《His Yasmina [Completed]》Chapter 26-Sorry
She watched him ride his horse in the distance from the window of the cottage.
The smile Cristiano tossed back over one shoulder was almost free of strain. He might have been a carefree young boy, instead of vengeful prince of a country no one recognized.
Unlike some in his position, this prince didn't flaunt his rare selection of expensive cars. He wasn't the type of man who found luxury in material things. Here was a man, Jasmine reflected, who lived in a castle and reigned over a country. He was wealthy and yet it seemed the simplest things made him happy.
When she woke the next morning, she was practically relieved his side of the bed was empty. Her hands spread to his side to find it cold. Which only proved he had been awake for some time.
Jasmine found herself relieved.
Their conversations were hostile at all times and the air tense, thick and suffocating. No matter the subject at hand, they were always open ended. They never finished, never solved anything and whenever something was important, Cristiano wanted something in return. It was always so claustrophobic that Jasmine felt chocked whenever they spoke. It was intensely stressful keeping up with him never knowing what he was going to do or what outrageous thing he'd say next.
Keeping her walls up took a lot of energy. For once, she was glad she was alone, able to breath freely without looking over her shoulder or hear the next compliment that involved him touching her and making his need known.
When she dressed and left the room, she found a light breakfast laid out of fruits, cheeses, olives and a fresh baguette–with Cristiano missing. Eating no more than a few slices of apple, she had no appetite to speak of. She roamed the small cottage, noticing things she hadn't noticed the night before. She tried reading a book from the selection in the bedroom, a used one in particular which appeared have been read many times. Many of the books were in Italian and Jasmine gave up trying to find something to entertain herself with.
It was then, after growing bored waiting for Cristiano's arrival, she approached the front window in the living room and saw him on his horse, racing up and down the path.
He was an accomplished rider and must have been riding since he was a child from the way his posture was perfectly aligned on the back of the horse. His stance erect, his hair whipping back as he raced, she'd never seen him so carefree and. . .happy. He must love riding, she thought.
When he spoke of Sofia last night, she sensed his pain and love for her. They were two orphaned children that had only each other after their parents died. He was the sole heir to his parents throne. It was his duty and a great responsibility to continue the legacy.
Jasmine understood the responsibilities that entailed. In order to be a great leader, someone people looked up to, one must rule with their heart and soul. He had a duty to be a leader of the people. It was his job to lead by example. He had to be fair. He had to weigh the rights and wrongs and be a neutral figure even in his personal life. Unfortunately, Jasmine noticed he bent the rules to his will, much like a tyrant.
Although he had every right to be protective of Sofia and provide for her the best of his means–Jasmine did not approve of his methods. Going to such extreme measures to ensure Sofia's present and future by force was not healthy.
But she tried to understand him. Tried to understand why he would stoop this low to get what he wanted. But Cristiano acted like a spoiled child that got what he wanted whenever he wanted with no regard of the damage he causes with his actions.
Jasmine shook her head and turned away from the window before he caught her staring if he happened to look towards the cottage.
What to do? She thought glumly, beginning to feel weary. He removed her from one prison to another with nothing to do but wait around for him. She felt like an ornament in a fishbowl on display.
She gave a short, joyless laugh walking towards the door. Looks like she has to entertain herself.
Jasmine spent the afternoon outside surrounded by tall grass in the middle of a field. A light breeze was blowing and the sun came out soaking her face while around her butterflies teetered from flower to flower. She collected daisies and made a crown out of it continuing to explore. There was acres and acres of land.
As the afternoon wore on, outside for at least a couple hours, she found a hedge and drew herself down on the grass. For a while she stared up at the sky, laying on her back, watching cloud shapes in the sky. Eventually she dozed off. When she awakened she felt the vibrations in the earth beneath her body, like pounding of hooves.
She heard her name called sounding like an angry thunder. Jasmine sat up with a gasp. The sun was setting and the light rapidly disappearing. It was still slightly warm, even though the sun had gone down. She had lost all track of time. As she scanned the surrounding fields, he burst into view, sweeping up over the crest of the next hill astride his large stallion.
Cristiano still had not seen her, shouting her name as he glanced in both directions. She could make out the furious look on his face as he drove the horse at a ruthless gallop, cutting across the far end of the field. He was looking for her.
Jasmine stood, heart pounding, not sure if she should call out to him or not. If she stayed on the ground and turned his horse towards her, he was sure to trample her.
Her heart stopped. It was the first time he actually called her by her given name. But there was something more than anger and his use of her name in his deep voice–fear.
He saw her.
Jasmine did not move. She was not sure she could have if she tried, frozen, awestruck by his enraged stare.
Cristiano looked away as he reeled the horse around. He let out a harsh command to his horse in Italian and the horse leaped forward and charged her. She watched him approaching like a dark storm matching the furious look in his face. She stared, unable to move, transfixed and defenseless.
A few feet from her, Cristiano pulled the horse to a rearing halt. He reeled the horse in a circle, trying to quiet him and sent her a fiery glare over his shoulder. She felt the daisies on the crown of her head slip from her hair and softly fall to the grassy ground.
"What the hell did you think you were doing, running off? I've been looking for you for over half and hour!"
"I'm here, as you can see." She said, spreading her arms wide, gazing at him. "Calm down."
"Don't tell me to calm down!"
"What'd you expect?" She shot back. "I'm not some pet that waits around for you until you feel like showing up!"
"At least have the courtesy to tell me you wanted to take a walk."
"You were busy, I didn't want to interrupt you when you clearly were enjoying yourself."
She shrugged, picked up the fallen daisies, turned and walked away.
"Where do you think you're going? We must get back before dark."
Jasmine said nothing, counting the petals with a show of nonchalance and walked toward the woods. She listened with peaked ears as he spurred his horse and followed.
"I asked you a question."
"I don't care." She answered with another shrug, hearing he had stopped. Wearily she glanced over her shoulder. He had dismounted and standing by his horse, head down, apparently trying to get his emotions under control. He raked a hand through his hair and blew out a breath.
She stepped from the open field into the shadowy woods, listening for him but he didn't follow her. If she knew she could make it out without transportation she would have escaped again just to piss him off more. Her gaze darted about the surrounding rocks and trees, coming to rest at a tree and fled deeper and soundlessly through the woods.
Not seeing her or hearing her, he strode down the wide path in search of her until he came to a small, grassy clearing. He stopped, she was nowhere in sight. He heaved a sigh.
He lost him temper. Mostly he was relieved she hadn't run off again.
No answer.
"This is not amusing. There's no time for games. Come out now."
She didn't.
He heard a few snapping twigs. He whirled in the direction of the sound and immediately chased her shoving through the branches and clusters of bushes. He came out into a place where the trees were thinner. Walking slowly, he glanced one way and the other, but didn't see her.
"Come out Princess." He taunted.
Something small pelted him in the back.
He spun around to face the acorn she had thrown and bounced off him to the leafy forest floor and scowled in the direction from which it had come from.
Cristiano heard a giggle escape past her lips. In spite himself, he was charmed. He smiled. He loved a challenge.
He found a daisy by his feet–evidence of her passing. Crouching down, he picked it up and touched the soft petals of the flower. He felt her watching him.
"Very well. You have every right to be angry with me. I was rude, I shouldn't have yelled. I shouldn't have left you this morning. But, if you must know, I was releasing steam before I woke you and ravished you." He admitted. "Will you come out now?"
He heard a feminine snort from behind a cluster of vines. Cristiano smiled and crept nearer. He thrust his arms into the branches and parted them with triumph, but she must have seen him coming for he found she eluded him.
"Hmm." He walked back toward the center of the grove and looked around. "Perhaps you will come out when I say I have taken steps to see to your friends comfort." He announced.
He listened, certain he had her attention. Where was she?
"You must admit it was rather fair of me to see to your request before I collected on what we agreed to."
He heard branches move and looked over to see a pair of stormy grey eyes peering out at him from between the green leaves.
"Got you!"
He sprang toward her. She shrieked and sprinted off like a doe, crashing through the woods. He chased, feeling his heart beating like a sledgehammer in his chest. She shrieked again looking over her shoulder, climbing over a large log, yanking the green dress she was in over her knees to leap easily and made a run down the path. Her hair flew behind her and the wreath of flowers in her hands became undone and daisy after daisy fell behind her leaving a path in her wake.
Cristiano leaped over the mossy log as she disappeared, but he could still see her dress through the trees. With a burst of speed, he sprinted up behind her and tackled her. She twisted in his arms, trying to squirm free as they both fell to the ground. He pulled her down across him and rolled with her until he was leaning over her, gazing down into her eyes.
Breathing hard, he grinned. "I will always find you."
Resting on his elbows, he plucked a lone daisy from her hair and brushed it down her nose and tickled her with it. She turned her face away, wrinkling her nose.
"Stop that!" A giggle escaping her. She tried desperately to contain it but she couldn't help it. He then tickled her chin with the flower.
"Am I too heavy?"
"Yes!" She breathed thrashing slightly against his body and smacked his hand away.
He could feel her ripe body, firm, perfect. . .heaven. Her belly was flat, her hips cradling his pelvis. She drew back and gazed up at him. Her innocent, lovely eyes promising him a future he could only dream of. God, how he wanted her.
He swallowed hard, sliding his arms beneath her and held her to him, tangling his fingers in her wavy long hair. Striving for sanity, he closed his eyes. The smell of her skin was too tempting. The scent of her fruity hair filling his nostrils and he inhaled her deeply into his lungs savoring her, infusing her pure and innocent nature into him hoping to make her part of him forever–committing the moment to his memory.
He savored every moment, staring at her in delirious wonder. She was everything he had always secretly wanted and could never have. His eyes, intense and burning, never left hers. She made it easy to forget everything except for her. He ran his gaze over her face, trying to memorize every detail of her before he had to let her go.
His hands caressed her face and her hair.
"You are so beautiful." He murmured.
He kissed her nose.
Jasmine stared at him in surprise. His hands tightening in her hair. It took everything in her to continue breathing. She could barely speak, but she couldn't find it within herself to be angry with him. She couldn't when he was looking at her with such a vulnerable, needy expression.
She looked directly into his eyes, her own shining with intensity.
"May I collect what's due?" He asked.
She was silent as he studied her. His eyes sparked with desire and something else. Just when she thought he was swooping down for that kiss she owed him, he resets his forehead against hers; giving her a moment to respond. He was asking for the kiss she owed him.
Jasmine's stomach clenches and she was sure, he could not just feel, but hear the forceful beat of her heart. She hesitates before finally nodding her consent. Jasmine shuddered, trying hard not to melt against him, fighting not to give into her desires and deliver what she promised without feeling. Her hands flattened against his chest; she went still as stone beneath him.
With relief so exquisite he could have died and went to heaven. Her trembling body felt so light, her firm breasts pressing against his chest. He gave into his demands spreading urgently through his body, making it impossible to resist this lovely woman who enchanted him.
He kissed her forehead, her nose. Then, his lips descended on her mouth and kissed her lips.
In response, he pressed tighter against her, requiring a response, needing something from her, anything. He cupped her face as he kissed her, softly again and again trying to coax a response from her. She didn't immediately respond. He was gentle as he began kissing her more insistently, stroking the corner of her lips with his thumb.
Then, her hands curled into his shirt, her fingers digging in his skin. A small gasp escaped her as her lips parted beneath his. He invaded her, savoring the taste of her, stroking her tongue deeply, richly with his own.
She felt herself seeking the soothing caress of his mouth. Felt her weakness for him, this weakness that left her unable to resist him returning his kiss with force, with all the passion and longing she'd tried so hard not to feel. She let herself feel it, all of it, desire overwhelming her like never before. With a sigh of pleasure, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed him closer, tangling her finger in his hair, shifting her head to deepen the kiss.
It could have been hours that they stayed suspended in that kiss, holding, clutching on to one another as if they feared some unknown force would tear them apart. They were swept away by the intensity of their desperate passions.
Cristiano devoured her mouth with wild, ravishing kisses, devouring her tongue with his own. Wandering his hand around her thigh, he gently lifted her left leg, raising the stain dress over her leg. Deeper and deeper he kissed her, his big body warm and lean between her thighs. He trailed his hand over her chest, gently caressing her breast. His thumb and forefinger trailed along her nipple, teasing it to aching arousal before gently kneading her soft flesh in his large warm hand.
Only then did Jasmine come up for air and tore her mouth away from his drawing kisses, "Cristiano," she breathed as his hand slipped inside her dress and cupped her breast. She groaned, arching her head back, eyes closed. His kiss lingered at her throat, lips like satin, his day-beard, scratchy against her skin. She didn't realize she was holding her breath until he stopped, resting his hand on her midriff and lifted his stare to hers.
Panting she opened her eyes and stared up at him dazedly and breathless, her lips slightly parted. His smile was faint as he rested his cheek on his fist. Her hands were still clasped behind his neck and she realized she had no wish to let him go. Jasmine dropped her gaze, blushing to the roots of her hair. He was staring at her and she couldn't bring herself to look at him.
What was going through his head? She briefly wondered.
"I adore you." He whispered.
She stopped breathing, absorbing his words with amazement, searching his eyes. "Do-,". She swallowed hard. "Do you mean that?"
He returned her gaze without facade or pretenses.
"I adore you as much as I would die for you." He said.
She stared at him, pained with anguish. Then why do you hurt me with your actions, she yearned to ask but she didn't want to ruin the moment. He was revealing raw parts of him he's never shared before or shown her before. And Jasmine found herself wanting to hear more.
Pushing up, he stood and leaned to offer her his hand. "Come on. It's getting dark. We should be getting back."
He took her hands. Lifting them one by one to his lips, he pressed a sweet kiss into each of her palms as if she was some rare treasure. She felt his tenderness and the care in which he held her, touched her. His eyes looked at her with a desperation Jasmine had never seen before. Astonished by his behavior, she went helplessly in his arms.
In silence, they climbed on the back of the horse and retuned in silence to the house. Jasmine allowed herself to lean securely against Cristiano, savoring the steadying feel of his arm around her waist. Her head rested on his chest as he guided the horse towards the cottage.
He was going to regret his actions, he thought. He'd be a fool if he hoped for more beyond their time there. They were getting much too close as their barriers were slowly shedding. It will only hurt when it was time to let her go. However, anytime with her was worth the pain and loss he was sure he was going to experience.
Cristiano guided the horse with her sitting in his lap through the thickening darkness. The horse carried them back through the fields at a walk. By the time they made it back, dusk turned into a clear, starry night.
With heart pounding, he dismounted and helped her down. Neither of them spoke as they walked toward the house. Cristiano's eyes watched her with hungry approval and followed her into the darkened hallway. The door closed and barely passed the threshold, he thrust her firmly against the wall and began kissing her again, pinning her body with his against the cool wall.
Jasmine moaned desperately, quivering at the out of control emotions they unleashed. He ran his hands down her sides, holding her by the hips. When at last he ended the kiss, his breathing was deep and hot. Lifting her chin with his fingertips he looked into her eyes.
"I won't take your innocence. I swear on my honor." He whispered. "I will never do anything you don't want me to."
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