《Kookv oneshots》3 hints


"Please Taehyung?" Jimin asked practically begging the male, Taehyung just groaned "No Hyung" He crossed his arms having enough of Jimin's bullshit

"I won't ask anymore! Just give me a hint on who they are!" Jimin cried, Taehyung started to think for a while. I can give him hints..It's not like he'll find out. Taehyung smiles and looks at Jimin innocently

"I'm giving you 3 hints on who my crush is, If you don't know then that's a shame, If you do know then..Please don't tell them!" Taehyung spoke, Jimin nodded just waiting for the hints "Can you do the hints already?" Jimin asks which makes Taehyung's eyes roll "Yeah Yeah"

Taehyung takes a deep breath and looks at his friend "Okay here I go.." He started to pose 3 times but it was very fast for Jimin to see what happened "Uh..Would you mind doing it again..? It was too fast!" Jimin pouted, Taehyung groaned but nodded

Jimin's eyes widen "You like Jungkook!?" he asked almost screaming it out, Taehyung quickly placed his hand on Jimin's mouth not wanting anyone to hear that

"Yes I do! Now are you happy?" He asks, Instead of a yes or no Jimin just grinned and leaned on the locker with crossed his arms "Yes I am, Now turn around" He smirks

Taehyung tilts his head but obeys, His eyes widen when he sees Jungkook frozen holding his drink, His friend Seokjin stood beside him shooked "Y- You like Jungkook!?" Seokjin asked excited

"SHHH! And yes I do!" He mumbles crossing his arms

Seokjin smiled and looked at his best friend "Well Kook? Are you gonna say something?" He asks

Jungkook snaps out of it and looks around, He takes a drink before speaking "I love you too Taehyung, I just didn't know how to confess..."

Taehyung's eyes wide "You....You like me back?!" He exclaims asking, Jungkook chuckles and nods which earned a hug from Taehyung

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