《Sold To Be His》||3.||


•||Ch3: Attack With Million Thoughts||•

||Izzah POV||

Almost, one and half week had passed of my brother death and everyone was trying to accept the fact of Taha not being a part of us anymore. My brother may not be with us physically but he was always in my heart.

I was cleaning Taha's room and taking all his clothes out his closet to distribute them among needy people. I went through his drawer and saw some a journal. I took a sharp breath and took it out of the drawer. I ran my fingers on his journal and opened it with shaking hands.

The first page had a big heart sketch and inside the heart was Innaya's sketch. I took an sharp breath and opened the first page then second and then last page when I saw Innaya's name everywhere. The last page had a date written on it. It was the date of a day before he left for education in another city.

I was closing it because I didn't want to read what my brother had gone through. I just accepted his death but if I read it then I didn't would I handle myself or not. Just as I closed it, my eyes caught a name of dad. After debating myself, I slowly read it and tried to hold myself.

Today the weather is so clear and kinda romantic for couples. Outside everything is fine and is enjoying today's weather but no one knows what is happening inside. No one knows what is happening inside the walls of heart. Specially in my heart. My heart should be stable and dancing after seeing the weather but one glance of her dancing and enjoying the weather is making me unstable. The meeting of our eyes make me unstable and my heart beats unevenly. When I try to catch my heart, everything goes to West or South.

Today an unexpected thing happened. Today I lost her forever because I was informed that I am not good enough for her.

Everything was ready for her but two words from dad makes my whole life upside down.

Forget her!

I asked him reasons what he didn't tell me and keep saying forget her. How is it possible to forget the person who takes the control of your heart?

I was going to fight dad for her but then he said,

You are not good enough for her!

She can never be yours.

And you are not for her.

Am I that worthless for her?

From day one, dad makes sure I don't attach to her but how can I anyone controls someone life?

Yesterday night like always I went to her room to see if she is sleeping or not but dad saw me and stopped me. Last night, he told me to move away from this house, from Innaya's eyes and from Innaya's life.

I wish someone is there to stop me or beg me to not move away but there is no one. And I don't need that someone because I need one person to stop me who will never stop me.


Because I am not worth for her!

A broken man from an unknown love story which have no start and no end,


I looked at the journal in disbelief because I didn't know dad knew about it and stopped my brother. I closed it and put it aside. I held my head on my hands and stared at the journal.


I wiped my unknown tears and took the journal to my room and hid it in my closet. I went to dad's room but he wasn't there. I checked everywhere, his office, library, kitchen, and in lawn but he was not anywhere.

"Do you know where is dad?" I asked the cook who was cooking in the kitchen.

"He went to court," He informed me.

I nodded my head and went to my room. Dad was a judge in high court and was well known respected man. Never in his life, he ever made a wrong decision because he always supported just but now I was doubting all this. I didn't know why but what he did with Taha was making me doubting him.

I threw myself on the bed with a sigh and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I was feeling alone and lonely. I couldn't go to Innaya because she was working on a case and was also not at home.

I sighed and quickly opened my eyes when I saw someone entering in the house. I heard many sounds and noises in the house which made me frown. I quickly sat up and looked at the clock.

I didn't know I closed my eyes for an hour. I heard the noises of things throwing here and there which made me still. I inhaled sharply and stood up from my bed slowly. I opened my door without making any sound and stepped out. I looked around and saw no one but the sounds of throwing things from the downstairs could be heard.

I stood near the staircase and bend down to see who was here. I quickly put my hand on my mouth to stop gasping when I saw three scary men with their face covered with bandana. I quickly stood without making any noise and ran back to my room silently. I quickly and quietly closed the door and locked it.

I turned off the lights of my room and hid under the bed with my phone. I dialed dad's number with my shaking hands with a lot of struggle but he was not answering it. I looked at time and saw there was still an hour left till the time of court finished.

I dialed Innaya's number she was also not answering my calls. I started crying silently and dialed the number of police station.


"Assalam-o-Alaikum! This is the headquarter of police station. How can w--,"


"Please help me! I am Mr. Adil Bajwa's daughter. There are three men who broke in my house and are currently down in the hall," I whispered, quickly and cried silently.


"A team of police will be there in five minutes, Ms. Please hide wherever you are and don't come out of your hiding place till police reach and don't cut my phone till police reach there," The police officer said quickly.


I didn't cut the call and waited for the police. The fear inside me increased more and more as the sounds of breaking things increased. It was like they had moved to this portion and were near.

Suddenly, I heard the sounds of shooting and shouting which made me quickly put my hands on my ears. I was shaking in fear and the battery of my phone was dead. When I didn't hear any noise from the past five minutes, I quickly removed my hands and came out of my bed.


I jumped back in fear when my door knocked. I looked around for something to protect myself with. When the door shook, I quickly ran in my closet to hide. I heard the door opened with thud which made me shaking more in fear.

"Ms. Izzah, we know you are here. We are here to protect you. I am a senior officer," I heard a rough voice of a man but I didn't come out of my closet.

"Ms. Izzah, you don't have to fear us. We are here to protect you," This time I heard the soft and polite voice of a female.

I quickly stood up and ran out of my closet. I felt myself relaxed when I saw three officers in uniform. The female officer came to me and made me sit on my bed. I was shaking badly in fear as I sat down. I was given a glass of water which I quickly accepted and drunk the water slowly.

"Did-did you... you arrested... them?" I asked, slowly and in fear.

"We arrest one of them but the other two ran away from us," She informed me, softly.

"Your guards are injured along with few servants. Our officers have taken them to the hospital and are searching for other two men," The one of the male officers informed me while I just nodded my head.

I was sitting in the lawn with the female officer whose name was Kanwal. The officers were checking the CCTV footage of my house in the control room of house. Suddenly, I heard the voice of my dad which made me jump up in happiness.

I turned around and quickly ran to him when he stepped out of his car. I hugged him tightly and sobbed on his chest loudly. Now I was feeling secure and safe in my father's arms. He rubbed my back and I heard him talking to the officers but didn't understand any word.

Dad took me inside the house and called someone. After half an hour later, some people came home and cleared all the mess while dad talked to the officers. I looked at the door when Innaya came running inside the house.

"What happened? And why there is press outside our house?" She asked in panic and hurriedly.

"Nothing, Innaya dear. Everything is fine now," Dad told her, softly.

"Now? What do you mean? What happened here?" She asked looking around the hall then looked at me.

"Someone broke into our house," I answered her which made her gasped.

She came to me quickly and hugged me then she pulled away and examined me.

"I am completely, Innaya. Nothing happen to me," I told her, softly.

She didn't listen and kept examined me like she was doctor instead of me. She sighed in relief when she didn't find any injury and looked at dad.

"Who broke into our house?" She inquired dad in concern and anger.

"I have handled everything, Innaya. Go, take Izzah to your room," Dad told her and quickly walked away to the officer.

Innaya did what dad told her and once we entered in the room, I quickly sat on her bed and was still shaking. Innaya locked the door and sat beside me.

"Are you OK, Izzy? Did they hurt you?" She asked me while pulling me in a hug.

"No, they didn't," I whispered and hugged her tightly.

She pulled away from the hug and kissed me on my head before standing up and walked to her study table. She opened the drawer and pulled something out of it. She turned around and hid whatever in her hands behind her.

"I know this can help you to feel better," She said and approached me.

I looked at her and tried to think what could help me as her eyes shone and a big smile broke on her face. She moved her hands from her back and put them in front of me.

"Chocolate," I gasped at the two Toblerone in her hands and quickly took one from her hand.

I squealed as I opened my chocolate and moaned like I was in heaven while eating it. She smiled at me and sat beside me and ate her chocolate. If my brother was alive, he would have done same like Innaya.

"Chocolate knows how to make me happy," I mumbled while eating it.

"Sure. Also ice cream, cotton candy and tasty spicy pasta and fries know," Innaya said with a smile.

"I wish I could marry all of them," I whispered, dreamily.

"Only in dreams," Innaya teased with a giggle.

"That's so unfair," I said with a pout and lick my fingers which had chocolate on them.

I looked at Innaya who was sleeping beside me. I got up from the bed quietly and walked out of her room. Suddenly, I was feeling thirsty so I went to kitchen and drunk water.

I washed the glass and put it back on its place and walked out of the kitchen. As I was walking back to Innaya's room, I noticed the lights of dad's study was turned on. I frowned in confusion and thought dad must had forgotten to turn it off. I went to dad's study but stopped when at door when I heard dad's voice from inside the room.

".....This is too much....."

Slowly, I opened the door and saw him quickly ended the call and closed the briefcase which on the table. I only caught the glimpse of some cash which made my heart stilled for a second. I looked at dad who was looking at me like a thief who I caught red handed. Sweat was formed on his forehead and his body was tensed while he was eyes held panic.

"Dad, w--," I started but he cut me off.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping? Go and sleep. I am feeling sleepy," Dad said, quickly in panic like a deer caught in the headlights.

He didn't wait for my answer and without wasting his time, he picked the briefcase and walked out of his study leaving me alone with million thoughts.

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