

I quickly looked at him and saw him tapping on the phone before he pressed it to his ear. One side of his lips curled up in a dark and dangerous smirk and I heard the voice speaking from other side.

"Bring that girl," He ordered with an evil smirk which made me scared.

"Stop – I.. I'll sign," I told him, quickly before he ended the call.

"Forget it. Don't bring her," He said with the same evil smirk on his face.

I wanted to wipe that smirk from his face but I was defenceless against him. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply before opening my eyes and signing on the papers quickly. My hands trembled while holding the pen and tears fell on the papers. He pulled the from me once I signed on them and chuckled darkly at my defeating self.

"You are lawfully my wife but tomorrow I will make you my wife completely," He told me, coldly and I felt him slowly moving away from me to the door.

"He sold me to you, didn't he?" I asked him whatever was running in my mind and felt myself lost and empty.

"Maybe yes," He didn't deny.

With the small answer, he opened the door and walked out of the room. The sound of the door locked again echoed in the room and, suddenly, the heavy layer of silence draped in the room, leaving me to feel scared of this loneliness.

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