《Full Sun || Haechan》29


I hurried home after school and looked around my house to find what Minho was talking about.

"Hey mom, did a package come in the mail today?" I asked her while I searched the living room.

"No? Why do you ask?"

"Minho messaged me that there would be a surprise waiting for me at home."

"Oh did he now?" She smiled cheekily. "Now that I think about it, maybe you should go check the kitchen."

I nodded my head and walked into the kitchen. I was confused when I saw nothing there.

I was caught by surprise when someone suddenly picked me up and sat me down on one of the counters.

It was Minho!

"Minho-yah what are you doing here?" I asked, still in shock by his presence.

"I thought you would be happy to see me." He frowned.

"I am," I stuttered. "J-just surprised."

He only looked at me with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I'm happy."

"And why exactly are you so happy?"

"Because you promised that the next time we saw each other you would give me a chance remember?" He leaned in closer to me.

"I did say that didn't I." I remembered our text conversation from a few weeks ago. "But I didn't think it would be so soon."

"I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend y/n, I'm only asking for one date while my family is in town."

"Well," I hesitated for a moment. "okay but just one date."

It was just one date, what could go wrong.

Minho couldn't stop smiling. "There's this restaurant I saw on the way here that looked amazing. We can go tonight."

"Tonight doesn't work for me." I said while hopping of the counter.

"Why not?" His smile quickly turned into a frown.

"I'm going to the movies with my friends."

His mouth formed into an "o" shape. "Can I join?"

"I don't see why not." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hyunjin will be there too, except I'm sure he will be too busy with his boyfriend to pay any attention to us."

"Yes that Renjun guy right? I've been wanting to meet him anyways."

"They are picking me up at 6, I'll text Hyunjin and let him know you are coming."

"Sounds good." He smiled and I left to my room to get ready.

After talking to my mom I found out that my parents had invited Minho's family to stay over at our house for the weekend. It was quite strange to me since it happened very suddenly without my knowledge. Minho didn't tell me anything and even Hyunjin didn't know he would be in town.

I was sitting on the living room couch playing games on my phone when the doorbell rang.

"That's probably Hyunjin, I'll go answer ." I let Minho know.

When I opened the door I was surprised to see not only Hyunjin and Renjun, but also Eunji.


Why did she come?

Before I could formally invite them in, Eunji pushed right past me.

"Minho-yah, I missed you." She said while clinging onto him.

"Uh yea, me too." He gave her a quick hug and pulled away.

"Why didn't you tell my you were coming?" Hyunjin pushed Eunji aside.

"I didn't know we were coming till yesterday either."

Hyunjin grabbed Renjun's hand and introduced him to Minho. "This is Renjun, my boyfriend."

"Hi, It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Minho." He smiled brightly and bowed.

Renjun respectfully bowed back. "I'm so happy to meet one of Hyunjin's best friends. I hope we can also be good friends."

"Hey guys, sorry to cut the conversation short but Chenle just messaged me that he's arrived at the theater."

We soon left and met up with Chenle and Yeri who were sitting awkwardly on opposite ends of a bench waiting for us.

Yeri stood up and happily hugged me when she saw me.

"Who is this?" She whispered in my ear referring to Minho. "He is cute."

"Yah." I lightly slapped her hand away from me.

She giggled at my reaction.

"We should hurry up and head inside before the movie starts." Renjun suggested. He was always very puntual, even towards non academic activities.

We entered the movie theater an chose to sit in the very back row. Renjun and Hyunjin sat alone at the end of the row while I sat between Yeri and Minho. Chenle sat on the other side of Yeri while Eunji was left to sit at the end next to Minho.

I purposely sat between Minho and Yeri knowing that we were watching a scary movie. Knowing Chenle he would have sat next to me and avoided Yeri, but now was the perfect chance for him to hold her hand if she got scared.

Chenle glared at me knowing what I had done as soon as we sat down.

"Fighting." I mouthed to him and he rolled his eyes.

He will thank me later.

Throughout the whole movie Eunji kept talking to Minho which was annoying me. I couldn't hear anything over her whining voice telling him that she was scared every 10 seconds. She clung on to his arm and laid her head on his shoulder.

I could tell that he was getting uncomfortable as he kept trying to pull away from her.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the popcorn bucket. "We're all out, I'm going to the concession stand to get a refill."

"Can you refill ours too." Chenle asked while handing me a empty bucket.

"And get me a soda." Hyunjin stated with out looking at me.

"Might as well." I smiled sarcastically feeling like a waitress.

"The movie isn't even that good." I muttered to myself as I walked to the concession stand.

"Can I get 2 popcorn refills and a large soda." I asked while handing the 2 empty buckets to the cashier.

When he returned them I struggled to hold both buckets and the soda. I turned around but bumped into something that caused me to spill the soda all over me.


"Fuck." I muttered as the sticky syrup seeped into my shirt.

"I'm sorry I, y/n?"

I looked up as I heard a familiar voice call my name.


He took off his sweater and wrapped me in it.

"Thanks but I don't need it." I pushed it off and handed it back to him.

"Yah! You're going to catch a cold." He said, wrapping the sweater around me again .

"Why should you care what happens to me." I let the sweater fall to the floor and I turned away.

I walked towards the washroom but I could still here Haechan calling my name behind me.

I ignored him and immediately began washing my sticky hands.

The door flung open as Haechan furiously walked in.

"What are you doing this is the girls restroom!"

He kept ignoring what I had to say.

"Stop being so unreasonable and just wear the stupid sweater. Your shirt is drenched and you will end up getting sick if you dont." His tone deepened.

"Who cares Haechan. You are nothing to me so stop worrying and mind your own business."

Suddenly, he grabbed my shoulders and pinned me against the restroom door.

"Don't ever tell me that again because I will never stop worrying about you."

I felt my breathes become shallow at his unexpected closeness.

"Please just leave me alone." I whispered almost inaudibly.

I lowered my head to avoid his gaze but he tilted my chin up to meet his eyes. His thumb softly traced my bottom lip as he stared at me with broken eyes.

He finally let go of me and wrapped the sweater around me again.

"Keep it if you don't want to return it and see me again." He sighed.

"Why do you do this?" I vaguely asked. "Why do you break up with me but then act like you are still my boyfriend? Do you want to hurt me more than you already have?" I felt a tear escape my eye.

"I never wanted to hurt you."

"Then why do you do it? You say one thing but do another. I cannot trust you. It was probably your intention all a long. You hated me and you probably always hated me."

"I never wanted to break up with you y/n!"

"Stop lying to me, your plan was to purposely lead me on and hurt me wasn't it."

"Why would I ever purposely hurt the girl I'm in Love with!"

I was left shocked by his confession. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.

He looked deep into my eyes and softened his tone. "I'm in love with you y/n." He said once again before attacking my lips with a sweet passionate kiss.

I had been craving his touch for far to long. I couldn't resist to do anything but kiss him back. I ran my hands through his soft hair that had grown longer than my fingers were familiar with.

This boy really had turned my whole world upside down and I hated him so much for it. I hated that I wanted him. I hated that I needed him. But most of all, I hated that I was madly in love with him.

As he continued to gently kiss me, I couldn't help but pick up on two familiar voices coming from the other side of this door. It was Minho and he sounded like he was yelling at Eunji.

I quickly pushed Haechan away from me and pulled him into one of the empty stalls with me. I covered his mouth with my hand so he wouldn't make a sound. He looked at me with a confused expression until the sound of two people barging into the restroom alerted him of my actions.

"I don't know what you are trying to accomplish Eunji but whatever it is can you stop."

I hated to Eavesdrop but I was curious as to why they were arguing.

"Please Minho, stop trying to lie to yourself. You know you will come running to me eventually."

"We've been over this a million times. I have never been interested in you and I never will be."

"She will never love you like I do." Eunji yelled at Minho.

I was completely lost by their conversation. Was there something going on between them that I wasn't aware of.

"You aren't in love with my Eunji, your obsessed and delusional."

I peeked my eye through the crack of the stall and saw as Minho pushed Eunji away.

"As for y/n, she'll learn to love me whether its the easy way or hard."

I felt Haechans grip on me tighten at the sound of my name.

Eunji laughed. "What makes you think she will ever love you. She is going to hate you, despise you, detest you for the rest of her miserable life stuck with you."

I gasped as the sound of Minho slapping Eunji echoed out loud.

"Fine." He smiled. "Even if you're right and she hates me forever it doesn't change the fact that she will be my wife whether she likes it or not. She will have my children and our families companies will merge to become the most successful. It wont change what has already been arranged since birth."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What did he mean that I would be his wife. What was this arrangement that the were talking about.

I looked at Haechan who had the scariest expression that I have ever seen.

He slammed open the stall door and punched Minho right in the face. He pulled his shirt collar to meet his face.

"Minho-yah!" Eunji screamed.

"You wont ever get the chance to call y/n yours you asshole. Shes mine and she'll always be mine." He gritted his teeth and threw him to the floor.

He then turned back towards me and pulled me away by my wrist.



This was a long chapter but the tea has been spilled......

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