《Random x Reader one-shots》Male! Belle x Sad! Beast! Reader




I feel like I'm sick, every single day, since that night. I weren't normally rude against people, but I just had very bad luck. I was stressed and didn't think. After that night I've shut myself out from everyone. Lumiére, my best friend, and Mrs. Potts, my mother figure. I couldn't stand how much pain I've caused them, just because I didn't think.

But ever since Bellen came, I've felt lighter.

Like I could speak, and like I could feel.

But some nights, I was numb. I don't like going up into the tower, but that's where I sleep.

I like keeping my mirror with me when I sleep, just for safety measures.

Today, is one of those days I feel nothing, but absolute pain.

-Good morning Y/N, how are you this beautiful day? Bellen asks when he walks into the big dinner room, with a book in his arms.

-Hmmm... I answer while I eat my breakfast.

He takes place next to me.

-Are you ok Y/N? You... sound a little sore, Bellen asks. I look up at him. Worry is spread across his features.

-I'm fine, I grunt and look down on my plate.

-You sure? I could help... If you want? Bellen says. Does he want to help me? No. I am to hideous.

-No thank you, I say and just stare on my food.

-Excuse me, I have important things to do, I say and walk from the table and up to my room. Then I break down.

Bellen's POV

I knew something was off with Y/N the moment I went into the room.

But when she stormed off, I was sure about it.

Suddenly Cogsworth walks in.

-Good morning Bellen, he says.

-Good morning Cogsworth. Can you tell me why Y/N is so off today? I ask. He looks scared.

-Ehm, eh, nothing is wrong hehe... ummm, everything is just like normal, Cogsworth says nervously.

-Hmm... I'm not so sure. I think I'll have to go and check on her, I say and stand up.


-Oh! Nononono, she doesn't want anyone disturbing her while in her room! Cogsworth says, while trying to stop me.

-Why not? I ask, stopping.

-B-because eh... he says while looking around frantically. I look down at him.

-Because she plans something special for us all! Cogsworth announces. He's definitely lying.

-Oh, ok! I say nonchalantly while walking up the stairs.

-W-where are you going? Cogsworth asks nervously.

-Up to my room, I lie. It isn't like me to lie, but

Y/N may need help.

-Oh ok, Cogsworth says and walks away to the kitchen. When I know that he's gone I walk up the stairs, into the tower where Y/N usually go when she wants to keep by herself.

When I'm in the right corridor, I hear sobs, and.. mrs, Potts and Lumiére saying comforting words.

I walk up to them and they give me a walk way up to the humongous doors. I knock twice.

-Y/N, it's me. Bellen. Everything went quiet.

-M-may I come in? I ask. Still no response. I look back at mrs. Potts and Lumiére. They shrug and I look at the door. I decide to go in, and I open the door.


I am just crying and crying, for this pain to go away. Lumiére and mrs. Potts is trying to comfort me, but to no success. Suddenly I hear knocking on my door. I keep quiet, hoping that he or she will leave.

-Y/N it's me. Bellen, he says from behind the doors. Oh no... I keep quiet.

-M-may I come in? he asks. I don't want to answer. If I do I'll start sobbing again.

Everything gets quiet. Maybe he left. Suddenly the door knob turns.

Oh no. I left the door unlocked! I cry silently and turn around so that he doesn't see my face.

I hear his light steps walk into the room.

-Y/N? Is everything ok? I hear his voice say. His sweet, smooth voice. I look on the rose. Only two petals left. I look out. It is a beautiful day... I hear his footsteps come further into the room, and I feel someone sit on the bed beside me.


-Are you sure everything's ok? he asks once again. But I couldn't hold everything back anymore. I sobbed loudly and cried like my life depends on it. I feel a hand on my back, as Bellen sits beside me.

-Do you want to talk about it? Bellen asks. I shake my head no as I try to calm down. We sit there in a minute or two. The I look up.

I see a rose petal fall.

-Only one left... I whisper.

-Excuse me? Could you say that again? Bellen asks. I sniffle, but manage to choke out:

-There's only one left.. I say and point to the rose. Bellen looks at it. It takes a minute of silence.

-What is troubling you? Bellen asks.

-About the rose that is, he adds.

I tell him about everything. How everyone got turned into things, and how I was stupid enough not to let the old woman in, and how I was cursed, and how to break it. And how when the last petal falls, everything will be cursed forever.

And I told him about when he came, that everyone thought he was the one to break the curse. How I felt for him but how he never will be able to feel the same way about me.

-Y/N, is it all true? Bellen asks. I nod silently and look towards the rose. The last petal hangs loosely on the flower. Bellen smiles.

-You just needed to ask, Bellen says.

-What do you mean? I ask.

-I'll show you what I mean, Bellen says and leans forward. Suddenly I feel his warm lips against mine, and I kiss back.

Third Person POV

Everyone in the castle stands by the open door, watching Y/N rant about what's holding her back. Everyone holds their breath, hoping that anything will happen before the last petal falls.

Suddenly the pair kiss, but precisely afterwards, the petal falls. They all sigh and turn around, Lumiére and mrs. Potts goes last, because they stood right by the door.

Just as the furniture had given up their hope a bright light comes from the room. They all turn around, but close their eyes due to the blinding light.

When they all look away, Y/N was a human again!

The castle was no longer scary and dark, it was light like before!

Y/N's room was no longer a creepy space up in a tower, but a beautiful suite with a king sized bed and a HUGE wardrobe.

All of the furniture turned back into humans.

Lumiére and mrs. Potts! Even cogsworth and chip! They were all back to normal!


When I looked at myself I had an old looking dress with rips and cuts everywhere. But, it was WAY to big. And I have human hands again!

I looked at Bellen. He smiles. I attack hug him. Suddenly I hear cheering.

I look at everyone outside the door. Lumiére and mrs. Potts with chip and cogsworth comes running in.

-Lumiére! And mrs. Potts! Oh, you can't believe how happy I am to see you! I say and hug them all.

I turn around, and there stands Bellen and smiles. I face him with happy tears in my eyes.

-Thank you, I say and smile, when a small tear falls down my cheek.

-No problem, princess, he says and walks closer to me. I giggle and look up at him.

He puts one arm on my hips and with his other hand he takes mine and I places my arm on his shoulder.

Then he smiles and dances around like a mad man and we all celebrate the happening.

Thanks for letting me learn how to love...

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