《Frenemies》Chapter 6: She's No One
You felt incredibly hot and sweaty in the shawl you wore over your peach sun dress. Oh fuck me, I hate dresses.
Your leg shook, eyes darting around the corners of the walls that surrounded you. You felt all of it enclosing on you, the dress that sat loosely on you bare thigh slowly exposing more and more of your flesh as you panicked inwardly.
All you heard was Jungkook's voice. His cunning smile, his teasing eyes...he was proud of himself when finally managing to catch you and bring you back to seal the end of your fate. Now Lia probably hates me, I'm all dolled up, and reporters are waiting in the main hall for my busted ass 'truth'.
Here you sat, forced into a dress Lia provided for you. When you had tried to talk to the peaceful woman, Lia had simply smiled tightly at you. There was hurt in her eyes however, the kind that made you want to shrivel up into an embryo and disappear in abyss.
He said he won't press charges...just anonymously speak out what Jungkook and the rest of the management wants you to say and rush on out as fast as you can, you thought internally. You knew it was stupid for you to be trusting Jungkook to not string you up in prison right after the press conference he had arranged, but at this point, you had nothing else but to hope for the best.
You could hear the roaring of all the anticipated guests in the lobby. All waiting, confused, and excited for what BigHit was finally deciding to reveal after the photos and videos of Jungkook and you had leaked.
You were terrified.
Your upper lip kept twitching, all while sweating as you awkwardly wiped at it every five minutes.
It had only been thirty minutes since Lia sunk out of the room, but to you, it felt like days waiting for Jungkook to come back into the room. Sure, you didn't want to see him, but if things continued to feel like eternity, you wouldn't be surprised if your mind warped to find imaginary friends running around to keep you company.
The front door opened and you got onto your feet immediately. Feeling your stomach do a 360 degree flip in your gut when seeing the maknae move inside the room, you pursed your lips, ready to walk forward and leave outside with the man.
But then he closed the door, slowly leaning in it slowly as he locked it.
You froze, brows jumping before looking over at him blankly glance over at you from his spot.
"Woah," you sang out, nervously laughing when seeing his spine straighten, arms fold into the front pockets of his jeans, "...you tryna finish what I started in the video?"
He didn't seem to laugh at your joke at all, so, you simply coughed in on your laugh.
"Before we head out, I need you to be sure you know exactly what your role is," Jungkook spat, eyes tired when glaring over at you out of habit.
You could tell he wasn't the biggest fan of you. Pursing your lips a little, you sighed before dramatically started to recite what BangPD had already shoved down your throat. And no, nothing sexual sadly, you piped internally, trying to make yourself smile or laugh. It didn't work however, you simply stood there blank.
"I go on and on about how I'm your girlfriend," you mumbled, "but I set up such photos and videos on purpose, which in your case, got you mad and now we're exes."
"Good," Jungkook snapped out, eyes fixed on the floor by his feet as he tried not to show mere disgust on his pissed face, "now just sell the idea that I actually cared for you to end up dating you."
"I'm sorry," you sang out, slowly finding a small grin to appear onto your face, "but it would be your absolute pleasure to date me...I'm a fan after all, show some respect."
Jungkook's eyes narrowed at that.
You nodded.
"I only respect those how deserve my respect," Jungkook lowly snapped, hating that after being caught once again, you were still managing to smile over at him so smugly, "girls like you don't deserve shit."
Your brow jumped at that.
"Excuse me bowl-cut hair," you popped breathlessly, clearly taken aback from such an outburst.
"What?" he popped, eyes squinting further, anger simply raging in his body, "I say something wrong?"
"You don't know me, so do-"
"But I do," Jungkook cut you off, "I do know you. I know you as the girl that has been playing mind tricks with me from the very moment you snuck into my dressing room. I know you as the criminal the stole from me and my members-my brothers...I know you as the girl who easily tosses her body around just so she can get a few bucks o-"
You gasped at that.
Jungkook swallowed tightly. His eyes still firm and agitated.
"I did not 'toss my body around', how dare you?!"
"Let me see," Jungkook popped, a little smile forming at the corners of his mouth as he swiftly moved his feet slowly over towards you, "first you jump at me, and kiss me for pictures. Then, you film a video. Naked, and trying to seduce me in my own bedroom..."
Your jaw clenched harshly when seeing Jungkook being the one smirking over at you now. You held no smile, just irritation when seeing the maknae wiggle his fingers in your face as he stepped closer and closer towards you.
He froze in front of you.
"All for money, no?"
You didn't say anything. Hating that he was trying to shame you for all the tactics you had used. He's calling me less of a woman, I see? You mumbled internally, seeing right through the maknae as his grin grew as time flew by.
"I'll take the silence as a yes."
"I've got my reasons for why I used my body as a distraction."
"...why?" he piped, crossing his arms at his chest in amusement, "Because you've grown used to giving yourself away so quickly?"
Your lips parted in shock at that.
"You just call me easy?"
"Your words not mine," he mumbled, eyes harsh but smile still consistent.
"Look here you, y-you bowl-head," you pointed at his hair, "Pinocchio-nose lookin' ass," you hissed through your teeth, finger snapping in the direction of his cute nose now.
"I'm listening," he popped, smug and smiling in amusement as he waited for you to defend yourself.
"Sure, I used my body okay. I used my body," you snapped, angry and blood boiling over the fact that the maknae, out of all people, had just insulted you so rudely, "I kissed you, I stood naked in front of you. I did all that for money...the money that will end up saving my family and freeing me completely."
Jungkook's smile fell a little at that.
"...and I would do anything for my family. Anything."
Jungkook didn't know what to say, so instead, he simply moved his hands away from his body before moving them harshly in front of you.
You struggled a little as he ripped away the shawl from around you.
"Asshole," you popped out, straightening up, goosebumps hitting your arms that were now exposed.
"Wouldn't want you stealing more now would we?"
You refrained from flicking the man's ear with your finger. You were mad, wanting to punch a wall or somersault between Jungkook's legs. But you didn't. You didn't blame him for disliking you so much, especially after all you had done.
You watched as Jungkook side glanced over towards you, ready to take you outside.
He stopped in his tracks a little. His hand that was about to grip over at your forearm, softened up when seeing you in the peach dress, your typical hat that you wore off as you hair sprawled about.
It was the same look. It was the same look he had given your naked self after you had gently pressed against him and pulled away from the soft kiss shared. There was softness to it, an awed expression.
You ignored it, shoving away from his hand that once tried to grab at you.
"Let's just get this over with," you mumbled under your breath.
Jungkook swallowed, snapping out of his sudden daze as he found his body hardening. Eyes alert, and irritation consuming him once again, he followed you out the door.
"Gladly," he mumbled, wanting to finish the story revolving you once and for all.
"Gladly invite the youngest member of Bangtan Sonyeondan," PD Nim sang out, trying to tame the audience that sat giddy in their spots, "and wait as all questions will be answered. First, I ask you to hear Jungkook as he has brought along a guest."
The audience was silent, nodding.
PD Nim stepped away from the part of the lobby that was open and ready to hold Jungkook and you smack in the middle of it. Having security everywhere, both of you would be secure from all the reporters that were standing about.
"Just have me sit with my face facing them and I'll be fine," you mumbled, glaring over at Jungkook who visibly looked nervous.
You were too, you were terrified.
The last thing you wanted was for your face to be displayed all around. If your face did get out, you may be the most hated woman in pop culture as of right now... I don't have time for pissed fans sending me death threats if Jae was already on top of that.
"Just make sure there's no way to have her seen," Jungkook said slowly, awkwardly glancing towards you.
Your brows furrowed a little when seeing that he wanted you to be hidden as well. But then it clicked, you knew exactly why. In the maknae's eyes, your sappy backstory was that your parents were struggling with money and you stealing was the only way...ah, poor Jungkook. You almost make me want to come clear and tell you the truth, you sighed internally, but I can't...I am saving my family. But not in the ways you believe I am.
It surprised you that he hadn't already asked Lia about my entire life story yet. If he had, he'd know I was lying, you popped, eyes glancing around in search for Lia.
You hadn't seen her since the time she helped the dress zip up on you in her office...
You felt something move over your head. Jumping a little, it took you a moment to realize that the new individual behind you had placed your hat onto the top of your head, tucking it forward so that it shadowed at your face.
You looked back to see Lia.
You smiled at her, thanking her. The woman didn't smile back, simply disappearing in the crowd of other workers that had been eyeing you with disgust the moment you had entered the building.
"Let's go."
You stared over at PD Nim who took out his arm. You held lamely at it, hiding behind the man as Jungkook moved to stride before the two of you.
Entering the area, you moved to the couch that was facing opposite of the audience. Having PD Nim linger and wait for you to sit, you felt uneasy when hearing the murmuring and instant excitement of curiousity raise with the media that swarmed around you.
Cameras were instantly on and lights were blaring.
Jungkook nervously sat down in the couch next to yours. But instead of facing a wall, he was facing the pool of people ready to trample away with questions.
"Hello," Jungkook said lowly, clearing at his throat a little when PD Nim nodding reassuringly at him and stepped away towards the corner where BangPD stood.
There was just a lot of murmuring.
"I'll like to say a few things regarding the new stories that have been published about me," Jungkook said, voice a little louder now when trying to get everyone's attention, "after I'm done clearing my side of the story, I'll like for all of you to speak up and ask any questions you'd like."
The murmuring slowly started to vanish.
Jungkook wanted to run. He wanted to run away from the silence that overtook the large room. He hated being in the spotlight, afraid he'll say something stupid or make things worse. Usually, Namjoon, the leader of his group was in charge of making things better when about to hit rock bottom. Namjoon knew what to usually do, so did Jin, Yoongi, Hobi...heck, even Taehyung and Jimin hyung...all of them knew better with their words than Jungkook.
But here, here he was alone and the other members were forced to stay away from the lobby to stay by as moral support.
Jungkook was alone, nervous, clammy, and terrified.
You noticed how silent the whole room was.
Jungkook wasn't saying a single word and you felt bad for him. Seeing the side of his face from the corner of your eye, you could visibly see his adam's apple bob in nervousness.
"Jungkook you've got this," you said softly, not noticing that the mic attached to your dress made your voice blare through the silence.
Your cheeks flushed, feeling incredibly claustrophobic once again as you sat curled and facing the wall before you.
Jungkook looked over at you, eyeing the side of your face for a moment.
"I uh..."
You slowly looked over at him.
His eyes met yours and you watched as he didn't look away for a long while, trying to manage words to escape him so he could formally speak loudly into his mic.
"I'm here to clear up some things on the pictures and videos that have been surfacing of me."
You smiled lightly, nodding reassuringly at the terrified maknae. You were being sweet in that moment, feeling a little relaxed every moment Jungkook spilled out words into the mic.
"This is the girl in all the pictures and videos...she's here, next to me," Jungkook said, finding the courage to look away from you and over at the audience that seemed to grow shocked at his words.
More murmuring began.
Jungkook didn't stall any longer, starting to speak up instantly and let words spill. In that moment, he didn't care for the excuse of a lie that they were about to feed to the press, he didn't care for the management hawking at him thoroughly...sure, he was afraid to screw up, but he was more afraid to lie to ARMY. He didn't want to lie to his fans.
...so he didn't. He spoke truth.
"She's a criminal."
You almost slipped off the couch you sat securely on. Eyes growing bugged, you froze, snapping your head forward and not knowing where Jungkook was about to go with this. HELLO?! I THOUGHT THIS WAS ABOUT ME PRETENDING TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! FUCK, FUCK I'M GOING TO BE SOMEONE'S BITCH IN PRISON.
BangPD seemed to freeze in shock as well. All tried to call for his attention, scold him from afar to stick to the plan.
Jungkook didn't however; he didn't stick to the plan.
"She's an insane fan that robbed our concert, proof for that can be seen with Yoongi hyung's tweet about that night," Jungkook said, matter-of-factly as he let everything spill, "she kissed me to snap pictures just so she could gain more money from outlets that bought the images out."
The whispering and shocked reactions grew in the audience that was starting to brew up questions. All were caught off guard.
You didn't say anything, surprised and frozen.
"The video," Jungkook said, jaw clenching as all he thought about was how great it felt to slowly reveal the truth. Only the truth...
"I snuck into his home," you whispered gently.
Jungkook slowly looked over at you. Slightly confused that you were helping him, he pursed his lips as he noticed your shaken voice continue into your mic.
"I made it look like we were something to feed into the rumors that were already spreading about Jungkook and a mystery girl," you said lowly, feeling your eyes tear up when hearing the crowd start to grow louder, "I did it for the money. I attacked him in vulnerable states twice and I'm sorry to all ARMY who were confused."
"She's just a fan that got out of hand," Jungkook said lowly, looking over at the pool of people, "nothing more."
"Why cover her identity? It's hard to believe you!" a voice yelled, breaking the rule of no questions before he was done.
"I don't want to ruin her life just because she made a few mistakes," Jungkook said softly, glancing over at you before focusing back towards the front, "being in the public eye would be terrible for her."
"I'm sorry," you said through the mic, cursing internally over how your eyes seemed to well up.
You wanted to be with your family. You felt disgusting, wrong, and in fright in that moment. Everyone probably thought so lowly of you in that moment and for some reason, you began to feel lowly. This is a mess, this is all such a mess and it's because of me.
"So she isn't your girlfriend?!"
"No," Jungkook said, jaw flexing as he moved to twitch in his seat, "she's no one."
You could hear all the questions piling up and scream out all at once suddenly. You jumped, shaking as you wanted to vanish into thin air all over again.
Sinking into your seat as the yelling of the overly curious media took its turn, you knew Jungkook was focused on them.
At a point, you even heard BangPD come to support Jungkook.
There was so much yelling...
Yelling of questions.
Yelling of answers.
Your watery eyes softened in surprise when seeing a familiar face at the side near the wall you faced. Lips parting, you caught them tap at the person they dragged next to them. You screeched lowly to yourself while trying to cover your face. But it was too late. The one standing next to the familiar face snapped a picture of your bare face.
Out and exposed.
...and with that, the man with the camera ran away while the familiar face stood grinning.
You didn't move however, you couldn't leave knowing there was press everywhere around you. Where was I to run?
So you watched. You watched as the man with the camera rushed out, ready to probably sell away the face of the 'criminal' responsible for making the maknae's life a living hell.
Your eyes were still in shock. But then, you suddenly found your stomach wanting to implode in your stomach when focusing on the familiar face again.
He was smiling, proud and smug as he waved lamely at you.
Yoongi had just lured in a photographer to capture a picture of you, only to let the man escape and rush away from security to even realize.
Your teeth gritted.
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