《The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black》Chapter 2: A New Journey


"So the king really dislikes the Shield Hero?" Y/N asked the queen. "And with them summoning all four heros, you're out doing the dirty work of trying to clean things up" he continued.

"Unfortunately yes and I'm ashamed, the shield hero is a valuable cardinal hero, but I believing the kings antics are going to make him turn against us" she sighed, but then continued.

"There are four cardinal heros, and you already know of them. However, there was one thing hidden from the people in this world. There is a fifth hero, one who is ahead of our time that helps us put a stop to these Waves of Catastrophe and keeps the heros in place."

"Huh, so I would be doing what you're doing at the moment. Cleaning up the mess of someone else's decisions." Y/N replied to the Queen. She only nodded in approval.

"When you put it that way, yes. With summoning you, that's the only chance we have at survival. The last wave, before they summoned the heros, nearly killed us. With the king disliking the Shield Hero and all these rumors spreading, I am almost certain whose behind all of it."

Y/N looked at the Queen with a raised eyebrow, "what kind of rumors?" He asked.

"I've heard many, him raping my eldest daughter, mistreating his slaves, taking people's money and so on. Though I do not believe it. My eldest daughter, Myne, is quite manipulative and also a great actor." She answerd.

"Wait, since you're the one in charge, does that mean she's hier to the throne?"

"Technically by age yes, but with the way she is, I cannot let her run this country. We would all be devastated, everyone would turn their backs on us."

"I'll be damned," Y/N commented, he then remembered the dream he had the other night. It was a girl that had violet hair and eyes, and she looked very similar to Queen Melromarc.

"Then whose hier to the throne?"

As on que, the door opened from the room Y/N and the Queen were in. In came a familiar looking girl with her violet hair and eyes, a dress that had violet and white mixed together. The way she walked was very mature for her age. Y/N recognized her from the dream.

'It's her'

"Mother" she started when she walked in, but she stopped when she saw Y/N,

"Whose this?" She questioned looking at the man in front of her. The clothes he wore were not from any places around here. She looked at Y/N's weapons he had on his back and waist, something must have snapped in her mind because she went wide eyed.


"Don't tell me mother..." she whispered, Queen Mirelia sighed.

"It is who you think it is. Child of mine, you must know that I'm only doing what I want best for our country. With the other heros acting like they are, it left me with no choice"

Y/N looked at the two in confusion, he could only assume that she was the next for the throne, but his thoughts were cut off when the little girl started to walk towards him.

"May I ask your name good sir?" She politely asked. Y/N bowed towards her and stated his name.

"I'm Y/N, the person your mother has summoned. I come from another world"

"So the legend is true. Another hero whose ahead of our time" she muttered. She then realized she didn't reply with her name.

"I am Princess Melty Q Melromarc, pleasure to meet you sir Y/N" she bowed. Y/N chuckled slighty,

"Just call me Y/N, no need for sir"

"Well, here's your answer Y/N. Melty is next in line for the throne. As you can see, she's very mature for her age and she has the same views and intentions for this country as I do. Melty dear, may I ask you to step outside? I'm about finished with Mr.Y/N here. Once I get done explaining everything to him, I will speak to you"

"Yes mother," Melty replied, she then bowed towards Y/N, "I do hope you will help us out. We desperately need it with the Waves of Catastrophe." Then she walked out of the room.

"She'll be a good queen. You can already tell it" Y/N commented. The Queen smiled in gratitude.

"So when's the next wave? I'm only level one and I need to prepare for this thing if it is as dangerous as you all put it" Y/N stated while looking at his different icons. A lot of them were dimmed out, meaning they were not unlocked yet.

"The last one was about two weeks ago. Melromarc summoned the cardinal heros right after it. So my assumption will be in the next three weeks or so. You can go to a country and look at their dragon hourglass, that will tell you when the next wave will be. If they have one, it will also allow you to class upgrade, depending on the country"

"Huh, so we have level caps here." Y/N looked at his screen.

"I've taken up much of your time, here's a gift from me. Four hundred silver coins and seventy-five gold coins. This should help you start out quite well, since we don't have a lot of time before the next wave." The Queen gave Y/N a small bag of the money.


"I don't know what to say" Y/N tried to speak.

"I beg of you, please save our country and restore the peace between the heros. It will be a while before I can return to the palace. I pray that you help us, but it was foolish of me to pull somebody from a different world here"

Y/N sighed, he knows her intentions weren't bad. It's a new start for him, after hearing everything, it's just a journey waiting to happen. Anyone could've picked that book up, and it happened to be him. After all of this, he can go home. Unfortunately there was one more question he asked himself,

'When do I actually get to go home though?'

"It could've been anyone my lady" Y/N started, "I was just the one lucky enough to be it. I'll do my best in order to help you and your country."

The Queen lit up like a Christmas tree, "thank you so much sir Y/N. I ask you one more thing"


"When you meet the heros, please do everything you can to make them see the clearer picture. If you have to use my name, then do so. Myne, my eldest daughter, is accompanying the Spear hero. She will be something else to try to talk to."

"I will do my best" Y/N bowed.

"The nearest country here is Siltvelt, a country that is demi humans and respects the shield hero tremendously. You can look at the dragon hourglass there."

"I see" Y/N stated while walking to the door. "I will do my best for you all"

"Hell yeah, another one bites the dust" Y/N commented while blowing the smoke off of his barrel of the revolver. He put it back in his holster and looked at his experience points gained from killing off a mutated wolf.

"Glad I turned all the other stuff off, that was useless. And after learning that my ammunition is basically like using magic, regeneration should be a breeze" Y/N commented, but saw a few words pop up.

Element Magic Unlocked

"Huh? That's new, can I manipulate it with my ammo?"

Y/N scrolled through and found earth element and to his surprised he was able to fuse it with his revolver ammo.

"Let's see," he muttered while putting a bullet in. As soon as he shot it at the ground, three icons popped up. It was giving him options to manipulate the ground with.

1. A Wall

2. A Hill

3. A Crater

"I'll be damned" Y/N then focused in on the hill icon and the ground formed into a massive hill. However, when he did that, his mana level dropped twenty percent.

"Well of course theres a price to pay with this" he sighed while walking up the newly formed hill. While doing that, he looked at all of his icons, his revolvers were the highest level, along with his hand to hand combat skills.

"What's weird is that, I'm seeing the moves I could do in Mortal Kombat. Haven't had time to try it out on people yet." He mumbled. He got on top of the hill to look out towards the terrian, it was a beautiful sight. He was just on the outskirts of Siltvelt and he was heading towards Melromarc, due to hearing more things about the Shield Hero.

"It's only been a week since I've been here, but it sure feels longer."

Something caught his attention though, he spotted a carriage moving very quickly. So, Y/N pulled out his lever action rifle and zoomed in through his sights, it was an ability unlocked when he reached level ten.

When he got a clear picture, he spotted a few nights on this carriage and they all had a sadistic smile on their faces.

"Knights shouldn't have that kind of smile on their faces" he then saw the cover on the carriage flip up a little bit and spotted someone in the carriage.

"What the?" Y/N asked himself. He looked again and this time, the person had a hay sack covering their head. Y/N noticed the clothing on this person and it definitely was a girl.

"Bastards" Y/N spat. He then looked onto HUD to find that same bullet combination he looked for earlier. Unfortunately the combination was not available for this weapon of choice.

"Damnit!" Y/N yelled while pulling one of the revolvers out. He quickly found the same bullet. He aimed a good forty yards out to the right and shot. As soon as he did, he picked the crater setting.

The bullet landed right in front of the carriage and caused a massive hole in the ground. The knights fell off the carriage and looked around to see what had happened.

Y/N found another combination for him to try. This time is was with ice. He quickly fired the shot and covered the entire crater with ice, so they couldn't get away.

"Shit, that will take a while to get back. Anyways, need to go save that girl and see how my hand to hand combat skills are" Y/N spoke to himself sliding down the hill and running towards the knights and the carriage.

Unknowing to Y/N there were a few people in the trees watching the whole scene unfold.

"Let's see how he handles this, I dare say" one of the shadows commented.

"I agree, I dare say" the other one replied and moved quickly to spectate what will happen.

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