《Full Sun || Haechan》28


After our 3 day trip to Busan came to an end, it was time for me to return to classes and face reality.

I thought deeply about Minho's advice and was determined to talk to Haechan. I needed answers to what had happened between him and my father.

He had avoided my calls all these days but today we would have to inevitably see each other.

As if on cue, Haechan turned the hallway as I waited by our first period class. I take it he hadn't seen me by his surprised expression when I grabbed his hand and dragged him along with me.

Not a single minute later we were standing face to face inside the janitors closet.

"y/n we are going to be late to class." He muttered while avoiding my gaze.

"When have you ever cared about being on time to class?"

He didn't respond knowing I had a point.

"Please tell me what happened Haechan. Why are you being so distant? What did my father tell you?" I softened my tone.

"Nothing happened." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Clearly something did or else you wouldn't be acting this way. I mean look at you, you can't even look at me in the eyes right now."

I cupped his cheeks so he could look back down at me. I could see the sadness in his eyes when our gaze finally met.

Like many times before, he leaned in closer until our lips touched. His soft hands made their way to my waist as he gently wrapped me in his arms, hugging me close as if he never wanted to let go. He rested his chin on the top of my head as I snuggled my face into his chest.

"I'm sorry y/n but this has stop here."


I looked up at him with broken eyes. "what do you mean by that?"

"This, us, our relationship."

I pushed away from him.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked reluctantly.

"I think it's best if we go back to being friends."

My heart felt like it was ripped out of my chest and stomped on by Haechan himself.

"Stop." I faintly whispered, tears glistening in my eyes.

"I'm sorry y/n but-"

"I said stop." I raised my voice into a stronger tone. "I don't want to hear anything else from you."

I took a deep breath as I tried to stop my tears.

"You know what? If that's what you want then fine, it's over Haechan. But like you told me once before, I don't think we were ever friends to begin with so lets not pretend to be friends now." I turned to walk away but Haechan grabbed my wrist. "Let go of me, I never want to see you again."


I pulled away from him without looking back. I didn't want to let him see me cry anymore than he already had.

"Goodbye." I whispered inaudibly.




"The movie starts at 8." I handed a small blue movie ticket to Hyunjin.

Judging by his confused reaction it was safe to say he forgot.

"You forgot didn't you?"

"Psh, Nooo." He muttered and examined the ticket. "Wait today at 8?"

"I'll take that as a yes." I snatched the ticket back and sighed. "You made other plans I presume."


"Don't lie to me."

"Okay, I forgot." He finally admitted. "I was supposed to study with Renjun tonight."

I rolled my eyes at him. "All you ever do is study with Renjun ever since you two started dating."


Hyunjin's cheeks blushed a bright pink color.

"No I don't." He tried to deny.

"It's okay." I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll just ask Chenle if he wants to go."

"Go where?" Chenle asked as he approached with Renjun.

Hyunjin smiled and placed his arm around Renjun followed by a small kiss on his cheek.

I pouted my lips. "I hate how cute you two are."

"Jealous much." Hyunjin playfully stuck his tongue out.

"Only a little."

The pair laughed at me.

"And were are we going again?" Chenle asked once more.

"The movies." I smiled and handed him the ticket. "Hyunjin was supposed to go but he forgot again."

Renjun frowned. "Why dont we all go." He looked up at Hyunjin with puppy eyes.

"You know I'll do anything if its okay with you." Hyunjin smiled at him.

"Since we're all going then can we also invite Yeri?" Chenle shyly asked.

A wide grin spread on my face. "Why? Are you finally going to ask her to be your girlfriend?"

"Yah!" He poked my cheek so I would stop smiling. "Never mind."

"Come on Chenle you have had a crush on her for 2 months now. Its about time you ask her out. Don't wait till it's too late."

"Thats pure irony coming from you." He rolled his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Renjun asked.

"Nothing." I instantly answered him.

The truth was that soon after Haechan and I broke up, Chenle had admitted his feelings for me. Although I really care for him I wasn't able to return his feelings in the way he wanted. Maybe if he had told me this before I fell for Haechan things could have been different but the timing was completely off. We talked and laughed it out and promised that we wouldn't let it change our friendship. Eventually Yeri and I started talking again and when I introduced them to each other Chenle moved on pretty quick.

"Anyways, I'll let Yeri know to meet us tonight." I stated when I saw Joy walk by. "See ya."

"Yah y/n!" Chenle yelled.

"What was that all about?" Joy asked after I caught up to her.

"Nothing." I smiled and changed the topic of the conversation.

A while back me and the girls became friends again which was nice considering I finally had someone to talk to that wasn't apart of the male species. Unfortunately since I wasn't sitting with the guys at lunch anymore in order to avoid Haechan, we do not meet up as often.

As for Eunji, people found out she had made up those rumors about me. We never made up and she was still very rude towards me whenever we crossed paths. On the bright side she opted to finish the semester through online homeschool last month so we rarely ever saw each other now.

We where heading to class when I suddenly received a message that made me smile.



There's a surprise waiting for you when you get home....... 👀


Sorry I didn't update Monday but I was visiting family and we didn't have wifi over there :(

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