《Full Sun || Haechan》13



"Honey are you ready?" My mom yelled from down the hall.

"I'll be out in a moment."

I looked in the mirror one last time to make sure that my outfit and makeup was perfect. Today was Sunday and my family would be having dinner with the Lee's. I really didn't want to go but I still made sure to dress up a bit since Chanyeol would be there. Atleast there was one positive outcome from going tonight, seeing him.

When we arrived, we were greeted at the front by Chanyeol's mom. My parents were so happy to see her after so many years.

"Why don't you kids go have fun while we catch up." His mom told Chanyeol and me. "Dinner will be ready in an hour."

When the adults walked in we bursted out in laughter.

"Kids?" Chanyeol blurted out

"How old do they think we are?" I added on.

"Still 5 apparently." Chanyeol kept laughing. "Since we're still 5, I know the perfect place to go."

I blushed at Chanyeol's sudden touch. He was holding my hand as he led us to a small park down the street from where they lived.

We sat down on the swings and looked up at the night sky.

"Why did we come here?" I asked curious as to why we came to a park out of all places.

"For the nostalgia I guess." He replied looking up at the stars.

"Huh?" I stared at him in confusion.

"Don't tell me you don't remember?" Chanyeol palmed his forehead and got up off the swing.

He placed his hands and my waist and began to whisper in my ear. "Oppa, make me fly higher than the other kids." I was too flustered to say anything.

He began to push me on the swing higher and higher. "Ya! Oppa!" I yelled, laughing at all of the memories that were coming back to me. "Oppa! I'm gonna fall."

He finally stopped the swing, grabbing his stomach in laughter. "You were more fun when we were kids."

I slapped his arm playfully. Suddenly, he stood in front of me, grabbing each side of the swing.

"Ya, Oppa..." I shyly muttered and looked down.

"Sunnie told me you liked me the night of the beach fair." He blurted out.

"What?" I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment. Please let me die now.

"I was going to talk to you about it after the haunted house ride but you disappeared."


"I'm sorry I-"

"I was left with Sunnie to try and ride the ferris wheel at midnight." He interjected.

I lowered my head a bit sad. Of course he didn't like me, he liked her.

"We didn't make it though. In fact, when it was our turn I saw you get off of the Ferris wheel with Haechan."

I looked back up at him. He saw us?

He suddenly grabbed me by my chin and made sure I was looking directly into his eyes.

"I was Jealous."

My eyes widened in shock. He picked me up off the swing and pinned me against the slide. I tried to push him away from me but he raised my hands above my head.

"I was Jealous that you were up there with him when you promised to go with me." He gripped my arms tightly, causing me to wince in pain.

"Oppa that hurts!"

He released his grip on me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you...it's just that..."

He didn't finish his sentence. Instead, he crashed his lips on to mine forcefully. Maybe I had a small crush on Chanyeol but this definitely wasn't what I wanted.

I used all my force to push him off of me. "What is wrong with you!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry, I just thought that-"

"We should head back." I cut him off. "I'm sure everyone is waiting on us."

I walked ahead of him furiously. I had no idea what had gotten into him and why he was behaving like that.

"Oh good, you're right on time." Chanyeol's mom told us when we arrived. There were only 3 open seats left so I chose the middle seat across from my parents. I felt uncomfortable when Chanyeol sat down next to me.

"Chanyeol-ah, you grew up so well." My mother began to compliment him.

"Thank you Mrs. Lee." He chuckled lightly.

We were already eating when I realized that Haechan wasn't at the table with us.

That's strange.

"Doesn't my Chanyeol look handsome next to your Y/N-ah." Chanyeol's mom suddenly stated causing me to choke on my soup.

"Mom." Chanyeol whined.

I flinched when I felt him place his hand on my thigh. I glared at him and slapped his hand away. I could tell he was getting frustrated with me.

"They look really good together." My mom fed into the fire.

"Mom!" I snapped back more harshly.

Both our Mom's laughed at our reactions. They might have thought this was cute but it wasn't. I felt uncomfortable, he was making me feel uncomfortable.


"They would make such a lovely couple." His mom stated.

"Hardly." A familiar voice muttered from behind.

It was Haechan! He sat down in the other open seat next to me.

"Oh? And who do we have here?" My mom asked, surprised by his appearance.

"This is my younger son, Haechan." Chanyeol's mom responded.

"Step Son." Haechan corrected her and began to eat his food.

Mr. Lee must have over heard. "Don't worry about him, he's just an ungrateful child."

"Nonsense." My mom pushed his comment aside. "You're a good kid aren't you?" She smiled warmly at Haechan.

"Like my father said...." He took a sip of his soup. "I'm just an ungrateful child."

Mr. Lee gritted his teeth. "He's a spitting image of his mother."

I felt Haechan tense up at the mention of his mom.

"Don't ever mention my mother again you bastard." He spat out in anger.

His dad laughed at him. "Why does it matter? She's dead anyways."

Haechan stood up and slammed his hands on the dinner table.

"And who's fault is that?" He paused for a moment. "It's Yours! You left her when she needed you most because you are a coward. Instead of being by her side, you took in your mistress and her bastard son! You wished for her to die!" A tear fell from Haechan's eye. Without saying anything else, he stormed out of the dinning room.

A heavy silence filled the room.

"Now's a perfect time to bring out the Soju isn't it?" Mrs. Lee asked awkwardly.

Without wasting any time, she came from the kitchen carrying multiple bottles of Soju. After an hour, it seemed like no one even remembered about what had happened. Chanyeol soon disappeared and I carefully watched as the adults happily drank.

I worried about Haechan as everyone laughed off the incident like he were nothing important. After some time contemplating, I decided to go check up on him.

I slowly walked up the stairs but as I reached closer to his room, a voice that wasn't Haechan's could be heard yelling.

I peeked through his partially opened door, eavesdropping on the two boys who where inside.

"You really think you're something don't you?" I saw as Chanyeol closed in on Haechan.

"I'm better than the trash you are." Haechan spat back.

Chanyeol laughed at his words. "Please, even your own father doesn't love you."

I was in disbelief.

How could Chanyeol tell him something so cruel?

"The same way your father walked out on you!"

Chanyeol was angered by Haechan's remark and did what I never thought he was capable of. He pushed him down, kicking his stomach repeatedly. I backed away in horror not able to believe what I was seeing. Chanyeol used some sort of wooden staff to strike his back. I couldn't stand there any longer. When he raised the staff again, I ran in between the two and ended up getting hit instead.

"What the hell Y/N! What are you doing here!" Chanyeol yelled at me.

"What is wrong with you!" I yelled back.

"Y/N, why don't you just go back downstairs and stay out of it."

I scoffed at his demand.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I pushed him back angrily, immediately regretting my decision after. He wrapped his hands around my neck and began to choke me. I began to cry due to the pain and lack of oxygen. My vision began to get hazy and I felt like I was seconds away from passing out. I coughed uncontrollably as I gasped for air when Chanyeol finally released me from his grip.

He pulled my hair and threw me to the ground. "Next time, don't get in my way."

He left without saying another word.

After I managed to fully catch my breath, I immediately turned to Haechan's almost unconscious body.

"Haechan." I cried as I examined his condition.

"Please say something...."

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." I cried, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Haechan suddenly wrapped me in his arms, bringing me close to his chest.

"Why did you...do that...dummy?" He whispered in between shallow breathes.

"Because I care for you dummy." I answered, shocked by my own response. But it was true. Everything made perfect sense now. It wasn't his fault that he treated people the way he did. He himself, had been suffering all this time. He didn't want to hurt people but he couldn't help it, he relieved his pain by inflicting it on others.

Haechan held me tighter in his arms and in that moment I knew that he was capable of being saved. He truly was a gentle and caring person. He was the sun who had been clouded by darkness, waiting patiently for the storm to pass. And I believed that the storm would pass, I was going to make sure of it.


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