《Rising of the Caped Baldy》Chapter 1: Guess I'm no longer just a hero for fun
A TV in a dark room rings out as the news roll and a reporter talks. As distressed as he is, he is still understandable. "Here we are in city Z! The threat level has updated to dragon! The sky glows an eerie red as swirls roam the sky and monsters fall from them! G-Get down!" The reporter pushed the cameraman out of the way as what looks like a giant rotting corpse in armor gets drilled by Class A rank 10, Stinger drills through the monster. "Get out of here, or help fight the little balloon things!" Stingers tells the reporter and cameraman as he jumps away performing his on more large monsters.
The reporter gets back up with a iron rod and starts guiding the cameraman to the news van to escape. "As you heard from Class A rank 10, Stinger, all heroes are needed! From Class C to Class S, are needed to contain the threat within City Z!" The two news workers get into the van. As the doors close, one can see Mumen Rider, Class C rank 1, perform a on some low armed walking corpses.
That's when the TV turns off and a man with a shiny head and yellow suit stood up saying, "Guess I'll go. You coming, Genos?" The man looked towards a cyborg transforming a suitcase onto his arms. "Yes. I will accompany you, Saitama-sensei." The blonde cyborg and omnipotent bald man walked to the door, unleashing light into the room.
"" I threw another four punches at some sort of large flying monster, painting the block red. "" I saw Genos shoot himself forward and kicking the head of some giant walking corpse clean off.
I saw Fubuki stir up some wind on a monster reminiscent of a Cerberus, but smaller. "" Fubuki tore up the three headed dog within a minute. "Yo, Fubuki. Got any idea where all these monsters are coming from?" I nonchalantly jogged over to her. "I'm not sure, but theres a large concentration of them north of here." She said while smashing a two headed, fire, breathing dog in two half circles of pavement. "Okay, thanks. Genos, let's go this way!" I waved him over and started jogging slightly faster north. "Yes, master. " Genos shot a blast at an entire street of living corpses, wiping them all out and catching up with me.
"Woah. That's a big lizard." I pointed a large tyrannosaurus with red glowing eyes. "" Just as it saw me, it popped from a punch. "Saitama-sensei, I've gotten reports that the monsters are thinning in numbers with the help of all the heroes. They are more concentrated in there." Genos pointed at my old, shitty apartment I got kicked out from. 'I knew that old lady was a monster on the inside!' Genos and I got the front of the apartment. "Can you see anythi-", "" Genos blasted straight through the already trashed housing complex, exposing a portal and a larger version of that white flying thing.
Before I could attack a whole horde of monsters appeared behind us. "Master! Please allow me to deal with these zombies." Genos said, bring out his arm blades."Uh-huh. I'll take this guy. Hope it's stronger than the last. ." Although I was a quarter mile away from that monster, the shock waves easily shredded the monster.
After Saitama had performed his and slaughtered the Soul Eater and Genos cut up the horde, a book slammed into Saitama's face. "Oh..." Saitama gave an inquisitive sound as he took the book off his face and read the page he was on. The sky went back to normal and all the monsters Genos faced had been turned to a nice cherry smoothie, texture wise, of course. "Each of the four heroes wield a characteristic weapon: a sword, a spear, a bow, or a shield.", 'A shield? Cool. I always loved being a paladin and taking all the hits whilst saving my party members.' Saitama flipped through a page explaining the "Shield hero" then the pages turned blank. "Oh? Guess this was an unfinished book. Whoever owned this had good taste. Maybe I'll take it home. I can put sale papers in here and carry it around easier than a binder." Saitama turned around and held the book up high enough for Genos to see.
"Hey, Genos. Come look at this." That's when the book started to glow. "Master, the book is glowing! Get rid of it." Genos yelled to his master as the glowing got brighter and he shot himself towards Saitama. Saitama brought it back to eye level to take a look. "Oh?" Saitama said before his attention was grabbed by a skinny nudist flying across the buildings. 'Isn't that Jacko-lantern panic?' Saitam was kicked from his thoughts as he noticed that he was falling through some sort of bright sink hole.
Then he crashed into the floor with only his head sticking out. But for Genos, he just saw his master get consumed by a piece of literature. When Genos saw this, his eyes widened as he fell to a sliding halt on his knees. He was too shocked to say anything and too stricken with grief of losing his master to think. That's when four heroes started walking to Genos from behind. Class S rank 3, Bang, Class B rank 1, Hellish Blizzard, Class C rank 1, Mumen Rider, and Class S rank 7, King. It took half an hour later for Genos to finally open up about Saitama's disappearance.
Back to Saitama. Saitama's head stuck out of the floor as three young men and five robed men around him. "Fantastic!" Saitama heard from behind him. "The summoning was a success!" The robed man said and continued, "Brave heroes, won't you please save our world from pure evil." The man said. While the three others with weapons responded with, "What?! Saitama started to feel drowsy. "Please, oh brave heroes! Our world is in dire need of saving."
Probably the youngest one asked, "What do you mean it's in need of saving
?" To which the robed man answered with a few drips of sweat, "The story behind it all is long and complicated. But suffice it to say that you are the four cardinal heroes, and you were summoned here using an ancient ritual." Saitama stopped listening because of how cool and nice his body felt in the floor. "Our world is in a most fragile state, and sways on the brink of destruction. So we beg you brave heroes, please lend us your aid."
"Well, first you should probably get him out of the floor." A the eldest blonde person wielding a spear pointed at Saitama. Luckily, he was in Saitama's field of view. "Nah, it's fine. It's nice and cool. I kinda feel like, a bamboo shoot." Saitama responded as the other three continued and refused. "You brought us here without our consent. Don't you feel even the least bit guilty about it?" A dark haired kid with a sword pointed the beaut of a sword at the men. "Not to mention, if you throw us out as soon as we restore peace we had done all that work for nothing."
'Wow, these guys suck. Actually he reminds me of, uh... I think it's Flip flop Cracked hole?' Saitama thought as he began to step out of the hole. "How willing are you to accommodate our requests? Depending on your answer, we may end up as your enemies instead of your allies." The eldest blonde one finished the cons of what happened.
"Good sirs, before we talk of that we'd like you to have an audience with the king of Melromarc. You can negotiate your rewards with him directly, so please." The leading robed person said as the sword wielder brought his sharp blade down. They started to walk forward when, "Wait, I got dirt in my special spot. Give me a 'sec." Saitama shook the dirt off his belt while the other three weapon wielders took notice of his choice of attire. That's finally when Saitama noticed a small shield on his left arm. "Alright, let's go." Saitama voiced out and followed them.
They all started walking up some circular based stairs. That's when Saitama took notice of the place outside the window. It screamed Medieval by the looks of it. 'This doesn't look like City Z, or any city for that matter.' I was interrupted when someone acknowledged my gazing through the window. "Looks like you've never traveled outside of japan." A the younger blonde said. "Japan?" Saitama asked back, now that's when the other three start suspecting something. They kept walking, eventually making it to a fancy outdoors in between area, then to the main castle.
Finally inside the throne room looking at the king of this Melromarc place. "So, you young men are the four cardinal heroes of the ancient legend? This is the land of Melromarc and I am the king Aultcray Melromarc the 32nd. Welcome, brave heroes. Please identify yourselves." First was the sword wielder. "Ren Amaki, I'm a high school student and I'm 16 years old." Then the spear wielder. "I'm Motayasu Kitamura, college student 21" Thirdly was the bowman. "I suppose I'm up next. Itsiki Kowasumi, I'm still in high school, and I'm 17." Saitama was way out of it, he didn't care at all. 'I wonder if City Z is safe? Wait, my apartment! If it gets destroyed and no one pays for the damages my stuff will get thrown out!' Saitama's growing concern showed slightly on his face. SLIGHTLY.
"Um. Sir, I think you're forgetting someone." Itsiki pointed to the potato with limbs. "Oh, yes. Forgive me. Go ahead, also, King is fine." Saitama looked forward and for once in his life understood that he should introduce himself. "I'm Saitama. Professional Hero and 25." Now that peaked some questions about the bald hero.
"Now then, I suppose I need to explain why I brought you here." 'Is he ignoring me? Not the first time, I guess.' Saitama thought to himself. "My beloved country of Melromarc and the entire world surrounding it are heading down a path of ruin." Saitama would've been pissed if he were to stop thinking whether or not money will be a problem here for him too.
This is what the king said through Saitama's mind, "Blah blah Prophecy blah blah waves blah blah total destruction blah blah hour glass blah blah fended off blah blah powerful." Now back to what the king is actually saying. "We underestimated the potency of the waves. Once we actually experienced the first one and barely survived we realized that only the four cardinal heroes could counter them. So we followed the legend and summoned you four. But now we have no time to lose."
"I think we get the gist of it. Don't think we'll save you for free." Ren said flicking his blade. An old malicious looking man answered, "Of course not. Once you repel all the waves I can assure you we can award you most handsomely." While the other three agreed with a fire of greed in their heart Saitama only said, "Okay."
"If we have an agreeable arrangement I now ask that you check your statuses." The king said which did get Saitama's attention. "Uh, status? What you mean." Saitama purposely skipped saying "Do". The blonde ones agreed with the shiny headed hero until Ren spoke. "Are you guys dense? It should've been the first thing to notice when you got here. Don't you see the icon in the lower right corner of your vision?" Sure enough Saitama aimed his pupils down to the right and saw some little square thing. When his eyes met the icon it glowed a brilliant green. "Try focusing your attention on it." Saitama did just that and a screen with popped up, presumably his "status".
"Only level 1. That's a little disconcerting isn't it." Itsiki said looking to his fellow heroes."Yeah it's gonna be hard fighting like this." Motoyasu said agreeing with Itsiki. 'Level 1? Why are all the stat things corrupted?', "What is this stuff anyway?" Saitama asked with his bored expression. "It's called status magic and it's an ability exclusive to the heroes." Mr I'm gonna touch all over you said."So where do we go? What's the first step?" Ren asked, most likely acknowledging the setting sun. "You must set out on an adventure to develop and upgrade these legendary weapons you've been equipped with." Adventure sounded very boring to the hero, but adventure can mean strong monsters. Which means entertainment. Which means the chance that Saitama can forget about his bald head!
"Can't we just wield other weapons 'till these are usable?" Motoyasu asked flinging his spear around until it his Saitama. "Oh, sorry.", "It's fine." Saitama shrugged away what could've been a fatal wound. Motoyasu would've stabbed his temple and caused him to bleed out. A note Ren took. "Suppose we'll have to figure that out as we go. Regardless it looks like we all have a lot of training ahead for us." Ren said looking at his blade. "We'll have to level up, and fast." Itsiki said holstering his bow over his shoulder.
"One moment, brave heroes. I neglected to mention you must each recruit allies separately. It is said by their very nature that the legendary weapons repel each other. If you join and work together, it will apparently hinder their development." Saitama took some thoughts on it, he did feel like he was getting pushed back by a leaf or something unicellular. "Since the sun is almost down, rest here for the night and begin you quests tomorrow. In the mean time, we'll gather the best of the best to form your parties."
Then a pretty maiden walked up to them to show them their room. "We have a room waiting for you all. Please sirs, right this way." She bowed and led us to the room.
"I guess when you're heroes of legend you get special treatment. The girl who showed us here was cute too." Motoyasu said with some drooling coming out. "An though it did taste unusual our dinner was quite sumptuous." Itsiki said finishing the nice tender aura the situation gives off. "Yo, doesn't any of this feel strange to you guys? Kinda like those RPG games." Saitama compared a reality to one of a screen. "That's cause it is a video game. It's exactly like Emerald online." Motoyasu said. "What're you talking about? This isn't some online game it's a new console game I'm playing called Dimension Web." Itsiki said. "You're both wrong. Everything about this is identical to a VR MMO game called Brave Star Online." Ren said. Saitama has no idea about any of these games. He's too poor to get a PC, Console, or VR headset let alone an AR Room.
"Let's sort this out. You say this is a VR MMO? You guys do get what he means by that too, right?" Motoyasu asked. "A sci-fi game I'm familiar with does explore the concept." Itsiki said. "Now to be sure let's compare general knowledge. Who's face is on the 1000 yen bill? Ready and!" Everyone said a different answer, except Saitama who kept quiet. 'Man, I don't even now. I haven't held 1000 yen in over five years!' , "Wait, who?" Everyone said in unison. Then question after question came, that's when Saitama grew annoyed.
"Shut it, dammit it's annoying! What're you all talking about?!" Saitama yelled as his serious face was painted on that potato of a head. After the outburst, calmer conversations were being shared. "Only one explanation. We're all from different versions of Japan." Itsiki said exhausted. "Right? And they pretty much don't sound anything alike at all." Ren said, now it's Saitama's turn. "Where's Japan? Which city is that?"
"City? It's a country. Where are you from?" Itsiki asked. "I''m from City Z. You know, the one that has seen a lot of monster attacks lately." Saitama answered. "City... Z? Where's that?" Motoyasu asked. "It's the most northern city on the super continent." That finally peaked Ren's interest.
"Super continent? I have a theory. While Itsiki, Motoyasu, and I are from parallel universes, you're from a whole different world. Like when you said monster attacks and professional hero. What is that?" Ren asked. "Hmm, well monsters started to attack about three years ago. Some time later the hero association was formed, I had joined it and became a professional hero. Basically I get paid to kill monsters. Man, how'd you guys get so familiar with this stuff and I know pretty much nothing? If King or Genos were here I'm sure that I'd understand better." Saitama finished.
That's when the other three started staring at him. "What?" Saitama asked to which Itsiki answered, "Oh, nothing. I just assumed that was because you're the shield hero." The other two agreed with Itsiki while Saitama was confused. "Why? Is there something in that book I skimmed past?" Saitama Asked. Motoyasu spared his mind by explaining, "Calm down. Let me bring you up to speed on the basics. as far as I've ever seen the shielder class that specializes in the shield." He paused for a second. "Is for losers because no true gamers ever play it." he finished.
"Eh? Personally, when I was a kid I loved to play support. Since this is a shield I guess I'll just be punching things. It doesn't reach too far off what I'm used too." Saitama said as the other two agreed with Motoyasu and acknowledged how Saitama punches monsters to death anyway. Well, it's more like a singular punch versus what they think is like boxing. The three went back to discussing the world they currently find themselves in. Saitama shrugged off any cons to having no extra damage output since he can already destroy the castle their staying in with the shock waves of a punch.
"Before we get to sleep, I'd like to ask you more about your world, Saitama." Ren asked the unstoppable force and immovable object that is Saitama. "Oh. Uh... It's relatively peaceful with lots of strong heroes and monsters fighting whenever need be. I remember, City A, the biggest city on the super continent got blasted away by aliens. I ended up fighting their boss. Who lost his passion because he was too strong, like me. Then there's other heroes like me. Ther's Class S rank 7, King, Class B Rank 1, Fubuki who's also named Hellish Blizzard. Um, oh, Class C rank 1, Mumen Rider. Oh, and my disciple Class S Rank 14, Genos usually called Demon Cyborg." Saitama finished. Genos got their attention. "Demon Cyborg? Is he really a cyborg?" Motoyasu asked. "Yeah he's mainly robotic. I accidentally made him my disciple when I saved him from this mosquito girl monster. He has some incineration cannons, can fly, and has blades attached to his limbs. He's 19 and incredibly blunt."
After Saitama finished the conversation which intrigued the three. They went to bed a little later. 'I wonder if I'm ever gonna get back home. I hope Genos is alright. Maybe this world will show me some hope for a challenge.' Guess from this point on, not only am I a hero for fun, a professional hero, but also a hero of which has the world is on his shoulders.
End- Chapter 1
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