《The return of the staff hero (Shield hero x Male reader)》Chapter 20: Judgement
" ": You talking
' ': You thinking
* *: Narrator/Voice-off
Naofumi: ... Hey. Is what you said... True ?
Motoyasu: Are you trying to play dumb ?!
'It's not uncommon for him to accuse us falsely, but...'
"Alright, once again: Did Ren and Itsuki, really die ?"
Naofumi: I've heard that if even one of the heroes is missing, the waves will become many times harder... if that's true... No, what's more important...'
Filo: Master !!
"Wait, Filo. Listen to us, Motoyasu. We didn't kill Ren and Itsuki. We had no need to. Who told you we killed them ? Have you actually seen their corpses ?!"
Motoyasu: Tch...
Myne: This information is from the church's "shadows". It is beyond question. The Shield demon and the Staff demon unleashed the spirits sealed within the city, and taking advantage of Ren and Itsuki's surprise, they killed them.
Naofumi: It couldn't be... You killed Ren and Itsuki... ?
"N... No, I want to believe even her can use her brain, even just a little bit... They know what will happen if the heroes are killed..."
Myne: Motoyasu ! They are going to use their brainwashing powers ! Be careful !
Motoyasu: I KNOW... I WON'T BE FOOLED !!
Melty: Wha... This is, a lightning cage... ?!
Motoyasu: You won't be able to escape this trap easily. !
Naofumi: Calm down, Motoyasu ! Think this through ! Are you going to believe something you can't verify with your own eyes ?!
Fitoria: The heroes must not fight.
Filo: On it ! HA !!
Motoyasu: GUH... !
RG: Motoyasu !! ZWEITE AIR SHOT !!
Filo: Ho.
She instantly shrunk back to her human self in order to dodge the attack.
Motoyasu: I'm sorry, Filo. For Ren and Itsuki's sake, even if I have to hurt you, I...
Raphtalia: I see... I understand that you're one to always think of your friends.
Motoyasu: Gu... H...
Myne: Tch, that girl... You filthy semi-human, stay away from Motoyasu !!
Motoyasu: hey, Myne ! What are you doing ?!
Myne: Wha- Where did she go ?!
Motoyasu: Damn ! How dare you make me do this to Filo and Raphtalia !
"... Seriously. You... Really are naive."
Motoyasu: Wha-
Motoyasu: Guh...
Melty: Filo, you're so skilled ! That combination was perfect !
Filo: yeah ! We did it ! I have full control of [WEATHER REPORT] now !
Motoyasu: Damn ! How... How are you so strong even though you haven't upgraded your class ?! Is this another power of your brainwashing ?!
"Sigh... if you think we're strong, it's because you haven't fought any real battles. While you were having parties and putting on airs of strength, we grew up on the road, fighting tough battles."
Naofumi: Do you understand now ? If you do, release this barrier, and listen to us.
Motoyasu: I... Won't... Be fooled... I must avenge... Ren and Itsuki... The only one who can save Filo, Raphtalia and princess Melty from your brainwashing... Is me... I WON'T LOSE IN A PLACE LIKE THIS !!
'Tch... I really want to kill that damn moron here and now, but... if I do, there will be no way for us to prove our innocence. To wrong someone simply because we don't like them would make us just like that bitch and the shitty king. But what to do with him then... ?'
Melty: Filo... ?
She suddenly bolted forward, right to Motoyasu, grabbed him by his collar and... Tossed him to us, as well as his three groupies.
"Wha- Filo, what are you..."
Filo: Master !! The barrier !! Put up as many barriers as possible !! protect us from above ! Or we'll be in trouble !!
Raphtalia: Filo ? What are you say-
Filo: QUICKLY !!
"Got it. You too, Naofumi !!"
Filo: MORE !!
Myne: Insolent swine ! What do you think you're doing to me ?!
Melty: Sister ! Be quiet !
"That's weird... It's so silent. We can't hear the soldiers who were here earlier..."
Myne: What ?! What is it ?! Nothing's happen-
"SHUT THE FUCK UP !! We don't want you here either, so you're free to go if you want-"
Filo: It's coming.
"Guh... What is this ?! What's going on ?!"
Filo: Even the Shield prison is breaking down...
"Dammit ! "
"G... Guh..."
Filo: Master !
Raphtalia: Everyone is safe !
Motoyasu: This... What is this ?! What happened, Myne ?!
Myne: Th... This power, it couldn't be...
???: Well, that was quite impressive. To take the high-level ritual magic "judgement" head-on and remain unscathed...
Pope: Well, done, demons.
Naofumi: You're... !
Raphtalia: Naofumi...
Naofumi: I know...
"You know that guy ? Who is he ?"
Naofumi: He's from that church in the castle's town...
Pope: It's an honor that you remember me. But, not only did the Shield demon never thank us for the benevolence we gave him in the form of the holy water, he has also gone so far as to confuse and mislead the people of this country, along with the Staff demon. As god's proxy, I shall purify you. We shall kill these demons and save this country.
Myne: POPE !! Did you do that knowing we were here ?! The spear here, and I, the next queen, could have died !!
Pope: Oh, that's right. The Spear hero and the next queen has already been killed by the two demons. You who stand there are merely but living corpses, so I see no problem.
Motoyasu: Myne, what is he saying...
Pope: Do not worry, we've already prepared a successor for the throne. All that is left it to have you disappeared. Such, is the will of god.
Raphtalia: Oh, wow...
Melty: That's some ridiculous logic... It reminds me of someone.
"Yeah. It must be tough, believing you had a faithful ally, only to discover they were planning from the very beginning to trick you and make you disappear. "
Myne: You intend to betray me... ?
Pope: betray ? The heroes we believed in descended upon this world to save it from the waves... that is to say, they come to prevent disaster. However. The spear hero unleashed a sealed monster, the sword hero caused a disease outbreak, the bow hero does not make proper use of his power.
Pope: Everywhere they go, they cause problems and damage the faith of the people. I cannot recognize them as heroes. Rather, it is we who have been betrayed.
Motoyasu: betrayed... ? I've been fighting... For the sake of the world... And so have Ren and Itsuki ! We've been fighting with good intentions ! How could you...
Pope: That's right. And those who tried to do things they shouldn't have, so "judgement" was rendered on them.
Motoyasu: "Judgement"... ? Didn't Naofumi and Y/n kill them...
Naofumi: Heh... Feel like listening to us yet ?
Pope: HA HA HA HA !! Excuse me. What a foolish here... No you must be a fake hero ! In order to restore peace in this land, I shall deliver judgement upon both the shield and staff demons and the fake spear hero !
Melty: Watch out ! That sword...
One swing. Even though we were roughly 100 meters away from that guy, that single swing probably would've teared us all to shreds, if Naofumi didn't used his rage shield to protect us.
Pope: Hmm, so you can withstand that ?
Melty: That's a replica of a weapon of legend.
"Of legends ?! Like our own legendary weapons ?! Either way, its power is ridiculously strong... If they have something like that, why do they even bother to summon heroes to begin with ?"
Melty: In the end, it's only a replica. Its raw power might be comparable to the actual legendary weapons, but... The amount of power necessary to work it should be too high...
Pope: As expected of the great princess Melty. You knowledge is quite extensive. That one swing required a month's magic power from many hundreds of people. This sword is an heirloom of ancient past, so it might as well be a legendary weapon. This is my first time using it, its power is quite beautiful. Our disciples have risked their lives everyday, pouring magic into it. Regrettably, it is not unlimited, so I won't be holding back anymore.
Naofumi: It changed form... ?! 'I could barely handle the last one... Can I block this attack ?! If I don't, we'll die...'
Motoyasu: D- DAAAAAMN !! I won't forgive you ! I won't forgive this ! To trick us and then dispose of us with your twisted logic when you feel like it, make you the scourge of this country ! As a hero, I cannot forgive it ! I'll defeat you and avenge Ren and Itsuki !! Let's go ! Y/n, Naofumi !!
Naofumi/Y/n: Uhh... What ?
Motoyasu: What are you saying ?! We're going to team up and defeat him !! Do you want to die with a crime you didn't commit tarnishing your name ?!
'That's funny you say that, but all I can hear is 'Magic and shield, they're pretty lame things, right ?', so your little speech smells bullshit.'
Motoyasu: Prepare yourself, Pope !!
Myne: Motoyasu !
Motoyasu: Yeah !
Myne: ZWEITE POWER !! I'll show you the consequences of opposing the next queen !
"But he hasn't done anything to Melty just yet..."
"I have to admit, that is pretty impressive."
Raphtalia: Amazing... !
Pope: ... High-level group purification technique, ".
Motoyasu: Wha- Ugh !
Myne: Motoyasu !!
Motoyasu: I'm fine, I just used too much SP at once...
Pope: Hmm, is that all you're capable of ?
Motoyasu: Na- Naofumi ! Y/n ! Help us !! Come on-
"Sigh... Your turn, Naofumi, I don't feel like dealing with that crap right now."
Motoyasu: G... Guys... ?
Naofumi: Let me say one thing. We have no responsibility to lend you our strength. Between you and them, we don't see much of a difference. And if some of the heroes are already dead, we have no reason to keep that promise either. You guys can just go ahead and die.
Myne: W- Wait !! There must have been some mistake ! I haven't done anything-
This thing, took me by surprise so much, that I started to laugh my ass off, rolling on the ground.
"WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! You, You haven't done anything ?! Bitch, you're literally the reason why this whole situation is happening ! This is beyond lying or even mythomania, if you believe so much in your own lies !!"
RG: hey, Myne ! You can't go alone !
Myne: L- Let go of me ! I won't make it in ti-
Pope: It hurts to see discord among allies. But playtime is over.
Itsuki: METEOR BOW !!
Motoyasu: Those skills...
Ren: Well, we can't have you killing them off like that. Did you ever confirmed that we died ?
Itsuki: "Judgement", was it ? Magic of that caliber would normally leave no remains...
Motoyasu: ... Ren, Itsuki... You're alive !!
Pope: Oh, and I was so sure you'd been purified... This is problematic...
Ren: We were saved by some "shadow" group.
"Those guys... ?"
Motoyasu: What ? Those are the guys who told us about Naofumi and Y/n's location, right ? Aren't they with the church ?
Pope: They're with the queen. Now I see...
Ren: Pope, a subjugation force will arrive here soon. I recommend you surrender quietly.
Pope: Hmm...
Ren: The roots of the church of the Three heroes are so deep that we really knew nothing about it all along...
Itsuki: And it seems trying to find out is a taboo in this country. But when you targeted our lives for it, your corruption was made clear !
Pope: ... Believers, you must not waver. They are nothing but fakes and demons who would take over our country. It seems we have no choice but to fight. Yes, now is the time, For a crusade !!
Ren: Have you gone mad, pope ?!
Pope: I wonder. Who are the ones who have gone mad ? With the high-level group magic of our disciples, and this legendary weapon, we can cleanse this country of the evil which has infested it !!
Ren: Naofumi ! Y/n ! The army will take some time to arrive. We need you to fight with us until then. Right now, the pope's defense is too strong. We can stop their incantations with attacks, but... If another "Judgement" would happen, you're the only ones who can protect us.
Naofumi: Quite the selfish request, isn't it ?
Itsuki: we know. We still can't trust you completely... But to make it out of here alive, we need to work together to defeat him.
"Oh, the irony behind these words..."
Naofumi: Damn... This isn't funny !
Pope: How foolish...
"Dammit, they've already started their incantation... As if we'll Stand by and let them finish."
Naofumi: Don't let them finish their chant !
Soldiers: We won't let you intervene !!
"As much as I don't like these guys, I'm forced to admit that they do fight quite well."
Filo: Master, what are the orders ?
"Deal with the soldiers, but don't even try to attack the pope, you wouldn't stand a chance."
Filo: Okay ! What will you do ?
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