《Full Sun || Haechan》6



I woke up extra early the next day for school. Unlike yesterday, today I was feeling confident. I wasn't going to let anyone bother me, especially not that stupid idiot Haechan.

When I arrived at school I was surprised to see that Haechan wasn't in first class.

It was only the second day of school, was he already ditching?

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

The day seemed to go by very fast until I reached my fourth class which was science. Yeri and the other girls seemed to be a bit distant. They kept the conversation strictly about our expirement and avoided having any side conversations with me.

"So what are we eating for lunch?" I asked once class was dismissed.

Yeri turned and looked at me with sorry eyes.

Did I do something wrong? Why did they keep avoiding me?

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked nervously.

"I'm sorry Y/N we really do like you but..."

"It's not you, it's us." Joy added on.

Why did I feel like they were breaking up with me.

"There is a video of you going around online...." Wendy said while taking her phone out to show me.

It was a video of me from yesterday after school. Someone had recorded me confronting Haechan and it was being shared amongst all the students.

"I'm sorry Y/N but we can't be friends with you. You challenged Haechan and if we are seen hanging out with you, who knows what he'll do to us." Yeri finally spilled the truth.

"We're sorry."

"It's okay you don't have to apologise." I gave them a weak smile.

Haechan was the school bully, it made sense that they didn't want to get involved in my mess.

"I understand." I reassured them.


"Sorry." They apologized again and left.

It was now making sense why no one talked to me today. They were all too afraid to be seen with me.

I never understood why the cafeteria was the scariest place in school until today. I had no friends and not one person willing to let me sit with them. I felt everyone's eyes burning straight through me as I tried to find a seat.

I felt like crying when suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. It was Chenle!

"Hey Chenle."

"Hello Y/N-ah." He gave me the sweetest eye smile I have ever seen.

"Come sit with us." He asked and pointed to a table with 5 other boys surrounding it.

"Sure." I agreed and followed him to the table.

"Hello." I greeted all the boys who were all seated at the table and sat down next to Chenle.

"You must be the famous Y/N." The boy with pink hair said.

"I see you've heard about me." I giggled awkwardly.

"Heard about you? You're a legend! I mean the way you slapped Haechan in that video was just amazing." Another boy with black hair started laughing.

"I'm mark by the way." The boy added on.

"And I'm Jaemin." The pink haired boy stated.

"My name is Jeno." The boy sitting next to him said.

"I'm Renjun and this is Jisung." A blond boy introduce himself and the younger boy.

"Nice to meet you all." I smiled at them.

Considering that they were all Haechan's friends, they were nothing like him. Now I understood why they were so popular, aside from being extremely attractive they were also all very nice.


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