《Have Hope》4
My alarm started blaring at 5:45, which meant we had 15 minutes to get our training gear on and grab our practice bags, and get to the bus.
"Kelley wake up!" The defender groaned and rolled over, so I threw a pillow at her.
"Alright! I'm up! Jesus!"
I ran into the bathroom, did my business, changed into my training gear, did my hair, which was short so I wouldn't have to deal with it falling in my face every two seconds, and then packed my bag.
I checked the weather, which said it was going to be about 75 today, so just in case, I put a training tank top into my bag, pulled on my hoodie and slides, grabbed my phone, keys, wallet, and airpods, and then waited for Kelley to finish getting ready.
By the time we got to the bus, it was 5:59. Everyone else was already waiting outside on the curb.
"What took you two so long?" Christen asked, her voice full of amusement. I shot a teasing glare at Kelley before replying.
"Kelley wanted to sleep in."
A few people laughed at that, and Jill made sure everyone was down here before we got on the bus. It was a 15 minute ride to the field, and I chose a seat in the back, popped in my headphones, and zoned out.
Once we reached our training area, Jill gave us the run down of how the day would go. "We are starting off with drills separated by positions, so the goalies will work with Abel, defenders with Erica, Mids with Mark, and Forwards with me. Be warned that we have conditioning tomorrow. Once we finish with the drills, we'll do a scrimmage, and depending on where we are at, we'll either call it a day, or keep going. If you cause problems, you will run laps."
Everyone got off the bus and walked to the field. I was super excited to show the team what I'm made of. Especially Alex.
Once we reached the field, everyone set their bags down and got out their boots and other gear, putting it on.
I was already wearing my padded shorts and goalie shirt, so I just needed to get my boots, socks, shin guards, and gloves on. We all made sure to put on sun screen before starting, not wanting to get a burn. There's nothing worse than sunburns. Except maybe straight girls who break your heart.
We spent about an hour working on foot work, shooting drills, goal kicks, and passing, before Jill called a water break. I had barely even broken a sweat, but I was having so much fun.
After our quick break, we worked on penalty kicks for an hour and a half, working on reading body language and shot prediction. I didn't miss any of Abel's shots, which I was happy about. For some reason, a part of me kind of hoped that Alex was watching, or had seen some of my saves.
Jill blew her whistle, signaling another water break before we start our scrimmage. "Good work out there Y/n, fantastic predictions." Abel told me, patting me on the back. I thanked him and took a sip of my Gatorade.
"Okay everyone, it is time for our scrimmage. Carli and Becky will be your captains, and I've already picked teams. On Carli's team: Ashlyn, Alex, Pinoe, Sonnett, Lindsey, Rose, Mewis, Tierna, Abby, and Mal. The rest of you, on Becky's team. Alyssa won't be playing due to her injury. Everyone get your pennies on and get in position, kick off is in two minutes."
I went into goal while Becky talked to the rest of our team. I was super happy Jill put Alex and I on different teams because now I could piss her off even more by blocking all of her shots.
The first half of the game was pretty boring. I only had to make one save, which was a near miss shot made by Alex anyway. We took a half time to get water and reapply sunscreen before starting up again.
During the second half, Carli's team played way more aggressive than before, and they clearly had a new attack strategy because they were hitting our defense hard. I wasn't really worried though; after watching the forwards and how they move for the first half, I was able to correctly predict almost every move they made.
The more time that passed, the more our defense began to wilt away. Alex was playing so competitively, and every shot and pass she made was harder than the last. I was getting worried for my face. And my nuts.
I watched Carli dribble up the left side of the field as Alex ran towards the box. I knew that I needed to intercept Carli's pass before it got to Alex, otherwise the forward would rocket it towards the goal.
Alex entered the penalty area just as Carli passed it to her. I ran up and caught the ball before it could make it to the blue eyed forward, throwing it to Tobin, who promptly scored a few seconds later, making the score 2-0.
Alex glared at me and I winked at her. "Sorry Princess, better luck next time."
She flipped me off before walking back to her team, making me laugh loudly. The game started back up again, and we were about half way through the second half.
Alex was once again running straight towards me, but this time, she was dribbling the ball. She made it to the box but kept running as fast as she could. She fired a shot to the upper right corner, and I was able to bat it away, out of bounds, but it was too late for Alex to slow down, and she crashed into me, her knee hitting my crotch in the process.
Thankfully I was wearing a cup, so the hit wouldn't cause any damage, but it didn't stop the immense amount of pain shooting from my balls up to my stomach, making me feel like I was going to throw up. Alex was still on top of me, and through the mind fogging agony, I could hear Jill blow her whistle.
Alex got off of me and my hands flew to my crotch. I groaned in pain, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt someone kneel next to me and I realized it was Jill when she spoke.
"Y/n, what can I do to help?"
I took a few deep breaths, finally feeling the pain dissipating. "I'm okay." I breathed.
I was vaguely aware that the entire team and staff had formed a crowd around me and were watching the whole thing; the players in confusion, and the staff with worry.
Eventually, I was able to stand and shake it off, gratefully accepting the offered water from Jill.
"Are you good? Need to take a break?" She asked, a comforting hand on my back. I shook my head, wiping the water from my mouth.
"I guess I should probably tell them now?" I quietly asked her.
She chuckled and nodded. "They all seem very confused."
"Y/n, are you okay? What happened?" Christen asked, stepping forward to put a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm okay Chris. So...uh, I guess I should tell you guys this, the coaches and trainers already know, but I'm intersex. So...I have...a penis."
A pause of scary silence.
"Dude, so NOT FAIR!" Ashlyn said. Well I wasn't expecting that. I busted out laughing at the goalies reaction.
"So, like, you can...impregnate someone?" Ali asked me, elbowing Ash.
"I can, yes. But not every person born intersex in the way that I am can."
She nodded. "So...do you also have...you know....a vagina?" Mal asked, clearly trying to understand. I smiled politely at her, grateful that no one seemed at all disgusted or anything. They were just curious.
"Nope. Just your average male lower body." She nodded.
"Does it work?" Pinoe called from the back of the group, causing me to laugh and Ali and Christen to wack her shoulder.
"Pinoe! Come on!" Jill said, though I could hear the amusement in her voice.
"Uh...I mean...yeah." I rubbed my neck awkwardly. "Do you guys have anymore questions, or can we finish the game?"
No one said anything, so Jill told everyone to get back to their positions. I caught Alex's eye as she walked back to her team. Her face was emotionless, and I was kind of scared that maybe she hated me now...like, hate hated me.
By the time we finished the game, it was 10:30. Jill decided to call it a day because it was our first day of training. On the walk back to the bus, I was last, and she walked next to me.
"I'm really proud of you Y/n, you played really well today. I know Alex was playing rough, but you did a great job handling it."
Her words meant the world to me, and I made sure to tell her that. Just before we all got onto the bus, Jill announced we'd have an hour to shower and dress, and then we had a strategy meeting, lunch, another meeting, and then dinner.
I sat in the same seat I did on the way there, droning out the noise of my teammates with music. Once we got back to our rooms, Kelley showered first and then left to go talk to Allie about something, which left me to shower.
Once I finished, I pulled on some boxers, Nike sweats, and a black Nike sports bra. Just as I was about to look for a shirt, there was a knock at the door. I assumed it was probably Kelley trying to get in because she forgot her key or something, but when I opened it, I was met with the beautful blue eyes of Alex Morgan.
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