《Kenzie The Queen ♔ mackenzie ziegler》eight


♔ Kenzie the Queen ♔ Mackenzie's Perspective

Basically, my mother was too excited for words when I told her what happened last night. She told me my wedding would be in six weeks, and we have to spend every second before then preparing for it. Gavin is now moving in with me, and we have to sleep in the same damn bed. I tell my mother I have to use the restroom, when actually I'm going out to the garden.

I sit on the farthest bench away from my mother. I wipe my tears and pull my knees to my chest.

"Hey," Sam says.

"Why are you crying?" I explain everything to him. Every little detail of last night, how I have to officially marry that skank now, and how it has to be in six weeks. I look at the bench for comfort, even though I know it can do nothing.

"Hey," he says again.

"Look at me." He lifts my chin so I meet his crystal blue eyes.

"You'll be alright. I'll go with you the whole way." He whispers. I nod and before I know it, we're kissing. Our lips move in sync as I run my fingers through his hair. We break apart and press our foreheads against each other.

"I have to get back to work." He says and kisses me one last time on the cheek before looking to me as he walks away.

I walk back into the castle very dreamily. How could I have not seen this before? Sam never looked at me like a friend, he looked at me like a crush. He was always there for me when I needed him most, and now I think I love him. I've always loved him for years, maybe I just didn't notice I didn't love him as just a friend.


Oh, but this will just complicate things a whole lot more than they already are. If I get seen with Sam, I'm gonna be known as The Girl Who Cheated on Her Fiancé. I really don't want to marry Gavin, though. Sure he's sorta nice, but that doesn't go with my personality.


My comfortable bed sheets are swirled around me after my long hours of sleep. I hear a very weird noise, though. If I'm quiet enough, I can hear it. It sounds like wind or a vacuum. I slowly open my eyes to see a figure in my bed with me, in only boxers. I scream. The figure jolts up and looks at me; Gavin.

"Okay, I've been here for three nights now, stop screaming every time you wake up." He states and falls back onto the pillow. Three nights already? It seems like more to me. I roll out from the covers and pull on the door. I pull again, but it doesn't budge. There's a note attached to the door and I rip off the tape.

'You and Gavin need to spend more time with each other, so you're both locked in this room until you can stand the other one. If you think this will postpone the wedding, think again. Each day you're in is one day the wedding moves up. Better get a move on Mackenzie. -Mom' I groan and fall back onto the bed. "We have to spend time with each other." I say. He laughs.

"Ugh, for how long?" I sit up and look to the laughing boy like he has more than one head. "Aren't you the one who wanted to marry me?"

"Calm down, Kenz. It was just a joke. Can I call you Kenz?" He smooths his hand over mine and I look at him weird.


"To get us out of here." He whispers so low that I barely heard him. My mother told us before we moved in here that there's cameras, so she sees us all the time.

"Uh, I guess." I stutter. My mother would never think that I could just change my beliefs in a matter of seconds; something would have to be up. I'll slowly warm up to him until tonight where I'll pretend to be in love with him, then bam, we're outta here. I change into shorts and a sweatshirt and walk to the balcony to finish my book.


shoutout to ; DancemomsLover1XOXO

LETS MAKE A Sam club hahaha.

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