《Vanilla Smoke (Blue Exorcist)》Chapter 12
"It didn't work," Shuku whispered solemnly, just loud enough for everyone to hear, then the scorched demon roared in anger and lunged at Shuku.
"Nee, I need Mr. Una Una." Shiemi frantically asked the little green man in a panic and.
The small summon nodded in affirmation and with a burst of power, an oak tree burst out of its stomach and pierced the ghoul, pinning it across the room. Shuku was safer but was now separated by a twisted barrier of tree limbs from the others. The room was filled with branches, leaving only the portion behind Sheimi clear of the tangled mess. Shuku twisted herself through the wall and climbed through them to get back to the group, panting with a surprising lack of energy. Everyone stared at the massive wall of branches before them, paying no mind to SHuku for the time being.
"Thank you, Nee!" Shiemi gave her familiar attention, and a spark entered Shuku's mind.
"Hebimaru?" Shuku asked, and the serpent slithered out through the branches effortlessly. "I am alright Master Shuku." He said, bowing his head.
"You saved us Shiemi." Rin thanked, "That was quick thinking." A noise came from the other side of the barrier, and Rin watched in horror as the Ghoul split in two, then started attacking the tree barrier.
"It's trying to break out of there!" Shima pointed out the obvious.
"No shit sherlock." Shuku added, giving the ghoul a death glare.
"Damn it, for a dead thing it's pretty lively, isn't it?" Rin asked rhetorically.
"That's because ghouls are more powerful in the darkness." Skunk informed everyone. Just then, Blondie fell on her knees and started coughing.
"What's the matter Shiemi?" Rin asked worriedly.
"I'm feeling dizzy."Just as Shiemi said that everyone but Shuku and Rin was coughing.
"What the hell's going on, I feel like I'm burning up" Skunk rasped. Shuku blinked in realization. The ghoul fluids. She hadn't been hit, so she was fine. The room was now full of the sound of coughing.
"What's wrong with you guys?" Rin asked in confusion.
"The ghoul sprayed its fluids all over us? How come you're not affected, Shuku I know didn't get hit. But what's your excuse Rin?" Izumo explained, then asked.
"I, uh." Oh right, Rin's a demon, it wouldn't bother him.
"Come on Yukio, we need you here damn it!" Rin avoided it all together and took out his phone to attempt to call Yukio.
Shuku cursed again noticing how low the vanilla was in her pen, there wasn't enough to pull off another trick like before. She needed her blades if she was to be of any use at all. A quick idea came to her head as she spotted an air duct.
"Hebimaru. I need you to go to my room and bring me back my kunai knives and the extra vial of vanilla and light fluid I have in my room. Find me afterward." He nodded the dispersed into black smoke, which slipped easily through the air duct to follow Shuku's urgent orders.
"Once Moriyama loses her strength, the barrier she put up is gonna disappear. Then it's over for us. Shuku, once the barrier goes down, could you set the thing on fire again, but hotter." Ryuji asked, and Shuku shook her head.
"No, my pen isn't strong enough to do anything hotter. Plus it doesn't help that I don't have enough fluid to do my little parlor trick again. I just sent Hebimaru to get my blades and my spare bottle of fluid." Shuku informed him, and he cursed.
"Damn it, a good time to not be picking up Yukio." Rin said to himself when no one answered the phone he put it up and said something Shuku couldn't hear. Shuku had no doubt that Rin was probably stronger than this. In fact, she'd never actually seen him use his sword. Rin walked up to the barrier with a new fire in his eyes.
"What are you doing?!" Bon asked Rin, he was going to leave them.
"I'm gonna go outside and try to draw it away. If I can get it to follow me, it'll give you guys a chance to get out of here." Rin explained his plan, which actually wasn't half bad, but it was still a stupid idea.
"Huh? Have you lost your mind?!" Ryuji asked after hearing Rin's stupid plan. In that type of plan, the guy that provided the distraction usually got killed.
"Hey, you don't have to worry about me," Rin climbed through the barrier, "I'm pretty strong you know." Rin climbed through the branches and Bon let out one final protest, "Hey! Okumura!"
"Okumura don't do it."
Rin was out of view and ran off, but only one gave chase, there was still one left. "Damn it, Okumura!" Ryuji shouted before breaking into a fit of coughs.
Shuku curse silently, then decided she had no other choice. "Shuku? What the hell are you doing?" Skunk asked as she bit down hard on her finger and rolled up her left sleeve up to her shoulder. "Going after that idiot of course. Teach said exorcist worked in teams of at least two, so I'm gonna go be Rin's back up once he's in deep shit."
Ryuji stared at Shuku as a purple tattoo appeared on her shoulder, and she drew a long line of blood down the center of it then whispered the incantation, one which she'd only used when she had been in some deep shit and needed a getaway.
"O' fountain of light and shadow, embrace me in your color and darkness and let me fly free, unbound by my mortal bonds!" Shuku's voice was louder at the end of it, and as soon as the final word was said, she faded away like she was never there.
"Holy shit, Shuku just vanished. He's not as much as an asshole anymore, but that creep factor sure isn't getting any lower!" Shima commented, staring at the empty space where she had just been standing.
"Man, Okumura's crazy and Shuku keeps pulling impossible shit off. I really don't like those two sometimes." Bon grumbled.
Shuku ran after Rin, walking straight through walls to find him. The incantation wouldn't last long, but it should last just long enough for her to find him. After that, Shuku doubted she would find the strength for her other one. The light one and fire one had taken it out of her. The one she had just used had done just as the incantation had stated. She had become light and shadow itself, unseeable and untouchable by physical objects.
Shuku found Rin in the power room, just about to get attacked by an ugly looking flower ghoul. Shuku went to kick it, but simply passed right through it. Damn it. She couldn't end the incantation either, she would have to let it wear off on its own. The demon jumped off the railing to pounce at Rin. Shuku instinctively moved in front of it, attempting to act as a shield for Rin, but the demon passed through her. It should've worn off by now, what the hell!?
"Don't mess with me!" Shuku looked over at Rin, to see the demon jump back from electric blue flames. Shuku blinked. Blue flames... so she was right then... he was the one. His ears had pointed off even more, and his tail showed itself, he was covered in the blue flames like someone had dipped him in them.
"Excellent, that's what I've been wanting to see." A deep, and familiar voice said. Shuku turned around, eyes still wide to face the origin of the familiar voice. "Those brilliant blue flames you keep hidden." It was one of the teachers, the one that taught magic circles and summoning.
"Are you the one who-" Rin started but was cut off when he continued talking.
"Since you won't use your powers in front of the others, I decided to lure you away. Rin Okumura, son of Satan," He stated, and Shuku growled at him. Talking, or making any noise at all really, like this made no difference, the light was silent, and can't be heard.
"How'd you find out? Who told you about me?" Rin asked, expecting answers. Shuku found that her gaze kept flickering back to Rin's blue flames. Her latest dream echoing through her ears, deciphering it. The teacher gave a wolfish smile. Rin relized something, his eyes wide.
"Are you the scumbag responsible for the attacks on us?!" Rin shouted. Shuku gave the teacher a death glare, Shuku knew she shouldn't do something, it would surely kill her, but oh how much she wanted to.
"Actually, I am." He responded.
Though Shuku could touch anything, in fact, she would actually sink right through the floor if she wasn't keeping herself up, but that didn't mean she couldn't kill anything. By doing this incarnation, she became light, and if she focused, she could become a beam of solid light and kill someone as easily as touching them. But, it had it's effects, and none were pleasant.
"But enough about me, I want to see more of that power of yours." The demon let out a roar, wanting to fight again.
Rin unsheathed his sword, and the blade gleamed in the same flames and his own grew stronger. Rin jumped into the air, "I'm gonna make you pay for this." And shoved his sword straight in the ghoul's head. The ghoul lit on fire, and Rin removed his sword, and the demon fell on the floor, still on fire. Shuku looked up, he was gone, Rin noticed this too, and cursed before sheathing his sword.
Shuku felt the spell break and she hit floor hard, falling just behind Rin. Rin wheeled around and then spotted a heavily breathing Shuku on the ground. "What the hell Shuku?! Where the fuck did you come from?! Did... did you see what happened." Rin asked, bewildered on how Shuku could just appear.
"You.... so kicked.... his ass." Shuku said between heavy breaths and Rin sighed. "Not breathing for at last five minutes does.... this to someone.... I'll be fine." Rin turned the lights on and went to give Shuku a hand. She accepted it and held onto him, exhausted.
"How'd you do that? Just appear out of this air like that? And you watched the battle as well. Why weren't you breathing?" Rin asked a stream of questions as they started walking back to the room they had left the other half of the ghoul in.
"Well, thin light technically. When you're made of light, you kind of don't need to breath. I couldn't do shit though, well, I could've, I just couldn't though. Worth it to see you kick ass." Shuku rasped an arm thrown over Rin shoulder for support.
"Well, that doesn't make any sense, but ok. Try to explain later when your mind's all back together" Rin said, almost dragging her.
"Oaky!" She said with a giddy smile. He'd never seen Shuku smile before, it was... different.
Rin almost dropped Shuku if it weren't for the wall. She managed to stumble into the room only to tripping over her own feet and dive to the floor.
"Hey! What happened to the other half of the ghoul that..." Rin trailed off at the completely shocked, open mouth look that Bon was giving him.
"But, your ghoul... what happened?" He asked, still shocked.
"Skunk's a fishy! Bloop bloop!" Shuku said happily into the floor, a small pool of blood forming on the floor from out of her nose.
"Oh, I killed it. Guess you killed your too, huh." Ryuji slammed Rin into the ground and Shuku laughed like a fucking toddler.
"What's wrong with you two!? You want to get killed!?" He yelled at Rin and Shuku, but from the look at it Shuku didn't give a fuck.
"Hey wait! Stop! Why do you want to kill me?!" Rin asked, avoiding all of Bon's attacks.
"Heheheh! Uh oh! Skunks mad now! He's gonna kill win..." Shuku said, voice slurred and childish.
Shima stared at Shuku in shock. In a way, this was both funny and horrifying. Shuku had disappeared into oblivion, then reappeared acting drunk. Was she even human sometimes?! Though judging from the growing puddle of blood, yep!
"Umm, I think Shuku's broken." Shima said, staring at a dazed Shuku mumbling words that made no sense about Skunks and winning.
-A piece of sod.
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