《Friends (Gilbert Blythe x reader)》5


I woke up and decided to wake up the other girls. We all went to the kitchen and sang songs while we were baking. Once we were done we went to Ruby's house. When we arrived I saw Gilbert look at me and I looked at Charlie. Charlie smiled at me so i thought maybe i could smile back. I looked over at Ruby and she tripped because she was looking at Gilbert. "Ruby!" I said and tried to bring her up. I was having a hard time so Lucas went down from the house and brought Ruby up. He got her hat and wiped the leaves off it. He looked at me and I looked at him. Then Charlie came. "Hi Y/n." he said. "Hi Charlie." I said and I saw Gilbert looking at us. "Can i talk to you privately." he asked. "Sure." I said and took one glance at Gilbert. We walked to this beautiful golden tree. "So i really like and i hope you wanna be my girlfriend." he asked. WHAT DO I DO. I f i say yes Gilbert will be mad or sad but if i say no i will feel so sad for him. "Yes I will Charlie." I said. Then he hugged me. I looked at Gilbert and he was looking at us. Then when i looked back at Charlie he kissed me right away. The kiss was fine but my kiss with Gilbert was better. I pushed away. "Ok i gotta go see you Charlie." I said. I walked to the girls and they were squealing. "Did you just kiss Charlie." Anne asked. "Are you guys dating?" Diana asked. "Apparently yes and yes." I said. "Well guys lets go we need to go back to our houses." Diana said. "Guys i just need to do one more thing so go ahead. I'll just catch up." I said and they went ahead. I went to Gilbert and grabbed his hand and went somewhere where someone won't see us. "I can explain." i said. Gilbert just looked down. "He asked me if i wanted to be his girlfriend and if i said no i would feel sorry for him and i don't like Charlie ok. I like you." I said while putting my hand in Gilbert's cheek. "Can we please tell people we are dating." He said. "We can't." I said. "How am I sure that you don't like Charlie." He asked. "Because....." I said looking at his lips. I put my lips on his. The kiss was more real. I put my arms around his neck while he put his hands on my waist. After 1 minute i stopped the kiss. We both breathe fast. "Well i gotta go." I said. "Me too." He said. "Bye." I said while kissing him in the cheek. "Bye." He said. I got my basket and went to the girls.

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