《His Yasmina [Completed]》Chapter 27-All Saints' Eve
Jasmine was miserable.
A passing server dressed in a tailcoat, walked around carrying trays holding glasses of champagne. She snatched one as it passed by her. Raising it to her lips, she nearly drowned the entire glass. Dressed in a red hot dress that clung to her upper body and hips, flaring at the knees to her shoes, she felt like a seductive siren for Halloween or as the Italians call it, All Saints' Eve which was held every November first.
Her eyes swept over the grand ballroom. It was dimly lit with candles, decorated in orange, black and spooky displays of jack-o-lanterns, mummies and skeleton attractions. Music flowed from the stage with a full band and leading singer. The food display roamed one end of the wall to the other. Men, women, and children dressed in colorful costumes while enjoying the games and festivities of the night.
Jasmine knew not one of the invitees but she was sure many of them were from the town located along the outskirts beyond the castle. The excited voices grew louder as did the laughter when jugglers appear to entertain the guests and throwing tricks in the air.
Jasmine sighed, standing in the shadows watching it all with a heavy heart. She sensed a guard closely watching her every move. He was trying to be discreet, but she noticed. Cristiano probably ordered she be watched in case she got a wild idea of escaping. Her so called husband was standing across the ballroom, having a conversation with a circle of men dressed in uniforms. She guessed they were his officials from the looks of them. They looked to be conducting business instead of enjoying the festivities.
It was two days when they left from their honeymoon. After the day of their display of hot passion and his confession, they were distant and occupied different areas of the house. He didn't say much during their brief stay and barely spared her a glance. Jasmine kept to herself occupying her time reading or taking long walks. They never mentioned what happened and avoided one another like they both held a disease the other was afraid to catch.
It was fine by her. But the long days and even longer nights when they shared a bed were exhausting and tense filled. They occupied the ends of the bed and never said a word. And when it was time to leave the cottage and go back to the castle, Jasmine sat stiffly in front of him while he rode them back. Unlike the other times, Jasmine slipped from the back of the horse before Cristiano dismounted and assisted her down.
They took their separate ways in the castle. She to her new room, and he, making a straight line to his office. It was then one of the maids informed her of the Italian celebration due the next day. Jasmine was stunned to learn it was already November. She had been held prisoner for a little over two weeks.
It felt more like months.
Her head spun with the realization. According to the date, Zayn should have been back from his getaway. She was positive, Zayn must have found out she was missing, he would have contacted her when he made it back into town. Jasmine wondered if Cristiano had learned of the news. He never mentioned anything about her brother and it wasn't like he would tell her anything to begin with.
The phone she cracked across the tile floor was the only way to communicate with him. Jasmine was positive it wouldn't deter him. He could have easily had it replaced and pretended to text on her behalf like he did with her parents. Knowing her brother was left vulnerable and at Cristiano's mercy, a coldness she couldn't shake off made its home inside her.
She finished the glass of champagne quickly and dropped it into a servers empty tray and picked a fresh one by another passing tray filled with glasses.
Jasmine stiffened for a split second before she recognized the voice and turned around.
"Sammy!" She exclaimed in surprise, not believing her eyes.
But he was right there. In the flesh and blood; dressed in entirely black evening clothes and a matching satin top hat. For a moment she couldn't help wonder if something was missing with his outfit. Not a moment later it came to her. He was missing color. Something sparkly and outrageous.
A glass of champagne dangled lazily from his fingers as he sauntered towards her.
She laughed and rushed to him, wrapping her arms around him. He matched her embrace, squeezing her tightly against him.
"I'm so happy to see you!" She exclaims, her arms still around him, pulling back slightly to watch his eyes. "You look good." She noted, her smile stretching wider. "Back to looking like Samuel again, I see."
Where she thought this night couldn't ignite a smile out of her, let alone a laugh, Sammy was the antidote she needed.
"A sight for sore eyes, aye?" He replies, tipping his hat. "I used to be in stilettos in a world full of flats and now, I'm as useless as a peasant amongst these royals." Gesturing to the crowd with the hand holding the near empty glass of champagne.
"How are you holding up?" She asks, linked her arm around his and propelled him deeper in the shadows so they could talk without eavesdroppers. "Is the Sammy I know still in there?" She teased.
"The real Sammy is mentally in the liquor cabinet sipping on martini's! Hanging out with guards talking assholian all damn day nearly caused me a Britney Spears meltdown!" Sammy says in one of his sharpest lisps and takes a large gulp of his fizzy champagne. "It's about time His royal pain in the ass treated me like the diva I am. Otherwise he was gonna to have to deal with the bitch he created!"
Jasmine giggled.
Sammy swipes another champagne glass from an unsuspecting server, holding now two. He took a large swing from the fresh glass like we was drinking water.
"Hanging out with you St. James women is like a booty call from life, it just wants to keep fücking me over." He mutters, swallowing the rest of his drink.
"Easy on the champagne Sammy." Jasmine admonished, resting a hand on his arm. "Do you have any idea what it cost me to have you placed in a room? I'm surprised he let you attend this party." Jasmine said, taking an unconscious swallow of her champagne as her eyes seemed to rush to the subject of their conversation.
As if sensing her stare, Cristiano happened to glance her way and held it. Jasmine's heart began to beat out of her chest, until he was once again distracted by the circle of gentleman speaking to him.
"Exsqueeze me, bitch! I haven't had a martini in weeks and you're telling me to go easy on the alcohol?!? Sammy replies dramatically. "Did you know you're drinking a 1996 Dom Perignon Rose Gold Methuselah Champagne?"
He signals a server with a nudge of his head, holding up his two empty champagne glasses. The server quickly comes over with his tray. Sammy places the empty glasses and swipes another two.
"Yeah so?" Jasmine asked, her eyes tracking his movements as he took a long sip.
"It goes for $49,000 a bottle. It cost more than my education! So what did you do? Show him your tits?" He asked, eyebrows wiggling mischievously. "Guess they didn't work or else I would've been outta there sooner!"
Jasmine burst into a fit of giggles again.
"No tits. It cost me a kiss. The things I do for my friends." She mutters, using the same line he used on her when he transformed into Samuel.
Sammy's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "A kiss! Tell me the deets! Was it as fabulous as he looks?"
Jasmine sighed. "It was perfect. He kisses me like I'm the only thing keeping him alive."
"Damn, he makes bad look good!" Sammy fans himself. "That gorgeous, sexy-as-sin man is a fine piece of ass! UmmmHmmmmm. . .you bet your pretty eyes. He's free to do what he wants." He mutters, his eyes latching on Cristiano.
"Sammy!" Jasmine exclaimed slightly outraged by his open interest which he didn't even try to disguise.
"That Italian hunk knows how to kiss like an expert since the day he came out of his mama's vagina, doesn't he?" Sammy asked with a sigh, swinging his eyes back towards her after staring Cristiano down like he could devour him without chewing.
"I guess." She mutters, not able to meet his eyes, lifting her eyes towards the heavens for strength. If Sammy only knew what Cristiano's kisses made her feel, let alone his touch. "Enough about him. Tell me, what have you been up to? Have they been treating you alright?"
"Wait." Sammy captures her hand and drags her to the corner. "You ain't falling for him are you?"
"What! Me?" Jasmine dismisses his question with a wave and nervous laugh. "I would never–"
"Uh-uh. Don't lie to moi." He says, gesturing to himself. "If I know you and your family like I do, you ain't gonna let any man kiss you unless you're falling in love with Gaston!"
"I am not!" She denies.
"I knew it! The beauty is falling in love with the fücking hot beast! But in this case–Gaston. Pretty ironic twist on the fairy tale, don't you think? I mean who would have ever thought Belle would end up with Gaston!"
"Look Sammy, I'm not in the mood for one of your cross examination theories, I'm–" She began when she was cut off mid-sentence.
"May I have this dance?" A voice asks from behind her.
Jasmine whirled around, nearly tripping on her heels. Cristiano caught her elbow to help righten her but quickly snatched his hand to his side.
Jasmine frowns down at her arm and back at his hands. Did he feel that spark?
He shutters his reaction to her disappointment. It was cold and detached as it had been during the duration of their stay at the cottage. She swallowed and for an instant she wanted to protest before she found herself nodding in agreement. Ignoring the pang of disappointment, she forced herself into cool detachment and schooled her features to match his own.
He took the nearly empty glass of champagne from her fingers and gave it, with his own glass, into the hands of a server who came running. At his signal, the music changed.
"Break a leg!" She hears Sammy holler.
Jasmine bet everything she owned he saluted her back with his $49,000 champagne.
The guests parted like waves as Cristiano led Jasmine to the center of the floor. Classical music flowed throughout the ballroom. They crossed the way, the guests moving to the various sides of the room, forming a circle along the edge. It felt like every pair of eyes in the room were staring at them.
Jasmine was the definition of composure as the chorus of murmurs about their new princess dancing with their prince rose. Their hushed voices was a buzzing vibration, flowing beneath the sounds of music, ordinary conversation, and the tinkle of crystals glasses touching in private toasts.
Cristiano let go of her arm and stood in the middle of the room, bowed with one arm behind him and the other placed solidly across his middle. Jasmine stood there for a baffling second. Was she supposed to bow back?
But ladies didnt bow, they curtsied. Without giving it another thought, Jasmine quickly lifted the sides of her dress and displayed a feminine curtsy like she'd seen in the movies.
Cristiano grinned and gave her a slight nod of approval as he straightened, holding out his hand. Jasmine let go of her dress, and returned his smile, gently laying her hand in his. He evoked lust-filled endorphins into her blood by his single touch. Or looked at her. Or walked into a room.
She could only hope she didn't trip and fall and make a fool of herself in front of his people.
Once he drew her into his arms, they were off, caught up in the dance. They moved together easily. Cristiano led her across the ballroom in a traditional slow dance.
Jasmine looked at her husband with curious fascination. They fit perfectly together as if they had been dancing partners all their lives. Although they had danced at Camelia's wedding not once but twice, this time was different. They were two different people back then and much had changed.
Her hands were shaking and she was sure her palms were moist as he twisted and turned her perfectly.
The scene was magical, as if they were transported back into the past.
They had eyes only for each other, as if the outside world didn't exist. Swept up in the tempo, scarcely realizing the music was finishing up as they spun. Cristiano made a grand gesture, lifting her, then dipped her gracefully just as the music ended. He kept her in that suspended state for seconds, their eyes locked, their breathing shallow.
Jasmine was closely aware of the thudding of his heart against her chest. The slight flare of his nostrils as his eyes skimmed her features and landed on her lips.
There was a moment of hushed amazement and it wasn't until the guests burst into applause did Cristiano lift her to a standing. She was surprised, looking around to see most of the attendees were in fact watching them.
Cristiano took her hand. "I have something to show you."
A blush coated Jasmine's cheeks as he led the way. They left the ballroom to the outside door leading through the expansive gardens under the full moon. They wandered to a place Jasmine never visited before. The enclosed path was secluded deep to the side of the castle gardens and covered with vines. It looked as if this part was forgotten staring at the overgrown bushes.
It was a secret garden of sorts.
"I used to play here as a child." He said pointing to a patch of grass surrounded by hedges.
Jasmine spotted the area passed his shoulder and walked up beside him. There was an old wooden swing tied to a tree.
Cristiano approached the swing and stood behind it, gesturing she sit. Jasmine looked at him doubtfully and then down at her dress. Noticing her train of thought, he used the arm of his tailcoat to clean off the seat for her.
"Please sit." He asked.
Jasmine carefully lifted the dress she so could maneuver over the overgrown weeds and gently lowed herself onto the swing. She gasped as he placed his hands on the small of her back. Her heart began to beat quicker.
"It'll hold your weight. Don't worry." He assured, with a whisper to her ear. "Grasp the ropes."
When she obeyed, he pushed her lightly. As expected, the swing creaked as it swung back and forth.
"This once was my favorite place on earth. . .And it still is because it reminds me of you."
His words caught her off guard and didn't know how to respond. Only a few short hours ago, they were ignoring each other.
The evening breeze flittered over her face and through her hair. The scent of beautiful flowers saturated the air. Jasmine closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"Do you smell that, cara?" He asks, pushing her again. "It's Jasmine. Look around you. We are surrounded by it."
Jasmine tilted her head up and noticed the very white delicate flower that represented her name. It bloomed all around them in the night like a dusting of snow. It littered every area her eyes landed. It was beautiful. She felt like she was in a fairy tale world.
Cristiano stepped from behind her and plucked the delicate flower. Jasmine slowed the swing as he walked back toward her, gazing at wonder at the flower that looked like a dwarf in his large hands.
"A flower for a flower." He offered it to her, kneeling down in front of her. He raised his arms and hooked the flower in her styled hair. "I've always loved the scent this area of the gardens held. It always relaxed me. And here I am married to a real Jasmine who has the same effect on me if not more so. What are the odds?" He asks, shaking his head sadly. "Perhaps it was a sign of what was in store for my future."
Searching her eyes with his tortured ones, Jasmine sensed he trying to reveal something profound with his admission, but was having difficulty expressing himself.
A frown creased his forehead. She wanted to smooth out with her fingers, but decided it best to keep her hands to herself.
What was he doing? She wondered, taking a deep breath feeling a surge of nervousness as she rose from the swing. Cristiano was still kneeling before her, head bowed. She half expected him to be watching her reaction closely but he was troubled and distracted.
It was like he couldn't bare the sight of her. She frowned in return, trying to make sense of his behavior. Why would he take her to a secluded area of the castle, share a private place of his childhood, yet treat her like he was never going to see her again?
She took in his elegant long coat uniform, black pants and high black shiny boots; His black hair swept back elegantly. The way his shoulders haunched looked like the burdens of the world laid heavily upon him.
"It was wrong of me to abduct you and bring you to my castle." He started. "It was wrong of me to plan this out and involve you. I was wrong to force you to be my wife when I would have done the same as you and tried everything in my power to escape." Cristiano went on after a moment. "I should have addressed the situation differently, I've known this all along but my pride and this surge of protectiveness I feel for my sister clouded my better judgement."
His eyes were clear, yet his expression solemn.
Jasmine took a shuddering breath and closed her eyes briefly. Her chest felt like a heavy burden lifted.
This was the conclusion she wished he comprehended sooner. Jasmine knew everything happens for a reason. Perhaps her purpose was to help him see his faults. Perhaps her presence made him change. If the outcome was different, perhaps he wouldn't have realized what he'd done.
But what now? After all that was said and done. What now?
He glanced at her longingly, then away and stood coming to her.
"I want you to stay." He says.
Jasmine's eyes widened. Did she voice her question out loud? Those were not the words she expected to hear him say.
He reaches for her hand and his fingers closed over hers. He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it gently.
She felt her heart give a gigantic leap.
"Marry me for real this time. I can make you happy. Give you everything your heart desires. Stay here with me. I don't want you to go." He urges, staring deeply into her eyes.
She didn't immediately respond. She was too amazed. Too shocked.
"We can be a family and have children." He continues. "Isn't that what you want from a man? Security and family?"
Jasmine flinched, thinking how wrong Cristiano's words sounded. It was the most coldest marriage proposal anyone could have ever imagined. He never mentioned love. What was marriage without it?
Cristaino noticed her discomfort and misread it saying,"Yes, I tried to use you to get revenge on your brother. Forced you to marry me. But everything has changed now. I want you by my side. I have no right to ask anything of you, and yet I must. Forgive me for the mistakes I've made. Be my wife in every sense. Be my princess."
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