《The return of the staff hero (Shield hero x Male reader)》Chapter 19: Queen candidate
" ": You talking
' ': You thinking
* *: narrator/Voice-off
Fitoria: Wahhh... Delicious !!
Filo: Right ? master's cooking is good, right ?
Fitoria: Yeah.
Melty: If you look from here they almost look like sisters !
Raphtalia: You're right ! As expected of the same species.
Naofumi: Even their messy way of eating is the same...
"Well, leaving that aside... Did you know that was dragon soup ?"
Naofumi: What did you say ?
Fitoria: I told you not to. One of the four sacred heroes should not allow a creature like a dragon inside them...
Naofumi: It's an important part for strengthening my sword. And...
Fitoria: And ? I sense a trace of evil within that shield. Cursed power is indeed powerful but the price to pay is great. You mustn't use it.
Naofumi: Dragon components and the shield of rage, are both necessary for us to stay alive. If you insist on forbidding it, then we will part here.
Fitoria: I understand. Do as you wish.
"Even though you say that, you're still eating almost all of our food."
Fitoria: I hate dragons, but the fact it's delicious can't be helped.
Raphtalia: Um, Naofumi...
"This is gonna be a long evening... Let's go, "
Naofumi: ... What are we even doing...
"You mean, beside feeding a hundred filolials all at once ?"
Raphtalia: Thanks for the hard work.
"We came here because she said she had to speak to us, but..."
Naofumi: Ever since she arrived, those two's stomachs have been rumbling. They just eat and then go straight to sleep... That can't be helped.
"So much has happened lately, after all... Maybe here They can at least have a good night of sleep."
Naofumi: So this is the country the first hero protected... It almost seems like ruins.
"There's no people around but us, and there's a lot of fog around here too. Could this be some sort of sacred ground for the filolials ?"
Fitoria: You're half correct. The filolials' home isn't really a place where humans can enter. This is a place from before the filolials were born. The first hero lived so very long in the past that the real place is unknown. For the time being, I'm taking care of it.
"Is that different to the hero who raised you ?"
Fitoria: Most likely.
Naofumi: That's ambiguous.
Fitoria: Fitoria tends to forget easily. I don't really remember things from really long ago. But I will never forget the important things. Fitoria will fight, because I remember the wish of the hero who raised me. Tell me, why that monster's seal was released...
One explanation later...:
Fitoria: Fu.
"What's so funny ?"
Fitoria: I'm... Surprised. Even though it is the final wave, the holy heroes are still foolishly fighting amongst themselves.
Naofumi: What did you say ?
Fitoria: I know the shield hero is at odds with the country that rejects semi-humans.
"Then you should know we're not the ones in the wrong, right ?"
Fitoria: I don't care about that. The world doesn't only belong to humans. It doesn't matter how much humans and semi-humans squabble. But for heroes to fight amongst themselves is something I will not forgive.
Fitoria: Do the other heroes know ? About the Hourglass...
"Are you talking about the engraving ? The fact there's more of them in other countries ?"
Fitoria: Then why, don't you help out against a wave that affects the whole world ? Fitoria is doing what she must, but in other places people are not doing their part.
Naofumi: So basically... You're saying they are monsters in other countries as well... ?
"Does that mean, that a wave that will affect the entire world will soon occur ?"
Fitoria: That's why I was so surprised. That you heroes have the time to squabble amongst yourselves.
Naofumi: ... We didn't do anything wrong. And we have no intention of getting along with those people.
Fitoria: Really... Then, Rest for today.
Naofumi: Wait, I have a question. You said you'd found a possible queen candidate; were you talking about Filo ? What makes you and Filo different from other filolials ?
Fitoria: Because, like Filo, I... Was raised by a hero.
Raphtalia: Naofumi, Y/n, just now...
"Yeah... That was bloodlust."
Raphtalia: To be honest, I had let my guard down because she was a filolial, the same as Filo, but...
"No, in essence they're probably the same..." 'The wish of the hero who raised her...'
Naofumi: A little while is fine, but... I don't really want to stay here long. Once we've rested up, let's get out of here as soon as possible.
"Alright. This place gives weird feelings anyways..."
Melty: Is it true you fought with the legendary griffin queen ?
Fitoria: Yeah, that's true. The griffins were dangerous and destructive, but the filolials in the sky were able to wipe them out.
Melty: Wow ! Then somewhere in there a legendary sword sleep ?
Fitoria: Even though there's the sword hero, that can't be right.
Naofumi: What are you guys doing !! I'm falling ! I'm falling !!
Raphtalia: Good morning, Naofumi.
"T... Too many birds here... I think I'm sinking."
Naofumi: What is Melty doing...
Raphtalia: From even before you woke up, she was bombarding her with questions.
"GUH... H- Hey, what's wrong, Filo ?"
Raphtalia: It looks as though someone as taken over Melty's role as the sulky one..
Naofumi: Hey, Melty !!
Melty: Guys, you're awake ?
Naofumi: Nevermind that. We're leaving.
Melty: EH ?!
Naofumi: I'm sorry, but we'll have to cut this short. Can you take us back ?
Fitoria: Well, in that case...
Filo: MELTY !!
Melty: Wh- What is this...
Fitoria: Do not try to fight, it is dangerous.
Fitoria: Right now, Melty is my hostage.
"A hostage ?! What do you think you're doing ?!"
Fitoria: ... Heroes fighting amongst themselves, that must absolutely not happen.
Naofumi: Are you asking us to reconcile with them ?! After all they've done...
Fitoria: What of it ? It seems such an obvious thing to do. My goal is to protect the world, but I need heroes. I can not protect the world on my own. If it for the sake of the world, and the sake of his wish, then...
'This... This was the cause of that bloodlust !'
Naofumi: Is she serious... ?!
"Again ?!"
Fitoria: I told you not to use the cursed power.
Naofumi: ... Do you know why I have the curse series ? It's because those guys look down on us. They used their game plans only to advance their own agendas, and they condemn others from a safe distance.
"So, if you're going to threaten someone, I think it should be them, not us. Don't you agree ?"
Melty: Please, stop this...
Fitoria: What the Shield and staff heroes are saying, is probably right. But not seeing these things... Is impossible. The one degrading your dreams, is not me but them.
Fitoria: I understand. Then, I will postpone this. There... the Staff hero's filolial, fight with me.
Filo: Huh ?!
Fitoria: if I acknowledge your ability, I will free this girl.
"What kind of meaning does this have ?!"
Fitoria: if you don't fight, I'll kill you all. There is no choice !
Fitoria: only humans can enter this field. The two of us will fight in human form.
"Any other conditions ?"
Fitoria: No. Use weapons or magic or whatever you like.
Naofumi: And that's how it is. Got it, Filo ?
Filo: YEAH ! Wait for me, Melty !!
Melty: Filo...
Fitoria: Now... Begin !!
Fitoria: Too slow.
She simply swatted her hand, and that single movement created enough force to throw Filo back, as well as cutting through her clothes a little. But don't be Motoyasus, only the ribbon on her dress got destroyed.
Fitoria: Against magic equipment of that level, Fitoria's attacks will pass right through.
Fitoria: in human form, you must fight like a human.
"This is bad. She's ridiculously strong even in human form. The difference in strength is just too great..."
Naofumi: If only we could've had that class-up...
Filo: YAH ! YAH ! YAH !!
"Filo ! Don't fight recklessly ! Use your head !!"
Filo: Huh ? What ?! Like this ?!
Filo: OWWW !!
Naofumi: Ugh... Not like that... She took it literally...
Fitoria: Are you screwing around ? Fitoria is serious.
Fitoria: Anti-zweiter tornado.
Melty: Please, stop this, Fitoria ! Filo is...
Melty: Na- Naofumi ?!
Naofumi: Quiet ! Don't move ! My defensive powers might be able to dispel this wind.
Melty: But the one-on-one...
Naofumi: Fitoria decided that herself ! We don't need to play along ! We can't die in a place like this... We must-
"And so is attacking one that isn't involved into your fight ! "
My barrier I set in emergency was still able to hold back her spell, even though it did got a crack in it.
Fitoria: If you interfere, I'll kill you right away too. You are weak, the heroes and the queen candidate are weak. I could leave you here, and you'd undoubtedly die before long. The waves are not a game !
"... Weak, huh ? We'll see about that. I didn't wanted to rely on this, since it's not ready just yet, but it's look like I have no choice... GET READY, FILO !!"
Suddenly, Filo started being coated in a shining, golden light, growing brighter and brighter by the second, just the same as my staff, staff that almost exploded in the same light, soon replaced by what could only be described as a giant, golden arrow, almost as big as me.
"My skills aren't limited to just spells, you know."
Naofumi: Just like my shield, his staff can transform... Why didn't I think of that sooner... ?
"Filo, this will hurt, but please bear with it."
The light around her concentrated, and right in front of her, another, smaller arrow appeared, before shooting right through her chest.
Fitoria: What do you think you are doing ?!
"This is the power I achieved... The power of the Golden Staff !!"
The light exploded, and once it died down, Filo stood up, completely unharmed from what happened sooner, a look of determination in her eyes.
Naofumi: Did... Did I read that correctly ?! Did he just, like, forced Filo to class-up without using the dragon's hourglass ?!
"This is the power of the Golden Staff. It can grant my allies with a shard of my powers, allowing them to break through their limits. But it does more than just a Class-up. Filo !"
Filo: Understood, Master !! Here I come !
Fitoria: Hmph, fool. You will need more than a class-up to beat me-
Around her, wind currents started to suddenly change directions, clouds were forming, hell even a tornado started appearing right in the palm of her hand.
Naofumi: Is this... ?
"It does more than forces the class-up. I can grant an ally with my own power, and allow them to use a variety of my spells. As you know, Filo has a wind magic affinity, so what better for her than a spell that can literally control the weather !"
Fitoria: Do not get cocky ! You're far from being able to fight me as my equal !
In the end, she was still able to block the strike, even though she got quite wounded from it.
Fitoria: In the space of a moment, you strengthened your magic equipment, and created a technique mimicking Fitoria's claws, using blaes made out of hyper-pressurized air...
Fitoria: Yeah...
Fitoria: You pass.
Fitoria: I'm sorry, Melty.
Melty: It's all right. You just wanted to teach Filo how to fight. All that talk about killing was just a pretense, right ?
'I wouldn't be so sure of it. She was dead serious about killing us.'
Fitoria: I must talk to the heroes alone.
Melty: Oh, okay...
Naofumi: You actually came at me with real killing intent.
Fitoria: Only before the end.
"So ? Does that mean you're satisfied ? What did you want to accomplish, by making Filo take this test ? Do you think we won't need to make up with the other heroes if we get strong enough ?"
Fitoria: No. The purpose of this test, was to determine what I could expect of you. Through Filo, I can trust you as well. Otherwise, I'd have to kill you. Well, you barely made it.
Fitoria: Soon, the world will demand sacrifices from everyone. When that time comes, you will have to make a decision. The waves will be too strong for only three heroes to handle. So will you have made up with the other heroes by that time, and fight with them ?
Fitoria: You raised a proper Filolial queen. No bad master could do so. You have the strength to work things out with the other heroes. Fitoria believes in you.
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