《Frenemies》Epilogue: 2.54.298
A/N: Mature themes;; ps, didn't edit I got lazy.
You chuckled, removing your jacket from your form when entering your room. Causally closing your bedroom door behind the maknae who was out of breath and sweating, you didn't expect any less when spotting his exhausted form falling onto your bed.
"It was hot watching you play today," you chimed out, wiggling your brows a little before having your form slowly hover over Jungkook's tired one on your bed. "Never knew you were some basketball star," you chimed out, voice amused as your hair fell to one side of the maknae's face.
Jungkook's eyes slowly found themselves to open, a gentle grin on his face when seeing you grinning, hovered over him while sitting a little on his stomach. Legs on either side of him, he rubbed over your pants as he watched you lean down to gently kiss him.
"Yoongi hyung had an advantage," Jungkook chuckled out, seeing at the game to be a total wreck, "He's great at basketball...plus he had Vee on his team."
"Well," you sighed out, hand moving his bangs away from his forehead that was starting to stick with sweat. "You had Helic and Tajh."
"True," Jungkook said, smiling as he snuggled underneath you, burying himself into the warmth of the sheets of your bed.
"How was your time with the members?" Jungkook asked, curious over how your visits with the rest of the members probably went down. He remembered Namjoon chattering about when trying to convince you to go with them to broadcasting the next week. They all loved you around them way too much.
"We ate a lot, it was fun," you said, fingers poking at Jungkook's cheeks playfully as he lay underneath you.
"I'm glad you had fun," Jungkook sighed out, smiling as he watched you squeeze his cheeks inwards and together. He had trouble speaking as his lips grew puckered from you playing around with his mouth. Instead of fighting it, he just let you laugh and shape his face in weird manners.
"It's great seeing you getting along with Helic," you said, giggling, "...heck, even Jae and you are slowly befriending one another."
"Surprising, I know," Jungkook shot out muffled and high, his face a total mess as you played with his lips with your fingers.
"I just can't wait until he finally comes home...that'll be the day where all I've wished for is at a final," you said softly, wishing and hoping.
Jungkook smiled at that but it was hard to make out since his face was still at a wreck. Moving to hold your wrists softly, he moved your hands away from his face. Smiling charmingly, he allowed the glint in his eyes to express just how happy he was to see you happy.
"It's been a long couple of months," Jungkook mumbled out, staring over at your warm smile.
"The best months," you softly let out, winking gently at him before moving your torso down onto his form. This caused your form to lightly lay on him, but having your knees on either side of him allowed for you not to place all your weight onto the man.
The closer you got to hug him, the closer his smell killed at your nose hairs. Face scrunching in disgust, you laughed before sitting upright onto him again.
His eyes were confused when staring at you backing away from him.
"Your smell almost got my nose to fall straight off my face, goddamn," you chuckled out, having your nostrils flare cutely as you tried to move from him.
Jungkook laughed, smelling at his shirt as he shook his head and grabbed your hips to stay in place. "No, I smell like soap. I always smell like soap," he teasingly popped out, moving to force your form to lay on him.
You fought away, about to have your fingers move to twist his nipples in guard if it came to wanting to escape from the disaster of a smell. He took hold of your hands before you could get to his tits (lmao, again, I need sleep).
Grinning playfully at one another, Jungkook allowed his hands to move into both of yours. He had his brows arched at one point when you slowly let your head fall to his height underneath you. Allowing your lips to softly and hesitantly meet the maknae's, it was a gentle and childish kiss in that moment. You had the urge to snort and laugh against his lips but you didn't, you held it in as you deeply kissed your boyfriend.
The way his lips curled over yours was something you never got used to. Heart hammering in your chest already, you were no longer trying to laugh as your face grew soft. You simply allowed yourself to get lost within the abyss of his presence. The very taste of his lips, mouth, and skin caused your knees around him to buckle.
It was hard not to put your weight on him as he lay comfortably underneath you. Arching your back, your breath hitched as you softly kissed Jungkook's welcoming form.
Feeling one of his knees move upwards between your legs, your heart almost leaped out of your chest when he wrapped securely around your waist, having you gently meet the softness of your own bed as your shoulder blades met the sheets. Staring at his face that was above yours now, you smiled lightly into the kiss when Jungkook hungrily swooped down.
Feeling your bottom lip quiver when his gentle kisses moved from your mouth and to the higher part of your exposed neck, it took a moment for you to relax completely to the feeling he gave. Marking your skin with one little nip and suck at a time, you pursed your lips from shaking. You didn't want to shake, so you allowed all of your body to hug him closer to you as he moved lower and lower on your heated skin.
"You've gotten really good at that," you whispered out, voice cracking near the end of your speech when feeling his lips gently stop.
Jungkook's bottom lip pouted inwards. Having his upper lip wrap around his lower, he innocently allowed his playful eyes to meet your soft ones. It was awing for him to see you so serious in that moment, maybe even a little nervous. Jungkook found comfort in that...almost as if you were in the same boat as him when it came to getting intimate physically. Because yes, this was hard for him.
Jungkook was a nervous wreck on the inside. He had always been when things would get this far in such a moment.
"Well, I've used you as practice for it," he softly let out, staring down at your lips as he moved your leg a part. He allowed himself to stand in between you as he hovered. It was a step to make any cold-blooded animal have their blood boil.
You let your teeth poke out from a light smile. Trying not to have your breath hitch while speaking, it didn't work as you found comfort in him so close to you. "Whatever it takes to get you more and more comfortable," you popped out, nuzzling your nose quickly with his before having the back of your head rest down again.
Jungkook's brows furrowed. He noticed you grew confused and concerned by the expression on his face, but he didn't say anything just yet. His gaze followed all your features below him. He admired your patience and love for him in that moment, it was something you held dearly within this relationship for months on end. It was this very look you gave that made what he wanted to say, that much truer.
"I want to be completely comfortable with you," he said softly, "...I, I want to go all the way."
You cringed.
Jungkook laughed, his cheeks going red however over your reaction. "Look, I'm trying here," he mumbled out, pouting a little, "It's hard to speak of such thi—"
"You wanna do the 'dirty seed planting'," you sang out for him, wiggling your eyebrows, "The 'fondue dippin''... the 'train goin' through dark tunnel' kind of action, I see you."
Jungkook's face was at scrunch the entire time.
You were grinning like a maniac.
"Why am I dating you?" Jungkook asked genuinely questioning himself in that moment, laughing when you rolled your eyes instantly.
"You know why," you chimed, almost hysterical as you attacked his mouth with yours again.
Jungkook chuckled against your lips, kissing you back before nodding.
"Because I love you."
"Hm," you hummed out, sweet smile on your face as you saw the nervousness cloud his gaze all over again.
You moved in to gently kiss the man. He kissed you back, fully, and whole-heartedly. It was an experience you wanted to remember, but you also wanted him to remember it as it was his first time. That fact alone wasn't something to drift away from.
Lips moving slowly with one another's once again, it was a trip to not shiver underneath the maknae. His lips did wonders at your mouth, neck, and the area just above where your shirt cut to your chest. Breathing harshly, you found your body to move underneath his during all of it. Slowly and teasingly having your hips graze his here and there, it wasn't a surprise over what you'd feel between your legs.
Biting softly down at his bottom lip, you lip quivered again into a smile when Jungkook in return bit softly at the higher end of your neck. It was something that made you squirm underneath him, your gaze moving towards the side as you allowed your cheek to rest onto the blankets. Eyes fluttering open as he continued to nibble and suck over and around your collar, your eyes found something.
You snorted, suddenly laughing again.
Jungkook's eyes shut in defeat at that, his expression barley playful as he looked away from your neck and over to your amused face.
"I've got an idea," you said, trying so hard not to laugh, "but only if you're up for it."
Jungkook's brows furrowed a little, "What is it?"
You glanced over to the space that had caught your eye. Feeling the maknae's eyes move over to the same area you seemed to be glancing towards, his brows jumped.
Both of you were staring over at your bedroom's closet.
You moaned, chuckling breathily as you propped your shaking form around the maknae's waist. Moving against the wall he had ran gently to pin you against, and his hips that were fully clothed still, your lips began to move faster and sloppier with Jungkook's.
Hands in his hair, you pulled and pulled, just as he pulled and pulled your hips closer to his. Each time he did, your breath grew caught in your throat. The last thing you wanted was for him to stop, so you continued to pull at his hair if it resulted his hands to grip tight at your lower half.
"Jungkook," you whimpered out, kissing at his neck just as hastily as he moved against you.
Laughing when one of his legs moved over a box on the ground in your closet, it never really occurred to you just how messy this area was. Seeing the maknae curse as he almost fell and hurt himself, you caught him. You caught him, bursting out laughing when he chuckled a little himself.
Faces red and breathing inconsistent, both of you gently kissed one another now.
"Do you have a condom?" you asked softly, eyes shut as you softly nipped at his bottom lip.
Jungkook swallowed harshly, feeling slightly embarrassed, he shook his head.
You grinned, pecking his lips before nodding and moving away from him.
"Wait here."
"Sure," he sang out, "I'll just wait...in your closet."
You laughed as you moved out towards your bathroom.
"Should I ask why you're prepared with condoms?" Jungkook questioned, looking around the mess that he had almost tripped over earlier.
You didn't respond and he sighed.
"Y'know, the closet isn't much importance...I'd be okay to go through all of it with you anywhere," he said softly, seeing as you slowly made it back into the small space. "And I mean it when I say anywhere, if you're there with me. This is just a stupid space, it's not like I need it to be aroused or something."
You tried to hold in your cringing state but Jungkook noticed your struggle. He rolled his eyes again. Sighing, he leaned against the wall that he had you previously against.
You smiled a little when seeing the slight irritation on his face when moving the clothes away from around him. Grabbing a hold of his soft hand, you tugged for him to come out. Seeing as both of you could breath better on the outside, you moved in to kiss him before closing the closet door. Gently leaning against the door, you propped over the condom in your hand.
"I ain't about getting pregnant," you said gently, seeing him awkwardly take the condom from you.
It was as if an alien had seen something so foreign for the first time ever...watching him examine the wrapper in confusion and nerves, you found it instantly adorable. Biting at your bottom lip, you smiled when taking the wrapper back into your hands. Slowly tearing it up, you pulled out what was needed as protection.
Gently bringing Jungkook closer by slowly having your fingers lace with the fabric of his shirt, you watched his red cheeks redden further when you slowly worked at tugging down his shorts a little. He buried his face around your ear, resting his forehead against the closet door behind you the moment you allowed your fingers to place the condom onto the man.
His breath hitched by your ear, his cheek resting against yours.
You licked your bottom lip before slowly moving your hands hesitantly to his chest. Seeing him awkwardly stare at you, you bit your lip when he slowly moved a bit away and watched you gently wiggle out of your pants while standing against the door.
Your heart hammered, chest practically heaving while against his as you became total bare before him. Slowly and very slowly, you allowed yourself to be standing in nothing. Nothing. Vulnerable and red before him you stood.
The slight bobble of his Adam's apple expression words for you when seeing his eyes glaze over every inch of your body. Seeing Jungkook nod to nothing, he slowly moved out of his clothing. From his shirts, to the sweaty shirt that he had played about in. Seeing him bare before you, you smiled when seeing his ears, nose, and cheeks drifted to tomato-like colours.
Lightly finding your lips again, you allowed your fingers to create loose fists as you moved your hands to rest on Jungkook's shoulders. He neared you, more and more and more. You found anticipation to roar within your gut. Seeing just how much he looked eager, and nervous all in one go, you smiled at him gently, nodding if as it was permission granting.
Seeing his hands roam around your sides, he found it within himself to feel how soft you were. And you let him, you let him explore in that moment as he devoured your mouth in one go.
Whimpering when he took in charge of biting at your bottom lip now, you hugged his shoulders immediately when he picked you up from the ground. Bare back against the surface behind you, you whispered reassuring things to him as he positioned himself.
Smiling, your bottom lip was quivering along with your entire body the moment you felt him.
You finally felt Jungkook.
Jungkook's mind exploded all caps, his heart leaping from his chest as it felt someone had punched his breath to be sucked back in. Groaning in an almost reflex state, he allowed himself to pull out a little before pursing the act to grinding in towards you again.
His whole world fell into a new category of experience in that very second.
Having trouble keeping his form up, he barely made it to the bed, half on and half off, as Jungkook's lips desperately found yours.
Both having your breaths hitch, he continued, amazed over how weirdly great everything felt. From every inch of his body, vessels, and skin tabs. From his fingertips, to his toes, all was on fire as he allowed himself to fully give himself to you.
Jungkook couldn't kiss you well in that moment. All he could focus on was the movement of his hips slowly starting to build up excited speed between your throbbing legs.
Instead, the both of you just listened...you listened to each other grow short of breath.
Jungkook finished in 2 minutes and 54.298 seconds.
A/N: done done! This has been in incredible journey guys! Thank you so much for the support, it truly means the world. Thank you all J
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