《Rising of the Caped Baldy》Chapter 2: The Journey Starts Off Weak
"Ah, morning Gen... Oh, yeah." Saitama remembered that he wasn't in my world anymore. Who knew that he would miss Genos pestering me with requests or something. Saitama made a long emotional sigh before getting up. He started making his way back to the throne room. He thought people were squinting when they looked down at me. 'Wait. Genos has told me that light reflects off my head like a magnifying glass. It still hurts to know that.' He remembered the painful realization.
"We've gathered the greatest warriors in the land. These brave souls will fight the waves alongside you." The King said as the four heroes stepped forward. 'So hows this work?' Saitama thought while bearing the face a child would draw. 'We gonna take turns picking them for our parties?' Saitama thought as his eyes wondered.
He saw a girl with red hair and green eyes. While anyone else would think of her beauty or... "assets", Saitama thought, 'She reminds me of that one girl on Red Light street that sits near the allies and flirting with men.' Yup, good ol' Saitama. She gave Saitama a smile and some sort of gasp anime chicks make. He waved and looked forward again.
"Our future champions the time has come to begin your journey!" The King finished as the warriors took their steps forward. 'I guess they're choosing who they follow then. I shouldn't expect to get anyone.' Saitama mentally sighed remembering a montage of people underestimating him and calling him "half-assed". For example, Super Custom YO649Z MK II. Alright, who the hell is making these names! Nevermind. Saitama closed his eyes to remember more of the people who have underestimated him such as, Beast King, Ground Dragon, Deep Sea King... It's quicker to name the people who didn't underestimate him.
When Saitama opened his eyes and turned around he saw no one behind him. Actually, about five people were behind Ren. Saitama let a drop of sweat form on his face. He turned to the King with a question. "Hey, King. Is this normal, or is it just me?" Saitama asked. "I am loathed to say, but even I was not expecting this." He said.
A man with a bowl cut whispered something into the King's right ear. His face grew disappointed as he said, "I've been informed of an unsettling rumor. The rumor that is quickly spreading around town is that the so-called Shield Hero is ignorant of this world." Saitama responded with, "Wouldn't it make sense though? I think all four of us are ignorant about this place."
"The legend tells us that the heroes arrive with a firm understanding of the lands, and the townspeople seem to think that he doesn't meet that criteria." Motoyasu whispered into Saitama's ear. "Someone must have been eavesdropping on our discussion last night." This wouldn't have been the first time Saitama was dragged down by some rumor. Stopped him from getting kombu once. Damn middle aged Facebook cashiers!
"I guess it's a good thing i'm so used to going alone." Saitama said as some thoughts flew in. 'Man, I feel even more empty than before I fought that giant dude that needed pants.' He noticed himself get a little bit more hollow. Then something sparked. "Damn rumors! Always gotta push me down no matter where I am! I swear i'm gonna punch whoever started it!" He mumbled out as a tick mark grew on his conical roof of a head.
"We could try and split them up three a piece." Itsiki proposed. "But if we force them it might kill their morale." He finished as two of his party members nodded. Saitama sighed in a depressed way before just letting things happen. "Guess I'll go it alone. Not like there's much choice." After Saitama said that, a hand rose behind Motoyasu.
"Sir hero." A feminine voice said behind the womanizer. Saitama and Motoyasu looked at the wielder of the voice. "Would you kindly allow me to switch parties to join the Shield Hero." The red haired... thing asked Motoyasu. "Are you sure?" 'Why'd it sound like you're heavily concerned .' Saitama thought as the red haired thing confirmed.
"Are there any others that are willing to join master Saitama on his quest?" The King asked the other armed people. Silence. Sweet, favorable, and savory silence. "Ah well, so be it." Damn, I would love to have less work to do. "We shall have to take other measures then. Master Saitama, you will have to recruit for your party yourself.","Okay." Was Saitama's nonchalant response. If a certain girl from a different Isekai anime where modern Japan meets a fantasy world, she'd fucking explode.
"Every month we shall provide each hero with the funds they require." 'So, kinda like the hero association.' "This one time, however, Master Saitama payment will be higher than the others." Saitama perked up once the King paused. He's pretty poor. "Here are your initial warchest. Accept them with our thanks." Four people handed each of them a bag of coins. Apparently, Saitama got 200 more silver than the other three.
"Procure all necessary equipment and set forth!" The King told us as we got ready to leave.
As the gate opened, Saitama walked out with his party member. The four heroes parted ways and spoke well-regarded goodbyes. "I beg your pardon, Shield Hero sire. Let me introduce myself. My name is Myne Sophia. It's an honor to fight with you." She said. I had to use the wiki to confirm that I was wrong. God almighty, why am I an idiot.
"Okay. I'm Saitama. A hero for fun- er... Guess I'm really not that anymore." Saitama quickly corrected himself. "What does that mean?" Myne asked him as they began walking. "Well, in my world there were heroes too. They were seen and praised for their actions to protect people, but instead of having four, they have a whole ton and an association to keep it all in check. I'm part of that association. We got paid for protecting people. There was even a kind of hierarchy." Saitama lazily explained.
"The reason I call myself a hero for fun was that I was already killing monsters before joining the association and I did it as a hobby." Saitama answered plainly.
"Guess we should get going in some direction that isn't random," Saitama said. "Sure. To start, I'll show you around." And they did. Too lazy to elaborate what happened and fuck you. "Maybe we should find a place that sells armor and weapons." Saitama suggested as Myne agreed since knew a place.
"This place gets my highest recommendation." She said as she opened a door to a store with armor and weapons layering the walls. You could see long swords, short swords, daggers, gladius', blah blah. A bald man with a thick beard came out from the back and greeted the two.
"Welcome good sir. So, first time in a weapons shop I assume. You already know how to pick the best one." He said looked at us. "It was her suggestion actually."Saitama corrected. The two remembered a few familiarity's before continuing. "Who's your companion here with a funny outfit?" He asked. "'You mean you can't tell, sir?" Myne said as the bearded baldy noticed the shield and was confirmed about Saitama being the Shield Hero while giving a friendly insult... if those exist, I guess.
"Yeah, I'm that guy. Name's Saitama." He said to his fellow bald boi. "Saitama, huh? Well if you become a regular, I won't give two hoots what you wield." He said.
"Now that that's out of the way, could you provide sir hero with the equipment he needs?" Myne asked. "Oh, I thought it was you that needed equipment. I'm fine like this." Saitama gestured to his hero costume. The other two were visibly confused. "Even then, I'm only used to using my fists." He finished.
"You're not serious, right?" The bearded man asked. Saitama nodded "yes". "Well, now's a time to try for yourself." Myne insisted. The shop owner nodded and brought out four swords. "These are iron, magic iron, steel, and magic steel, all in ascending order." He said while Saitama looked at the oddly designed swords in front of him.
He tried to pick one up as a bright electricity flashed on Saitama's hands. The sword started to vibrate violently as the shock became stronger and stronger, yet Saitama didn't let go. "Whoa, cool effects." Saitama commented while looking at the sword that could be seen as a year's worth of electricity. "Th-That's not supposed to happen- YOW!" The shop keeper said as some stray lightning slapped his forearm. "Oh." Was all Saitama let out before the sword shot out of his grip and flung around the room.
While the blacksmith and Myne took cover, Saitama stood there. "Sir hero! Get away from there, you'll be hurt." But before Myne's words could reach Saitama, the sword looked like it planted itself into Saitama's head. The shopkeeper stared back at his customer with wide eyes of horror while Myne showed little care, maybe even a smirk was visible. Everything from shock to joy was smashed down once Saitama looked down and said, "Oh, I think I broke it." He said as he turned around holding the crumbled shards of the sword.
Shock was slapped on the other two's faces. Myne quickly stored away her expression while the shopkeeper looked like he just found out that his wife that got shot in the skull isn't dead... yet, I mean what ungodly entity would survive that?
"Do any of you know why that sword just started glowing?" Saitama asked the two. "I haven't an idea." One of them said while Myne pointed out, "It looked like it just flew out of your hand." Saitama set the sword-well what was a sword- down on the counter as something popped into his field of view, blurring everything else a bit.
It said, "Legendary weapon rule violation: Holding non-assigned weapon. A hero may not hold, with intent to fight, any weapon other than their assigned legendary weapon.", "Oh." Saitama understood with zero misinterpretations, somehow. "I guess I can only use shields. Or I can stick with punching things." He said as the shopkeeper took out some magnifying glass and took a look on the orb-like gem on Saitama's shield.
The magnifying glass glowed as he inspected the shield. "It looks like any other small shield at first glance. Doesn't this thing come off?" He asked trying to pry it off Saitama's arm. He tried so hard that the floorboards under him cracked, which he took as the signal to stop. "I can fling it around my body, but doesn't come off." Saitama answered.
"That's weird. I sense a great amount of power in this thing, but even appraisal magic isn't telling me much. Well, thanks for showing me something interesting. Wanna buy armor instead?" The bearded shopkeeper asked.
Saitama decided to buy the armor since he doubts that if his suit gets torn, no one will agree to fix it with it's "unusual" design. He decided to try on some basic leather and chain mail under armor. "You're starting to look the part now." The blacksmith commented. "Thanks?" Saitama gave back as he got a notification about the boosts the armor gave him. Then came the big question.
"How much is it?" Myne asked the blacksmith. "I'll give you a discount. 120 silvers." He answered. "How much would you buy it for?" Myne asked as Saitama continued to look around at his body. "Huh? Well, if it's mostly new, I'd pay 100 silvers." Saitama thought that maybe he could sell it back if he ever decided to ditch Myne. Oh, he already forgot her name.. Dammit.
"When you grow stronger, you won't need it anymore. That's why I asked him how much we could sell it back for." Myne told Saitama. 'But I'm too strong already.' He thought. Myne grabbed Saitama's arms trying to direct him, and she failed to move the bald man. "Alright, we'll take it." She clarified.
"Thanks! I'll throw in some innerwear to show my gratitude!" The Blacksmith ended the deal as we made our way out. "Shall we head off to battle now, Sir Hero?" Myne asked Saitama as they started to walk out of the store. "Okay," Saitama said as his facial features grew more defined and a determined smile was slapped onto his face. "I'm pumped to see what this world has to offer!" He said clenching his hand. 'Time to see the monsters of this world, huh? My boredom could finally leave!" Saitama thought as they made their way to a field outside the city, a little too slow for Saitama's taste actually.
When they finally made it Saitama took the time to absorb the scenery. "Wow" Was all he could say at the lush, brilliant, green atmosphere around him. Myne gave him an arm pump from the shade of a tree as he heard rustling behind him. Saitama turned around to see trails of moved grass coming his way. He watched as four orange spheres jumped out of the grass and hopped towards him. When they were finally upon him he unleashed his first attack.
. Saitama clapped his hands with a downward motion at the orange balloon things with faces. As a shock wave was made from the clap four things happened. The grass was cut, the dust around him flew, Myne shielded her eyes from the irritating wind, and the balloon got cut like a million-degree knife through butter. That resulted in two things, a confused Myne, and a disappointed Saitama.
He let out a sigh as the balloon shreds hit the floor and said, "These were the weakest things I ever fought." Myne clapped from a distance saying, "Wow sir Hero! In one attack you killed the Balloons in one attack, you must be strong!" She praised him. "Nah, they're just really weak. Guess I should at least try to raise my level." He said as he started going around and slaughtering balloons with .
At one point he even saw Ren nearby watching how easily he's mowing down these enemies. Hell, Ren gave an approving nod to Saitama even though he's the kouhai. Saitama and Myne spent the entire day grinding up these little orange testicles.
By the time it was sundown the two were sitting by a tree feeding the shield Saitama had a piece of the balloons. "Wow, there's no limit to how much it can absorb." Myne commented as Saitama got a notification saying he unlocked a new skill. "This must be the power of a legendary weapon." Myne said holding all the many collected balloon shreds. There's probably some more lost in the grass for some kid to pick up and get murdered by more balloons. "Yeah. Even when these little things bite me I don't feel anything. It says that I'll need a lot more before I can reach a better shield." Saitama explained as the setting sun reflected like a nuclear explosion off Saitama's head. "I see." Myne said showing her acknowledgment.
"By the way, are these balloon shreds worth anything if I sell them?" Saitama asked, drooling a little on how easy it would be to not be poor in this world. "Yes, but only for one copper coin at most." Myne answered... Wait, isn't a copper coin the lowest currency? So what, usually an orange shred can only fetch a damn I.O.U or some crap? Never mind. Saitama entered one last orange balloon bit into his shield. "That should be enough. It'd make sense that it'll evolve as I level up, too." He said getting up.
"Let's call it a day and head back to the weapons shop." Myne said as she all so got to full height. "If we buy some new equipment, we can go that much further tomorrow." Myne finished her paragraph as she made her way back to the city with Saitama quickly catching up.
"Equipment for the lady, huh?" The blacksmith from earlier asked as Myne looked around at the armors. "Sure, you'll be much stronger with good equipment." Myne agreed with the blacksmith's thoughts. If Saitama completely understood the value of equipment like this he'd haggle. Too bad he only knows how to do it with vegetables, fruit, meat, and other grocery items, like kombu.
Finally, Myne came back with a full set including boots, chest plate, a sword, gauntlets, all the shit. Saitama crunched the numbers of the prices in his head, the only number-crunching he can actually do. It wasn't too good on their part. "Could you maybe get something cheaper?" Saitama asked Myne. "I don't think we'll have enough to spend on food or something with all that money being taken away." Saitama sweatdropped.
"It'll be fine, Sir Hero. the stronger I am, the more loot we'll get from monsters." Myne said, entangling herself around Saitama's arm. He pulled his arm away without even noticing her and put a finger to his chin in thought.
"But... didn't I do everything? Even then these monsters are super weak, I mean, I killed so many of them by poking them." Saitama said as he looked to the ceiling in thought. The blacksmith was a little confused while Myne was a little angry. "Did he just say he poked monsters to death?" The blacksmith questioned Myne, though the words fell upon deaf ears.
"That also means that I can make enough money by hunting other monsters anyway! I guess it's fine then." Saitama placed down the money. "Thanks a lot. I see our hero's got a real nose for good deals." The blacksmith gave a thumbs up. "Thank you, sir Hero."Myne also said in accordance with Saitama's decision.
"Oh yeah." A thought popped into Saitama's head. "You know anywhere that'll buy these things off of me?" Saitama asked his fellow bald man. "There are shops that buy monster materials. They'll buy most of the things off of ya." The blacksmith said "Thanks", 'Kinda like a chop shop, then.' Saitama thought after thanking the man.
Now the two were at an inn eating their meals. Saitama would love to praise whoever cooked his meal while Myne was drinking her bowels out. Saitama's cheeks were full in but an instant, and in the same second his cheeks empty as the food enters his body completely. Blah Blah I am not gonna recite my entire school year of science. Myne giggled at the sight. "I hope you relish the meal." She said while Saitama never received the words and kept inhaling all edible substances on his side of the table.
"Now with this new equipment, it should be a walk in the park with you defending me," Myne said. The fuck you mean "walk in the park"! You don't have parks yet! There's no need when you can fucking walk outside and grind your balls on a tree anyway since it's just fucking forest surrounding compact stone buildings! Excuse me.
"By the way, sir Hero aren't you going to drink your wine?" Myne asked Saitama who actually hear. Congrats on him being able to not become only conscious of the food. "Nah, this food is just too good for the taste of the wine to take over," Saitama said before continuing to absorb every morsel of food. "Really? This is really good." She said, downing the entire glass.
"I'd love to drink with you." She said, trying her best to be seductive. She was amazed at how easily Saitama ignored her and continued to wreak havoc on his plate. "Guess that's a hero for you." Soup said. "Eh? What are you talking about?" Saitama finally looked up to his red-haired companion.
"This country is a matriarchy. No man would ever dare turn down a drink offered by a woman." Myne explained. "Really? That's an odd tradition."Saitama remarked as he went back to eating. After he finished cleaning his plate clean he leaned back in his chair a bit, cherishing the memory of how the food tasted. "Well, I'm gonna sleep early," Saitama said as he rose from his seat. "I'll head up after I drink some more..." Myne said as Saitama left.
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