《Full Sun || Haechan》15






I was brought back to reality when I felt something hit my face. I turned to my right and saw Chenle holding a handful of chips.

"I'm sorry did you say something?"

He threw another chip at my face. "You're not even watching the movie." He whined.

"I am." I lied.

"Then tell me what just happened?"

I sighed in defeat. "Okay I wasn't watching." I admitted.

The reality was that I had been thinking about my kiss with Haechan. I was confused about everything. Why would he kiss me? It's been a few days now, but neither one of us has acknowledged what happened. This lead to a dreadfully long awkward week at school.

I slapped my cheeks a few times to get me to stop thinking about it. Chenle looked at me like I was crazy but who could blame him, I was going crazy.

"Uhh are you okay?" He asked concerned by my behavior.

"Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be okay?" I responded, followed by my nervous laugh.

"You've been acting a bit strange latley."

"I have not." I defended myself.

He pouted his lips. "You've hardly even talked to me latley. Have you been purposefully avoiding me?"

"I would never." I answered truthfully. "There's just been a lot going on."

"Then tell me what's wrong. We are bestfriends aren't we?"

"Of course we are." I reassured him. "It's just school and family stuff." As much as I trusted Chenle, I couldn't bring myself to tell him about what happened.

He looked at me suspiciously, like he knew I wasn't telling the truth.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and latched my hands around his arm. "I'm sorry, I promise to be a better friend."

Chenle ignored me and pressed play on the television.

"Ya, Chenle-yah!" I whined. "Are you mad at me?"

He continued to ignore me and focused his attention on the movie.

"Chenle don't be mad at me." I tightened my grip on his arm, but he still didn't respond.

As much as I hated it, there was only one thing left I could do to get his attention. I blocked his view of the television with my face and began to do my best aegyo impression. "Hmf, If Chenle-yah keeps being mad at Y/N, Y/N is going to be sad." A forced a sad puppy expression on to my face.


I noticed that his cheeks tinted a light pink at my sudden act of aegyo.

"Okay, okay, I won't be mad at you. Just don't ever do that again." He flicked my forehead away.

I smiled at my victory and sat back down on the couch next to him. He rested his arm around my shoulder while we continued watching the movie.

"Why don't you two just date already."

We were startled by Jaemin's familiar voice. I turned around and saw that all they boys had arrived at Chenle's house.

"Ya! We're just friends!" Chenle interjected.

"Sure you are." Jaemin teased while Jeno made a gaging expression behind him.

I rolled my eyes at the two boys and immediately directed my gaze towards Haechan. His cold eyes were already glaring straight at me. He seemed irritated, but why?

"Whatever guys." Chenle muttered. "Did you bring the pizza?"

"Is that even a question? What kind of movie night would it be without pizza and junk food."

My eyes widened as Jisung proudly emptied a large bag of junk food containing a variety of chips, cookies, and gummies. Mark placed 4 large boxes of pizza on the coffee table while Chenle switched the movie to a scary one. Normally we would watch comedies on movie night's, but since there was a thunderstorm going on today, it was the perfect atmosphere for a horror movie.

Everything was going great while we binged on pizza and junk food, then the electricity unexpectedly went out.

Jisung who had been sitting next to me through out the movie clung on to my arm. "What was that?" He asked.

I laughed at his adorable behavior. "Calm down it's probably nothing." I reassured him.

"Renjun go check out what happened." I heard Jenos voice ask.

"Me?" He scoffed. "This is Chenle's house."

I rolled my eyes at these giant baby's. "Guys relax, it was probably the rain storm that knocked down the electricity. I'm sure it will be back soon."

"What do we do now until then?" I heard Haechan's voice ask.

"Ooo! let's play hide n seek." Jeno excitedly suggested.

"Isn't that kind of dangerous since it's pitch black?" Mark reluctantly stated.

"That's what makes it fun!" Jeno exclaimed.

"That actually does sound fun." I agreed.

"Does anyone not want to play?" Jaemin asked. No one responded. "Okay, then we'll play rock, paper, scissors, to choose who seeks first."

Jaemin shined his phone flashlight while we played, ultimately coming down between Mark and Jisung.


"You cheated!" Jisung sighed after losing.

"No you just suck." Mark teased him.

"Since this house is big, you have to count a whole minute before trying to find us." Renjun told Jisung.

"Fine." Jisung groaned and started counting. "1.....2.....3.....4....."

We immediately started running through out the house. I first decided to hide inside one of the restroom showers.

No that's to obvious.

I made my way up the stairs and tried to find another hiding spot. I noticed that I couldn't hear any of the boys footsteps meaning they've all found a hiding spot.



I looked around and noticed a closet at the end of the hallway. I reached my hand out to open the door but hesitated for a second.

"That's also to obvious." I whispered to myself.

I turned around to walk away when I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me into the closet.

It was too dark to see anything. "Chenle is that you?" I whispered.

"Would you have liked it if it was Chenle?" Haechan's voice responded.

"Oh it's you." I sighed out.

"Do you like Chenle?" He suddenly asked me.

"Of course not." I replied truthfully. "He's just my friend, just like you and the others."

"I don't think we've ever been friends." Haechan retorted.

"Oh." I sighed out a little disappointed. "I just thought that since we've been getting along that we were friends now." I mumbled. "I guess you still don't like me as your friend."

"No I don't like you as a friend." He stated coldly. I felt my heart break a little. Did he really still hate me?

He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I like you more than a friend." He softly whispered in my ear. "And I hate your close relationship with Chenle, even if he is just your friend."

My heart started to race out of control. I was thankful that everything was pitch black because I was certain that my face was glowing bright red. I was unable to form any words.

He softly pressed his lips on mine. I tried to push him away but I began to melt underneath his touch. He caressed the back of my neck and lead me into a sweet passionate kiss.

I admit it, Haechan was making me go crazy. When did it happen? I don't know. Maybe it was the first time we ditched school and I realized that he wasn't as bad as he pretended to be. Or maybe it was the night he kissed me on the ferris wheel.

I don't know when exactly it happened, but it happened. Without realizing, I had grown feelings for him over time. I had completely fallen for Lee Haechan.

He pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead on mine. "I like you more than a friend Y/N."


He didn't let me speak. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

Did I hear that right? Did Lee Haechan, the boy who hated me when I first moved to Seoul, just ask me to be his girlfriend?

A long silence fell between us. I was too nervous to form any words.

"Can you say something?" Haechan asked impatiently.

"I-uh-I-I-" I began to stutter. I took a deep breath in and held on to his hand. "Yes." I finally replied almost inaudibly.

Haechan interlocked his fingers with mine. "I think that was a Yes."

I lightly giggled. "Yes." I responded again this time a little louder.

The lights of the entire house suddenly turned on, revealing Haechan's bright smile. His smile was the most precious thing in the entire universe, and at that very moment, I was happy to be the reason for that smile.

I placed my hands on his neck and tiptoed to kiss his soft lips. I was the happiest I'd been since moving to Seoul, possibly the happiest I've ever been in my entire life.

We broke apart when we heard footsteps nearing the closet we were hiding in. The door flung open revealing a tired Jisung.

"Finally." He sighed out. "I've been looking for you two the longest. Why where you even hiding together?" He asked.

I looked at Haechan nervously. We must have been thinking the same thing because he gave me the same look. We couldn't tell the boys we were dating, not yet atleast.

"She's the one who couldn't find a hiding spot." He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Jisung replied. "Let's just go back downstairs. Everyone's waiting to finish the movie."

Jisung walked ahead of us while we followed. Haechan took the opportunity to spin me around and give me a quick kiss before Jisung could see. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I couldn't believe it, just a few months ago he was my enemy but now, Lee Haechan was my boyfriend.

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