《Vanilla Smoke (Blue Exorcist)》Chapter 4
Shuku sat in his desk in the back of the room and watched boredly. Throughout the day Rin had repeatedly spaced out, and got scolded for it alby the ranting teachers. He couldn't help but notice that Skunk kept sending glares his way, ones which Shuku so kindly returned with interests. He should have kept a better watch of himself, so that the other day hadn't had happened, it could cause him a really large pain in the ass if anyone found out. Shuku tossed a mint in his mouth, vanilla flavored. He fiddled with a sharpened pencil his fingers absently moving at an incredible speed as the pencil moved just as fast, occasionally tossing it up in the air and catching it before returning.
He now sat in Glasses's class, and he was handing back graded quizzes. Giving each student a tip or two to help them improve in the future. The new blonde girl received her quiz back and looked slightly heartbroken. Rin laughed, then was called up to get his test, which he udderly failed. Skunk got up to get his test. Skunk commented about it, saying he couldn't get a 2% if he tried. When Rin lashed back, Skunk showed Idiot his paper, which was a 98%. Rin called Skunk a 'punk rock reject', and Shuku snickered.
The two got into an argument about becoming an exorcist and how everyone was working hard. Nope, wrong again. Shuku could care less. Their argument escaladed until the teacher, Nerd and Redhead had to separate the two. Shuku got up and walked up to the front. The teacher encouraged Skunk to tell of his off brother some more. The bell tolled and Shuku walked up to Glasses.
"Teacher, I didn't receive my paper?" Shuku asked, though it was more of a statement.
Yukio blinked, then handed Shuku his test paper with a proud look on his face. "Congrats, Murasaki on a perfect score. I was quite impressed you knew everything. I've never really seen you about so you must spend a good amount of time studying to get grades as good as these." Shuku looked at the paper unimpressed, while the two idiots gawked at Shuku's paper, a 100 written at the top. Skunk shot Shuku yet another nasty look.
"Believe what you want, teach." Shuku shrugged before grabbing his backpack and leaving. "Believe what you want."
"Geez what's that asshole's problem. He's the opposite of motivated, he flies through class like it's nothin, yet there's something he's hiding that he gives out death threats for." Bon griped about Shuku.
Shuku was one problem, and Okumura was another, Bon liked neither.
' If you want an honest answer, I did it for entertainment, for fun. I had a way in, and I took it. As for my goals, there is one specific demon I wish to kill, and anyone who get's in my way will end up injured, or dead. So put me down, before I have to take unnecessary measures." Shuku's answer/threat echoed in Bon's mind.
What demon did Shuku want to kill enough that he would kill anyone who tried to stop him? Ryuji scoffed. If he get in his way one more time, he would break that punk's nose and wipe that smirk right off his face. But was in the demon he was thinking of, that Shuku was targeting?
"I understand you, Bon. That guy gives me the creeps, almost as much as bugs do, except more hostile, like he really would kill me." Shima shuttered.
"I'm just curious on why he recited a prophecy and what happened back in the coffee shop. There's definitely more to him that it seems. The part that worries me most is that it mentioned blue flames, and the picture too. Whatever it's about, I believe it might have to do something with Satan." Konekomaru hypothesized, worry etched on his face.
"We should tell a teacher or someone about it, but something tells me, the way he glared at me when he threatened us, told me that it wasn't a bluff, but a promise." Bon stated as they made their way to next class. Walking into the courtyard, only to find Moriyama and Okumura Alone on the fountain.
"Well well well, look at these two lovebird making out."
Shuku watched in amusement as Idiot and Skunk raced around the track, pursued by a frog looking demon. They had turned it into a race and argued while racing, Rin just ahead of Skunk. He then kicked Rin in the back, causing him to faceplant, and he stopped. Shuku let out a cold laugh as the frog crept up behind Ryuji and almost got 'em. Too bad the teacher pulled back the chain and saved Skunk from getting mauled by a gigantic frog. While the teacher was yelling at the two boys, Shuku snuck a small puff from his vapor pen.
The two threatened each other then Rin tackled Ryuji to the ground and the two started fighting. Shuku egged them on silently as Skunk's two friends and the teacher separated the two. Redhead, Nerd, and Idiot talked while the teacher went to have a talk with Ryuji. After all that, Rin kept glancing at Skunk for a while, and the next pair were called up, blondie and Polka-brow. Blonde kept tripping on her completely unfit kimono and Polka-brow had no issues whatsoever.
Shuku and Chipmunk went next. Chipmunk used the ladder to get down and Shuku took off his hoodie, and a few looked over to him, Skunk and Idiot. Under his hoodie, Shuku had put on a school white button up shirt without the tie. Sliding down the wall, Shuku was at the bottom, and Chipmunk came a few seconds later. The teacher released the Reaper frog and it came hopping over to them. Chipmunk ran but Shuku just stood there, an indifferent look on his face. The Reaper was just about to get him when Shuku darted forward, and slid underneath the reaper. The teacher watched, his hand on the lever to pull the Reaper back in the student was in any harm at all.
The reaper, now focused on Shuku, turned back around and attacked again. The whole class watched as Shuku darted around the reaper causing it to get tangled up in it's own chains. Chipmunk had stopped running and was watching Shuku as well. Time was up and the Reaper stopped and stared at Shuku. Shuku gave it a hard glare, and it backed off, like it was scared of something. The teacher came down and examined Shuku over, he was completely uninjured, and it was even strange that the reaper had backed off as well.
"Murasaki, I know I said the exercise was to get you used to the way the demon moved, but that was not what I meant! You could have been hurt doing that, but you perfectly evaded all of its attempts to get you. I am quite curious to how you managed to accomplish this as just a Page." The Teacher asked and Shuku shrugged, there was dirt now on his shirt.
"I just ran under it when it jumped, that seemed to confuse it enough since I had gotten into it's blind spot." Shuku stated. Though Suguro was an exceptional student, Shuku was phenomenal. He passed classes with top grades, easily evaded the demons other students had problems with, and he did it all like it was nothing.
"Alright then. Next up! Shima and Yamada! You're up next!" The teacher shouted.
Chipmunk went up the ladder, stealing a glance at Shuku, a blush more than obvious. Shuku stared at the Reaper for a moment, and from the looks of it, it didn't appreciate the gesture, the went to then darted to the wall. The teacher paused for a moment to see why Shuku was running at the edge of the arena when he jumped, stepped up the wall, and grasped the edge, then pulled himself up. He then walked over to the place where he had his stuff and put his hoodie back on, and took a puff from his pen.
"That Shuku's such a show off. Even the fucking demon doesn't like him. How does he even get away with it?" Bon grumbled.
"Well I heard he got in on a full scholarship. He's a top student. And apparently that vapor pen that he carries around is to help with some sort of medical condition." Konekomaru informed.
"So you think the pens to help with what we witnessed at the coffee shop?" Ryuji asked quietly so no one else could hear.
"It's a possibility from the way he acted after the fact." Konekomaru agreed.
A phone rang, everyone looked about to see whose phone was ringing, the teacher picked up, talked a bit, then said they were taking a break and to not go into the arena along with a bit about the Reaper, then left. Ryuji literally fell when the teacher pickedup his. After the teacher left everyone chatted once the teacher left for someone he called Kitty Cat.
Shuku watched from the wall with his vapor pen, taking a bit every now and then as he watched Rin and Skunk argue. The argument turned into a challenge to go touch the reaper, and get back. Shuku smirked and got up to see what was up.
"When a reaper looks into your eyes, it's gonna try to read whatever you're thinking. Fear and Anger, Sadness and Jealousy, whatever it finds, it uses. And if you look away your dead cause it'll pick that moment to attack. Isn't that right, Shuku? What were you thinking when you faced the reaper?" Ryuji spat Shuku's name like it was poisonous, making Rin confused.
Shuku sneered coldly a sadistic glint showing itself in his visible pine green eye, "Something it didn't like." He answered, then took another puff from his pen. Rin blinked and Ryuji scoffed.
"If you're serious about becoming an exorcist, you won't loose your cool over a little old reaper. If you make it back here in one piece, it'll prove you're not messing around, and I'll leave you alone." Skunk explained.
"Wait, Bon-" Pinkett tried to interrupt, but Skunk continued.
"And I'll give it a shot too. There's no way I could lose. Shuku, your welcome to join in, cause apparently this is all fun and games for you. Though I hope you won't come back in one piece. Well, you gonna do it or what?!" Shuku shrugged and nodded, blowing some vapor into the air, a smirk pasted on his face.
"I might scare it away though" Shuku added nonchalantly.
Rin smirked and closed his eyes, "Sounds like fun. Sure, I'll do it," Ryuji smirked, but then Rin continued, "Yeah right. Like hell I will. You dumbass." Shuku almost... almost laughed at the shocked look on Skunk's face when Rin stated he was bluffing.
"You think I'm crazy?" It would be more entertaining, "What if something happens and I get killed?" Oh well. "Besides, if we're talking ambition, I got the same as you." Shuku blinked. What had he missed? "I'm not gonna risk my life just to prove it to you though." Ok... What. Had. He. Missed?
"What the?" A shocked look went over Skunk's face, then he realized something and yelled at his two freinds.
"Did you guys tell him?!" He asked, kinda pissed looking.
"Well..." "Umm" The two said.
"Ambition my ass. You're using it as an excuse to chicken out!" Ryuji shouted.
"Say whatever you want." Rin shrugged it off. Shuku looked between the two, still missing something, and Skunk was getting real pissed.
"Damn you... Damn all of you for making me look like an idiot. Damn you all!" He growled.
Shuku yawned, "I'm still in ya know?"
"Why don't you do something?! Why doesn't anyone fight back..." Ryuji's voice was low, and clearly not in the present.
"Oh he's lost it now." Shuku sighed, slipping a hand in his jacket pocket.
"Doesn't this piss you off?!" He shouted, and got no reaction, "I'm gonna do it. Just stand there and watch me." With a mad look in his eye, he slid down into the arena. Shuku followed him, and stood on the side.
"Hey? Wait don't go down there!" Rin shouted. Shuku shrugged.
"I'm still in, and that's makes this a competition. Plus this seems fun." Shuku smirked and watched Ryuji.
"Bon!" Redhead and Nerd called.
"Is he really gonna do it?" Chipmunk asked Polka- brow.
"Their not gonna do anything. This is so lame." Wasn't she supportive?
Ryuji walked up to the Reaper, mumbling to himself the his voice got louder. "I'm not a coward like you! I'm gonna be a real exorcist someday, and I'll defeat Satan!" He shouted.
Shuku stared at him, eyes wide, then smirked. Wasn't that funny? It wasn't that Shuku couldn't think he could do it, it was that he had the guts to shout it out like that. There was a second of silence as Ryuji realized what he had just proclaimed, then Polka-brow laughed.
Shuku turned his head her direction, glaring coldly, it wasn't funny, not even to him.
Silver Fox and the Western Hero
Author's Note. This is book 7! Please feel free to hop on and enjoy! If you find you like my writing style, I hope you'll check out the first 6 books, all available to read on Kindle Unlimited, link below!) Alex was dying, and all the millions his father had left him meant nothing. The life he had been so eager to embrace, to do the memory of his father proud, would soon come to an end. Cancer. That ugly, terrible word. He had tried to be strong for his mother, even when the treatments left him violently ill, his body wracked with pain, his friends and even his girlfriend leaving him almost as fast as his once impressive physique wasted to nothing under the ravages of his illness. And just when he thought all hope was dead, a couple discrete referals placed by high-powered friends of his family got him an exclusive spot at the most sophisticated cryonic facility in the world. He didn't know if there was such a thing as an afterlife, but part of the package included uploading a copy of his cortex into a digital universe filled countless worlds to explore, where he could embrace whatever class or profession he could dream of. All of which sounded hell of a lot better than the miserable death waiting for him in the real world. In the end, he signed the paperwork, putting his pathetic flickering life in the hands of potential quacks and charlatans. After all, with death just days away, what did he have to lose? Even if he could never be successfully revived, he could at least adventure his heart out. (Authors Note: Books 1-6 are now live on Amazon and here is a link if you wanted to check it out! And I will continue to post chapters to Book 6 here first, until that tale is told! I hope you enjoy! And if you wanted to help support my work by checking out book 1 on Amazon, I would be extremely grateful!)
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How the Stars Turned Red
Announcement as of 05 July 2022: I've been diagnosed with some pretty severe nerve damage in my left arm, rendering me unable to write effectively, and as such this story is on hold until it is healed. I am so sorry, and I promise to get back to writing as soon as possible. In the latter half of the 3rd millennium CE, humanity has spread across the stars, inhabiting close to five-hundred worlds across the Orion Arm. Earth has become irrelevant, a historical has-been. The galactic map is dominated by two mega-factions, both controlling vast amounts of territories either through direct control or through their many allies and treaty signatories. The Kingdom of Aurora is the political and economic hegemon despite consisting of only seven inhabited worlds; their strength lies in the Royal Union, an interstellar commonwealth composing an internal market and a common defence pact. These member worlds are myriad and varied, culturally as well as politically, but they all flock to the same banner. The Independent Systems Alliance, spearheaded by the Republic of Elysium, is the ascendant challenger to Aurora and the Union. A pseudo-federal multi-system polity, the Alliance economy and military is rapidly expanding, but at the cost of effective democratic and meritocratic involvement by its people. However, with two superpowers as this, chafing along a common border, and with a constant clamour of polemics, both sides have become convinced the other is constantly preparing for war and are on the look-out for any perceived weakness in their opponent. The predictable result is a huge arms race and a cold war spreading across the stars, requiring only a spark to set the galaxy aflame. Drawn into this game of high stakes are ordinary men and women, their peaceful lives, hopes, and aspirations swallowed by the vortex of conflict and distrust. This is their story. Cover art by Rhodex Designs (FB). Hope you like long chapters and adjectives. Note: English is not my first language. Another story set in the same universe, written by a good friend
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The Game Of The Gods.
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