《The Redemption of The Chain Hero (TROTSH x Male Reader)》Curses and a New Comrade
Y/n's pov
Me Raphtalia and Rifana are sitting in the wagon, waiting for Naofumi to come back. Naofumi had left on Filo to help some guy get medicine to his mother. Since the wagon slows Filo down, they left without it in order to get there faster. Raphtalia was staring at Rifana, who was laying her head in my lap. I was gently petting Rifana's ears, while staring out the back of the wagon to make sure no one was approaching. Raphtalia let out a sigh and spoke up "so.....how did you save Rifana?" I looked over at her "oh, do you want the short version or the long version?" Raphtalia stares at her "I want to know everything" I nodded and looked down at Rifana "well, I'll start with how I found her. I had woken up in a forest after the first wave, and I needed to find somewhere to go. I saw a large group of soldiers transporting demihumans and I followed it. It lead me into the city but I wasn't able to follow it all the way to the mansion." Raphtalia stares at me "you saw them kidnapping us and you didn't do anything!" I stared at her "I had no armor, I woke up in a place that I have no memory of, and I was alone. what was I supposed to do, go attack the heavily armored soldiers and get myself killed?" Raphtalia frowned and looked down "sorry..." I sighed "I understand your anger. If you hate me for not doing anything then you can punish me how you see fit." Raphtalia looked at me, her fists clenched. "continue your story...." I nodded "I stayed around the area, learning whatever I could from a local library. Once I had enough information I managed to sneak into the mansion and found a hiding spot that allowed me to view the entire area." I stayed there for a few days, looking for where they were keeping all the demihumans. I managed to locate it when they were transferring you out to the slaver. Since a lot of the guards left to escort the wagon, I used the chance to sneak into the basement. I didn't have enough to break everyone out so I would have to take someone that wouldn't be noticed. That's when I heard Rifana coughing in her cell. She looked like she could die at any moment, so I used some stuff I had to make a replica of her body to act as a corpse. I took Rifana out of there and used herbs from the forest to help cure her illness."
Raphtalia nodded and looked at Rifana "does she still have a slave crest?...." I nodded "yes, however I made her my slave instead of the noble that imprisoned you." Raphtalia stood up "why didn't you just get it removed" I sighed and looked at Rifana "I couldn't. I don't have the stuff to do that." Raphtalia stood in front of me, her fist clenched still "and the way she fought in the wave....... did you make her fight for you?" I looked up at Raphtalia "I trained her how to fight." Raphtalia punched me hard across the side of my head" Rifana felt the movement and sat up quickly. I sighed and looked at Raphtalia "Lets get out of the wagon first." Raphtalia glared at me but agreed, getting out the back of the wagon. Rifana grabbed my arm "what's going on?" I pat her head "just stay in the wagon for now." she frowns and let go. I got out of the wagon and stood a few feet away from her. Raphtalia was still glaring at me. I sighed and shook my head "Do what you want. I trained Rifana to fight so that she could help me. I don't regret that" Raphtalia punched me again, knocking me back slightly. I stood up straight and looked at her "come on, if you are angry then actually hit me!" She charged at me and kicked me down to the ground, punching me over and over. She was stopped when arms wrapped around her. "Raphtalia...stop it"
Raphtalia looked behind her at Rifana, who was crying and holding onto her "Rifana......." I laid there, staring up at the sky "if you are done with your anger, can you get off me, this position is kind of awkward" Raphtalia was sitting on my stomach with Rifana hugging her from behind on her knees. Raphtalia quickly got off after realizing the position and Rifana checked my face for injuries. Raphtalia frowned "Rifana....why did you stop me" Rifana looked at her "He hasn't done anything wrong" Raphtalia stares at her "he made you fight for him and he made you his slave instead of removing the mark." Rifana shook her head "He has been training me every day to help me get stronger so we can save everyone from the village one day...." Raphtalia stared at her "but you are his slave" Rifana nodded "He changed the curse so that no one else would be able to control me. He has never used the mark on me even if I didn't listen to him. He gave me food every day, he gave me clothes, and he always makes sure I have what I need and want. He isn't a bad person." Raphtalia looked at me as I sat up "no, I am a bad person. I'm just not scum who would take advantage of another living being."
The wait for Naofumi to return was awkward after that. No one spoke, Rifana kept trying to have me use a healing potion to fix up my face, and Raphtalia just stared at us. I sighed and looked at Raphtalia "since I told you how I found Rifana, tell me how Naofumi got you" Raphtalia stared at me "um...He was brought in by the slaver and he picked me because I was the cheapest....He got a dagger and had me fighting monsters for him. then he made medicine to cure my sickness. he took care of me even though I was his slave" I nodded "I guess he acts cold hearted because of how he has been treated here, but he cares about you" Raphtalia nodded "yeah...." Rifana looks at me "wait, did you and Naofumi come from the same world?" I looked at her "Probably not. why?" Rifana stares at me "you both got slaves, took care of them, and didn't treat them like normal people treat their slaves. You both cured us of illness and then trained us." I chuckled "I guess that's true" Rifana looks at Raphtalia "And you were mad at my master for that? should I be mad at your's?" Raphtalia shook her head "no! I'm sorry....I thought he was just using you to do all his fighting for him" Rifana shook her head "He is training me because I wanted to get stronger. He got me so he could have someone to care for and travel with" Raphtalia looked down again. I sighed and spoke again "Hey Raphtalia, I have a question for you" she looked at me "what?" "do you love Naofumi" Her face turned red "Wh-what do you mean!" I chuckled "I mean, do you like being around him. But based on that reaction, you really love him" She got even more read and let out a jumbled mess of word. I smiled and chuckled more "I guess Rifana has competition now for the shield hero" Rifana turned red as well "What are you talking about!" I chuckled and looked at her "It's obvious, you mumbled about the shield hero in your sleep. Wanting to marry him and be in his party" Rifana kept blushing, looking down "do I really mumble in my sleep?" Raphtalia answered before me "you always have" Rifana blushed more and hid her face. Me and Raphtalia laughed at her reaction, the awkward mood finally gone.
We've been traveling for a few days now, and Naofumi has been doing a lot of business like things. Transporting people, delivering medicine, healing people with his potion enhance. He had us working with him, Filo pulled the wagon, Raphtalia and Rifana helped load and deliver things, and I helped with healing people. Currently we were transporting a merchant to another town. He looked at all of us, smiling "I cant believe I am being escorted by the Savior of the heavenly Fowl" I looked at him "what are you talking about?" He looked at me "The saints that ride a wagon pulled by a Godly fowl, healing people wherever they go" Naofumi spoke up "You got the wrong people" the merchant chuckles "I'm sure of it" Filo suddenly spoke up "am I a god?" Raphtalia looked at her "Filo! you aren't supposed to talk around people!" The merchant spoke up "The Heavenly Fowl can speak! You truly are godly!" Naofumi sighs "it seems like our guest has attracted some trouble for us." up ahead was a group of bandits waiting for us. The merchant frowns "one of my own sold me out?" I sighed and stood up as the wagon was stopped. The bandits smirked "Just hand over your passenger and we will let you go" "you mean you will take everything but our lives" the leader smirked "yeah, actually those girls look pretty good as well. we might play around a bit with them" I stepped out of the wagon and the leader looked at me "Oh? are you going to try and do something about it? I wouldn't recommend it, we have someone who has gotten their class upgrade. So just hand over the merchant and the girl's and you can leave with your lives. If you're lucky they might come back to you when we are done with them" The man laughed at me as my vision started fading out and a message appeared in front of me. [Sin Series, Wrath] activated
3rd person pov
A black mist started forming around Y/n as he let his chain unravel from his arm. He started laughing maniacally, causing the bandits to back up slightly. Naofumi looked at Y/n and spoke up "Y/n, what are you doing?" Y/n didn't respond to him as he looked at the bandits, speaking in a strange voice "a class upgrade huh? you think that will be able to stop my Wrath? hehehehe, foolish! " spikes started forming along Y/n's chain along with more black mist. a bandit charged at him but Y/n whipped him with the chain, sending him crashing back into the group of bandits, knocking them all down. Y/n started walking towards them slowly, speaking more " You threaten the Chained one, and the ones he cared about. You will be punished! " Y/n went to swing his chain, but his arm was stopped by Rifana. He looked at her before the mist grabbed onto her and forces her back. " Stay out of this girl. " Raphtalia grabbed her sword and got ready to attack Y/n until Filo charged over and jumped on him, making him fall over. They mist started heading towards Y/n until it slowly disappeared, the chains shorten and wrapped back around Y/n's arm as he hugs onto Filo's body and spoke softly "Floofy...." Y/n suddenly stopped moving, falling asleep. The bandits were all already knocked out so Naofumi quickly tied them up. Rifana looked at Y/n "what happened to him? I've never seen him like that" Filo didn't move off of Y/n. Naofumi walked over and looked at Y/n "I don't know, but we need to keep an eye on him when he wakes up" Raphtalia sighed "he seems to be calmer with Filo holding him" Filo nodded "mhmm! maybe we can tie him to my back" Naofumi sighed "its not a bad idea" Rifana frowned "okay..."
Y/n's pov
I woke up light headed feeling something soft under me, I tried moving but I couldn't. I opened my eyes slowly and saw white feathers, I turned my head to the side and saw cliffs passing by. I blinked my eyes a few times before trying to move again. I felt something wrapped around me, keeping me down on the soft white feathers. I stopped trying to move and just relaxed on the soft and fluffy object. wait......fluffy...Filo. I let out a sigh and just stayed as I was until I heard Naofumi speak "You're awake now?" "yeah, where are we and why am I tied to Filo" Filo responded "Is there something wrong with being tied to me?" "no, I'm not complaining, just curious" Naofumi spoke again "what do you remember from when the bandits showed up" I thought for a moment then spoke "I remember walking towards them, and then my vision faded. . . why? what happened?" Rifana spoke up "you went kinda crazy and beat up the bandits pretty easily. Then you tried to kill them but Filo stopped you by laying on you" I sighed and nuzzled my head into the fluffy feathers "I guess I caused a problem then..... Sorry. What happened with the Merchant?" Naofumi spoke again "we already dropped him off after we took all the stuff from the bandits" I sighed "What are we doing now?" "we are heading towards a place that is supposed to have a magic stone" I nodded "the thing to make the magic threads huh?" I heard another voice, the witch lady from the capital "indeed, I'm surprised you lot managed to find one so quickly" Naofumi spoke up "yeah, but it's in a dicey location." I sighed "can I be untied now? I'm not going to be getting off Filo any time soon" Naofumi sighed and the bindings holding me down disappeared. I moved so that I was sitting up and looked ahead "ah, is that some kind of ruins?"
They had gotten off the wagon and unhooked Filo, heading into a cave off to the side. I never got off Filo so I didn't have to walk. At the end of the hall there was an empty treasure chest with some inscription next to it . The witch lady read out what it said "We pray this seed never makes it out of here. It is a horribly twisted manifestation of our wish for nobody to starve." after they had read it Filo pointed out a pathway off to the side. Naofumi started walking and told Filo to follow. Filo didn't move for a moment but she tensed up and then started following. After a while of walking Naofumi's torch went out and some type of effect was placed on all of us. I suddenly heard my voice speaking to me "" "We are weaker than that thing. we are never going to destroy it " " we will give into this curse and devour this world for what it is worth! " Then I heard Rifana's voice in my head " I hate master Y/n, he will never be strong enough to save anyone. I should just leave him and get stronger on my own" Then Filo's voice "Y/n is such a bother, I wish he would just get off my back and leave forever" The witch spoke out to us "Dont let the voices mislead you! The monsters are saying the last thing you want to hear from the voices you don't want saying it!" I heard more voices, getting louder. The voices of the people I failed to save in the last world, My own voice berating me, and the seed of calamity taunting me. I fell off of Filo's back as the voices kept getting louder and louder. Then I couldn't hear anything, just silence. I saw messages appear on my screen [Sin series: Wrath], [Sin series: Envy], [Sin series: Gluttony], [Cursed series: Rage], [Cursed series: Insanity], [Curse series: Sorrow] unlocked.
My senses came back slowly as I sat up, looking around. Filo was looking down at me, Naofumi was picking up the scraps from monsters, Raphtalia was staring at Naofumi, and Rifana was looking ahead. Filo spoke to me "You won't leave us right?" I blinked a few times "Why would I leave?" Filo spoke again "you don't think I'm disgusting right?" I sighed and pat Filo on the head "of course not, you are the cutest and fluffiest creature I know. Only to be challenged by Rifana" Filo nodded and hugged me with her wings. I pet her as she hugs me for a while. She let go when Naofumi told us to keep going forward. As we walked I noticed Rifana glancing at me every now and again. We made our way down the hall until Filo stopped walking "something up ahead" We all looked into the room ahead of us, it was covered in crystals however there was a monster sitting in the room. The witch spoke up "those are the gem stones we need." "yeah, but that monster is there" "that is a nue, it's on the small side but still dangerous" Naofumi sighed "this'll be rough. The gemstone's right there, but we can't get it"
Suddenly Raphtalia, Rifana, and Filo rushed into the room. Raphtalia was kicked away by the Nue and Naofumi used his shield to protect Filo. The Nue started charging up electricity but Filo kicked it away and pulled Naofumi away as the Nue let out a large lighting attack all around itself. Raphtalia attempted to use her magic to hide herself, however the monster noticed her and attacked. Rifana screamed for Raphtalia to move, causing the Nue to flinch, giving Raphtalia the chance to get away. Naofumi frowned "it could see her?" Filo spoke "No. It hears her. It's really sensitive to sound" Naofumi seemed to get an idea and changed his shield into a megaphone shield. I saw this and immediately covered my ears. The other's covered their ears and Filo screamed into the shield. The sound caused the Nue to cower and the witch used a fire blast on it, then Raphalia and Rifana stabbed it in the chest, followed by Filo kicking its head in. I sighed and watched Naofumi walk up to Raphtalia scolding her slightly for charging in.
After admiring the cave for a bit, Naofumi got the magic stone and we went back to the capital. There Filo used the magic stone at the loom in the magic shop to create Magic thread. After Filo made enough we headed to the tailor shop and got the tailor to make Filo clothes. She made Filo a dress that made her look like an angel girl. Instead of going up to Naofumi, she walked up to me and smiled "How do I look" I smiled and pat her head "you look adorable" She smiled and hugged me, giggling. The Tailor went on a rant about how she did her best to bring out Filo's angelic charm Naofumi looked at Filo "the monster crest and the clothes cost up to 350 silver, you better work hard to pay it off" Filo nodded and transformed. The dress was a blue ribbon in her bird form, which made her look even more cute. I smiled and pet Filo, watching the tailor bother Naofumi trying to make him call Filo cute. Filo looked extremely happy which made all the stuff worth it.
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