《Sold To Be His》||2.||


•||Ch2: I Promise||•

||Izzah POV||

Everything was happening so fast in front of me that it didn't let me react. As my head was hit with the road, I watched with my blur vision, Taha was hit by the truck and he rolled over on the road. I tried to scream and move but I was feeling lightheaded. My eyes closed on there own and before I knew I was fainted.

"Taha!" I screamed and opened my eyes.

I sat up with a jerk which made my baby hit with pain. I looked around hectically and saw I was in hospital bed and there was an IV on my hand. I tried to pull that IV out of my hand but before I did a nurse came inside the room and ran to me.

"Dr. Izzah, stop it. You will hurt yourself," The nurse told me, sternly and forcefully moved my hand away from the IV.

"Please leave me. I want to see Taha. Please let me," I pleaded her and tried to move my hand out of her grip but failed.

"Why don't you understand I want to see my brother! Taha! Taha!" I screamed loudly and trashed under her hold.

"Dr. Izzah, please don't force me to sedate you," She said and laid me back on the bed.

"Please just once I want to see him. Please let me," I pleaded her and trashed in her hold again.


I froze on hearing the stern and firm voice of my dad. I stopped trashing and looked at the door where dad was standing. He took long strides towards me.

"Dad, how is Taha?" I asked him, quickly.

"I'll send the doctor," Nurse excused herself and went out of the room.

Dad nodded his head and looked at me. There was something in his eyes and most importantly I saw fear in his eyes. I quickly hugged him tightly and looked up at him.

"Dad, please tell me. How is he?" I asked him again and shook him.

"He is in peace!" He replied with a sad smile and hugged me back.

"I want to see him," I said and felt better to know he was in peace but I still wanted to see him.

"This is for I come here to take you," He said and I heard the thickness in his voice.

"Dad, is everything alright?" I asked, slowly and weakly.

"It will be," He replied, shortly.

Dad held me more tightly like he didn't want to leave me or didn't have will power to pull away. But, unfortunately, dad had to pull away when a doctor entered in the room. He looked at dad then at me and slowly reached to my bed.


"How are you feeling, Dr. Izzah?" He asked me, politely.

"Taha, how is he?" I ignored his question and asked about my brother.

He looked up behind me at dad then looked at me for a second. Here, my heart was beating rapidly for my brother but no one was telling me about him.

"You have injured your hand, Dr. Izzah," He said looking at my hand and dogged my question.

"Izzah, I will take you like I said bu--," Dad tried to tell me but I cut him.

"But first tell me how is he," I cried and sobbed.

Dad looked at me with pity which I was hating while the doctor removed the IV and bandaged my injured hand. Once the doctor was done, I quickly stood up from the bed but ended up falling back on the bed.

"You have to be very careful. You are still weak," Doctor said and helped me to stand up.

Dad took me from the doctor and thanked him. He took me out of the room and took me down and out of the hospital where his car was parked. Dad helped me climb in the car and also climbed in the driver seat.

"Dad, where are you taking me? And where is Taha?" I asked him as he started the car.

I watched him as he drove on the familiar roads which led to the home. I was getting more and more scared as he drove without answering me. As the distance decreased, the fear inside me increased.

Once we reached home, I saw many cars were parked outside the gate of house. The fear inside me increased more if possible when I saw people with sorrow look. Dad parked his car outside the house and I didn't wait for him to climb out as I quickly climbed out and ran weakly inside the house as fast as I could.

"Taha!" I screamed, loudly and called him.

I stopped in the hallway when I noticed everything in white. Mostly people were white and was looking at me with pity. I looked at Innaya who was standing in shocked with wide eyes as she stared at me. I looked behind her from her shoulder and saw Taha laying lifeless. I quickly ran past Innaya and fell on the floor beside Taha's body and shook him.

"Taha!" I screamed his name to wake him but he wasn't waking up or moving.

"Please, someone wake him up. Please. I beg you," I yelled at everyone and pleaded them but my pleads weren't effecting them.


No one came to help me and tried to wake him up. The tears flowed through my eyes nonstop like water from river. Innaya came towards me and sat beside me. She pulled me in a hug and rubbed my back. I cried on her shoulder while she held me tightly.

"It should be me in his place not him. I shouldn't had gone to buy ice cream. I shouldn't. If I shouldn't then he didn't have to save me and ended up like this," I cried on her shoulder and felt lightheaded.

All the guilt and different kind of regret feelings consumed my energy and drained from inside me. I felt someone patted my face and was calling me but I couldn't hear properly. All the voices and sounds around me were mixing together which made it difficult for me to hear.

Someone was trying to make me drink water but I was already almost out of conscious and my eyes rolled back and before I knew darkness consumed me.

"I shouldn't...," was my last words before I slumbered in the darkness deeply.

I sat up with a jerk and looked around. I was back in my room and was sitting on my bed. I moved my hands to my face and noticed my hand was bandaged and when I touched my head, it was also bandaged which confused me. I looked beside me and saw Innaya was sleeping beside me.

I held my head and felt pain. I tried to remember what happened with me and how I ended up in my room with bandages wrapped around my hand and head. Suddenly, all the memories of truck accident hit me with lightening speed.

"Taha...," I whispered and quickly threw the duvet from me and ran out of my room quickly.

I was falling here and there because of pain and weakness in my body but it didn't stop me from reaching to Taha's room. I opened the door of his room with a loud thud and looked around his room hectically.

"Taha?" I called him but got no response which made me believe everything was real.

I fell on the floor and cried loudly for my brother. I wanted him to come back and hold me. I wanted him to tell me this was all his prank nothing real. I didn't know how long I was sitting there and crying when a hand was placed on my shoulder out of sudden. I quickly around in hope to see Taha but this hand belonged to Innaya.

"Innaya, please call him and tell him to come back," I pleaded her and held her hand.

She sat beside me and pulled me in a hug and held me tightly. She ran her hand in my hairs and also cried on my shoulder.

"He will not come back again, Izzah. Not for anyone. We have to accept it," She whispered, brokenly and weakly.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at her with tearful eyes. I shook my head and denied the bitter truth.

"Hold yourself together, Izzah. For Taha. Remember he doesn't like seeing you in tears," Innaya said and wiped my tears.

I pulled her in a hug and put my head on her shoulder and wept silently. She held me tightly and we both sat in same position, didn't know how long. I slowly pulled away from the hug and stood up weakly. I walked to the desk, in the corner of room where our family picture was. It was taken a day before Taha went to other city for studies.

Everyone was looking very happy in this picture but we didn't know our happiness would cut off so soon that day. I felt lightheaded and before I fell, Innaya held me and steady me.

"Izzah, let me take you back to your room. You are weak," She said and took me back to my room.

She laid me down on the bed and put duvet me and also laid beside me. We both stared up at the ceiling absentmindedly.

"He loved you," I whispered but didn't move my eyes from the ceiling.

"I know!" She whispered back.

"He told me in the hospital. If I knew...," She added and inhaled deeply and sharply.

Again we both sat in silence and stared at the ceiling. Slowly, my eyes got closed on there own and before I knew sleepless took me.

I stood in Taha room and looked around it. I moved the curtains and let the sunlight entered in the room. I smiled sadly as I looked at all the pictures of my brother on the wall.

“I promise you. I will behave strong and take care of dad and your Innaya,” I promised in a whisper.

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