《Soul x Reader x Kid》Soul x Reader x Kid part 3


"What're cooking schedules like?" You're sitting with Maka, and after insisting that you'd take part in chores she's giving you the lay down.

She pulls out a planner. "Soul and I alternate."

"I'll cook tomorrow then, after Soul." You say, editing the planner.

"Laundry is on weekends." She says, automatically answering your unasked question.

"Who's turn is it this week?"


"I'll do it this weekend and he'll do it next then." You say, writing on the planner once more.

"What's this about getting out of laundry?" Soul says, exiting his bedroom.

You smile. You've only spent a little time together but you know how he reacts. "Barging in on someone's conversation? Not cool." You say, elbowing him.

He grins and kicks you under the table.

Maka looks up and glares at you two for a moment. Then she returns to her planner like you're nothing but bothersome children.

"I love basketball! Of course I'll play!" You're standing in front of Soul who just got off the phone with one of his friends.

"That's good. Maka won't play, and Liz isn't coming so we're going to need you." He nods. "Come on Maka! Get some fresh air!"

She looks up from the couch. "Can I bring my book?"

"No." Soul replies.

"Well than no." she says, returning to her book.

You stifle a laugh. Soul looks ready to argue, but glancing at you he sighs. "Fine. Bring the stupid book. Can we just go?"

You walk through the streets of death city. The name "Liz" from earlier rattles in your brain, and you know it's one you've heard a lot before. But you can't place it.

As you see Death The Kid, you make the connection. Liz, his gun. You're fine until you see Black*Star. You shove Soul into a side street and pull Maka in.

"Black*Star is your friend?!" You say in a loud whisper.

Soul looks at you. "Why does it matter?"

"I only kicked his butt in ten freaking seconds! He's gonna wanna kill me!"

Maka smiles at you. "It's fine. He's tried to kill Kid several times. They're still good friends."


"Actually, Black*Star's first fight with Kid was less than two minutes after he met him. It'll be fine."

You bite your lip. "Ok."

Maka and Soul's hands are on your back, gently pushing you forwards. You reach the stairs to the court. Giving Maka the puppy dog eyes that said 'please don't make me do this!' she gave you one last shove forcing you to climb down the stairs or fall over. You climb down, Soul at your side.

"Hey! It's the chick from earlier!" Black*Star says, spinning the basketball on his finger.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Tsubaki." She says, bowing.

You smile. "Pleasure's mine. I'm _. "

Kid ignores you. You feel hurt, but you don't say anything.

"Ok New girl! Just remember that I'M the star, and we'll get along fine!" Black*Star says, almost scolding you. But then his mind moves to basketball. "New girl!"

You frown. "I have a name."

Black*Star grins. "Yeah, but that's boring. Make your own team and show us what you got."

"We're playing punishment and we don't know much about her. Let's give her a chance to slip up and give us a real good chance to find punishment." Soul grinned.

"Punishment is what they call their game of basketball. They just add on punishments to the losing team's captain. For mine they just move my beautiful paintings to the right by 3 centimeters- why ruin something already beautiful?" Kid whispers from an elevated platform. He has to bend over in a 90 degree angle to reach your ear.

You shiver but don't jump away. Instead you turn and face him. "Ruining the beautiful is almost like punishing themselves- and thanks for the help."

He smiles at you. "I knew you'd understand." Then he jumps down and stands next to you.

Black*Star caught your attention. "I want Patty and Tsubaki on my team!" He yelled.

Soul and Kid looked at each other. Something strange flickered between them- and then it was gone. You're not entirely sure, but you think it was envy from Kid and protectiveness from Soul. Is it you? But you've only just met them, and love takes time. Not that you'd know, but still a perfect love triangle forms in your mind.


You duck under Tsubaki's arm and kick her arm out of the way. It throws her slightly off balance and gives you time to shoot. A quick swish of the net and your already at half court, waiting for Tsubaki to come over so you can steal the ball back.

But she's better than you expected. She keeps you busy, making you run in circles to try and keep her blocked. Soul and Kid both have amazing aim and team work with you, but with each other they're lacking. You get the ball a lot because they will only pass to you.

But it's definitely your game. You're an unstoppable team- and you know it. As you sink a final shot, you glance over at Liz who's been keeping score. 98-90, your team. You want to get to 100 before the game ends. Tsubaki sinks a shot. Your distraction gave your team the ball. But it also made you lose time. 1 minute left. Kid passes you the ball and you force your way down the court. But Tsubaki blocks your path. You toss it to Soul. You dive under Tsubaki's arm and keep running. You're at the net now. And there's 10 seconds. Soul passes to you, and you pass to Kid. Kid passes it back as soon as you have a perfect shot. You put your arms in the air and push- no more time. Liz's buzzer rings at the same time as the ball swishs in the net. You high-five Kid and Soul enthusiastically.

You turn to Liz. "What's Black*Star's punishment?"

Liz smiled. "He's got to spend a day with a samurai who teaches at our school named Mifune. They hate each other to bits."

You smile back and turn to Kid and Soul. Maka's going grocery shopping so you're only walking home with him. But then Kid joins you. It doesn't bug you at all. Something's wrong of course. You're just not sure. Maybe it's how when Kid touches you a shiver runs up your spine and when Soul touches you all you can hope is that he'll touch you again.

Davis isn't at school. Maka is reading. Ox realized it was you who was throwing the erasers. Soul is sick. Miss Marie is trying to teach class. Everyone's doing something. Except you. You turn for Kid. He went to go see Shinigami-sama earlier, and you hadn't seen him since. But he wasn't in his usual seat at the back of the class. You frown, but as you turn around he's standing directly infront of you. Miss Marie is too busy dealing with a flaming paper airplane (You think you saw one of the weapons set it on fire) to notice you.

"Listen, _. I know this really cool museum filled with symmetrical stuff. Wanna go?" He asked you. It was impossible for anyone to hear- or so you thought.

"Yeah, I'd love to. When?"

"Tomorrow after school?" He asked.

"Sure. Friday's are always good." You smile.

"Later." He said and slid into his seat at the back. Liz and Patty gave him raised eyebrows, but he waved them away like they were telling him something unimportant. But what you didn't realize is that what just happened was very important. Very.

"I heard that Kid asked you out." Maka asked you in the hallway.

"Huh? Wait, what? That was in a date way?" You say turning to look at her.

"Yeah. That was in a date way."

"But I thought he meant more like bonding time. Like you and Tsubaki have." You rush.

Maka shakes her head. "It's only like that if it's girl and girl or boy and boy. Not girl and boy."

You don't say anything. She looks at you again. "So what're you gonna do?"

You sigh. "Isn't obvious? I'm going on a date with Death The Kid."

Sorry about the short chapter! I just thought it was a good place to cut it and I need to get a new chapter out. I've been busy with Demon Princess Of Time writing a co-operative fanfic.

I also realized that I forgot to credit where I stole Davis from. Davis is an OC of my best friend hypercupcake74, otherwise known as MoMo and Linda. If you'd like to see where Davis originates from check him out on Forgotten Figures.

I've gotta go to bed. Meh.

-The lovely IwuvSoul

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