《Frenemies》Chapter 15: BTS To The Rescue~
"This was a stupid idea."
Jungkook moaned in slight pain as he lay, face-first in the mud that was accompanied by wet grass below him.
"I need to help all that I can," Namjoon said lowly, snapping over towards Jungkook who was painfully trying to shuffle away from the man that stood over the maknae.
"Yes," the voice of the man said, patting on Jungkook's head, watching as the maknae groaned in frustration and tried to shuffle more from underneath the man.
"Get off me Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook softly yelled out, eating grass at this point.
Yoongi almost fell straight into the bushes that all hid in, grabbing at the tops of the leaves that hid all three of them, Namjoon had to catch the man by the shoulder so that they wouldn't capture any attention towards them by the people around.
The last thing the three wanted was any attention thrown at them in such a position, all while, behind a bush. It didn't help that it was raining slightly from above and Jungkook was starting to drown in a mudslide underneath an already injured Yoongi.
"I normally wouldn't admit this but right now, after how you punched me this morning," Yoongi snapped out, jaw clenching a little before glancing down at the boy he was under and continuing, "I don't regret putting all my weight on you."
"Y-You deserved it," the maknae mumbled out, remembering how angered and overwhelmed he had felt in that moment as he attacked his hyung.
It hadn't gotten far. Many of the shocked forms had hauled him off Yoongi and had made him sit down again. After a long period of discussion and talk, Jungkook softly apologized, feeling slightly bad over the fact that the slight bruise by Yoongi's cheek was from his sudden and abrupt attack.
He allowed himself to remember it...
Yoongi sighed, tense as he tried not to touch at his cheek.
Jungkook was about to apologize again, only to have Taehyung break the silence that filled the tense room...
"Wah," the boy chimed out, eyes in awe, "that was like the Run M/V right before my eyes."
Everyone was silent, all simply staring over at Taehyung who had the tiniest dazed smile on his face.
Jimin looked between Jungkook and Yoongi who were both giving Taehyung the most unbelievable expressions ever.
Jimin sighed, chiming out himself, "Should I punch him or should someone else, do it?"
Everyone ignored Jimin and Taehyung, focusing back to the problem that was faced before them now.
"If these pictures leaked because of Yoongi hyung," Namjoon said carefully, words soft as he stared over at Yoongi who's head ducked, "then as a team...as the leader of Bangtan, we are immediately involved in this. We need to help her."
BangPD said nothing, still in shock over what had just been said, and what had occurred before him. From the confession, to the punch, and to now—all was still calculating in the man's head.
"My final words are no," BangPD said gently, looking away as he started to move out of the room in disappointment, "But I won't stop you if any of you choose to disobey me...but if you do, and you're caught by me, that's when I'll be extremely upset."
With that, the man left.
...and after that departure, everyone grew silent all over again.
No one else was in the room in that moment apart from just the members.
"So..." Hoseok piped, eyes narrowing as he awkwardly glanced at Jungkook and Yoongi who were trying their hardest not to look over at each other, "We going to help her or not?"
"Of course we are," Jin popped out, beating everyone else to the answer in their minds.
Yoongi sighed, trying his hardest to focus on nothing else but the building structures that stood before them. It was hard. The fact that the tops of his hair remained wet and in his eyes, wasn't making his cold and pale self blend well in the green of the Earth.
"Jungkook-ah," Namjoon softly yelled over at him, "I get you're upset over what Yoongi hyung did. But don't forget that you did things out of hatred for Y/N too. You weren't exactly prince charming—heck, none of us 7 were."
"Ay!" a muffled voice chimed from the phone that Namjoon held in his hand, "I wasn't as cruel as the rest of you."
It was Jin.
Namjoon rolled his eyes, ignoring the man before glancing back over at a suddenly quiet and still maknae.
Jungkook stopped moving at that. Hearing the light snarl near Namjoon's panicked voice made Jungkook stop swimming in the mud as he nodded, his chin resting straight into the grass that cushioned him from getting watery mud to enter his mouth.
The maknae's stomach did drop however, along with the other two men that were by him. All of them felt anxious, guilty, and reckless in this moment. They knew this wasn't the greatest thing to be doing just after the meeting they had with their boss this morning, but with the constant tags they kept receiving on social media, and the clouds of paparazzi that lingered around the building caused them to be in this situation.
...this is where guilt lead them to be.
Where you ask?
Jungkook sighed, trying not to move at all as he looked over at Yoongi who balanced on top of him on the ground. He stared at what was before him, trying not to second-guess their plans as it had worked so well so far.
"How is this going to work again?" the maknae asked, feeling the nerves string up within him more than compared to how he felt when the members had come up with this plan in the first place.
"We've been through this," Namjoon said lowly, "Jimin and Taehyung cover for us back at the building with Hoseok hyung, Jin hyung and Lia noona get us here, while we all go and do as planned."
"No," Jungkook said softly, feeling the nerves kicking in again, "I understand that...what I meant was whether this apology thing will even work."
"I guess we'll see," Yoongi said gently, answering for Namjoon.
"Yes," Namjoon said lowly, not knowing what to genuinely say, "and even if it doesn't, what matters is simply getting Y/N out of this mess."
"Yes," Jungkook lightly agreed.
Where were they you ask?
In the bushes, in the raining night...just outside of your house.
"Many of the news casters have already left, the only thing you truly need to worry about is the fans still camped out across the street," Jin said lowly, glancing over at all the individuals that seemed to be half-asleep and resting with another.
"Try accessing entrance from the backyard instead of the front," Lia said through the phone, moving closer towards Jin so she could lean her head towards the phone to speak into.
Jin apologized for hogging the cell as he smiled kindly over at the woman, moving in his spot a slight bit when focusing on not having his knee brush hers while seated in the backseat of the van PD-Nim owned.
"She might be on to something," PD-Nim said lowly, grinning over at the woman quickly before staring back at the fans on the road from the van he sat in.
Jin glanced over at PD-Nim before staring over at a flushing Lia who bowed her head over at the man in the driver's seat. Jin licked at his bottom lip a bit, purposely moving his knee to touch hers now as he leaned into the mic of the phone again.
"Y-Yeah," Jin said into the phone, "follow what she says, she probably knows best since she's a family friend of Y/N's."
Lia smiled, bowing slightly over in his direction now.
Jungkook thanked over at Lia from his spot on the ground, before having himself get picked up by Yoongi who stood on his own now. Stumbling a little in the mud as he moved towards the door, Jungkook was a total mess. His clothing and skin simply got dirtier as he slipped in the wet grass while trying to run unnoticed from the bushes and to the backyard's gate instead.
Swearing, the maknae was helped by Namjoon and Yoongi as all three moved as quickly as they could. As they moved, Jin would scold them softly through the phone, hating that he could see them clearly from where he sat in the van across the street.
If it was this obvious for Jin to spot them out, one look of any of the sleepy fans, and the three members would be toast. Not only would they be caught, but news outlets would be back here to harass at the lawns of the home.
"How are we even going to be let in? I'm sure they're all terrified of break-ins already, and seeing three dirty men outside their back window isn't going to be a pleasing sight I—"
Jungkook and his rambling shut up immediately the moment Namjoon shot him an annoyed stare.
Swallowing hard, the maknae tried to distract himself from all the stresses around him by simply thinking of other stresses that bothered him. Great tactic, right? Jungkook sighed, hating that he still couldn't get his mind off of the day he broke out at you. He had said things that made his teeth want to fall out and run away...completely appalling and regretful all those bitter words were. I even promised I'd never have her see my face again, and yet here I am, Jungkook mumbled internally, hating that he couldn't think straight without having the sudden urge to crap his pants.
Jumping when hearing a soft knock being made before him, to the maknae, the sound was earth-shattering. Trying to catch his breath, Jungkook wiped away at the mud that creamed his chin and cheek as he watched Yoongi and Namjoon stand in front of him.
The two knocked, all trying to get the attention of anyone they possibly could while in the empty and dark backyard.
Jungkook grew more nervous when seeing nothing and hearing no one approach the back door.
"Leave!" a dark voice barked loudly.
The maknae jumped again. This time, it wasn't just him as Yoongi and Namjoon seemed to as well. Glancing over at the window that was ajar on the second floor of the home, Jungkook couldn't see anyone, but there was a man lingering in the dark upstairs.
"Leave before I call the police here for trespassing!"
Namjoon and Yoongi freaked out a little over how loud the man was being. The last thing any of them needed was for the fans to be alert and up on the streets.
Jungkook sighed when it all failed however. The sounds instantly caused a few fans to start roaring tiredly at the house all over again. Swearing internally, the maknae moved to glance past the house's frame and over the gate. He panicked when his big eyes grew further, eyeing the small number of awoken fans that started to curse over at the house. They probably thought the man was talking to them...considering their sudden angry reaction.
As Jungkook moved back to his previous spot, he watched Namjoon already trying to reason with the barking and threatening man that was terrified and angry while inside the home.
More fans roared outside.
Jungkook bit at his lip in nervousness, nibbling at the chapped skin as he watched Namjoon trying to voice out reasoning without stuttering.
"We aren't reporters, sir," Namjoon tried, swallowing, "we're the members of Bangtan...the one Y/N was accused of robbing—" Namjoon cut himself off for a moment before taking Jungkook's shirt and dragging the maknae in front of him so the man by the window could see, "This was the boy that accused Y/N of all charges at the press conference!"
Jungkook's eyes widened at that, staring at the side of Namjoon's face in awe before whipping his head over towards the voice of the man that mumbled a curse word over at them when noticing their faces in the dark.
It all went silent for a while.
Namjoon awkwardly looked at Yoongi who shrugged at his shoulders.
Jungkook was tense, still in Namjoon's hold as all were frozen.
"Was that really necessary hyung?" Jungkook squeaked out, not knowing why his cheeks were starting to redden.
"I thought maybe the man would recognize you," Namjoon mumbled out, apologizing before letting go of a flustered maknae. Namjoon knew Jungkook felt regret of the day he had snapped, and this right here probably didn't help.
"Who do you think that was?"
"I'm her father," a voice barked out, harsh as the door to the back opened and a broom stick was struck out to almost poke at Namjoon.
All the boys moved back in fright, watching the man come out from inside the house as his eyes studied the men before him with hard eyes.
Jungkook swallowed when the man's eyes went over to him. The gaze lingered. I've met people that have disliked the sight of me before, but I've never seen someone who looks like they'd like to kill me in an instant.
Yoongi bowed awkwardly, followed by the rest of them as they almost broke their backs while trying to ease up the angered man before them.
There was a soft voice behind your father...catching all the frightened boys' attentions.
"It is them," the voice said lowly.
"Yes, it is," Namjoon chimed out, forcing a huge grin on his face as he waved his fingers in the air cutely.
"In the flesh," Yoongi chimed up himself, adding in his fingers as he let out a nervous chuckle.
Jungkook however, was having a staring contest with the older man before him.
The maknae was scared for his life.
"What are you doing here?" the father barked out again, softer now.
His eyes were still on Jungkook.
It's as if he's trying to murder my soul with his eyes, the maknae whined internally, upper lip pouting a slight bit.
Again, once mentioned above...the maknae was scared for his life.
The very look on Jungkook's face had Yoongi and Namjoon confused. They didn't know if they should be hugging the boy or laughing at him. So, instead, they simply tried to reason with the man before them and pay less attention to the child that needed a diaper change beside them.
"We're here to help you...to help Y/N."
"We don't need any of your help," the man said lowly, tamer now when realizing that there wasn't a real threat to be seen in the background of the yard, "You and your company have done enough damage."
"Sir, to all due respect, your daughter did rob us—"
Jungkook slapped his hand over Namjoon's face the minute the father's brow cocked over at him.
"What hyung means to say is," Jungkook started, his voice higher than any of Jimin's notes while singing, "We're truly fond of your daughter and she doesn't deserve what's happening to her. We want to make things right for her and your family."
Namjoon's brows jumped over how successfully Jungkook managed to voice out such mature context. Watching as his mouth was still covered by the maknae Namjoon slowly moved away from the maknae's hold.
"What he said."
"We're here to help," Yoongi sighed out, forcing a nervous smile onto his face.
Namjoon and Jungkook forced smiles onto their faces as well. Their eyes were terrified, lips slightly quivering, but all managed to crack a smile none-the-less.
Yes, Jungkook thought to himself, trying to muster the best looks of innocence he could muster in that moment, please oh-so-great-universe, let me channel Hobi hyung's aegyo powers just this once.
The boys were now smiling for 45 seconds straight.
The only thing heard was the crickets and the restless fans at the front of the home.
No one even seemed to be breathing...
But suddenly, there was a muffled voice, "Good luck."
All the boys looked down at the phone that was still in Namjoon's hand. It took them a while to realize why there was a loud sound raging from the speaker right after someone had spoken...
Jin had hung up.
Hang up on the gin already, you scolded internally, trying not to glance over at the secret alcohol you had stored near your computer desk. This isn't the time to drink your problems away...
Instead, you picked over at the blanket on your bed. Sighing internally as you cocked your head over towards the hallway, you heard voices downstairs and yet your curious bubble remained in your bedroom. The last thing you wanted was to go down in your pajamas and get yelled at by your father from coming down.
So, you followed what he had told you to do and stayed put in your bedroom as him and Vee went down to check out who exactly was in the backyard.
Anyone but trespassing camera-men please! You begged internally, trying not to shiver in cringe when remembering the last time someone had managed to break in. Although it was scary, it was reassuring to have your father, mother, and grandmother home. Plus, Dad's famous broom can get a person to feel protected after a while as well.
Waiting a long while, you started to play around with your tongue in your mouth. Making weird noises, to eventually simply trying to shape your tongue in weird ways, you moaned in frustration over the boredom that cascaded the walls of your bedroom.
You were up in an instant when hearing your father call you from by the staircase. Practically running out of the bedroom, you knew to keep your feet stomping at a minimum as you didn't wish to wake up your mother. The woman never seemed to sleep because of her worrying lately, and the last thing you wanted was for her to get startled when she finally did find sleep.
Quickly jumping off the last set of stairs, you swung around to have your eyes find your father that was by the staircase, asking what was wrong, you fixed at your pajama top's spaghetti strap before searching for Vee's eyes.
"Did you find out who it wa—"
You swallowed your words, your eyes popping the moment you spotted the three dirtied individuals in the living room.
Jungkook's eyes swallowed when spotting you. His gaze had chased your bare legs the moment you had run down the stairs, but now he could see you fully before him in your pajama wear. Eyes softening, he couldn't help but let his form linger in certain areas of your form. It wasn't until he felt eyes piercing into his cheek with deadly intentions, where he managed to look away from you immediately and smile at your irritated father that caught Jungkook's gawking.
Staring over at the ground, Jungkook looked back up only when Namjoon managed to softly speak out and break the silence.
"H-Hi...Y/N," the leader started softly, eyes soft when seeing the girl, he had wronged.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, growing breathless as you stared at each member before you.
Namjoon laughed nervously, his jazz fingers coming out into play again as he tried to brighten up the mood awkwardly. His response to your question being him letting out a note as he sang...
"BTS to the rescueeee~"
You panicked, squirming by the sudden hold that was capturing you into the closet of your own home.
"Stop," the voice lowly snapped over at you, panicked itself.
You shoved and shoved, not knowing who it was that suddenly dragged you away from the bathroom of your own bedroom and over towards your closet door.
"I-It's Jungkook calm down," he said, his breath shaky as he closed the door behind him, face worried and slightly terrified as he moved closely by you, having you pinned against the back of your own clothing and closet.
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