《Soul x Reader x Kid》Soul x Reader x Kid part 2


"You want me to what?"

"Transfer. From the EAT class to the NOT. You were only in the EAT because we weren't sure what NOT class to put you in. But now we know. And it's no problem." Shinigami-sama stands before you.

You blink and clench your fists. The NOT classes were a lot easier. You were finding these perfect for your level. You bite your lip. "Which class?"

"Sid's." You sigh. You've heard good things about Sid's NOT class.

NOT stands for normally overcome target, so a lot of people are placed in NOT. That's why it took a while. Around 90% of the school are NOTs. The other 10% are EATs. EAT stands for Especially Advantaged Talent.

You'd normally have no problem moving, but it wasn't like that now. Some new factor was at play, but you aren't sure what it is yet.

You're about to pull your final card- one about leaving your friends forever, but the look behind his mask (You think) means it's final. You bow, then turn to leave. You expect Death to say something more, but he stays silent.

As you walk into class youre surrounded by complaints. "How are we supposed to get into pairs? There's an uneven amount of people!"

You hear a man's voice. Sid. "We're getting a new student! Now! Into pairs!"

You walk to the front of the class. Sid looks relieved. "See! Now you can pair up with-" all the people slid into pairs, leaving one boy in the back standing alone. "-Davis."

You walk up to him. "I'm _, Weapon."

"Davis. Meister. Hey, listen that's really cool. What kind?"

You grin. "Double bladed sword."

Meanwhile, Sid was addressing the class. " . . . you're friends doesn't mean you'll work as partners. It's likely you won't work. It's likely you'll pair up with the person you least expect. Now, please double Check in your partnerships there's one meister and one weapon." A bit of mumbling and shuffling. A few groups moved, and then Sid began to speak again.

"This will be an example of how very unlikely it is you will be able to fight today. And no one will resonate today. Weapons, please transform. Meisters, on your gaurds."

As you fly into the air, he catches you. You landed easily and perfectly in his hand.

You smile at Davis. "Nice. You didn't catch me with your face."

All around the room meisters and weapons were arguing with each other. "You're such an idiot!"

"Oh shut up. It's not my fault I don't know how to use a shuriken!"

"Ow! My hands! It hurts to touch you!"

"I may be electrical, but only my tip is. You're just crazy. There isn't ANY electricity flowing right now."

You find a set of girls- ones who are named Tsugami And Meme. You start sparring back and forth. You're having a good time. The NOT class isn't as bad as you once thought. Both Tsugumi and MeMe are cracking jokes, and you're liking both of them. They even made Davis laugh a few times. But then Sid comes over. "Davis, _, try to resonate. Meme, try with Tsugami as well."


You blink and stare at Davis. "Sure thing! Let's do this!" He smiles at you.

You head to a deserted corner of the room. You picture Davis' soul. Then you picture yours- and you think of them connecting. Like the words are placed in your mouth, you and Davis say in synch "Let's go soul resonance!"

You feel power flow through your veins. It seems like with every beat of your heart you're getting stronger.

Your blades grow, extending. They change from golden to black. The handle twists slightly, and a knife pops out of the bottom. Davis stares at you. "Ok, wow. Didn't think that was gonna work."

You've gotten Sid's attention- along with most of the class. He walks over. "Are you resonating?"

You look at Davis. "Are we?"

He shrugs.

Sid shakes his head at you. "_, is that what you typically look like?"

"No sir."

"Then you're resonating. Give me a second. I'm calling a student from EAT."

The kids turn away. Sid calls someone, and a few other students manage to use their weapon. No one else resonates.

"You want me to fight him? How are we supposed to do that? He's used me as a weapon for what, five minutes?" You're staring at Sid like he just told you to jump off a cliff.

"You can resonate with Davis much stronger than Tsubaki can with Black*Star. Black*Star, please do your best." Sid says. Black*Star nods. Davis is biting his lip, obviously nervous.

Tsubaki and Davis nod, as if they're giving respect to one another. Davis has stopped biting his lip. It seems to have calmed him down.

You decide to do the same. And instantly regret it. The boy in front of you is smiling evilly. "Sure, whatever Sid. Big stars like me can defeat puny girls like her any day!"

You're the person now biting your lip. You hold back one million insults.



"Let's do this fast."

You fly up and hit his hand. He catchs you easily and slightly bends his knees. The class is standing in a large circle around you.

"Tsubaki. Enchanted sword mode."

You gulp. "Enchanted sword?"

Davis mutters "We're screwed now."

He goes for a slash at Davis' ribs. "I'm going to do as asked, and not hold back!"

Davis deflects. While Black*Star pulls back Davis tries to knock him off his feet, but he jumps away. Another stab. This time Davis tries to disarm him, but only manage to knock his sword up and delay the blow. He jumps back.

"Tsubaki! Shadow star!" Black*Star yells, running towards you. He shoved the blade forward. Davis dodges to the right and had a gash on his cheek where a shadow touched it. Davis sidesteps another attack. You need to get on defense, and you need to get on it now. But Davis has the same thought.

Davis sends you a thought. 'What do you want to do?'

'Try soul resonance?'



"Let's go soul resonan-"

But before you two can finish, Black*Star falls to the ground. Davis blinks. "What just happened?"

You shake your head. "No idea."

Davis turns to Sid. "Do we win by default?"

He doesn't answer though. Tsubaki's on the ground, frowning at Black*Star. "You promised you wouldn't push yourself!"

"Black*Star, aren't you susceptible to Enchanted sword mode?" a NOT student asked.

He groaned. Davis throws you into the air and you transform. "Sid! Hey! Did we win?" you say.

He frowned. "I was looking for special talent, but just as you were about to resonate, Black*Star collapsed. I'll have to arrange a fight with another EAT student."

You glance at Davis. You mouth the words "Really?" at him and he smiles.

"Yeah. I know." he mouths back.

You're standing in front of the school. Davis is with you and you're shoulder to shoulder. In front of you is Kid, Liz, and Patty from earlier. The reaper and his weapons.

Sid, Stein, a lady named Marie, and "Death Scythe."

They're all watching you. You glance at Davis. And that is when you feel a bullet sink into your leg. "Ow! How about a start!" You say turning to the reaper. He shrugs. He tries to shoot you again but you jump out of the way.



As Davis dodges a bullet he frowns at his disability. "How am I supposed to attack? He's long range?"

You smile. "You've got your answer. Get in close. He's not used to close up attacks."

"Got it."

He runs forward, zigzagging. Davis deflects a bullet and runs faster. He's at Kid's feet when Kid jumps up. Davis jumps up and kicks his side. He lands easily on his feet. But Kid is complaining.

"You can't just kick one side! That's not symmetrical!"

Symmetrical? Symmetrical? He complained about symmetry earlier didn't he? "889 students- is not symmetrical!" a idea pops in your head. "Davis! Continue to hurt him on only that side!"

It's hurting him a lot, even though Davis has really only wacked him with the back of you or kicked him.

As Kid jumped, trying to get some air to shoot you, you take the opportunity to resonate. "Let's go soul resonance!"

Davis speaks alone now as you transform into the double bladed sword from earlier. "Double bladed sword special move- Sword tornado!"

You begin to spin and Davis throws you at Kid. As he attempts to shoot Davis, Your blade deflects it. You cut across Kid's forehead. Kid collapses to the ground. Not very deep, but I guess it's too asymmetrical for his taste.

Davis runs underneath Kid as he falls and catches you with one hand, then runs to where Kid lies on the ground.

Davis places the sword angled at his throat. "Death the Kid, you've been beaten by a NOT student."

Then you're tossed back. You land on your feet. You reach out your hands to help him up. Taking both of them, you ease him to his feet. You smile at him. He throws his weapons back and they transform.

You turn to the teachers. Stein is cranking at his screw, and Sid is nodding. Death Scythe has his eyes pasted on you. And Marie has her hands clasped together like she just witnessed you fly.

But then you see a boy. He's cute, sure, with dark colored skin and dark brown eyes. He's holding a mirror. And on the other side is Lord Death.

"Hey! Hiya! How ya doin'!"

You smile. "Good, thank you."

"Davis, _ I think you both have the skills to be in the EAT class. After fighting a reaper, I think it's been decided. You can join Crescent moon."

You grin at Davis. "EAT!" you mouth.

"I know!" he mouths back.

"Now, chop chop! Hurry to class!"

You plop back down next to Soul.

There's fifteen minutes until the end of class, and everyone is jumping around while Marie, the teacher from earlier, is trying to explain the difficulties of witch hunting. Soul shakes his head at you. "What did Lord Death want? You've been gone for hours. And who's that?"

"Lord Death placed me in a NOT class. I was partnered up with him as a experiment and it worked. This is Davis. Oh, plus we had to fight Black*Star and Kid. With times for messengers and preparations in-between." You explain.

"Uh, hi." Davis says.

"Hi." Soul says flatly.

Davis pulls out a book and you talk to Soul about your fights with Black*Star and Kid.

"Were they armed?"

"Yeah. Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty were there."

"Did you win?"

"We won when we were fighting Kid, but not Black*Star. He used 'enchanted sword mode' and collapsed." you reply.

"Why'd you need to fight Kid? Didn't you win by default?"

You shrug. "Apparently not."

The bell rings and everyone is out of the door. You run to your locker and pull out what you need for homework, then meet Maka at her locker. She's in a deep conversation with Davis about good books so you go find Soul instead.

With your bag over your shoulder you lean over so your more to his height because he's leaning on the ground. "Are you done yet?"

He frowns. "Be patient. Not cool."

Some one bumps into you. This section of lockers is pure boys, and you swear that could have been intentional. You spot Kid. "Gimme a second."


"Kid! Hey! Kid!" you weave through the crowd towards him. He turns.

"Oh, it's you from earlier. Congratulations by the way."

You blink. That's to nice sounding to be sarcastic. "Thanks. You were awesome."

"I think I saw you in Crescent moon right? Next class I was wondering if we could-"

But Maka runs over. "Hey, _! There you are! I've been waiting for you!"

She glances at Kid for a second. "Was I interrupting?"

He shakes his head. "Not at all."

You're confused. She was interrupting a little, and he couldn't say it around her. You'd have to catch him alone later.

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