《Vanilla Smoke (Blue Exorcist)》Chapter 6
Shuku loitered in the cafeteria of the dorm and slowly sipped on a shake while leaning up against a wall near the door. Yukio was sitting at a table not too far away, sparing a moment to cast a glance over at Shuku. Rin was probably still asleep in his room.
"You know Shuku, your welcome to come sit down over here if you'd like." Yukio offered, a bit nervous around Shuku.
Shuku gave a careless shrug then strolled over and sat down next to Yukio, and continued sipping his shake while Glasses ate his breakfast. The silence was awkward.
"Where's Rin?" Shuku asked boredly, breaking the silence.
"Still asleep. He wouldn't wake up when I tried to wake him. So, I never see you in the dorm, where are you usually at?" He asked.
"Places. I found this pastry shop I go to often a while ago. Price isn't bad since either. Other than that, I go to the park to study and train a bit. You should try a bucket of ice water, that always works." Shuku responded, then offered.
Shuku took another sip of his shake. It was silent for another minute before Yukio broke the silence this time.
"Um... I heard you got into the school on a full scholar ship like I did, I mean, we share a few classes." Yukio gave Shuku a closed-eyed smile, this was getting real awkward.
"Yeah, I breeze through most of my classes anyway, though. The only thing I really have to study is history." Shuku took another sip of his shake. History hadn't really been something he focused on. Much too boring.
Yukio and Shuku sat in silence for a moment before Yukio said something. "I would like to hear the story behind that eye of yours. A few exorcist have unusual scars given to them by demons, but I've never heard of one like yours before." Shuku took a deep breath, and knitted his brow in thought with a grunt and closed his eyes before answering.
"A high-level demon gave it to me when I was about 10. I passed out afterward and my eye was a different color and light sensitive. Nothing more to it." Shuku skimmed over, not really wanting to talk. He preferred the silence much more to this conversation.
"A high-level demon? Was an exorcist call to deal with it afterward? High-level demons are supposed to be called in as soon as they are spotted. If you were attacked by one, how are you alive?" Yukio prodded with sudden interest, not noticing Shuku's discomfort about the subject.
"This isn't a demon open for exorcists to deal with. A smart dragon is foresightful enough not to kill something it may need in the future, especially when that something can't be replaced." After that statement, Shuku got up, slung his bag over his shoulder, and left.
Yukio blinked. That hadn't been the response he had hoped for. Hearing the sound of Rin running down the halls, Yukio prepared himself to deal with his older brother.
Yukio and Rin walked around the store grocery shopping. Since lunch was too expensive, they had decided Rin would make them lunches in their dorms kitchen, since only Shuku was there with them, and Yukio was fairly sure he didn't cook.
"Hey, Rin? What do you know about Shuku?" Yukio asked, what exactly had he meant earlier in the day. Dragons weren't exactly a demon one could find nowadays, they were extinct. The bigger question, why would one attack Shuku, but not kill him? Not that it's a bad thing, but... it just doesn't make sense.
Rin thought for a moment before answering, "Well, he can be a bit of an asshole sometimes. He creeps a few people out, he's sarcastic but smart enough to show up Bon in about everything. He makes everyone look like little kids when we deal with demons, and he wears that fancy black dragon hoodie almost everywhere. He looks like some punk emo kid with his dyed hair and piercings. He likes to smoke that weird vanilla vapor often. His right eye's lavender and he has a goal similar to mine." Yukio blinked, Rin had stated the obvious stuff except several of those things.
"How does he show everyone up when it comes to demons? And how exactly does he creep people out? I've never seen him smoke, he would have been caught if any place smelt like smoke. And what do you mean a goal similar to yours?" Yukio asked in order.
Shuku gave off this weird feeling like there was always something more to him. His statement at breakfast proved that easily.
"Well, when we face a demon in class, he always darts around them and takes them out as if it was easy, even when we're not supposed to. I've seen him giving Bon these death glares, and I swear I saw him through a pencil at a teacher once like it was a dart and it hit the teacher on the shoulder. It was so funny! The smoking thing always smells like vanilla, the area near Shuku's room ALWAYS smells like vanilla. He uses this pen looking thing with vanilla in it.
"Didn't I tell you the story about what happened in PE the day the teacher left for awhile. Well, after a bunch of stuff happened, I found out that Ryuji wanted to kick the crap out of Satan too! Then he said something to Shuku, saying that one as competition was enough, so I thought Shuku wanted to beat up Satan too until he said he didn't and instead wanted to beat up the demon who turned his eye purple, he seemed kind touchy over it. Got really pissy and left." Rin rambled, making Yukio blink in confusion. Was everything one answer or all different ones.
"OK, so let me see if I can understand what you just said. So he's agile enough and can take out the lower level demons at the cram school, even when it's not what the teacher suggested. He glares at Suguro. He might've thrown a pencil at a teacher, which is not funny. He uses a vapor pen with vanilla in it, and he wants to take out the demon who made his eye lavender." Yukio summarized. He'd been doing this for awhile.
Rin nodded and then went off to throw a few more things into their cart. So if Shuku wanted to get take out the demon that changed his eye, that meant he was going after a high-level demon, one that is most likely extinct. From what Shuku had said, he had been a child, but then what would Shuku have that the dragon needed and couldn't replace? He also said, if Yukio had put the pieces together right, that he was attacked first, but not killed, only injured. But then if Shuku was so valuable to this demon, why would it attack Shuku it the first place? There was still too many blanks about Shuku's past to put a decent story together that was close enough to the truth. Too many pieces of the puzzle missing to show a picture.
As if the thoughts had summoned him, Yukio spotted Shuku with a shopping basket held loosely in his hand. Rin spotted him as well and went to go talk to him, almost dragging a glaring Shuku back over to Yukio. Yukio could see what was in his basket. Instant noodles, a few shakes like the one he had been drinking that morning, a large bottle of vanilla extract, a container of ice cream, and a small amount of lunch meat with a loaf of bread. Nothing too expensive or perishable.
"Sup, Yukio. You guys gonna make yourselves some food in the kitchen?" Shuku asked casually with a lazy wave, then gesturing to their cart full of fresh ingredients. His unhappy glare gone.
"Yeah! I'm gonna make us some lunches so we don't starve to death. Where do you keep your food, up in your room?" Rin asked.
Shuku nodded, "I have a small cooler I put the perishables in the other stuff I just put in bags up in the closet. Cooking's really not my forte unless it comes to sweets. Haven't made any of that in a while, though." He slipped his unused hand casually into his hoodie pocket.
"Wait." Rin blinked, "You can cook?" Rin asked in confusion.
"A bit, I prefer baking, though. Well gotta go, I'll be in my room if ya need me for any reason. Later." Shuku waved then walked off out of sight.
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Next Morning~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
Shuku leaned up against a dark wall in the dining area as he sipped on a shake before school. Rin had come in earlier, was horrified over something, then had run off extremely pissed. Shuku couldn't help but notice Rin's tail. He'd caught glimpses of it before around the dorm, but Rin usually kept it hidden. Most people would freak out if they found out someone was actually a demon, but to be honest, he hadn't done anything to form malicious feeling toward him, other than just being a dumbass that is. Shuku didn't see it as fair to judge someone based on their parents either. He didn't necessarily like the way his bloodlines had affected him and worked hard against it.
"So, I'm assuming you're Shuku Murasaki, a fine student if I say so myself. Yet shrouded in a dark cloak of secrecy" At the sudden voice, Shuku's reflexes got the better of him and he whirled around to punch the newcomer. His fist hit a palm, then he looked up to see who it was was.
Shuku dropped his fist as soon as he realized who it was. It was none other than the Director. He was next to Shuku, leaning up against the same wall.
"Good Morning. I'm going to assume you're Director Faust?" Shuku greeted, his guards still up.
"That I am. I'm quite impressed that you know Rin's little secret and aren't scared or even acting in any way at all. Or that you haven't told anyone, not even Rin that you know. I'm curious to how you know myself. I actually wouldn't be all that surprised at all if you were a spy." The clown smiled at Shuku, but it wasn't a friendly one.
Shuku froze, and met his eye sternly. "Don't worry yourself, I'm not a spy for anyone but myself. I find Okumura... more entertaining that a threat. He is more of an idiot than a threat." Shuku responded as casually as possible, sipping his shake and sliding a hand into his jacket pockets, gripping the handle of something that might become necessary very quickly.
"And if he were to become one?" He asked a glint in his eye that Shuku definitely knew meant he was in some deep shit. "Oh calm down. You have no need to be so rigid. I'm just here to prepare a meal for the two because Ukobach is upset for Rin using his kitchen. Feel free to join me." Somehow, Shuku knew it was definitely more than an order than a suggestion. Shuku knew he should turn down and leave, but what could happen anyways?
With a shrug, Shuku walked out of his place against the wall. Sir Pheles threw on an apron and started to work in the kitchen, and Shuku sat at the table closest to the kitchen, still drinking what was left of his shake. His backpack sat not too far away from his feet.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Glasses and Idiot sneak up to the kitchen, still not noticing that Shuku was there. Peeking their heads up, Sir Pheles turned around and greeted the two shocked boys.
"Gentlemen. Morning"
"Mephisto!" Rin shouted.
"A-all this time it was you!? You're the one who's been cooking all our meals for us since we moved in?!" Glasses asked, slightly shocked. Shuku was confused, but not surprised.
"I've done no such thing. I'm just a temporary replacement." The clown replied.
"Replacement?" The two brothers asked simultaneously.
After that, Mephisto explained the situation and about Ukobach and how they messed up. Sitting down beside Shuku, Sir Pheles placed a bowl in front of each of them.
"Morning Shuku. Since when have you been up?" Yukio greeted politely.
Shuku just shrugged. Judging from what he saw the Clown put in it, it had shouldn't be edible.
"So, I think I understand the gravity of the situation. By the way, what is this?" Glasses asked. Shuku thought of responding but quickly decided to stay quiet, not wanting to be rude.
"My specialty, little demon-flavored oatmeal. Please help yourselves." Shuku stared at the magenta goop that was bubbling. Nope, definitely not edible.
Shuku sat up, but didn't remove his hood, then took a sip of his shake. "Not to be rude, but I have my shake." He said. Shuku gave the shake a small vibrate in his hand for emphasis and pushed the bowl away from him. Mephisto gave Shuku a hard stare, and Shuku took another sip of the shake.
"Fine. Go on, don't be shy." He said, waiting for the two brothers to take a bite.
After a moment, Rin grabbed the bowl and after a small bit, he passed out. Yukio encouraged him to stay awake, and Shuku smirked. He had been correct.
"A familiar's misconduct is the responsibility of its master. Until Ukobach's mood improves, I will take charge of this kitchen and prepare all your meals personally." The clown had a scary look on his face and Shuku yawned, bored.
"And if his mood doesn't improve?" Yukio asked, still holding his half-conscious brother.
"Hm, I will become your personal cook for the duration of your time here." Shuku stopped. That, would definitely not be a good thing for anyone.
"Oh, Rin!" Yukio called desperately, shaking his brother.
"So, this Ukobach guy or whatever, I'm so gonna kick his ass." Rin slurred, clearly not back to himself yet.
"Idiot. You will not kick the chef." Yukio chided.
"Because I am already here. We have a problem to discuss." Sir Pheles said, eyeing Shuku, causing Yukio and a dazed Rin to look at him too. Shuku cocked his head to the side in confusion.
"What? Is Shuku in trouble or something?" Yukio asked. Shuku was fairly sure he hadn't done anything wrong. Out of the usual, that is.
"Now, Shuku. Answer honestly here, I can tell if you're lying. Would you care to explain just how long and how you found out that you dorm and class mate here is the son of Satan?" The clown asked.
The room fell silent as the two shocked brothers looked at a wide-eyed at a shell-shocked Shuku.
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