《Taking Tammy.》(4)


Tammy's heart raced as she heard footsteps above her. This banging had been going on since Aidan left an hour ago, and it was giving her a headache.

"Are you hungry?" his voice called out from the darkness, surprising her and making her jump backwards.

He held the door above her open, waiting for her to take the chance. "I made your favorite."

She took a breath and edged for the exit. As she scaled the ladder and emerged into a brightly lit kitchen, she felt his breath hot on the back of her neck.

The house was different from what she remembered it to be. This place was warmer, despite being much larger. The decor had changed, too. Tammy didn't remember the kitchen looking this expensive.

"You've decorated," she stated, glancing from one tall beige wall to the next.

"No," he replied, regarding her with amusement. "You’re in a different place."

Tammy hadn't seen something as rich. The walls were high and the bench tops marbled. It was a world away from her small place she called home.

"Aren't you going to take a seat?" Aiden asked, pointing to a large rectangular table at the far end of the room.

The familiar smell of her mother's special chicken dinner filled her nostrils, and she inhaled at the memory.

Mashed potato, turnip, and a Yorkshire pudding stared up at her, set alongside a helping of steamed mixed vegetables and a perfectly seasoned chicken, all drowned in a rich gravy.

Despite being a British dish, it was Tammy's favorite.

"How did you know?" she asked him, her voice a soft whisper.

"I know many things about you, Tamsin."

Her heart grew heavy as the name her mother gave her burned her ears. "Only my mom calls me that."


"Called," he smiled, mocking her mistake. "Your mom called you that."

Like a punch to the gut, his words rocked her. Tears filled up behind her eyes, stinging her cheeks as they streamed down her face.

In one swift movement, her arm stretched out. "You know nothing about me," she shouted as the plate of food fell to the floor, shattering into shards.

Aidan clenched his jaw, his hand shooting to the knife which sat next to him on the table.

Tammy didn't hesitate before running, scrambling out of the room without a second thought.

She made it well into the hallway before realizing Aidan was nowhere behind her.

"Do you know how many fingers I have, Tamsin?" he laughed, waving his hand in the air.

"Well?" his smile grew bigger, like he was in on a joke between him and himself.

"You're crazy," Tammy replied, clinging to the door frame as if her life depended on it.

"How many fingers do I have?" he repeated himself.

Tammy wondered if he was about to chop one off. Hell, it wouldn't surprise her if he tried to hack one of hers off.

"Five," she acknowledged.

Aidan lifted his fingers, counting each one in his head before placing his hand on the door frame.

"I have four fingers and a thumb," he corrected her. "Same as you."

Tammy watched as he shook both of his arms, grinning like a crazy person. "I have two hands, like you."

Just like that, his eyes pierced into hers.

The sudden change in demeanor sent shivers down her spine and Tammy found herself gripping the door tighter.

"Notice any difference, Tam?" he asked, narrowing his eyes as he took a huge stride. "For one, my hand is bigger."

Another step.

"Second, it's stronger," he spoke, taunting her with every word. "Third...well..."

His smile crept back onto his face as he cocked his head to one side. "I'll let you find that out for yourself."

Then, without warning, he closed his eyes.

"1...2...3..." he started, before opening one eye, grinning from ear to ear. "Well, aren't you going to hide? I'm only counting to ten."

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