《Falling for a Star (Complete)》Chapter 35 - Wedding Day


"You know the difference between me and you?" Gabe asked, standing in one of the spare bedrooms at Ellie's house, looking at himself in the mirror wearing a tux similar to mine.


"I make this look good," he said with a cocky laugh and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure bud. Keep telling yourself that," I told him, patting his shoulder with a laugh. "If I remember correctly, you tried your tricks on Brenley and she chose me instead."

"I don't remember it happening like that," he said, making us both laugh. "Seriously though dude, I can't believe you're really getting tied down to one woman for the rest of your life. Just the thought of that gives me nightmares," he said, shuddering.

I smiled. "Well you better believe it. She's the one man. I don't want anybody else."

There was a knock at the door and my lawyer came in saying, "I've got the prenuptial agreement ready for you to sign sir. Your bride has already signed it."

I took the pen from his hand and signed it quickly and he said, "Thank you" before heading back out the door.

Gabe looked at me in shock and asked, "You made her sign a prenup? And she actually agreed to it?"

"No it was actually the other way around. She insisted we do a prenup so people wouldn't think she was after my money. She said if we didn't have a prenup she wouldn't marry me."

Gabe's jaw dropped and he said, "Bro. Are you serious? Damn. I think I'm in love with your fiance."

I laughed and punched his arm, saying, "Don't even think about it," and he threw an arm around my neck and we started wrestling around.

"Boys! Settle down!" my Mom shouted, walking through the door and I shoved Gabe off of me and straightened up my tie, walking over to give her a hug.

She looked at me standing there in my tux and her eyes started to water. "Awwww. You're so handsome," she said, fanning her eyes with her hand. "You look just like your Dad on our wedding day."

"Only I was more handsome," Dad teased and she turned around and smacked him, laughing with a sniffle.

My brothers followed in behind my parents and gave me a hug and a pat on the back.

"I can't believe you're getting married. You're turning into an old man. Next thing you know, you're going to be a Dad with a Dad bod," my little brother Mason said with a look of disgust.

"You're only two years younger. Your time will come soon enough," I patted him on the back and gave him the knowing look of a smarter older brother.

"Hell no it won't. Not if I have anything to say about it," he laughed.


"The only good part about a wedding is the bachelor party and you didn't even have one of those. I feel cheated," my 19 year old brother Jack said, and the whole room full of people laughed and I rolled my eyes, rubbing my knuckles into my little brother's hair and making him laugh and shove me off.

"Hey, it's almost time. You three knuckleheads need to straighten yourselves up and get ready to go. It's wedding time!" Mom said with a proud smile.

I took a deep breath in and let it out. It was time. I was really about to get married. I pulled at my collar, feeling the tie getting a little too tight around my neck and cleared my throat as a bead of sweat formed on my forehead. I wasn't nervous about marrying Brenley or tying myself to one woman for the rest of my life. I was nervous about tripping or forgetting my vows and screwing up the most important moment in my life and disappointing her.

Dad patted my back as we headed out the door and down the hall towards the french doors that opened to the backyard. There were rows and rows of white wooden folding chairs that had a light tan burlap ribbon tied on the back and a small bouquet of light pink and white flowers with green leaves mixed in.

As I walked forward I saw every eye on me. On the right side of the aisle my closest co-stars, my cousins, and my best friends from before I got famous, my grandparents and my aunts and uncles were seated.

Her side was filled with a lot of faces I didn't know besides Dave, but I was sure I would get to know them all soon enough. We kept it to a very small group of just the closest people that meant the most to us that we could trust not to leak it to the media.

I took my place at the end of the aisle next to the preacher and then my best man Gabe walked down and stood beside me, patting me on the shoulder.

Then some light music started playing and her best friend Ellie came down the aisle escorted by my brother Mason and they split off and he stood next to Gabe. Several other couples went down until there were five groomsmen and five bridesmaids up at the front waiting and then the music changed to the song brides walk down the aisle to and the preacher said, "You can all stand."

This was it. It was really about to happen and I had never been so nervous in my life. I was more nervous right now than I was giving my speech after winning an Oscar. My hands were clammy and my heart was racing.

The french doors at the back of the house opened and there was Brenley holding onto her Dad's arm and as they walked down the steps and started coming closer I could see how stunningly beautiful she was and I forgot how to breath for a second.


I was mesmerized by her. She had taken my breath away when we first met and now she had done it again. Her hair and makeup were professionally done and she looked more beautiful than any supermodel or actress I had ever dated. The most important thing was, she was also more beautiful on the inside.

As they got to the front I saw tears in her eyes and her Dad was crying too. He laid her hand into mine and looked into my eyes, giving me a nod before taking a seat in the front row. I took both her hands in mine and faced her, looking down at this stunning woman that by some miracle wanted to spend the rest of her life with me and I felt like the luckiest man in the world.

My Dad stood with me behind the French doors as I held onto his arm to steady myself, letting out a deep breath. I was so nervous I was feeling dizzy and even though it was a really small, intimate wedding I still hated being the center of attention and having all eyes on me.

"You look so beautiful sweetheart," Dad whispered, kissing the side of my head and sniffling. "Just like your mother."

That made me smile and my eyes teared up as I looked down at my Mom's wedding dress that I had altered to fit me. It had long sheer lace sleeves that came to a point over my hand and a fitted heart shaped bodice that accentuated my cleavage and came to a point at my waist and the bottom was layers and layers of silk with a lace overlay that flared out and brushed the ground. It made me feel beautiful and elegant, like a princess.

"I wish Mom was here," I said with a soft exhale. "I know she would've loved him."

"Yeah," Dad said, giving me a sympathetic look. "She would've loved him as much as I do because I've never seen you as happy as you've been when you're with him. As a Dad, that's all I could ask for is a man that makes you happy."

"He does," I said, with a tear running down my face.

He handed me a Kleenex and I dotted it away from my cheek carefully so I wouldn't mess up my makeup.

The doors slowly opened and I heard the wedding march start playing as Dad stepped forward and led me down the aisle. I was so nervous I felt dizzy until my hand was placed into Dylan's and I lifted my head

I looked up at his handsome face and seeing his warm smile and the love and adoration in his eyes melted my heart and I couldn't help the tears that ran down my cheeks. I couldn't believe this was real life. I wasn't sure what I did to deserve this man or if I was just that lucky but I was definitely pinching myself and feeling like I was going to wake up from a dream.

"Do you Dylan Chase Ashford take Brenley Marie Jensen as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, in good times and in bad, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?"

When he said, "I do," I got chills down my arm and butterflies in my stomach worse than I had ever had.

We finished our vows and he slipped the gold band on my finger above the diamond engagement ring and I cried as I slipped his ring on too.

"By the power vested in me by the state of Iowa, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride," the preacher said.

Dylan placed his hands on my waist and looked down into my eyes as he pulled my body against his, leaning down and pressing his lips softly to mine as the small crowd erupted in applause and cheers while I melted in his arms, consumed by his kiss. It became strong and possessive, making me weak in my knees and I almost forgot anyone else was here but him and me. If there hadn't been people here I would've ripped his clothes off right there.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear so only I could hear, "We'll save the rest for the honeymoon. We have a baby to make."

I looked up at the mischievous look on his face and my insides exploded as I smiled and nodded. Did we really have to go to the reception? Maybe we could just slip out and skip straight to the honeymoon. From the look on his face I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

Dylan slipped his hand into mine and we turned to face the crowd as the preacher said, "I'd like to be the first to present the newly joined couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ashford"

I looked over at Dylan and smiled.

I couldn't believe I was now Mrs. Ashford. I shared his last name and we were moving into our house together after we got back from our honeymoon in Hawaii and we had already made plans to start trying to have a baby right away.

Usually you hear about falling stars but this time I'm the one that fell for a star. That was something I never wanted. Being married to a star had always been my worst nightmare, but here I was and I couldn't be happier.

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