《Frenemies》Chapter 18: Don't Make Me Pull the Trigger
A/N: *clears throat**clears throat again* guess who.
[The past few missions taken to rob BTS involved 4 people. There was me, Vee, Jae, and one more person I never saw the face of. You remember that, right? This was the one person I always considered to be one of Jae's male friends or something. But boy, was I wrong.]
"Stay here."
The one hidden under their hood nodded. Sitting comfortably behind the driver's seat, they seemed hesitant, almost tempting to speak out and ask questions.
"Wait," the voice of the hooded figure spoke.
Jae licked at his bottom lip, looking up slowly from the passenger seat of the black van parked along the side of the sidewalks.
"Ye?" Jae asked, brows furrowing while looking over at his other side-man.
The hooded figure clicked something in their hand before arching it over for Jae to take. Watching as Jae's eyes slowly fell onto the weapon; the well-built man didn't hesitate before taking it into his hands.
"Thanks," Jae said, nodding assertively over at the hooded figure before slowly moving out of fully.
Managing to place the gun at the back of his jeans, Jae moved his shirt down to cover at the top of the handle that poked out. Grabbing at his leather jacket that was tossed over at his standing form, Jae awkwardly thanked the individual again.
"You think it's a good idea to go in?"
Jae pursed his lips at the question referred to him. Fixing the collars of his jacket, the chiseled man looked from the van before him and over to your house. His eyes lingered over the front where it was complete chaos. There were fans screaming and idols being trampled on.
"It probably isn't," Jae admitted, "Y/N's debt is done and I shouldn't be here...but I'm glad I am today."
"We've been out here on stake-out ever since the photos came out..." the voice trailed off, almost hesitant to pull out conclusions on Jae's unpredictable behaviour.
"...why have Y/N sell off the pictures if you were planning on coming to check up on the aftermath everyday? Why act like you don't care?"
Jae snorted.
"That's because I don't care," the man said grinning, moving his one hand to lean onto the car's door. "I really could give less than two shits...but from time-to-time I gotta make sure no one jumps out a window, y'know?"
The boredom laced with Jae's words almost made the hooded figure believe what was being said.
"Plus, I'm slightly insane," Jae added, grin rising, "but you already knew that."
The hooded figure didn't saw a word, watching Jae slowly start to walk back so he could close the van's door.
Sighing when Jae glanced back at the pre-occupied fans, and now news casters that were instantly arriving to the busy scene. He glanced to the back however, jaw tense as he re-evaluated what he had seen earlier.
"The man went in from the back, right?" Jae questioned, hands moving into his jacket pockets.
"Yeah...he might just be a reporter."
"I'll give him something to report," Jae smugly let slip past his lips, eyeing down the back gate that was closed once again.
It was the same gate Jae had seen a man walk sneakily through when spotting the havoc outside caused by fans. Here he was, creepily and peacefully on his stake-out and regular check up of the house, only to witness someone breaking in to your home...
"What exactly are you going to do?"
Jae grinned a tight side-smile. He didn't say anything however and the hooded figure sighed.
"Pinky promise me you won't do anything stupid."
"I tend to not make promises," Jae popped out, barely even looking back over at the hooded individual as he walked past the street, "I break them a lot...again, you already knew that sis."
Jae's sister sighed, the hood muffling out her breath a little as she watched her younger brother move unnoticed towards the back gates of your home. Her hand remained twirling around a cross in her hand, praying and in her own thoughts before having her mind jolt to the front of the car's hood.
"Please God," she sighed to herself, moving her fingers over the necklace that hide hanging by her neck, "Just don't have him make an idiotic mistake."
"An idiotic mistake on their part," Jae chimed to himself, laughing breathily when seeing a smaller framed man move silently past your back entrance. Why lock the front door of the house but leave the back open and ready to intrude through?
The smaller man seemed to be so invested in himself and his camera, that he didn't make sure to check over his back. So, sure over him being present alone in the somber home, the smaller man peeked past corners to new hallways. Nothing was in front of the man, that was reassuring for his plans, but what he failed to realize was that a smug and amused Jae seemed to be falling his very tail.
Jae was about to announce out his presence to the man with the strapped camera, only to have his attention diverted towards the hallway across the kitchen. Brows knitting over the slight shuffle he heard in the far hallway, it sounded like heavy running trying to hide as a secret. Wait, are there two of them? I could've sworn I only saw one, I— Jae's thoughts were interrupted when a fist met the side of his face hard.
The built man didn't stumble. Nor did he barely flinch. Grinning, Jae laughed a little out of shock of the sudden hit as he let his thumb graze over the slight bitter taste that alerted at his bottom lip. Wiping silently at the blood that melted away near the left side of his mouth, Jae's eyes darted over at the terrified man that seemed to have finally noticed his presence.
Thanks to the surprise running down the other hallway, both men had gotten distracted. Jae got punched, while the man with the camera finally looked behind his shoulder—all because of the rushing feet that now stumbled on the stairs and rushed upstairs.
"That was a pathetic swing mate," Jae piped, grin present as he lazily pointed over at the man who was beyond terrified while clutching the camera close to his chest.
The smaller man made his way to bolt away, panic growing in his eyes when Jae chuckled and instantly took hold of the man's shirt, yanking him back towards him.
"Oh no no," Jae sang out, "Where you think you're going?"
"I'll just leave, I don't want any trouble I-I—"
Jae burst out laughing at that. Watching as the man was practically shaking at his knees the moment Jae tugged at him to stand in front of him again, Jae kept his hand tight around the man's shoulder.
"You're trespassing a home with a camera ready," Jae shot out, grin growing when seeing the terror in the man's eyes mix with awkwardness, "How is that not causing trouble?"
The man's face scrunched, his mouth moving to speak but nothing seemed to seep out. Jae's brow cocked a bit when realizing just how terrified the man was.
"Let me guess, you've got a boss," Jae chimed out, smiling with his eyes as he stared down the smaller man once again.
The smaller man nodded, haste and alert.
"I-I I promise I won't come in ag—"
"Oh shut up," Jae sighed out, rolling at his eyes before slapping at the man's shoulder. Shoving the man away from him again, Jae lazily nudged his head, urging the man to move out of the hallway and towards the back door by the kitchen again.
The man was confused.
"Y-You're just going to let me go?"
"Ye," Jae popped out, glancing down at his fingertips in boredom as he leaned against the wall of the hallway. Bringing out his fingers to twinkle over and point, he continued, "I've grown bored of ya."
The smaller man was genuinely confused.
"T-Thank you, tha—"
"Did you come alone?" Jae asked, interrupting the man as he lightly had his head rest on the wall behind him.
Jae grinned, eyes narrowing before looking over at the opposing hallway where he had heard the running from before. "Alright," Jae said lowly, side-smiling before nudging the man to leave quicker.
"Do you live here? B-Because you're letting me out so easily I ju—"
"Nah, I snuck in the same way you did," Jae cut off, leaning off the wall as he watched the smaller man freeze a little at that.
"...sorry?" the man asked, stepping awkwardly out of the house as he placed the cap onto his camera.
The smaller man was still shaking from terror however, cursing internally over at his boss and news casters who forced him back here. Brows catching sweat that glazed his forward, it was clearly obvious to Jae that this wasn't something the man wanted to do. Maybe that's why he let me go? But...but if he snuck in too wouldn't that mea—
The man's thoughts were shoved shut and quiet when spotting Jae wave at him to leave again. Swallowing hard, the man didn't think twice.
The man ran as soon as his feet hit the grass that belonged to the backyard of the home.
Jae didn't run.
Jae took all his time as he slowly moved up the stairs of the home. Seeing just how familiar it was, it was then where he realized how long he had been away from the home. It was just like yesterday where your mother and grandmother would feed him breakfast, your father would sit around and chat about the news with him, or your nieces and nephews would visit and play with him. Your boyfriend. Ex, he corrected mentally, too in awe as he stared up at all the slight changes that had occurred in the home ever since the last time he had been present.
All from the way the pictures were positioned on walls, to the way the lightbulbs seemed to twinkle...everything seemed so foreign yet the same.
Fingers lightly tapping at the railing of the staircase as he found his way to the top, Jae's boots lightly grazed the ground as he walked the halls. He stopped before your bedroom, hand moving to slowly move towards the doorknob. Standing there for a moment, he stopped, taking his hands off and away from the cold metal before having his attention drifted to the sirens that were muffled and raging outside the home.
Authorities were finally present to give the situation on the outdoors some order. Smirking, Jae rolled at his eyes before having his eyes dart back to the bedroom he had been standing long in front of. As he was about to enter, his smirk fell a little when spotting the room next to yours.
Your brother's room.
Jae's eyes softened a little. Jaw clenching harshly, the soft hair on the man pulled slightly into his eyes. Not bothering to move the one strand from balancing onto his eyelashes, Jae tried to look away from the door that practically called out for him, and yet, he didn't move. He stared at the familiar colour of the red door. All doors were white but the brother's was red—it had always been red.
Curiosity and sadness ruling over his insides.
Moving away from in front of your room, the man slowly found his feet to move as he shuffled over towards the room next to yours. Softly letting the rings on his hands meet the metal that was oddly warm, Jae felt his bracelet hit his palm a little while opening at the knob.
Dark eyes peeking inside of the room, it was empty.
Jae swallowed hard, not feeling right about having his trespassing feet stream into the uncomfortable atmosphere. Closing the door to the point where it stood at a 45 degree away from closing, Jae found his exploring eyes to move in the room that seemed to have remained the same the last time he had been present in it.
The entire house was new and foreign, but this room remained the same.
Licking at his bottom lip, Jae moved around the room. From one side of the bed his eyes glanced around in awe, staring over at all the pictures placed in different corners of the house. There were pictures of your older brother and Jae, your older brother and you, and unfamiliar faces Jae couldn't recognize.
Hands moving over certain things around the dresser near the bed, Jae's eyes fell onto the closet that was slightly open on the other side. Seeing as clothes were peeking out, Jae didn't pay much attention, simply staring more over at the pictures that lined the other white wall now.
His eyes fell onto one photo. It was separated from the other collage...almost as if it was purposely propped near the closet, stuck into the walls crack so it would stay put.
It was a picture of your brother and you. He was hugging you, practically ruining your opened hair. What stood out from the cute moment captured was the blue hat your brother seemed to be wearing.
Jae pursed his lips.
The hat was blue...the only hat you seemed to never take off now days.
"I'm sorry I couldn't take care of her," Jae said lowly, smiling a little when his eyes found your smiling persona in the image next to your brother.
There was a muffled noise that suddenly distracted Jae from the image before him. Eyes narrowing a little, the man seemed to have his ears grow alert as he stood in front of your brother's closet.
A moan. Jae heard a soft and breathy moan.
Brows arching, the man slowly had his rings meet the doors of the closet. Opening at them, he glanced around and saw no one in the closet. Moving the clothing a bit to the side, he stopped, his form tense when staring the back wall of your brother's closet. Although it was empty, he now knew exactly where the sound had come from.
Jae's hand moved away from the closet door immediately when hearing what he heard next. It didn't take long for him to stride out of the room and towards your bedroom in a flash.
"...Jungkook," a voice said out, muffled and silent.
"...Jungkook," you softly sighed out, leaning your head towards the boy.
You gently kissed Jungkook again, hips never-ending in motion.
Jungkook lightly pecked your lips, before trying to catch his breath again. Head moving to lean over to your neck in defeat, his cheeks were burning and red the moment he heard you softly try to breath.
You moaned shakily by his ear, incredibly soft and memorizing.
Jungkook simply moved his hips harder between your legs the moment you made a sound.
Gasping, your mouth grew ajar, hands hugging at his shoulders immediately.
About to bury your head into his neck and catch a whiff of his scent. You wanted to kiss him again, his lips, neck, face. But all of it ended abruptly as he was the one to roughly gasp now.
Eyes shooting open, you had the sudden outcome to stumble forward when Jungkook was ripped away from you in the closet.
Eyes widening, you watched as a hand had roughly taken Jungkook's shoulder, yanking the maknae out of the dark closet and into the light room once again.
Mouth wide for different reasons now, you were in shock when seeing Jungkook stumble back onto the ground, his shocked face moving up to see the same person you were witnessing before your eyes...the person who had ripped Jungkook away from you so violently.
Reality hit you.
Jae's eyes were on nothing but the maknae who had stumbled and thrown to the point where he practically fell towards the ground. Watching as the boy was shocked on the ground, he tried to get back up, hand clutching over at the bed as Jungkook stood. Jae's eyes were narrowed when the maknae looked between the closet, you, and Jae in horror.
Jungkook felt the sudden need to throw up using his backside. The sight of the familiar man that had his nostrils flaring before him, Jungkook was shocked over what had occurred in the closet, but was more terrified over the fact that he was now coming face-to-face with your boyfriend.
Y/N HAS A BOYFRIEND I— The maknae's thoughts were completely knocked out from his mind when he felt a huge snapping occur at his cheek the moment a harsh and angry fist met the side of his face.
There was a huge roar that escaped from you as you instantly went to push Jae away from Jungkook. Shoving the man in complete shock before glancing back over at Jungkook who was shell-shocked on the ground.
Drooling a bit on your carpet floor as he tried to get up, Jungkook blinked fast, shaking at his head. He was trying to register his sight again, all while trying to find balance physically and mentally.
You whined in slight pain when Jae instantly held at the arm you had pushed him away with. Staring at how angry his eyes seemed to be, you struggled in his grip.
"Don't 'what the fuck' me," he barked, eyes deadly as he moved to the point where his breath would hit your face, "Why the fuck were you wi—"
"You aren't my boyfriend," you hissed back, eyes just as deadly as you tried not to flush over what had just occurred between Jungkook and you, "...the debt is over. You have no fucking control over me."
You winced when Jae instantly dug his nails into your arm.
You tried not to show how painful his grip was as you started to simply shove at him harder and more violently now. If he wanted to hold his angry ground, you weren't going to stay and have your irritated state grow any more submissive.
"Watch me take control over you," he snapped back, eyes harsh as a bitter grin formed on his face.
Jungkook moaned while on the ground, managing to get onto his knees as he slowly moved to his feet again.
"D-Don't touch her like that!" Jungkook managed to snap out himself, concern filling his partially blind form as he stared over at the man that had you pressed violently against him.
"I can touch Y/N any way I fuckin' want," Jae snapped back, staring over at the maknae that grew angrier out of confusion as moments pasted by.
Jungkook rushed towards the both of you again when Jae tried to drag you over towards the bedroom door. Seeing you struggle, the maknae lost it as he tried to run over to the angered man that was pulling you aside.
Jae's jaw clenched hard, eyes hard as he elbowed Jungkook in the jaw, stopping the maknae from trying to touch you and pull you aside. Jungkook stumbled a bit back, groaning in frustration as he was about to attack and help you out again.
"WHAT DID I SAY?" Jae said, yelling over at the maknae that had a murderous look on his expression, "I SAID TO STAY AWAY FROM Y/N OR ELSE."
"STOP IT! THE DEAL WAS FOR YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE! So, fuckin' leave!" you hollered out, slapping over at Jae as you felt the sudden urge to have your leg try and kick over at the mid-region of Jae's legs.
Gasping when your flailing knee made it close to hitting him hard in the groin, you found your knee to be stopped by the sudden harsh grip of his hand go to the higher part of your thigh. You squirmed, whimpering when he tried to get his hand between your legs. You felt the coldness of his rings but shielded yourself, and you panicked, shivering and yelling out as you stumbled back.
Jungkook's eyes popped out of his head at the sudden harsh action. He lost it, rushing towards Jae again, Jungkook managed to lamely throw a punch at Jae, pushing the man off you with your help as you managed to shove away.
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