《Kenzie The Queen ♔ mackenzie ziegler》six


♔ Kenzie the Queen ♔ Mackenzie's Perspective ✧

Earlier this morning, my mother told me that she invited Gavin's family to dinner tonight. Of course, she told me when I was rudely woken, so I couldn't at all remember when she told me an hour before the dinner.

I was laying on my bed with my pajamas on and hair exploding from my messy bun. I might not like the guy and I probably won't like his family, but I like to make a good first impression. I want to be looking flawless. My hair and makeup team only come around when there's some special event I have to go to.

I'm left to fend for myself this time, in only an hour. During my five minute shower, I had exactly no time to shave, so I'm forced to wax my legs, the painful way. I have just enough time to put my hair in a low pony tail before my mother comes into my room to tell me they're here. I notice that Madison and Josh are down here when I arrive.

I shoot them both a glare and sit in the only empty seat next to Gavin. I groan in annoyance and see that his sister is across from me at the table. Gavin introduces his family to mine and blah blah blah. We, or they, start making small talk about random crap I don't care enough to remember.

What I do remember, though, is Gavin rubbing his hand on my thigh. I kept slapping it away and it kept reappearing in the same spot it was before. I even tried scooting on the other side of my chair, but he kept reaching. I eventually fell out of my chair.

"Mackenzie, are you okay, dear?" Gavin's mother asks.


"No actually I'm not." I say as I stand.

"Your son is a perv and is touching me, and I'm not okay with that." I state. Mother laughs.

"Well you're getting married and going to get me some grandchildren, right?"

"No, actually I don't want kids. At least, not with him." I storm out of the dining room once again. I'm so done with my family. I strongly dislike them. Everyone chases after me.

"She does this all the time." Madison says.

"Ugh, that's it!" I shout.

"One, I don't do this often, just when my parents and sister piss me off. And two, I don't want to marry Gavin! I'm forced to!" I sigh, looking at everyone's faces.

"I think you should go." I snap to Gavin's family. I strut up to my room where I'm safe from my evil mother downstairs.


My mother may not be the smartest or the prettiest woman alive, but she sure is the most cunning person I know up to date. If I do something bad that she doesn't like, I will always get the short end of the stick.

It surprised me that after my little outburst with Gavin's family I wasn't screamed at. That's what mother does, though- she evaluates your bad deed and compares it with whatever punishment she makes up in her mind.Three days afterwards, mother strutted into my room like a lion after it finished a meal.

"Tonight you and Gavin will go out to dinner by yourselves. You must be nice and not storm out so rudely like you have a couple times in my memory. Remember that the paparazzi are always watching." She smiles before walking away. I groan and start to get ready.

I smile and wave with one hand walking from the limo, my other locked with Gavin's. We are seated as soon as we walk in and people stare at us and take pictures with their cell phones. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and try to make small talk. He's rejecting me for some reason, though.


"Damn it, Gavin, what's wrong with you; why won't you talk to me?" I demand.

"I don't know, maybe you'll just yell at me again and kick my folks out of your house." He suggests.

"Ok well I guess I'm really sorry for it. What will make up for it?" I probably shouldn't have asked that, but it's too late now.

"I want one real Mackenzie Ziegler date. Whatever you would do on a date, I want you to treat me the same way."

"I uh, I've never been on a date before. I was so worried that people would use me for my fame that I never dated any boys." I laugh.

"Well then I'll take you on a date." He smiles. The whole night was full of it-smiles- and talking and laughing and me being myself.

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