《gilbert blythe and lucas jade zumann imagines》Gilbert Blythe|Your Name Around My Neck Pt. 3


Gilbert stood silently looking into the mirror, just as he did every morning, fiddling with his necklace. Most of the men who worked on the steamship didn't bother to look at their reflections anymore, and for the most part Gilbert didn't either. He was more interested in the name carved into the pendant hanging around his neck. Through the cracked, charcoal stained glass he could just barely read it.

He'd never much bought into the soulmates foolery, until he found out that (Y/N) was his.

Gilbert's 16th birthday had been a few months ago, and then everything had started to make sense. He'd been drawn to her since the day they met. Actually, he'd helped her out a little bit.

Billy Andrews had her cornered in the forest somewhere. A girl he'd never even met before, and it filled him with utter rage to see her so scared. So he'd stopped Billy, trying his best to stay calm even though his fists were clenched so tightly they were white at the knuckles.

Gilbert never knew why he hadn't hit him. Maybe it was because his father had always told him he was too smart to get into fights. Or maybe it was because a feeling in his gut had told him this girl would want to know his mind instead. Someday.

So they became rivals in school, but he didn't think she liked him much.

Over time he got to know her mind too, and she was god damn brilliant. She bested him in the spelling bee, in reading, in writing, in everything that had to do with literature. He'd overheard her say that words were in her lifeblood one time, and he'd never been more intrigued in his life. He even went so far to write it down when he got home, just so he didn't forget.


But then Gilbert's father had passed, and he'd started seeing life through a new lens. He wanted her, but he knew the love was unrequited. So he decided he wanted to see the world instead, onboard a steamer on the path to nowhere. And everywhere.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" Bash came up behind Gilbert and read his necklace aloud, "Sounds like a beauty. Any idea who she is?"

Gilbert faltered, "Uh, not really."

"Mary," Bash said quietly- glancing at his own necklace in the mirror, "I don't know her either."

"And you think you're going to find her on this ship?" Gilbert laughed. Bash just rolled his eyes, "Maybe she's one of the rich women on here, and she'll take me back to her mansion on a hill."

Gilbert turned away from the mirror to hit his shoulder, "What a daydream!"

Bash just smiled, "C'mon Blythe, everyone has them! What do you think this (Y/N) is like?"

"Smart and beautiful." Gilbert sighed, because he knew it was true, "With long, curly black hair, stormy brown eyes, and a fiery temper."

"Hold up, Blythe!" Bash looked shocked, "You know her already! Oh my god, I shoulda known it!"

"It's..... uh, it's complicated. She hates me, pretty much. One time she hit me in the head with a blackboard."

"There's the temper you were talking about."

Gilbert just rolled his eyes.

"You know we're stopping ship in Avonlea next, right?"

Gilbert's face lit up before he could stop it. Amidst all the dirt and charcoal streaked faces, he was beaming and he couldn't help himself.

"God, you look like a schoolboy, Blythe." Bash chuckled, "I take it you didn't know."

"I, uh, I left for a reason." Gilbert corrected his features, "If I go back to Avonlea, I want it to be my choice. Not because we're arbitrarily docking there. I don't want to be stuck when there's a whole world out here for me to see."


"Aint no ship or port in the world more important than your soulmate, Blythe. My mama used to say that."

"Yeah, yeah." Gilbert mumbled, because he knew it was true, "Whatever, shift starts in 5."

hey guys so the my friends trying to find the 4th part if there is one i think the tumblr user this belongs to is:


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