《Pokemon TF Literature 2020 Rewind》9. A Foxy Change In Perspective (Nickit TF)


WARNING: This story has strong language and may cause distress in others. Reader discretion is advised.


Pages (according to Google Docs): 19

Words: 9099

Characters: 48728

Characters (excluding spaces): 39773

Published On: September 22nd, 2020


A change in seasons occurred recently.

It is now autumn. The season in which the greens of summer slowly fade into the yellows, oranges, reds, and browns of autumn.

Summer is unfortunately over, but all of the fun things autumn has to offer can make up for that; like getting lost in a corn maze and jumping into a pile of raked leaves.

Seasonal allergies have become more prevalent. (I can't stand stuffy and bleeding noses.)

The days will become shorter and the nights will grow longer until the winter solstice.

It's going to become colder and colder, so bringing out your winter clothes and your thick, robust jackets and coats is a no brainer idea.

Morning dew and frost will become more common.

The nights will be dead silent except for the sounds that society makes. (No more loud and chirpy crickets.)

Halloween and Thanksgiving are coming soon, of course.

The weather is going to become more shitty.

You won't need sunscreen anymore since the sun's rays aren't as direct like in the summer.

Do I need to say any more? I think we all know what happens when autumn arrives.

Let's get on with the story, shall we?

I'm just an average guy; nothing too special about me. I have short red hair and bluish-green eyes, I'm six feet tall, I have a nice and caring girlfriend named Veronica (she has long black hair, beautiful green eyes, and is the same height as me), I live in the Galar Region and I work as an auto mechanic at an auto repair shop called "Grand Galaxy Automotive." I work on weekdays from nine to three, and very rarely I work from nine to six if I have to go overtime.

Today is October 7th, and I was staying at my girlfriend's house for a week, just to hang out and be together. But today I was having a very bad day. At the job I was working at, a female customer came in so she could have the oil in her car changed, so I handled the job. Suddenly, as I was unplugging the plug so I could drain the oil, a bunch of old and dirty oil shot at me, covering me in oil that smelled like rotten sardines, and a little even got into my mouth (yuck). A few of my colleagues were nice enough to help clean up the mess while I washed my mouth out with clean water and cleaned myself up in the bathroom (our bathroom was located right next to the lobby). As I was returning to the garage, the female customer yelled at me saying "What's taking you so damn long?! Don't you know that I'm in a terrible rush?! If you don't hurry up, you're going to hear from your manager!!!" I calmly replied saying that oil changes take a while to do, but she swiftly interrupted me by saying "I don't care! Hurry up, NOW!" A while later, I managed to finish changing the oil in her car, and I went to the lobby area to say that I finished servicing her car, and she suddenly started yelling at me saying that I made her late and that she will be fired from her ten o'clock job, blah blah blah. If you thought that being yelled at by the customer for just helping to service her car was bad, she even had the nerve to call me, and I quote, a "red-headed cunt." She then paid the repair bill, left in a heartbeat, and proceeded to flip me the bird before driving off. In case you were wondering what she was driving, she was driving a Cadillac Escalade, the car that all Karens drive. My manager (her name is Barbara) heard what happened since one of my colleagues had reported it to her, and she was very understanding of the events that unfolded. She was nice enough to give me a short break to relax and unwind a little. Another thing that made this day bad was that I was replacing a headlight on a Chevy Equinox, and while I was getting the replacement bulb, I tripped and fell forwards, the new bulb shattering into a million pieces the moment it hit the floor, and I had to clean it up. A few other unfortunate events happened during my time there that I don't bother mentioning, since I feel as if I have explained my day long enough.


It's now 2:30 PM and I'm walking down a nice and relaxing trail in a forest that is nearby my girlfriend's house. I needed some time to myself and unwind due to how bad my day had gotten. The sky was a dull greyish-white color, the air was cool and moist, which would cause someone with bad allergies to get a very bad runny nose, and the leaves from the trees above were gracefully making their way down to the ground below, making a crispy yet soft and quiet sound once they hit the dirt path. It was a typical day in autumn.

As I was walking down the path, I noticed a small little animal approach towards me from a distance. The animal in question had black fur on its paws, it had a plumed tail with a black tip at the end of it, it had orangish-brown fur, and it had a cute pink collar with a heart-shaped metallic pink nametag on its neck.

A few seconds later, I then realized that it was a Nickit! I absolutely adore Nickits because of how cute, playful, and cuddly they are. I tried catching them before, but I never succeeded in doing so, which is a real big bummer. The only thing I dislike about them is that they tend to be mischievous and tend to steal things, in which that behavior only intensifies and worsens when they evolve. Besides that, I wish I had a pet Nickit.

When it came close to me, it began wagging its fluffy tail and it also began making happy fox-like noises while panting happily. I petted and rubbed its fluffy little body and its white little belly in return while saying cute things to it in a cute voice. I then looked at the pink name tag that was on its collar, and as it turns out, the name of this cute little fox was "Nicky." What a nice fitting name for a cute little Nickit!

I then put my right hand out to the foxy Pokemon, and it sniffed my hand. It even licked my hand a few times, which tickled a little. Me encountering one of my most favorite Pokemon made my day bunches better. I'm guessing this day isn't as bad as I thought.

But as it was sniffing my hand, the Nickit suddenly bit at the palm of my hand hard, causing me to yelp in pain and quickly recoil my hand. I hesitantly looked at the palm of my hand, and there was blood leaking from two circular wounds that were caused by the Nickit's sharp canines puncturing through my skin. My eyes widened the moment I saw this. The same goes for the top of my right hand; there also were two circular wounds that had blood leaking from them.


"What did I ever do to deserve getting bitten by a cute creature?!" I angrily thought to myself, trying to stop the bleeding with little to no success.

I looked at the Nickit that bit me, and it was casually walking away like nothing ever happened. After a while, it stopped walking and looked back at me. Then it began laughing at me, which pissed me off greatly. Something in me suddenly just snapped, as I had a bad enough day.

"HAHAHA IT'S SO FUCKING FUNNY ISN'T IT?!" I screamed at the Nickit in sheer anger.

Suddenly, the Nickit's expression went from smugly laughing at me to regret, and its ears flopped down and it seemingly frowned in embarrassment as it began slowly walking away. I began quickly walking back to my girlfriend's house, really pissed off to the point where I wanted to cry in absolute anger and rage.

A few moments later...

I arrived back at Veronica's house, pissed and ready to let off steam at any moment. If I was any more pissed, I would've slammed the front door closed instead of quickly closing it.

"Heya Jimmy! How was your wa-"

"Terrible." I swiftly and bitterly interrupted Veronica with a facial expression that screamed disgruntled emotions and feelings.

"Wha- Why would you say that? I thought your walk helped calm you down." Veronica said in shock.

"Some damn Nickit bit my hand and now it is bleeding." I angrily replied as I showed her my hand, which was now dripping with blood.

The moment she saw my bloodied hand, she gasped in horror.

"Oh dear... Here, let me cover your wounded hand with an old washcloth so no blood leaks anywhere. We should also go to the hospital so they can treat your wounds in the best way possible." Veronica spoke as she got out two raggedy washcloths and covered my bite wounds with them.

We then got our shoes on, got to the car, and drove to the hospital so they could professionally treat my bite wound.

Thirty minutes later...

We arrived back from the hospital, my wounds treated. The hospital workers gave us a special type of cream used for animal bite wounds, not to mention a special type of gauze also used for animal bite wounds. The cream in question has to be applied at least every six hours, and the cream was clinically proven to help heal bite wounds fifteen percent faster. Did I also mention that this cream also prevents the wound from being infected and that I have to replace the special gauze from my hands every day?

I took off my shoes and went into the living room and sat on the couch to watch the news for a little while. I picked up the matte black remote beside me and turned on the flatscreen TV that hung from the white wall in front of me. I then rested my feet on one of the nearby grey-colored leather ottomans as I tuned my DVR to the news channel to see what was going on in the world currently.

Suddenly, I heard a noise come from the laundry room. It sounded like a little door being closed, but I wasn't too sure. Then I began hearing what sounded like the soft pitter-patter of feet and the jingling of something metallic approaching the living room. A few moments later, I saw a Nickit with a pink collar enter the living room I was in.

My eyes widened.

This was the same Nickit that bit me!

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